University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Division of Behavioral Medicine G56 Farber Hall, 3435 Main Street Williamsville, New York 14221 Phone: 7169843075 Fax: (716) 829-3993
I am a SUNY Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics and Chief of the Division of Behavioral Medicine. My research interests focus on health behavior change and determinants of eating, physical activity and drug self-administration. I am an internationally recognized authority in the fields of childhood overweight, physical activity, weight control and family intervention. For the past 40 years, I have conducted research relevant to the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity, including mechanisms that regulate intake and energy expenditure in children and I developed episodic future thinking to modify delay discounting and I co-developed the theory of reinforcer pathology.
I am a fellow in numerous scientific organizations, and have been the President of the division of Health Psychology, APA, and recipient of the American Psychological Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Health Psychology. I chaired the Behavioral Medicine Study Section, NIH, and served on the Advisory Board for Center for Scientific Research, NIH. I am a fellow of the American Academy of Sciences, received the Bar-Or Award for Excellence in Pediatric Obesity Research from the Obesity Society, and the Hoebel Award for Creativity from SSIB, and I currently am on the editorial board of JAMA Pediatrics and Nutrients. I have published over 550 scientific papers and 3 books.
Education and Training:
University of Mississippi Medical Center (1973)
PhD, Clinical Psychology, Ohio University (1973)
BA, Psychology, Lafayette College (1968)
SUNY Distinguished Professor, Pediatrics, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2010-present)
Division Chief, Behavioral Medicine, University at Buffalo (1999-present)
Distinguished Professor, Pediatrics, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2003–2009)
Professor, Social and Preventive Medicine, University at Buffalo Pediatrics (1999–2003)
Professor, Psychology, University at Buffalo Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (1993–1999)
Professor, Psychology and Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (1986–1993)
Associate Professor, Psychology and Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (1980–1986)
Assistant Professor, Psychology and Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (1977–1980)
Assistant Professor, Psychology, Auburn University (1974–1977)
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of Mississippi Medical Center (1973–1974)
Awards and Honors:
UB School of Medicine CTSI Clinical Research Achievement Award (2024)
Pease Family Scholar (2021)
Society for Study of Ingestive Behavior: Hoebel Award for Creativity (2017)
American Academy of the Advancement of Science: Fellow (2013)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Stockton Kimball Award (2012)
SUNY Distinguished Professor Award (2010)
Society of Behavioral Medicine: Distinguished Scientist Award (2010)
The Obesity Society: Bar-Or Award for Excellence in Pediatric Obesity Research (2007)
University at Buffalo: Distinguished Professor Award (2003)
University at Buffalo: Sustained Achievement Award (2002)
American Psychological Association, Division 25: Fellow (1992)
Ohio University: Significant Achievement Award (1989)
Society of Behavioral Medicine: Fellow (1986)
American Psychological Association, Division 38: Fellow (1985)
Pennsylvania Psychological Association: Undergraduate Research Award (First Place) (1968)
National Institute of Mental Health: Pre-Doctoral Fellow (1968-1972)
Research Expertise:
Applied research in behavioral medicine: Pediatric, obesity, habituation - includes studying factors that moderate the relationship between changes in sedentary behaviors and physical activity and energy intake and how price changes influence food purchases of healthy versus less healthy foods
Basic research in behavioral medicine: Pediatric, obesity, habituation - includes investigating factors that influence why children overeat or why they choose to engage in physical activity or be sedentary; how habituation influences satiation and energy intake; how the reinforcing value of physical activity influences the choice to be active or sedentary; and how genetics and the environment interact to influence eating behavior
Clinical research in behavioral medicine: Pediatric, obesity, habituation - includes a randomized controlled study on the efficacy and cost-benefit of treating parents and children together for pediatric obesity, versus treating the parents and children separately
Grants and Sponsored Research:
August 2016–July 2021 Can Reinforcing Alternatives to Food Prevent Weight Gain in Children? Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Role: Principal Investigator $1,723,154
August 2016–July 2021 Enhancing Alternatives to Eating in Infants Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Role: Co-Investigator $2,683,730
