Elsa Bou Ghanem PhD

Elsa Bou Ghanem

Elsa Bou Ghanem

Associate Professor

Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Specialty/Research Focus

Ageing; Bacterial Pathogenesis; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Inflammation; Microbial Pathogenesis; Microbiology; Mitochondria; Translational Research; Vaccine Development

Contact Information
955 Main Street
Office 55254
Buffalo, New York 14203
Phone: 7168292422
Fax: 7168292158

Professional Summary:

The number of older adults above 65 years of age is projected to reach > 2 billion by 2050. Aging is associated with increased susceptibility to pulmonary infections with worse prognosis that adversely impact longevity and the quality of life. Pneumonia is one of the top causes of death in older adults. My lab is focused on understanding why we become more susceptible to infections as we age and if there is a way to reverse or prevent that. We do so by studying how immunosenescence alters host-pathogen interactions and the networks that govern that. For all our studies, we use clinically relevant animal models of disease followed by verification of findings in humans.

Our primary emphasis is on polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) also known as neutrophils, the most abundant circulating white blood cell in humans. These cells are important for host defense since they are considered to be the “first responders” of the immune system that fight infection by killing pathogens. One part of my group is focused on neutrophils as ‘effectors’ and their antimicrobial role in infection. We are exploring how neutrophil behavior changes with aging and the signaling pathways that govern their aberrant responses with age, with a focus on the extracellular adenosine pathway.

The other part of my group is focused on age-driven changes in vaccine responses. We are designing novel improved vaccines against infection specifically targeted to aged hosts. We are also examining the intersection of innate and adaptive immunity in vaccines and the role of neutrophils as ‘inducers’ of antibody responses.

We are studying these aspects in the context of Streptococcus pneumoniae and influenza A infections, which despite the availability of licensed vaccines, remain the leading causes of community-acquired pneumonia in older adults. Elucidating what drives the aberrant immune responses during aging has the potential of using novel therapies to combat infections in older adults.

Education and Training:

  • PhD, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Kentucky (2011)
  • MS, Microbiology and Immunology, American University of Beirut (2006)
  • BS, Medical Laboratory, American University of Beirut (2004)


  • Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2024-present)
  • Assistant Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2018–2024)
  • Research Associate, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Tufts University School of Medicine (2016–2018)
  • Post Doctoral Fellow, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Tufts University School of Medicine (2011–2016)

Awards and Honors:

  • Excellence in Leukocyte Biology Early Career Award Finalist (2022)
  • Nominated and Selected to Contribute to the Early Career Scientists I&I Minireview Special Issue (2021)
  • Early Career Investigator Award, Selected Speaker for The Latin Mucosal Immunology Meeting (2019)
  • Society for Leukocyte Biology 50th Annual Meeting Travel Award (2017)
  • Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University’s Hamish N. Munro Award for Excellence in Post-doctoral Research (2015)
  • Eukaryotic Cell Outstanding Young Investigator Poster Presentation Award at FASEB Microbial Pathogenesis Meeting (2015)
  • Natalie V. Zucker Research Center for Women Scholars Award (2014)
  • Best Poster prize; Boston Bacterial Meeting (2013)
  • Best Poster Award, Nutritional Immunology RIS Trainee Poster Competition at Experimental Biology Meeting (2013)
  • Best Poster Award, University of Kentucky, Microbiology and Immunology Retreat (2008)
  • Student Travel Award, University of Kentucky (2007)
  • Scholarship for Masters Students, American University of Beirut (2004)

Research Expertise:

  • Aging
  • Bacteria: Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • Bacterial Pathogenesis: Virulence requirements under inflammatory conditions
  • Immune Senescence: Age-driven dysregulation in neutrophil responses
  • Inflammation: Immune modulatory extracellular adenosine during bacterial pneumonia
  • Innate Immunology: Recruitment and anti-bacterial function of neutrophils
  • Vaccine Responses: Age-driven decline in vaccine responses

Research Centers:

  • Witebsky Center for Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology

UB 2020 Strategic Strengths:

  • Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan

Grants and Sponsored Research:

