Stephanie Anzman-Frasca PhD

Stephanie Anzman-Frasca

Stephanie Anzman-Frasca

Associate Professor

Department of Pediatrics

Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Specialty/Research Focus

Behavioral Medicine; Pediatrics

Contact Information
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Division of Behavioral Medicine
G56 Farber Hall, 3435 Main Street
Buffalo, New York 14214
Phone: (716) 829-6692
Fax: (716) 829-3993

Professional Summary:

The overarching goal of Dr. Anzman-Frasca’s research is to promote healthy developmental trajectories for all individuals beginning in early life. She is interested in the psychological processes behind individuals’ health behaviors, interactions between these processes and contextual factors, and the interplay between obesity risk and other aspects of well-being, particularly among young children.

Dr. Anzman-Frasca received a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Bucknell University and MS and PhD degrees in Human Development and Family Studies from Penn State University, where her dissertation research explored intersections between infant temperament and early obesity risk in the context of a behavioral obesity preventive intervention targeting first-time parents and their infants. Subsequently, as a post-doc at Tufts University, she focused on research promoting healthy eating among school-age children within community contexts like out-of-school-time programs and restaurants.

Dr. Anzman-Frasca’s current research agenda is focused on making healthy choices easier for children using both laboratory- and community-based approaches. Specific areas of interest include increasing the availability and selection of healthier children’s meal options in restaurants, promoting early childhood self-regulation abilities, and examining individual differences in susceptibility to obesity interventions to ensure that childhood obesity prevention efforts address, rather than exacerbate, health disparities. Finally, Dr. Anzman-Frasca is interested in ways in which childhood obesity prevention efforts may benefit other aspects of health and well-being, such as cognitive functioning and socio-emotional development, and has been pursuing this idea in recent studies focused on school breakfast, physical activity, and self-regulation.

Education and Training:

  • PhD, Human Development and Family Studies, Pennsylvania State University (2011)
  • MS, Human Development and Family Studies, Pennsylvania State University (2008)
  • BA, Psychology, French, Bucknell University (2006)


  • Associate Professor, Pediatrics, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (2021-present)
  • Associate Director, University at Buffalo Center for Ingestive Behavior Research (2019-present)
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, Community Health and Health Behavior, University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions (2015-present)
  • Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2015-present)
  • Adjunct Instructor, Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy (2013–2015)
  • Research Associate, Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy (2012–2015)
  • Postdoctoral Scholar, Center for Childhood Obesity Research, Pennsylvania State University (2011–2012)
  • Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Childhood Obesity Research, Pennsylvania State University (2006–2011)
  • Instructor, Human Development and Family Studies, Pennsylvania State University (2009–2010)
  • Teaching Assistant, Pennsylvania State University (2008)

Awards and Honors:

  • Silver Author Award (2023)
  • Research Mentor of the Year (2023)
  • Finalist, Danone International Prize on Alimentation (2022)
  • Milton Plesur Outstanding Faculty Award, University at Buffalo (2018)
  • Buffalo Blue Sky Silver Coin (2018)
  • Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior: Thomas J. Bartness Award (2017)
  • The Obesity Society: 1st Place in Early Career Education Theater Competition (2016)
  • The Obesity Society: Pediatric Obesity Society Poster of Excellence Award (2013)
  • Pennsylvania State University: Harold F. Martin Outstanding Teaching Award (2011)
  • Pennsylvania State University: Lydia A. Gerhardt Child Development Memorial Scholarship (2010-2011) (2010)
  • Pennsylvania State University: Karl Freeman Peterson Prevention Fellowship (2009-2010) (2009)
  • The Obesity Society Annual Meeting: Plenary Oral Presentation (2008)
  • Pennsylvania State University: Graham Fellowship (2006-2007) (2006)
  • Bucknell University: President‘s Award for Distinguished Academic Achievement (2006)
  • Bucknell University: Bucknell Prize in Psychology (2006)

Research Expertise:

  • Early childhood obesity prevention: Using laboratory- and community-based research to uncover and apply behavioral and/or environmental strategies to prevent obesity among young children, with a current focus on early self-regulation abilities and restaurant environments
  • Individual differences: Examining the role of demographic factors and temperament as moderators of obesity risk and of intervention effectiveness
  • Intersections across health outcomes: Examining the interplay between obesity risk and other aspects of child well-being such as cognitive functioning, academic performance, and psychosocial outcomes

Grants and Sponsored Research:

  • July 2022–June 2027
    Adaptation of an evidence-based family program for obesity Prevention in health care contexts: Testing outcomes and mechanisms with first-time military parents and their infants
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • June 2019–May 2025
    Promoting healthier meal selection and intake among children in restaurants
    Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • August 2023–December 2024
    Promoting healthy dietary intake among families with obesity via an optimal defaults grocery shopping intervention
    Maplebear Inc. d/b/a Instacart
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator
  • June 2018–March 2023
    Preventing Obesity Through Interventions During Infancy
    Pennsylvania State University
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • December 2014–November 2017
    Understanding the Impact of School-Based Physical Activity Programs
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • March 2016–February 2017
    Developing a Board Game to Improve Young Children‘s Delay of Gratification
    University at Buffalo Innovative Micro-Programs Accelerating Collaboration in Themes (IMPACT)
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • March 2011–January 2017
    Preventing Obesity Through Interventions During Infancy
    National Institutes of Health
    Role: Contributor
  • September 2014–July 2015
    Increasing Supply and Demand for Healthful Kids’ Restaurant Meals
    Centers for Diseases Control
    Role: Co-Investigator

Journal Articles:

See all (86 more)

Books and Book Chapters:

  • Paul IM, Savage JS, Anzman-Frasca S, Birch LL. (2012) In: "Obesity Prevention during Infancy: A Change of Focus". Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development/Strategic Knowledge Cluster on Early Childhood

Professional Memberships:

  • Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (2017–present)
  • Council on Undergraduate Research (2015–present)
  • University at Buffalo Ingestive Behavior; Founding Member (2015–present)
  • Boston Nutrition Obesity Research Center (2014–2015)
  • Society for Research in Child Development (2009–present)
  • The Obesity Society (2009–present)