June 2016–May 2021 The Effectiveness of Family-based Weight Loss Treatment Implemented in Primary Care – CCC – Lead Application National Institutes of Health Role: Principal Investigator $5,615,697
April 2016–March 2021 Evaluating the Impact of Tobacco Control Policies in a Rapidly Changing Nicotine Delivery Market Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Role: Principal Investigator $35,041
January 2016–January 2021 Sensitization of the Reinforcing Value of Food as a Predictor of Weight Change in Adolescents National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Role: Co-Investigator $1,993,750
August 2015–July 2020 Delay Discounting as a Target for Self-Regulation in Prediabetes National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Role: Co-Principal Investigator $2,417,153
January 2015–December 2019 Using Prospection to Improve Obesity Treatment Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Role: Principal Investigator $2,191,299
January 2016–January 2019 Clinical Translational Science Award (CTSA) National Institutes of Health Role: Co-Investigator $16,000,000
January 2015–January 2018 Food Marketing Vulnerability and Increased Risk for Weight Gain in Adolescents National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Role: Co-Investigator $58,812
May 2012–April 2017 Habituation to Food as a Risk Factor for Pediatric Obesity National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Role: Principal Investigator $2,969,860
February 2016–February 2017 Developing the Methodology to Measure Food Reward in Young Infants Innovative Micro-Programs Accelerating Collaboration in Themes (IMPACT) Role: Principal Investigator $21,000
April 2014–March 2015 Etiological Subgroups of Small-for-Gestational-Age: Differential Child Outcomes Health Resources and Services Administration Role: Co-Investigator $99,968
April 2012–March 2015 The Influence of Pricing and Nutrient Profiling on Food Purchases National Cancer Institute Role: Principal Investigator $1,721,603
January 2012–January 2015 Biobehavioral Mechanisms Linking Stress and Obesity in Low-Income Children National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Role: Co-Investigator $44,400
September 2009–August 2014 Translating Habituation Research to Interventions for Pediatric Obesity National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Role: Principal Investigator $2,910,716
August 2010–July 2014 Experimental Analysis of Price Changes and Food Purchases in Obese and Lean Mothers Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Role: Principal Investigator $1,865,229
May 2010–February 2014 Non-Shared Environments and Discordance of Obesity in Adolescent Siblings Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Role: Co-Investigator $1,570,863
January 2008–January 2013 Treating Overweight Youth: A Family-Based Approach in Primary Care Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Role: Co-Investigator $2,691,955
September 2009–August 2012 Applying Behavioral Economics and EMA to Physical Activity and Marijuana Use National Institute on Drug Abuse Role: Co-Investigator $1,397,848
September 2007–June 2012 Food Reinforcement-Genotype Interactions and Eating National Institute on Drug Abuse Role: Principal Investigator $999,184
August 2007–August 2011 Efficacy of Increasing Youth Physical Activity: Neighborhood Environment Influences Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Role: Co-Investigator $1,399,580
August 2003–March 2011 Habituation to Food in Children Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Role: Principal Investigator $2,057,467
January 2009–January 2011 Relation of Consummatory and Anticipatory Food Reward to Obesity National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Role: Principal Investigator $85,747
January 2008–January 2011 The Role of Peer Relations on Youth Eating and Choices of Activities Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Role: Co-Investigator $1,010,439
September 2005–August 2010 Health Improvement Project (HIP): The Evaluation of Treatments for Severe Obesity BlueCross BlueShield of Western New York: Healthy Living Foundation (HealthNOW) Role: Co-Investigator $5,034,791
January 2007–January 2010 Cost-Effectiveness of Family-Based Pediatrics Treatment BlueCross BlueShield of Western New York: Healthy Living Foundation (HealthNOW) Role: Principal Investigator $200,000
March 2001–August 2009 Effects of Changing Sedentary Behavior in Obese Children Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Role: Principal Investigator $2,330,458
April 2017 Role of Contingency Management in the Treatment of Youth and Their Parents in a Pediatric Tertiary Care Weight Management Program University at Buffalo Clinical and Translational Science Institute Role: Co-Investigator $42,000
Mattes, R. D., Rowe, S. B., Ohlhorst, S. D., Alison G.M. Brown, A. G.M., Brown, A. W., Hoffman, D. J., Liska, D. J., Feskens, E. J. M., Dhillon, J., Tucker, K. L. Epstein, L. H., Neufeld, L. M., Kelley, M., Fugagawa, R. A., Sunde, R. A., Zeisel, S. H., Basile, A. J., Borth, L. E., Jackson, E. (2022) Valuing the Diversity of Research Methods to Advance Nutrition Science. Advances in Nutrition (Sep), 13: 1324-1393.