  • August 2022–April 2027
    Liposomal Encapsulation Vaccine Design for Pneumococcal Disease in Aged Subjects
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator
  • January 2025–December 2026
    Predoctoral fellowship (Anagha Betadpur): The interaction of neutrophils and regulatory T cells during pneumococcal conjugate vaccine responses in aged hosts
    American Heart Association
    Role: Other
  • January 2023–December 2026
    F31 Predoctoral Fellowship (Shaunna Simmons):The role of A1 adenosine receptor signaling in the decline of S. pneumoniae killing by neutrophils in vaccinated aged hosts
    Role: Contributor
  • September 2022–May 2026
    Deciphering hormonal regulation of neutrophil biology
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • September 2021–May 2026
    The role of neutrophils in the age-driven decline in anti-pneumococcal vaccine responses
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • November 2024–December 2025
    The role of the extracellular adenosine pathway in the age-driven susceptibility to pulmonary infections
    VPHS Aging Seed Funding
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 2025–August 2025
    Characterizing immune responses to a new pneumococcal vaccine
    UB Research & Creative Activities for Undergrads
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • February 2023–January 2025
    The role of PMNs and extracellular adenosine in host-resistance against S. pneumoniae / influenza A virus co-infection
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • September 2022–August 2024
    LEPS pneumococcal vaccine for aged hosts
    Pfizer Robert Austrian Research Award to postdoctoral scholar Manmeet Bhalla
    Role: Contributor
  • July 2022–June 2023
    Role of neutrophils in the decline of pneumococcal vaccine protection in aged hosts
    Mark Diamond Research Fund Grant Graduate Student Association to Essi Tchalla
    Role: Contributor
  • April 2021–March 2023
    Postdoctoral Fellowship (Manmeet Bhalla): The role of the extracellular adenosine pathway and neutrophils during infective endocarditis induced by S. pneumoniae
    American Heart Association
    Role: Contributor
  • March 2021–February 2023
    Features of PMN senescence that lead to susceptibility to pneumococcal infection
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • June 2020–May 2022
    Genetic susceptibility to mucosal infections with aging
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator
  • June 2021–September 2021
    The role of neutrophils in the age-driven decline in anti-pneumococcal vaccine responses
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • September 2019–June 2021
    The efficacy of Liposomal Encapsulation of Polysaccharides pneumococcal vaccine in protecting aged hosts against invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae infections in murine models
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator
  • September 2018–June 2021
    The role of extracellular adenosine in age-driven susceptibility to S. pneumoniae lung infection
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • April 2019–April 2021
    The role of the extracellular adenosine pathway in age-driven decline in polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) anti-pneumococcal responses
    The University at Buffalo CTSI Translational Pilot Studies Program
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator
  • May 2016–January 2018
    The role of extracellular adenosine in age-driven susceptibility to S. pneumoniae lung infection
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • August 2013–August 2016
    The role of extracellular adenosine in resistance to Streptococcus pneumoniae lung infection
    Life Sciences Research Foundation; Sponsor: The Howard Hughes Medical Institute
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 2013–January 2015
    Vitamin E Reverses Age-Associated Susceptibility to Streptococcus pneumoniae Lung Infection
    ASPEN Rhodes Foundation Abbott Nutrition grant
    Role: Principal Investigator
See all (10 more)

Journal Articles:

See all (26 more)