  • "Positive parenting as a pathway to children’s socioemotional and physical health" Distinguished Speaker Series, Research Center for Child Well-Being, University of South Carolina (2024)
  • "Promoting adherence to recommended diets via optimal defaults in online grocery shopping." Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, University at Buffalo (2023)
  • "Making healthy food choices easier with optimal defaults in online grocery shopping" Dean’s Speaker Series on Social Impact Management, School of Management, University at Buffalo (2023)
  • "INSIGHT early-life responsive parenting intervention impacts child emotion regulation at age 6 years." Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting (2022)
  • "INSIGHT obesity preventive intervention effects on parenting and child behavior at 3 and 6 years" The Obesity Society Annual Meeting (2021)
  • "INSIGHT responsive parenting intervention effects on structure and control in feeding at 6 years" The Obesity Society Annual Meeting (2021)
  • "Coding self-regulation behaviors in 6 year olds" University at Buffalo Undergraduate Research Conference (2021)
  • "Child inhibitory control predicts weight outcomes in the INSIGHT cohort" Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, virtual meeting (2021)
  • "Child inhibitory control predicts weight outcomes in the INSIGHT cohort" University at Buffalo Celebration of Academic Excellence (2021)
  • "Examining parent stress and child schooling/care location as predictors of restaurant-related behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a nationally representative survey" University at Buffalo Celebration of Academic Excellence (2021)
  • "Examining parenting sensitivity during a parent-child interaction among INSIGHT Study participants at child age 6 years" University at Buffalo Celebration of Academic Excellence (2021)
  • "Implementing a remote grocery shopping intervention designed to improve adherence to a diabetic diet" University at Buffalo Celebration of Academic Excellence (2021)
  • "Temperamental negative reactivity, eating, and weight outcomes in young children: An updated systematic review of the literature" University at Buffalo Celebration of Academic Excellence (2021)
  • "Individual differences in children’s willingness to try new foods: The role of temperament. In symposium: Expanding research on child food acceptance to include individual differences, innovative interventions, and under-represented populations (K. Moding & S. Anzman-Frasca, chairs)" Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting (2021)
  • "Piloting new adaptations of established learning paradigms: Impacts on fruit and vegetable preferences in community contexts. In symposium: Expanding research on child food acceptance to include individual differences, innovative interventions, and under-represented populations (K. Moding & S. Anzman-Frasca, chairs)" Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting (2021)
  • "Promoting Healthier Meal Selection among Children in Restaurants" Pediatric Research Conference; University at Buffalo (2021)
  • "Assessing the feasibility and efficacy of a health promotion intervention at a weekly food truck event" The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (2019)
  • "Fueling Learning Through Exercise (FLEX): Long-term impact of school-based programs on children’s moderate-to-vigorous physical activity" American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting (2018)
  • "Healthier Children's Meals in Restaurants: An Exploratory Study to Inform Acceptable Approaches" Journal Club; Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (2017)
  • "Infants’ behaviors at the end of a food reinforcement task: An examination of the prevalence of different behaviors and their relationships with demographics and temperament" Florida International University McNair Scholars Research Conference (2017)
  • "The Fueling Learning through Exercise (FLEX) Study: Short-term findings on sedentary time in lower-income schoolchildren" American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting (2017)
  • "Mother-infant room sharing and sleep outcomes in the INSIGHT Study." Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting (2017)
  • "Feeding Guidelines for Infants and Toddlers: A Responsive Parenting Approach" Healthy Start Healthy Future for All Coalition Meeting; United Way of Buffalo and Erie County (2017)
  • "Common Targets for the Prevention of Obesity and Promotion of Psychological Well-Being Early in Life" Department of Psychology Clinical Area Brown Bag Seminar; University at Buffalo (2016)
  • "Effects of INSIGHT Obesity Intervention on Parent-Reported and Observed Infant Temperament" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2016)
  • "Insight Obesity Intervention on Parent-Reported and Observed Infant Temperament" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2016)
  • "INSIGHT Responsive Parenting Intervention Reduces Exposure to High Energy Density Foods but Not Beverages Among Infants with Higher Temperamental Negativity" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2016)