Goldsmith, J. Ferrente, M. J. Tauriello, S. Epstein, L. H. Leone, L. A. Anzman-Frasca, S. (2025) Examining child schooling/care location and child temperament as predictors of restaurant-related behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Nutrition (Feb)
Milstone, A. M. Galbraith, A. A. Rosenthal, S. L. Berry, J. G. Boat, T. F. Campo, J. V. Clayton, E. W. Debley, J. S. Duncan, A. F. Epstein, L. H. Eiks, A. G. Fuentes-Afflick, E. Halterman, J. S. johnson, R. M. Keiser, A. M. Keren, R. Lieu, T. A. Moreno, M. A. Palazzi, D. L. Rangel, S. J. Sola-Visner, M. C. Thompson, L. A. Trent, M. VanBuren, J. M. Vo, J. T. Christakis, D. A. (2025) Promoting child health by protecting the patient-clinician relationship from politics. JAMA Pediatrics (Feb), 178: 969-971.
Epstein, L. H. Faith, M. S. Wilfley, D. E. (2025) Pediatric obesity treatment improves adult health. JAMA Pediatrics (Feb) doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.5559
Epstein, L. H. Apolzan, J. W. Moore, M. Neuwald, N. V. Faith, M. S. (2025) Using metabolic testing to personalize behavioral obesity treatment. Obesity, Science and Practice (Feb)
White, H. I. Kubiniec, E. Savell, M. Eiden, R. D. Epstein, L. Fabiano, G. A. Kong, K. L. Anzman-Frasca, S. (2025) Play with me: Effects of a shared activities parenting intervention on positive parenting and the relative reinforcing value of food. Appetite (Feb) doi:107681
Epstein, L. H. Wilfley, D. E. Egede, L. E. (2025) Transgenerational clinical care-The case for family-based treatment. JAMA Pediatrics (Feb) doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.5904
Kohn, R., Vachni, A., Small, D., Stephens-Shields, A. J., Sheu, D., Madden, V. L., Bayes, B. A., Chowdhury, M., Friday, S., Kim, J., Gould, M. K., Ismail, M. H., Creekmur, B., Facktor, M. A., Collins, C., Blessing, K. K., Neslund-Dudas, C. M., Simoff, M. J., Alleman, E. R., Epstein, L. H., Host, M. A., Scott, M. E., Volpp, K. G., Halpern, S. D., Hart, J. L. (2022) Comparing smoking cessation interventions among underserved patients referred for Lung Cancer Screening: A pragmatic trial protocol. Annals of the American Thoracic Society (Sep), 19(2) doi:
Goldsmith, J., Ferrenta, M., Tauriello, S., Epstein, L. H., Haines, J., Leone, L., & Anzman-Frasca, S. (2022) Investigating the feasibility of remote recruitment and data collection in the context of an in-restaurant intervetnion study. Current Developments in Nutrition (Sep), 6: 764.
Temple, J. L., Zeigler, A. M., Crandall, A. K., Mansouri, T., Hatzinger, L., Barish, R., & Epstein, L. H. (2022) Sensitization of the reinforcing value of high energy dense foods is associated with increased zBMI gain in adolescents. International Journal of Obesity (Sep), 46: 581-587.
Kong, K. L. Eiden, R. D. Morris, K. S. Paluch, R. A. Carr, K. A. Epstein, L. H. (2022) Reducing relative food reinforcement of infants using a music enrichment program: a randomized, controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Sep), 6(116): 1642-1653. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqac209
Fowler, L. A., Litt, M. D., Rotman, S. A., Conlon, R. P. K., Conlon, R. P. K., Jakubiak, J., Stein, R. I., Balantekin, K. N., Welch, R. R., Perri, M. G., Epstein, L. H., & Wilfley, D. E. (2022) Relation of social network support to child health behaviors among children in treatment for overweight/obesity. Eating and Weight Disorders (Sep), 27(5): 1669-1678.