  • Rania Hassan, Michael Battaglia and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) The effect of mesenchymal stromal cells soluble factors on neutrophil antibacterial function from young and aged hosts. FulBright Cleveland Council on World Affairs’ Seminar for International Scholars. Cleveland, OhioUnited States (Dec) Poster
  • Shaunna R. SimmonsSand Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Changes in neutrophil signaling pathways control pneumococcal killing in vaccinated aged hosts. Society for Leukocyte Biology 57th Annual Meeting. East Lansing, MichiganUnited States (Oct) Poster
  • Michael Battaglia, Manmeet Bhalla, Brandon Marzullo, Murat Can Kalem, Lee Ann Garrett-Sinha and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Transcriptional changes in metabolism and differentiation alter PMN responses to S. pneumoniae with age. Society for Leukocyte Biology 57th Annual Meeting. East Lansing, MichiganUnited States (Oct) Oral
  • Rania Hassan, Michael Battaglia and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) The effect of mesenchymal stromal cells soluble factors on neutrophil antibacterial function from young and aged hosts. Society for Leukocyte Biology 57th Annual Meeting. East Lansing, MichiganUnited States (Oct) Poster
  • Anagha Betadpur, Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Andrew Y, Khalil and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Sex-based differences in pneumococcal conjugate vaccine efficacy. Upstate New York Immunology Conference. Cooperstown, New YorkUnited States (Oct) Poster; Oral
  • Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Andrew Y, Khalil, Manmeet Bhalla Elizabeth A. Wohlfert and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Neutrophils control T cell response to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Society for Leukocyte Biology 57th Annual Meeting. East Lansing, MichiganUnited States (Oct) Oral
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Miles Stefko, Roozbeh Nayerhoda, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Alexsandra LenhardS, Dongwon Park, Shaunna R. Simmons, Elena Lopez, Justin Bassett, Blaine A. Pfeifer and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Liposomal encapsulation of polysaccharide (LEPS) as an effective vaccine strategy to protect aged hosts against S. pneumoniae infection. World Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance and Vaccine Development. Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaUnited States (Sep) Poster
  • Michael Battaglia, Manmeet Bhalla, Brandon Marzullo, Murat Can Kalem, Lee Ann Garrett-Sinha and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Transcriptional changes in metabolism and differentiation alter PMN responses to S. pneumoniae with age. 14th Annual UB Postdoctoral Research Symposium. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Sep) Poster
  • Alexsandra Lenhard, Basma H. Joma, Nalat Siwapornchai, Anders P. Hakansson, Bruce Davidson, John M. Leong and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Immune responses during transition of pneumococci from colonizers to pathogens. 2024 Streptococcal GRC. Newry, MaineUnited States (Aug) Poster
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Miles Stefko, Roozbeh Nayerhoda, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Alexsandra Lenhard, Dongwon Park, Shaunna R. Simmons, Elena Lopez, Justin Bassett, Blaine A. Pfeifer and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Liposomal encapsulation of polysaccharide (LEPS) as an effective vaccine strategy to protect aged hosts against S. pneumoniae infection. 2024 Streptococcal GRC. Newry, MaineUnited States (Aug) Poster
  • Alexsandra Lenhard, Basma H. Joma, Nalat Siwapornchai, Anders P. Hakansson, John M. Leong and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Immune responses during transition of pneumococci from colonizers to pathogens. 34th Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Michael Battaglia, Manmeet Bhalla, Brandon Marzullo, Murat Can Kalem, Lee Ann Garrett-Sinha and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Transcriptional changes in metabolism and differentiation alter PMN responses to S. pneumoniae with age. 34th Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Shaunna R. Simmons and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Changes in neutrophil signaling pathways control pneumococcal killing in vaccinated aged hosts. 34th Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Anagha Betadpur, Essi Y.I. Tchalla, and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Age-associated decline in immune responses to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. 34th Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Anagha Betadpur, Essi Y.I. Tchalla, and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Age-associated decline in immune responses to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. 34th Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Miles Stefko, Roozbeh Nayerhoda, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Alexsandra Lenhard, Dongwon Park, Shaunna R. Simmons, Elena Lopez, Justin Bassett, Blaine A. Pfeifer and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Liposomal encapsulation of polysaccharide (LEPS) as an effective vaccine strategy to protect aged hosts against S. pneumoniae infection. 34th Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Andrew Y, Khalil, Manmeet Bhalla, Elizabeth A. Wohlfert and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Neutrophils control T cell response to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. 34th Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Roozbeh Nayerhoda, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Alexsandra Abamonte, Elena Lopez, Justin Bassett, Dongwon Park, Shaunna R. SimmonsS, Miles StefkoS Blaine A. Pfeifer and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Liposomal encapsulation of polysaccharide as an effective vaccine strategy to protect aged hosts against S. pneumoniae infection. 13th International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases. Cape Town, South Africa (Mar) Poster
  • Alexsandra Lenhard, Basma H. Joma, Nalat Siwapornchai, Anders P. Hakansson, John M. Leong and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2024) Immune responses during transition of pneumococci from colonizers to pathogens. Acute Respiratory Infections GRC, Galveston. Galveston, Texas (Feb) Poster