  • "Is There a Future for Healthy Food Choices? The Important Role of Learning Processes" REWARD Symposium (2016)
  • "Coding Infant Behavior at the End of a Food Reinforcement Task" Annual Undergraduate Research Conference; University at Buffalo (2016)
  • "Changes in Adult Meal Orders Following the Implementation of a Healthier Children‘s Restaurant Menu" Annual Meeting; International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2016)
  • "Healthy Children‘s Menu Changes in Restaurants: Evaluating Industry Trends Over the Past Decade" Annual Meeting; International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2016)
  • "Children‘s Views on Healthier Side Dishes at Restaurants: Exploring Changes Over Time and Intersections with Parents‘ Views" International Congress on Obesity; World Obesity Federation (2016)
  • "Developing a Board Game to Promote Young Children‘s Delay of Gratification" Ingestive Behavior Research Day; University at Buffalo (2016)
  • "Effectiveness of the Healthy Kids Out of School (HKOS) Program" Annual Meeting; Society for Behavioral Medicine (2016)
  • "Effects of INSIGHT Obesity Intervention on Parent Perceptions of Infant Temperament" Ingestive Behavior Research Day; University at Buffalo (2016)
  • "Behavioral and Environmental Approaches to Early Childhood Obesity Prevention" Department of Community Health and Health Behavior Brown Bag Seminar; University at Buffalo (2016)
  • "Intersections Between Children's Physical Health and Academic Outcomes: Implications for Interventions in School and Community Settings" CHHB602: Community Health and Health Behavior Interventions; University at Buffalo (2016)
  • "Assessment of Parent and Child Perspectives on Meal Selection within Quick-Service and Full-Service Restaurants" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2015)
  • "Childhood Obesity Preventive Intervention Improves Infant Sleep Duration and Sleep Hygiene" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2015)
  • "Children's Consumption of Foods in Quick-Service Restaurants Determined Using Plate Waste Methodology" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2015)
  • "Children's Perspectives on Healthier Side Dish and Beverage Options in Restaurants" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2015)
  • "Ordering Patterns Following the Implementation of a Healthier Children's Restaurant Menu: A Latent Class Analysis" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2015)
  • "Promoting Healthy Snacks During Out-of-School Time Through Grocery Store Partnerships: The Snack It Up Pilot Study" Annual Meeting; International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity; Symposium: Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity during Out-of-School Time (2015)
  • "Changes in Children‘s Meal Orders Following Healthy Menu Modifications at a Regional US Restaurant Chain: One Year Follow-Up" Annual Meeting; International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2015)
  • "Parenting Intervention Reduces Infant Rapid Weight Gain" Annual Meeting; Pediatric Academic Societies (2015)
  • "Parental Awareness of Calorie Recommendations for Children" Annual Meeting; Experimental Biology (2015)
  • "Current Availability of Kids' Meals with <600 Calories at Leading Quick-Service Restaurants" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2014)
  • "Making the Healthy Choice the Acceptable Choice: Shifting Norms to Improve Children‘s Diets" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society; Symposium: Social and Cultural Construction of Children‘s Food and Implications for Intervention (2014)
  • "‘It‘s Just So Much Waste.‘ A Qualitative Exploration of Food Waste in a Universal Free Breakfast in the Classroom Program" Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society Conference; Association for the Study of Food and Society (2014)
  • "Changes in Children's Meal Orders Following Healthy Menu Modifications at a Regional US Restaurant Chain" Annual Meeting; International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2014)
  • "‘It‘s Just So Much Waste.‘ A Qualitative Exploration of Food Waste in a Universal Free Breakfast in the Classroom Program" Future of Food and Nutrition Student Conference; Tufts University (2014)
  • "Caloric Impact of Substituting Healthier Side Dishes and Beverages for Traditional Options on Children's Menus" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2013)
  • "Evaluation of a Breakfast in the Classroom Program's Impact on Nutritional, Health, Behavioral, and Academic Outcomes" Annual Meeting; American Public Health Association (2013)
  • "Relationships Between Maternal Depressive Symptoms and BMI in New Immigrants" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2013)
  • "The Role of Children's Perceived Parental Support in an Obesity Intervention Targeting Low-Income Rural Schools and Communities" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2013)