Grammer AC, Best JR, Fowler LA, Stein, R., Kolko Conlon, R. P., Balantekin, K. N., Welch, R. R., Perri, M. G., Epstein, L. H., Wilfley, D. E. (2022) Change in parent and child psychopathology following obesity treatment and maintenance: A secondary data analysis. Pediatric Obesity (Sep) doi:doi:10.1111/ijpo.12971
Anzman-Frasca, S., McGovern, L., Ferrante, M. J., Drozdowsky, J., Epstein, L. H., Hollis-Hansen, K., Lassetter, L., Leone, L. A., & Tan, S. (2022) Effects of a Grocery Shopping Intervention Designed to Improve Adherence to a Diabetic Diet: A Randomized Trial. Obesity (Sep), 31: 62-73.
Epstein, L. H. (2022) A Brief History and Future of the Traffic Light Diet. Current Developments in Nutrition. (Aug) doi:
Mattes RD, Rowe SB, Ohlhorst SD, Brown AW, Hoffman DJ, Liska DJ, Feskens EJM, Dhillon J, Tucker KL, Epstein LH, Neufeld LM, Kelley M, Fukagawa NK, Sunde RA, Zeisel SH, Basile AJ, Borth LE, Jackson E. (2022) Valuing the Diversity of Research Methods to Advance Nutrition Science. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.) (Aug), 13(4): 1324-1393. doi:10.1093/advances/nmac043
Epstein, L. H., Carr, K.A. (2021) Food reinforcement and habituation to food are processes related to initiation and cessation of eating. Physiology & Behavior. (Aug)
Tauriello, S., McGovern, L., Bartholomew, B., Epstein, L. H., Leone, L. A., Goldsmith, J., Kubiniec, E., & Anzman-Frasca, S. (2021) Taste ratings of healthier main and side dishes among 4-to-8-year-old children in a quick-service restaurant chain. Nutrients, 13, 673. (Aug)
Epstein, L. H., Schechtman, K. B., Kilanowski, C. Ramel, M., Moursi, N., Quattrin, T., Cook, S. R., Eneli, I. U., Pratt, C., Geller, N., Campo, R., Lew, D., Wilfley, D. E. (2021) Implementing family-based behavioral treatment in the pediatric primary care setting: Design of the PLAN study. Contemporary Clinical Trials. (Aug)
Grammer, A. C., Best, J. R., Fowler, L. A., Nalantekin, K. N., Stein, R. I., Kolko Conlon, R. P., Saelens, B. E., Welch, R. R., Perri, M. G., Epstein, L. H., & Wilfley, D. E. (2021) General and Eating Disorder Psychopathology in Relation to Short- and Long-Term Weight Change in Treatment-Seeking Children: A Latent Profile Analysis. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. (Aug)
Epstein, L. H., Bickel, W. K., Czajkowski, S.M., Paluch, R.A., Moeyaert, M., & Davidson, K. W. (2021) Single Case Designs for Early Phase Behavioral Translational Research in Health Psychology. Health Psychology. (Aug)
Epstein, L. H., O’Donnell, S., Biondillio, M., Hostler, D., & Roemmich, J. N. (2021) Comparing the reinforcing value of high intensity interval training versus moderate intensity aerobic exercise in sedentary adults. Physiology & Behavior, 238, 113468. (Aug)
Hayes, J.F., Fowler, L. A., Balantekin, K. N., Stein, R. I., Saelens, B. E., Welch, R. R., Perri, M. G., Epstein, L. H., & Wilfley, D. E. (2021) Children with severe obesity in family-based obesity treatment compared to other participants: Conclusions depend on metrics. Obesity. (Aug)
Bickel, W. K., Tegge, A. N., Carr, K. A., & Epstein, L. H. (2021) Reinforcer pathology’s alternative reinforcer hypothesis: A preliminary examination. Health Psychology. (Aug)
Epstein, L. H., Jiminez-Knight, T., Honan, A, Biondolillo, M., & Bickel, W.K. (2021) A story to tell: The role of narrative in reducing delay discounting. Memory. (Aug)
Rung, J.M., & Epstein, L.H. (2021) Translating episodic future thinking manipulations for clinical use: Development of a clinical control, PLOS ONE, 15(8), e0237435. (Aug)