  • Alexsandra Lenhard, Basma H. Joma, Nalat Siwapornchai, Anders P. Hakansson, John M. Leong and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) Immune responses during transition of pneumococci from colonizers to pathogens. Society for Leukocyte Biology 56th Annual Meeting. Athens, GeorgiaUnited States (Sep) Poster; Oral
  • Shaunna R. Simmons, Sydney E. Herring, Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Alexsandra Lenhard, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) Adenosine signaling boosts neutrophil recruitment in pneumococcal infected aged hosts. Society for Leukocyte Biology 56th Annual Meeting. Athens, GeorgiaUnited States (Sep) Poster; Oral
  • Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Andrew Y, Khalil, Manmeet Bhalla, Elizabeth A. Wohlfert and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) Neutrophils control T cell response to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Society for Leukocyte Biology 56th Annual Meeting. Athens, GeorgiaUnited States (Sep) Poster; Oral
  • Anagha Betadpur, Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Andrew Y, Khalil and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) Sex-based differences in pneumococcal conjugate vaccine efficacy. Society for Leukocyte Biology 56th Annual Meeting. Athens, GeorgiaUnited States (Sep) Poster; Oral
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Vijay R. Ravi, Alexsandra Lenhard, Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Jennifer K. Lang and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) CD73 expression on neutrophils protects against cardiomyocyte damage during Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. ASM Microbe. Houston, Texas (Jun) Poster
  • Alexsandra Lenhard, Basma H. Joma, Nalat Siwapornchai, Anders P. Hakansson, John M. Leong and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) A murine model for the transition of Streptococcus pneumoniae from colonizer to pathogen. 33rd Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Vijay R. Ravi, Alexsandra Lenhard, Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Jennifer K. Lang and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) CD73 expression on neutrophils protects against cardiomyocyte damage during Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. 33rd Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Andrew Y, Khalil, Manmeet Bhalla, Elizabeth A. Wohlfert and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) Neutrophils control T cell response to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. 33rd Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Anagha Betadpur, Andrew Y, Khalil and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) Sex-based differences in pneumococcal conjugate vaccine efficacy. 33rd Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Shaunna R. Simmons, Sydney E. Herring, Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Alexsandra Lenhard, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) A1 adenosine receptor signaling boosts PMN pulmonary recruitment in aged mice following S. pneumoniae infection. 33rd Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Andrew Y, Khalil, Manmeet Bhalla, Elizabeth A. Wohlfert and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) Neutrophils control T cell response to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. 1st Annual JSMBS Community Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Apr) Poster
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Vijay R. Ravi, Alexsandra Lenhard, Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Jennifer K. Lang and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) CD73 expression on neutrophils protects against cardiomyocyte damage during Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. 1st Annual JSMBS Community Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Apr) Poster
  • Shaunna R. Simmons, Sydney E. Herring, Essi Y.I. Tchalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) A1 adenosine receptor signaling boosts PMN pulmonary recruitment in aged mice following S. pneumoniae infection. 1st Annual JSMBS Community Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Apr) Poster
  • Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Andrew Y, Khalil, Anagha Betadpur, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) Sex-based differences in immune responses to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. UB Celebration of Academic Excellence. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Apr) Poster
  • Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Manmeet Bhalla, Elizabeth A. Wohlfert and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) Neutrophils control T cell response to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Midwinter Conference of Immunologists. Monterey Bay, CaliforniaUnited States (Jan) Poster
  • Sydney E. Herring, Sovathiro Mao, Jill M. Kramer, and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2023) Mitochondrial ROS production by neutrophils is required for host antimicrobial function against Streptococcus pneumoniae and is controlled by A2B adenosine receptor signaling. Midwinter Conference of Immunologists. Monterey Bay, CaliforniaUnited States (Jan) Poster
  • Sydney E. Herring, Sovathiro Mao, Jill M. Kramer, and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2022) Mitochondrial ROS production by neutrophils is required for host antimicrobial function against Streptococcus pneumoniae. Biology of Acute Respiratory Infection GRC. Ventura, CaliforniaUnited States (Sep) Poster
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Roozbeh Nayerhoda, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Alexsandra Abamonte, Dongwon Park, Shaunna R. Simmons, Blaine A. Pfeifer and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2022) Liposomal encapsulation of polysaccharide as an effective vaccine strategy to protect aged hosts against S. pneumoniae infection. Biology of Acute Respiratory Infection GRS & GRC. Ventura, CaliforniaUnited States (Sep) Poster
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Roozbeh Nayerhoda, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Alexsandra Abamonte, Dongwon Park, Shaunna R. Simmons, Blaine A. Pfeifer and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2022) Liposomal encapsulation of polysaccharide as an effective vaccine strategy to protect aged hosts against S. pneumoniae infection. 12th International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases. Toronto, Canada (Jul) Poster
