September 2024 Newsletter

The COVID virus is shown in red, green and blue.

Published September 1, 2024

Long-COVID Rate Among Disabled People Double That of Able-Bodied


A report released by the American Journal of Public Health highlights the heath disparities between individuals with disabilities and those without. The study conducted by the University of Kansas found that the prevalence of long COVID was higher among COVID-positive participants with disabilities (40.6%) than among previously infected, non-disabled participants (18.9%). Chronic illness (60% of COVID-19 survivors) and mental illness (45% of COVID-19 survivors) were the two types of disability most associated with long COVID. Jean Hall, PhD states “We knew from previous research during the pandemic that people with pre-existing disabilities were having more difficulties getting the vaccines and were more likely to be exposed”. In addition, Dr. Hall touches on the social determinants of health that allow health disparities to exist (transportation and costs to care). The authors of the paper urged policy makers and the healthcare system to recognize the pandemic is not over and to pay attention to rates if long COVID. 

Living with Long COVID: A Poem and Cartoon Tell the Story

This month in Yale Medicine’s Voices of Long COVID blog they follow Alyssa B’s story. Alyssa was struggling to find the answer to her unusual symptoms of difficulty concentrating, less energy, insomnia, low oxygen levels, and tachycardia after multiple doctors’ appointments. Overtime her symptoms just got worse until she went to the Center for Post-COVID Care at Mount Sinai in New York City. There she finally felt heard and the doctors listened as well as empathy for what she was experiencing. Through poetry Alyssa hopes to instill more empathy into medical professionals when it comes to Long COVID patients.

Long COVID in the News

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Brigham and Women’s Research Examines PResearch Shows Severe COVID-19 Contributes to Long-Lasting Cognitive Impairmentotential Causes of Long Covid-19

Researchers at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine followed COVID-19 patients who had spent time in the ICU due to their infection and had participants complete a series of questionnaires and cognitive tests 2 years after their hospitalization. Results showed that severe COVID-19 infections contribute to long-lasting brain fog and other cognitive issues. Brain fog can include exhaustion, forgetfulness, fatigue and other traits. Other cognitive symptoms include sleep disturbances (like insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea) as well as memory issues. Barbara Junco, M.Sc. told Miller School of Medicine news team that study results indicate that Long COVID patients experience “...persistent subjective and objective cognitive issues even two years after infection, including brain fog, word-finding problems, working memory deficits and reduced processing speed”. Researchers hope that healthcare providers are more aware of Long COVID symptoms and suggest cognitive rehabilitation or other clinical interventions.  

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