  • "Is Infant Behavior Linked to Childhood Obesity Risk? Insights from an Early Preventive Intervention" Weekly Seminar Series; Tufts University; Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy (2013)
  • "Perceptions About Meals Eaten at Restaurants in a Nationally Representative Sample of US Children" Annual Meeting; International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (2013)
  • "Factor Analysis of the Infant Behavior Questionnaire - Very Short Form in a Low-Income Sample" Biennial Meeting; Society for Research in Child Development (2013)
  • "Parents' Perceptions of the Importance and Availability of Nutrition and Physical Activity Offerings in Out-of-School Time Programs" Annual Meeting; Experimental Biology (2013)
  • "Lower Inhibitory Control at Age 7 Predicts Poorer Physical, Cognitive and Psychological Adolescent Outcomes in a Longitudinal Sample of Girls" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2012)
  • "Parity Predicts Excessive Gestational Weight Gain and Higher Infant Birth Weight Among Women Intending to Breastfeed" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2012)
  • "Using Latent Class Analysis to Characterize Infant Feeding Mode and Its Relationship with Infant Weight Status and Demographics" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2012)
  • "The Relationship Between Observed Infant Negativity and Weight Gain is Moderated by Early Parenting Self-Efficacy" Biennial Meeting; International Society on Infant Studies; Symposium: Temperament and Childhood Obesity: Longitudinal Links between Weight Outcomes and Infant Negativity, Surgency and Self-Regulation (2012)
  • "Does Gestational Weight Gain Predict Infant Birth Weight Above and Beyond Pre-Pregnancy BMI in a Large, Diverse Sample?" Graduate Research Exhibition; Pennsylvania State University (2012)
  • "Does Gestational Weight Gain Predict Infant Birth Weight Above and Beyond Pre-Pregnancy BMI?" Fall Research Poster Forum; Penn State Hershey Diabetes and Obesity Institute (2011)
  • "Early Individual Differences and Childhood Obesity Risk" Childhood Obesity Prevention Training Seminar; Pennsylvania State University (2011)
  • "Identifying Patterns of Risky Drinking and Injuries Using the ICARIS-2 Dataset: Are There Additional Risks for Hispanics?" International Conference; National Hispanic Science Network (2011)
  • "Identifying Patterns of Risky Drinking and Inuries" Annual Meeting; Society for Prevention Research (2011)
  • "Effects of a Behavioral Childhood Obesity Intervention on Infant Temperament" Biennial Meeting; Society for Research in Child Development (2011)
  • "The Role of Temperament and Feeding to Soothe in Rapid Weight Gain During Infancy: Precursors of Childhood Obesity" Biennial Meeting; Society for Research in Child Development (2011)
  • "Using Multiple Methods to Investigate Infant Behaviors Over Time in the Context of a Childhood Obesity Intervention" Biennial Meeting; Society for Research in Child Development (2011)
  • "Sleep in Early Infancy Predicts Weight-for-Length Percentiles at One Year" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2010)
  • "The FRIENDS Project: A Randomized Intervention Promoting Self-Regulation" Prevention Research Center Seminar; Pennsylvania State University (2010)
  • "Infant Temperament, Feeding to Soothe and Weight Gain" Biennial Meeting; International Society on Infant Studies (2010)
  • "Preventing Obesity During Infancy" Biennial Meeting; International Society on Infant Studies (2010)
  • "The Role of Infant Temperament in a Randomized Intervention Targeting Childhood Obesity" Biennial Meeting; International Society on Infant Studies (2010)
  • "Early Breastfeeding Predicts Maternal Perception of Infant Soothability, Subsequent Feeding Decisions and Infant Weight Status" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2009)
  • "Finish Your Bottle but Don't Eat That: Maternal Infant Feeding Practices during the First Year of Life" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2009)
  • "Preventing Obesity During Infancy" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2009)
  • "Goodness of Fit Between Child Temperament and Parent Feeding Practices Predicts Weight Outcomes in a Longitudinal Sample of Girls" Biennial Meeting; Society for Prevention Research (2009)
  • "Low Inhibitory Control Predicts Weight Gain and Overweight Risk in a Longitudinal Study of Girls" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2008)
  • "Low Inhibitory Control Predicts Weight Gain and Overweight in a Longitudinal Study of Girls" Pediatric Research Day; Hershey Medical Center (2008)
  • "Low Inhibitory Control Predicts Weight Gain and Overweight in a Longitudinal Study of Girls" Interdepartmental Research Forum; Pennsylvania State University; College of Health and Human Development (2008)
  • "Sleep Duration: A Possible Mediator of the Relation between Screen Time and BMI in 13-Year Old Girls" Annual Meeting; Experimental Biology (2007)
  • "Sleep Duration: A Possible Mediator of the Relation between Screen Time and BMI in 13-Year Old Girls" Graduate Research Exhibition; Pennsylvania State University (2007)
See all (75 more)