  • Brian S. Learman, Alexsandra P. Lenhard, Benjamin C. Hunt, Aimee L. Brauer, Elsa N. Bou Ghanem, Chelsie E. Armbruster. (2022) Elucidating the role of genetics in host susceptibility to urinary tract infection using collaborative cross mice. Urinary Tract Infection Global Alliance 4th Clinical and Scientific Advances UTI Conference (Virtual). (Jul)
  • Alexsandra Lenhard, Manmeet Bhalla, Brian S. Learman, Chelsie E. Armbruster, Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2022) Elucidating the role of genetics in host susceptibility to S. pneumoniae infection using cross-collaborative mice. 32nd Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Tariq A. Bhat, Manmeet Bhalla, Maciej L. Goniewicz, Elsa N. Bou Ghanem and Yasmin Thanavala. (2022) Vaping Juul results in lung damage, inflammatory changes and impairs pulmonary clearance of S. pneumoniae infection. 32nd Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Shaunna R. Simmons, Sydney E. Herring, Essi Y.I. Tchalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2022) A1 adenosine receptor signaling reverses the age-driven impairment in PMN recruitment following S. pneumoniae infection. 32nd Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Vijay R. Ravi, Manmeet Bhalla, Jennifer K. Lang and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2022) Extracellular adenosine regulates cardiomyocyte toxicity following infection with S. pneumoniae. 32nd Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Thejaswini Giridharan, Sora Suzuki, Tiffany Emmons, ANM Nazmul Khan, Michael B. Yaffe, Emese Zsiros, Kunle Odunsi, Manmeet Bhalla, Elsa N. Bou Ghanem, Brahm H Segal. (2022) Role of the extracellular ATP/adenosine pathway in neutrophil-mediated T cell suppression in ovarian cancer microenvironment. American Association of Immunologists (AAI) Meeting. Portland, OregonUnited States (May) Poster; Oral
  • Andrew Y. Khalil, Essi Y. I. Tchalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2022) CD73 is required for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine mediated protection against S. pneumoniae infection. 32nd Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Manmeet Bhalla, Elizabeth A. Wohlfert and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2022) Neutrophils control T cell response to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. 32nd Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Vijay R. Ravi, Jennifer K. Lang and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2022) The role of neutrophils in cardiac damage during pneumococcal endocarditis. 32nd Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster; Oral
  • Sydney E. Herring, Sovathiro Mao, Jill M. Kramer, and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2022) Mitochondrial ROS production by neutrophils is required for host resistance against Streptococcus pneumoniae. Eastern NY ASM Virtual Meeting. (Mar) Oral
  • Emily Smith, Shaunna R. Simmons, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2022) Activation of MAPK ERK1/2 in neutrophils from young versus aged hosts following S. pneumoniae infection. (Jan) Poster
  • Sydney E. Herring, Jill M. Kramer, and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) A2B adenosine receptor signaling impairs host resistance against Streptococcus pneumoniae infection by inhibiting mitochondrial ROS production by neutrophils. Junior Awards in Microbiology (JAM) Series Talk, ASM, Virtual. (Nov) Oral
  • Alexsandra P. Abamonte, Manmeet Bhalla, Brian S. Learman, Chelsie E. Armbruster and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) Elucidating the role of genetics in host susceptibility to S. pneumoniae infection using cross-collaborative mice. Upstate New York Immunology Conference. (Oct) Poster
  • Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Manmeet Bhalla, Elizabeth A. Wohlfert and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) Neutrophils induce protective antibody response to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in an interferon gamma independent manner. Upstate New York Immunology Conference. (Oct) Poster; Oral
  • Shaunna R. Simmons, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) The age-driven decline in neutrophil function leaves vaccinated aged hosts susceptible to pneumococcal pneumonia. Upstate New York Immunology Conference. (Oct) Poster; Oral
  • Sydney E. Herring, Jill M. Kramer, and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) Mitochondrial ROS production by neutrophils is important for host antimicrobial function against Streptococcus pneumoniae and is controlled by A2B adenosine receptor signaling. Upstate New York Immunology Conference. (Oct) Poster; Oral
  • Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Manmeet Bhalla, Elizabeth A. Wohlfert and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) Neutrophils induce protective antibody response to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in an interferon gamma independent manner. Black in Microbiology Week, Black Microbiologists Association. (Sep) Poster
  • Sydney E. Herring, Jill M. Kramer, and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) A2B adenosine receptor signaling impairs host resistance against Streptococcus pneumoniae infection by inhibiting mitochondrial ROS production by neutrophils. Virtual FASEB Microbial Pathogenesis Meeting. (Jul) Poster
  • Emily Smith, Shaunna R. Simmons, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) Activation of MAPK ERK1/2 in neutrophils from young versus aged hosts following S. pneumoniae infection. T35 program: Training the Next Generation of Physician Scientists, University at Buffalo. (Jul) Poster; Oral
  • Shaunna R. Simmons, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) Neutrophil immumosenescence leaves vaccinated aged hosts susceptible to pneumococcal pneumonia. Society for Leukocyte Biology 54th Annual Meeting. (Jul) Oral
  • Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Manmeet Bhalla, Elizabeth A. Wohlfert and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) Neutrophils promote antibody isotype switching in response to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine independently of interferon gamma. Society for Leukocyte Biology 54th Annual Meeting. (Jul) Oral
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Lauren Heinzinger, and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) Transcriptome profiling reveals CD73 and age-driven changes in neutrophil responses against Streptococcus pneumoniae. Neutrophil 2021. (Jun) Oral
