Jacobs School Account

Along with the University at Buffalo IT name or UBITName, the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences has its own user accounts. Eventhought UB and Jacobs School are seperate accounts, they do share the same username or UBITName. However, they do have different logins and seperate passwords/passphrases. 

Your Jacobs School account will give you access to the Medical School's

  • Computer labs
  • Network shares for Medicine (cloud)
  • Remote desktop
  • Calendaring system 
  • Course materials
  • Academic programs

Jacobs School Password

Your default password will be set by the Office of Medical Computing so you'll need to contact the OMC in person or by phone. You will be required to show your UB ID or answer questions as proof. 

955 Main Street
Suite 6110
Buffalo, NY 14203

Passphrase Policy

Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences has implemented the use of a passphrase instead of passwords as an added measure of security. 

The passphrase policy is as follows:

  • must NOT contain any part of user’s name
  • must be at LEAST 15 characters in length
  • must INCLUDE characters from 3 of the following 4 categories:
    • English UPPERCASE: A through Z
    • English lowercase: a through z
    • Digits: 0 through 9
    • Symbols: ~!@#$%^&*()_=+<>,.{}[]|\?/ and an empty space


Great examples of passwords (Start with a capital and end with a period):

  • My Dog is named Spot.
  • I work at Subway.
  • I am only human.
  • Take me to church!

Account Activation

To activate and setup your Jacobs School account, you will need to have received the email with you username and received your default passphrase from the OMC. Then follow the link below to activate your account by changing the default passphrase to a phrase easy to remember.

Jacobs School Account Passphrase Reset


You must know your current passphrase to change to a new passphrase.