Ufholz, K., Salvy, S-J., Feda, D., Epstein, L. H., Roemmich, J.R. (2021) Weight Discordant Siblings’ Ability to Reduce Energy Intake at a Meal as Compensation for Prior Energy Intake from Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (SSBs). Nutrition and Health, 27, 59-67. (Aug)
Douglas, S. M., Hawkins, G. M., Berlin, K. S., Crouter, S. E., Epstein, L. H., Thomas, J. G., Raynor, H. A. (2021) Rationale and protocol for translating basic habituation research into family-based childhood obesity treatment: Families Becoming Healthy Together study. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 98, 106153. (Aug)
Ferrante, M. J., Goldsmith, J., Tauriello, S., Epstein, L. H., Leone, L. A., Anzman-Frasca, S. (2021) Food acquisition and daily life for U.S. families with 4-to-8-year-old children during COVID-19: Findings from a nationally representative survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 1734. (Aug)
Davison, G. M., Fowler, L. A., Ramel, M., Stein, R. I., Conlon, R. P. K., Saelens, B. E., Welch, R. R., Perri, M. G., Epstein, L. H., & Wilfley, D. E. (2021) Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in the Efficacy of a Family-based Treatment Program for Pediatric Obesity. Pediatric Obesity, e12792. (Aug)
Leone, L.A., Haynes-Maslow, L., Kasprzak, C., Raja, S. Epstein, L. H. (2021) The WIC shopping experience: A qualitative study examining retail-based strategies to increase WIC retention and redemption rates. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. DOI: 10.1080/19320248.2021.1915906. (Aug)
Bickel, W.K., Freitas-Lemos, R., Tomlinson, D.C., Craft, W.H., Keith, D.R., Athamneh, L.N., Basso, J.C., & Epstein, L. H. (2021) Temporal discounting as a candidate behavioral marker of obesity. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. (Aug)
Kohn, R., Vachni, A., Small, D., Stephens-Shields, A. J., Sheu, D., Madden, V. L., Bayes, B. A., Chowdhury, M., Friday, S., Kim, J., Gould, M. K., Ismail, M. H., Creekmur, B., Facktor, M. A., Collins, C., Blessing, K. K., Neslund-Dudas, C. M., Simoff, M. J., Alleman, E. R., Epstein, L. H., Host, M. A., Scott, M. E., Volpp, K. G., Halpern, S. D., hart, J. L. (2021) Comparing smoking cessation interventions among underserved patients referred for Lung Cancer Screening: A pragmatic trial protocol. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. (Aug)
Fowler L. A., Grammer, A. C., Ray, M. K., Balantekin, K. N., Stein, R. I., Conlon, R. K., Welch R. R, Perri, M. G., Epstein, L. H., & Wilfley, D. E. (2021) Examining the interdependence of parent-child dyads: Effects on weight loss and maintenance. Pediatric Obesity, 16, e12697. (Mar)
Davidson, K. W., Silverstein, M., Cheung, K., Paluch, R. A., & Epstein, L. H. (2021) Experimental designs to optimize treatments for individuals: Personalized N-of-1 trials. JAMA Pediatrics, 175(4), 404-409. (Feb)
Temple, J., Ziegler, A., Crandall, A., Mansouri, T., & Epstein, L. H. (2020) Sensitization of the reinforcing value of food: a novel risk factor for overweight in adolescents. International Journal of Obesity, 44, 1918-1927. (Oct)
Epstein, L.H., Carr, K. A., O’Brien, A., Paluch, R. A., & Temple, J. L. (2020) High reinforcing value of food is related to slow habituation to food. Eating Behaviors, 38, 10414. (Aug)
Anzman-Frasca, S., Singh, S., Curry, D., Tauriello, S., Epstein, L. H., Faith, M.S., Reardon, K., Pape, D. (2020) Evaluating a board game designed to promote young children’s delay of gratification. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:581025. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.581025. (Aug)
Raja S, Yin L, Roemmich JN, Ma C, Epstein LH, Yadav P. (2010) Food environment, Built Environment, and Women‘s BMI: Evidence from Erie County, New York. J Plann Educ Res (Apr), 29(4): 444-460.