  • Lauren Heinzinger, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) RNA-sequencing reveals age-driven changes in neutrophil transcriptional profiles in response to S. pneumoniae infection. Department of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Honors Symposium, University at Buffalo. (May) Poster
  • Lauren Heinzinger, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) RNA-sequencing reveals CD73 and age-driven changes in neutrophil responses against S. pneumoniae infection. SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC). (Apr) Oral
  • Lauren Heinzinger, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2021) RNA-sequencing reveals age-driven changes in neutrophil transcriptional profiles in response to S. pneumoniae infection. Celebration of Student Academic Excellence, University at Buffalo. (Apr) Oral
  • Lauren Heinzinger, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2020) RNA-sequencing reveals a role of JNK/AP-1 signaling pathway in age-driven impairment of PMN antimicrobial function. Virtual Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). (Nov) Poster
  • Essi Y.I. Tchalla, Manmeet Bhalla, Elizabeth A. Wohlfert and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2020) Neutrophils promote antibody isotype switching in response to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in an interferon gamma-independent manner. Cytokines Virtual Meeting. (Nov) Oral
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Lauren Heinzinger and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2020) JNK/AP-1 signaling contributes to the impairment in S. pneumoniae killing by neutrophils in aged hosts. Society for Leukocyte Biology Virtual Trainee Symposium. (Oct) Oral
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Shaunna R. Simmons, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Catherine Wrona, Robin Stein, Sanjay Sethi and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2020) The role of extracellular adenosine signaling in the age-driven decline in neutrophil function. Virtual CTSI Pilot Studies Colloquium. (Oct) Poster
  • Shaunna R. Simmons, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2020) Neutrophil immumosenescence leaves aged hosts susceptible to bacterial pneumonia despite vaccination. Virtual Mechanisms of Aging Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor. (Sep) Poster
  • Sydney E. Herring, Manmeet Bhalla, Jun Hui Yeoh, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2020) A2B adenosine receptor signaling impairs host resistance against Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Virtual Streptococcal Trainee Symposium. (Sep) Oral
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Shaunna R. Simmons, Alexsandra Abomonte, Sydney E. Herring and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2020) A1 adenosine receptor signaling reverses the age-driven impairment in PMN anti-pneumococcal function. Virtual Streptococcal Trainee Symposium. (Sep) Oral
  • Lauren Heinzinger, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2020) RNA-sequencing reveals a role of JNK/AP-1 signaling pathway in age-driven impairment of PMN antimicrobial function. UCLA Virtual National McNair Conference. (Jul) Poster; Oral
  • Lauren Heinzinger, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2020) JNK/AP-1 signaling contributes to the impairment in S. pneumoniae killing by neutrophils in aged hosts. Celebration of Student Academic Excellence, online gallery, University at Buffalo. (May) Poster
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Jun Hui Yeoh, Sydney E. Herring, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Lauren Heinzinger and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2020) A1 adenosine receptor signaling shapes bacterial epithelial cell interaction and host susceptibility to Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. GRC Acute Respiratory Infections. Galveston, Texas (Feb) Poster
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Jun Hui Yeoh, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Sydney E. Herring and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2019) Extracellular adenosine signaling reverses the age-driven decline in the ability of neutrophils to kill S. pneumoniae. Upstate New York Immunology Conference. Cooperstown, New York (Oct) Poster; Oral
  • Sydney E. Herring, Manmeet Bhalla, Jun Hui Yeoh, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2019) The role of A2B adenosine receptor in Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Upstate New York Immunology Conference. Cooperstown, New York (Oct) Poster
  • Jun Yeoh Hui, Claire Lamneck, Manmeet Bhalla, John M. Leong and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2019) Extracellular adenosine inhibits binding of Streptococcus pneumoniae to lung epithelial cells. 31st Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New York (May) Poster
  • Sydney E. Herring, Manmeet Bhalla, Jun Hui Yeoh, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2019) The role of A2A adenosine receptor in Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. 31st Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New York (May) Poster
  • Shauna Simmons, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2019) Both complement and antibody-mediated opsonophagocytic killing of Streptococcus pneumoniae by PMNs decline with age. 31st Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New York (May) Poster
  • Manmeet Bhalla, Jun Hui Yeoh, Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Sydney E. Herring and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2019) Extracellular adenosine signaling reverses the age-driven decline in the ability of neutrophils to kill S. pneumoniae. 31st Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New York (May) Poster
  • Essi Y. I. Tchalla, Manmeet Bhalla and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2019) Neutrophils are required for induction of protective memory responses following vaccination with the anti-pneumococcal conjugate vaccine Prevnar-13. 31st Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, New York (May)
  • Nalat Siwapornchai, James N. Lee, Essi Tchalla, Sara E. Roggensack, John M. Leong and Elsa N. Bou Ghanem. (2018) Extracellular adenosine enhances the ability of neutrophils to kill S. pneumoniae by blunting IL-10 production. Society for Leukocyte Biology 51st Annual Meeting. Chandler, Arizona (Oct) Poster; Oral
See all (71 more)