Service Activities:

  • Center for Ingestive Behavior Research Pilot Studies Committee (2022–present)
  • Abstract Reviewer, The Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting; Abstract Reviewer (2022–present)
  • Faculty Senator; Faculty Senator (2022–2024)
  • Exercise and Nutrition Sciences planning sub-committee; Outside member (2022–present)
  • Faculty Promotions Committee, Department of Pediatrics (2022–present)
  • Early Childhood Coalition, Community group convened by the United Way of Buffalo & Erie County; Member (2022–present)
  • Evidence-Based Recommendations and Best Practices for Promoting Healthy Eating Behaviors and Optimal Nutrition in Young Children, Ages 24 months-8 years (organization: Healthy Eating Research); Expert Panel Member (2021–2022)
  • Inter-professional Education Forum facilitator, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; Inter-professional Education Forum facilitator (2020–present)
  • Development of standard portions for use in away-from-home settings (Led by Dr. Deborah Cohen, RAND); Advisory Panel Member (2020)
  • Program Committee Co-Chair, Annual Ingestive Behavior Research Day, University at Buffalo; Program Committee (2019)
  • Steering Committee Member, Center for Ingestive Behavior Research, University at Buffalo; Steering Committee Member (2019–present)
  • Trainee Travel Grant Committee Chair, Center for Ingestive Behavior Research, University at Buffalo; Trainee Travel Grant Committee Chair (2019–present)
  • Healthy Eating Research, a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Grant Reviewer (2018–2020)
  • Clinical and Translational Science Institute; Grant Reviewer (2018)
  • Scientific Protocol Review Committee, Department of Pediatrics, University at Buffalo; Protocol Review Committee (2018–present)
  • The Obesity Society Annual Meeting: ‘Hot Topics in Pediatric Obesity Prevention‘ Session; Co-Chair (2017)
  • Gloria J. Parks 21st Center Community Learning Centers youth program, Buffalo, NY; Partner (2017–present)
  • The Obesity Society: Annual Meeting Abstracts; Reviewer (2017–present)
  • The Obesity Society Annual Meeting: 'The Inside Scoop on Federal School Nutrition Policy Changes: A Report from the USDA' Session; Chair (2016)
  • University at Buffalo: IMPACT Awards; Grant Reviewer (2016)
  • Event Coordinator, University at Buffalo Ingestive Behavior Research Day; Coordinator (2016–2017)
  • Feeding Guidelines for Infants and Young Toddlers: A Responsive Parenting Approach (Healthy Eating Research); Expert Panel Member (2016)
  • The Obesity Society Annual Meeting: 'Pediatric Intervention Studies' Session; Co-Chair (2015)
  • Syracuse University and Upstate Medical University: 'Driving Inspiration and Innovation through Collaboration' Pilot Program; Grant Reviewer (2015)
  • The Obesity Society: Pediatric Obesity Society Section; Early Career Representative (2014–2016)
  • International Society on Infant Studies Biennial Meeting: Temperament and Childhood Obesity Symposium; Chair (2012)
  • Pennsylvania State University: Human Development and Family Studies Graduate Steering Committee; Faculty Liaison (2009–2010)
  • Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • Journal of Pediatrics; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Diabetes; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • Physiology and Behavior Journal; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • Preventing Chronic Disease Journal; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • Public Health and Nutrition Journal; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • Appetite Journal; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • Child Development Journal; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • Childhood Obesity Journal; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • Ethnicity and Disease Journal; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • Health Affairs Journal; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • Infancy Journal; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • International Journal for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • International Journal of Obesity; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2009–present)
  • Pennsylvania State University: Human Development and Family Studies Graduate Steering Committee; Co-Chair (2008–2009)
  • Pennsylvania State University: Human Development and Family Studies Graduate Steering Committee Program Planning, Development and Evaluation Representative; Program Planning, Development and Evaluation Representative (2007–2008)

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Contact Information

University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Division of Behavioral Medicine
G56 Farber Hall, 3435 Main Street
Buffalo, New York 14214
Phone: (716) 829-6692
Fax: (716) 829-3993