Professional Memberships:

  • American Association of Immunologists (AAI) (2021–present)
  • Society for Leukocyte Biology (SLB) (2017–present)
  • American Society for Microbiology (ASM) (2014–present)
  • Association of Women in Science (AWIS) (2014–2017)
  • American Society of Nutrition (ASN) (2012–2015)
  • American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) (2012–2015)


  • "Sex-based differences in pneumococcal vaccine responses" Infectious Diseases Research Conference, University at Buffalo (2024)
  • "Changes in neutrophil pneumococcal interactions during aging" National Jewish Health, Department of Immunology and Genomic Medicine Seminar series (2024)
  • "Changes in neutrophil-pneumococcal interactions during aging" Building Bridges in Leukocyte Biology Webinar (2024)
  • "The role of damage in the outcome of host-pneumococcal interactions" Department of Biochemistry, Seminar Series (2024)
  • "A murine model for enhancement of Streptococcus pneumoniae pathogenicity upon viral infection and advanced age" Infectious Diseases Research Conference (2023)
  • "How can we improve our immunity against infections as we grow older? Targeting neutrophil responses against pneumococcal pneumonia" Buffalo State, Great Lakes-Biology Seminar Series (2023)
  • "The effect of age and pneumococcal infection on neutrophil responses" Society for Leukocyte Biology 56th Annual Meeting (2023)
  • "Neutrophil responses against S. pneumoniae infection in aged hosts" The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Microbiology Seminar Series (2023)
  • "Neutrophils control T cell responses to the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine" Phagocytes Gordon Conference (2023)
  • "Age-driven changes in neutrophil responses during infection and vaccination" Stanford University, Immunology Seminar Series (2023)
  • "A2B adenosine Receptors control ROSponse to Streptococcus pneumoniae Infection" Infectious Diseases Research Conference University at Buffalo (2022)
  • "Targeting PMNs against pneumococcal infection: The role of extracellular adenosine signaling" University of Rochester, Department of Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series (2022)
  • "A2B adenosine receptors control PMN ROSponses to S. pneumoniae infection" University of Louisville, Department of Oral Immunology and Infectious Diseases Seminar Series (2022)
  • "Targeting PMNs against pneumococcal infection: The role of extracellular adenosine signaling" Society of Leukocyte Biology 55th Annual Meeting (2022)
  • "Host-directed Interventions Against Pneumococcal Infection: The Role of Extracellular Adenosine Signaling" Streptococcal Biology Gordan Conference (2022)
  • "A Murine Model for Enhancement of S. pneumoniae Pathogenicity Upon Viral Infection and Advanced Age" JoVE host-pathogen interactions in the respiratory tract Webinar (2022)
  • "How can we boost our ability to fight lung infections as we age?" San Jose State University Department of Biological Sciences Seminar Series (2022)
  • "The role of the extracellular adenosine pathway in the age-driven decline in neutrophil function" Infectious Diseases Research Conference University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA (2021)
  • "How can we boost our ability to fight lung infections as we age?" PPBS Recruitment Webinar for John St. Fisher students, PPBS program, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA. (2021)
  • "My Scientific Journey: Extracellular adenosine, PMNs and aging" CSTEP Forum Career Pathways in Medicine: Bacterial Pathogenesis, CSTEP Program, Monroe Community College, Brighton, NY, USA (2021)
  • "The role of the extracellular adenosine pathway in the age-driven decline in neutrophil function" Clinical and Translational Research Virtual Colloquium (2021)
  • "My Scientific Journey: Extracellular adenosine, PMNs and aging" Seminar for the T35 Training the Next Generation of Physician Scientist Program, Clinical and Translational Research Center, University at Buffalo (2021)
  • "My Scientific Journey: Extracellular adenosine, PMNs and aging" BIO-STEM scientific Discovery series for students in CLIMB UP /iSEED summer research program, University at Buffalo (2021)
  • "The role of neutrophils and the extracellular adenosine pathway in the susceptibility of aged hosts to pneumococcal pneumonia" USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology Spring Colloquium Series (2021)
  • "My Scientific Journey: Extracellular adenosine, PMNs and aging" Biology Honors Program (2021)
  • "The role of neutrophils in anti-pneumococcal vaccine responses" Infectious Diseases; Weekly Research Conference; University at Buffalo (2020)
  • "Neutrophil responses against S. pneumoniae in aged hosts" Virtual Aging Science Talk; organized by the Lamming and Mair laboratories with support from the Glenn Foundation for Medical Research (2020)
  • "Neutrophil responses to S. pneumoniae in aged hosts" Virtual Streptococcal Seminar Series; organized by the Doran laboratory at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in lieu of the 2020 Streptococcal Biology Gordan Research Conference (2020)
  • "The role of neutrophils in the age-driven decline of anti-pneumococcal vaccine responses" Department of Microbiology and Immunology Research Exchange; University at Buffalo (2020)
  • "Targeting the extracellular adenosine pathway to control S. pneumoniae infection in aged hosts" Department Seminar; Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center; Department of Immunology (2020)
  • "Extracellular adenosine signaling reverses the age-driven decline in the ability of neutrophils to kill S. pneumoniae" Society for Leukocyte Biology 52nd Annual Meeting (2019)
  • "Targeting the extracellular adenosine pathway to control S. pneumoniae infection in aged hosts" Healthy Aging at Tufts; Tufts University; Research Day (2019)
  • "Extracellular adenosine regulates mucosal immunity in the lungs by controlling the anti-microbial activity of PMNs during pneumococcal by blunting IL-10 production" Latin-American Mucosal Immunology Meeting; Society of Mucosal Immunology; Society for Leukocyte Biology Symposium (2019)
  • "How PMNs & Extracellular adenosine shape age-driven susceptibility to Streptococcus pneumoniae lung infection" Infectious Diseases; Weekly Research Conference; University at Buffalo (2019)
  • "Extracellular adenosine enhances the ability of neutrophils to kill S. pneumoniae by blunting IL-10 production" Society for Leukocyte Biology 51st Annual Meeting (2018)
  • "Extracellular adenosine enhances the ability of neutrophils to kill S. pneumoniae by blunting IL-10 production" Upstate New York Immunology Conference (2018)
  • "How aging & extracellular adenosine shape neutrophil responses during Streptococcus pneumoniae lung infection" Department Seminar; Department of Oral Biology; University at Buffalo (2018)
  • "The role of neutrophils and extracellular adenosine in shaping age-driven susceptibility to Streptococcus pneumoniae lung infection" Society for Leukocyte Biology 50th Annual Meeting (2017)
  • "How aging and extracellular adenosine shape PMN responses during S. pneumoniae lung infection" Department Seminar; Department of Microbiology and Immunology; University of Illinois at Chicago (2016)
  • "How aging and extracellular adenosine shape PMN responses during S. pneumoniae lung infection" Department Seminar; Department of Microbial pathogenesis and Immunology; Texas A&M Health Science Center (2015)
  • "How aging and extracellular adenosine shape PMN responses during S. pneumoniae lung infection" Department Seminar; Department of Microbiology; University of Iowa (2015)
  • "How aging and extracellular adenosine shape PMN responses during S. pneumoniae lung infection" Department Seminar; University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston; Department of Microbiology (2015)
  • "The role of immune-modulatory extracellular adenosine in resistance to Streptococcus pneumoniae lung infection" Rheumatology grand rounds; Tufts University (2014)
  • "Vitamin E boosts resistance to Streptococcus pneumoniae infection in aged mice by inhibiting hepoxilin A3-mediated neutrophil recruitment across the lung epithelium" Experimental Biology Conference (2014)
  • "Extracellular adenosine, an immune modulator that promotes resistance to invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae infection" FASEB Snow Mas Microbial Pathogenesis Meeting (2013)
  • "Extracellular adenosine, an immune modulator that promotes resistance to invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae infection" Department of Microbiology Departmental 50th Anniversary Symposium; Tufts University (2013)
  • "Vitamin E reverses age-associated susceptibility to Streptococcus pneumoniae lung infection" Experimental Biology Conference (2013)
  • "Differential ability of CD8+ T cells to rapidly secrete IFNγ during Listeria monocytogenes infection" Midwinter Conference of Immunologists (2011)
  • "Rapid IFNγ secretion by human CD8+ T cells exposed to Listeria monocytogenes" Autumn Immunology Conference (2009)
  • "A T cell intrinsic factor contributes to the differential IFNγ response observed during Listeria monocytogenes infection" Autumn Immunology Conference (2008)
  • "Rapid IFNγ response by CD8+ T cells during Listeria infection" Autumn Immunology Conference (2007)
See all (41 more)

Service Activities:

  • Vaccines Against Infectious Disease (VID) Study Section, NIH; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2024)
  • CTSI Professional Development Series, Managing Grant Budgets Panel; Panelist (2024)
  • ; Basic Science Representative to the Executive Committee (2024–2026)
  • ; Faculty Council member (2024–2026)
  • ; Faculty Council Steering Committee member (2024–2026)
  • UK Research and Innovation; Grant Reviewer (2023–2024)
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer, Vaccines Against Microbial Disease (VDM) Study Section, NIH; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2023)
  • Primary reviewer for the PPBS admissions committee; Primary reviewer for the PPBS admissions committee (2023–present)
  • Grant Reviewer, Icelandic Research Fund; Grant Reviewer (2023)
  • Milgrom Fellowship Committee. This committee is to elect a yearly recipient of the Milgrom Fellowship for Excellence in Postdoctoral research in the Microbiology and Immunology Department; Milgrom Fellowship Committee. (2023)
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer, Special Emphasis Panel (ZRG1), Member Conflict: Topics in vaccine for infectious diseases and vector biology; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2023)
  • ASM Microbe “How to Write a Review” Panel; Panelist (2023)
  • Society for Leukocyte Biology “Financial Skills for Lab Management” Webinar; Panelist (2023)
  • Grant Reviewer, Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute Pilot Studies Program; Reviewer (2023)
  • Ad Hoc. Reviewer, Special Emphasis Panel (ZAI1), Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials (R34, U01, U44), NIAID; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2023)
  • Reviewer, iSEED/ CLIMB UP Summer Program Admissions; Reviewer (2023)
  • Society for Leukocyte Biology Associate Councilor; Associate Councilor (2023–2024)
  • Department of Biochemistry Faculty Search Committee; Committee Member (2022–present)
  • Interview committee for the JSMBS Lab Animal Facility Supervisor (2022)
  • Biology of Acute Respiratory Infections Gordon Research Seminar Mentorship Panel “Landing your Dream Job: Academia and beyond”; Mentorship Panel (2022)
  • JSMBS Strategic Planning Research (Basic Science) Committee (2022–present)
  • Journal of Leukocyte Biology; Editorial board member (2022–present)
  • Ad Hoc. Reviewer, ZRG1 Study Section, NIH; Ad Hoc. Reviewer (2022)
  • Poster Competition Judge at the 16th Collegiate Science & Technology Entry Program Summer Research Poster Symposium; Poster Judge (2022)
  • Grant Reviewer, Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute Pilot Studies Program; Reviewer (2022)
  • Ad Hoc. Reviewer, Innate Immunity and Inflammation (III) Study Section, NIH; Ad Hoc. Reviewer (2022)
  • JSMBS Dean’s Research Focus Group; JSMBS Dean’s Research Focus Group (2022)
  • Medical Student Research Forum Poster Judge; Poster Judge (2022)
  • Infection and Immunity; Editorial board member (2022–present)
  • The Micro Committee Chair. The committee serves to build and maintain departmental culture and trainee well-being; The Micro Committee Chair (2022–present)
  • Secondary reviewer for the PPBS admissions committee; Secondary reviewer for the PPBS admissions committee (2021–2023)
  • Ad Hoc. Reviewer, ZRG1 Study Section, NIH; Ad Hoc. Reviewer (2021)
  • Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, Research Topic: Transmission, colonization, and molecular pathogenesis of pneumococcus.; Guest Editor (2021–2022)
  • AGCD-1 K99 Study Section, NIH; Ad Hoc. Reviewer (2021)
  • Society for Leukocyte Biology; Professional Development Committee member. The role of the committee is to plan activities and propose programs that enhance the benefit of professional development to the membership with special emphasis on the young investigators.; Society for Leukocyte Biology; Professional Development Committee member. (2020–2023)
  • Ad Hoc. Reviewer, VDM Study Section, NIH; Ad Hoc. Reviewer (2020)
  • iSEED Program Academic Mentor; Mentor (2020–2022)
  • Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences’ representative on the UB Faculty Senate; UB Faculty Senate (2020–2022)
  • Ad Hoc. Reviewer, Medical Research Council, United Kingdom; Ad Hoc. Reviewer (2020)
  • McNair Scholars Program - Summer Mentor; McNair Scholars Program - Summer Mentor (2020)
  • MIC501 Syllabus Committee. This committee is to put together a syllabus for MIC501 - Microbial Biology and Biotechnology, which is an introduction course for the Microbiology and Immunology Master’s program; MIC501 Syllabus Committee (2020)
  • Guest Editor: 2019 Latin-American Mucosal Immunology Meeting issue, Journal of Leukocyte Biology; Guest Editor (2019–2020)
  • Milgrom Fellowship Committee. This committee is to elect a yearly recipient of the Milgrom Fellowship for Excellence in Postdoctoral research in the Microbiology and Immunology Department; Milgrom Fellowship Committee (2019)
  • Poster Competition Judge at the 13th Collegiate Science & Technology Entry Program Summer Research Poster Symposium; Poster Competition Judge (2019)
  • Neter Award Judge. This committee is to elect a recipient of the Neter Award given to a graduate student that presented a talk at the Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis; Neter Award Judge (2019)
  • Poster Competition Judge at the 11th UB Postdoc Research Symposium; Poster Competition Judge (2019)
  • Gorzynski Travel Award Committee. This committee is to elect, a yearly recipient, of the Gorzynski Travel Award given to graduate students in the Microbiology and Immunology Department; Gorzynski Travel Award Committee (2019)
  • Stinson Award Committee. This committee is to elect a yearly recipient of the Stinson Award for Excellence in Dissertation Research given to a graduate student in the Microbiology and Immunology Department; Stinson Award Committee (2019)
  • Department of Microbiology and Immunology Graduate Affairs Committee; Graduate Affairs Committee (2019–2023)
  • Organized Departmental Immunology Journal Club; Organized Departmental Immunology Journal Club (2019)
  • The Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis Organizing Committee; Microbial Pathogenesis Organizing Committee (2019–present)
  • Ad Hoc. Reviewer, Medical Research Council, United Kingdom; Ad Hoc. Reviewer (2018)
  • Poster Competition Judge at the 10th UB Postdoc Research Symposium; Poster Competition Judge (2018)
  • Neter Award Judge. This committee is to elect a recipient of the Neter Award given to a graduate student that presented a talk at the Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis; Neter Award Judge. (2018)
  • Gorzynski Travel Award Committee. This committee is to elect, a yearly recipient, of the Gorzynski Travel Award given to graduate students in the Microbiology and Immunology Department; Gorzynski Travel Award Committee. (2018)
  • Association of Women in Science Mentoring Circles; Career Mentor; Career Mentor (2014–2016)
  • mSphere; Infection and Immunity; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; Microbes and Infection; Journal of Infectious Diseases; Plos Pathogens; Frontiers in Microbiology, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, Frontiers in Immunology; Virulence; iScience; EMBO; eLife; Aging Cell; Immunity & Aging; Ad Hoc. Reviewer

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