Kilanowski CK, Consalvi AR, Epstein LH. (1999) Validation of an electronic pedometer for measurement of physical activity in children. Pediatr Exerc Sci (Feb), 11(1): 63-68.
Coleman KJ, Paluch RA, Epstein LH. (1997) A method for the delivery of reinforcement during exercise. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers (Jun), 29(2): 286-290.
Epstein LH, Wisniewski L, Deflavia P, Mitchell S. (1995) Salivary responding and the duration of measurement. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers (Sep), 27(3): 379-382.
McKenzie SJ, Klein KR, Epstein LH, McCurley J. (1993) Effects of setting and number of observations on generalizability of parent-child interactions in childhood obesity treatment. J Psychopathol Behav Assess (Jun), 15(2): 129-139.
Perkins KA, Grobe JE, Jennings JR, Epstein LH, Elash C. (1992) A technique for rapid, reliable assessment of thermal pain threshold in humans. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers (Mar), 24(1): 60-66.
Epstein LH. (1992) Exercise and obesity in children. J Appl Sport Psychol (Jan), 4(2): 120-133.
Caggiula AR, McAllister CG, Epstein LH, Antelman SM, Knopf S, Saylor S, Perkins KA. (1992) Nicotine suppresses the proliferative response of peripheral blood lymphocytes in rats. Drug Development Research (Jan), 26(4): 473-479.
Marks BL, Perkins KA, Metz KF, Epstein LH, Robertson RJ, Goss FL, Sexton JE. (1991) Effects of smoking status on content of caloric intake and energy expenditure. Int J Eat Disord (Jul), 10(4): 441-449.
Epstein LH, Wing RR, Valoski A, Gooding W. (1987) Long-term effects of parent weight in child weight loss. Behavior Therapy (Jun), 18(3): 219-226.
Wing RR, Epstein LH, Norwalk MP, Scott N, Gooding W. (1987) Family history of diabetes and its effect on treatment outcome in type II diabetes. Behavior Therapy (Jun), 18(3): 283-289.
Perkins KA, Epstein LH, Stiller R, Jennings JR, Christiansen C, McCarthy T. (1986) An aerosol spray alternative to cigarette smoking in the study of the Behavioral and Physiological Effects of Nicotine. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers (Sep), 18(5): 420-426.
Epstein LH, Wing RR, Koeske R, Valoski A. (1985) A comparison of lifestyle exercise, aerobic exercise, and calisthenics on weight loss in obese children. Behavior Therapy (Sep), 16(4): 345-357.
McGowan CR, Robertson RJ, Epstein LH. (1985) The effect of bicycle ergometer exercise at varying intensities on the heart rate, EMG and mood state responses to a mental arithmetic stressor. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (Jan), 56(2): 131-137.
Cluss PA, Epstein LH. (1984) A riboflavin tracer method for assessment of medication compliance in children. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers (Sep), 16(5): 444-446.
Epstein LH, Koeske R, Wing RR. (1984) Adherence to exercise in obese children. J Cardiac Rehab (May), 4(5): 185-198.
McGowan CR, Bulik CM, Epstein LH, Kupfer DJ, Robertson RJ. (1984) The use of the large-scale integrated sensor (LSI) to estimate energy expenditure. J Behav Assess (Mar), 6(1): 51-57.
Epstein LH, Woodall K, Goreczny AJ, Wing RR, Robertson RJ. (1984) The modification of activity patterns and energy expenditure in obese young girls. Behavior Therapy (Jan), 15(1): 101-108.
Epstein LH, Wing RR, Koeske R, Ossip DJ, Beck S. (1982) A comparison of lifestyle change and programmed aerobic exercise on weight and fitness changes in obese children. Behavior Therapy (Nov), 13(5): 651-665.
Williamson DA, Epstein LH, Coburn C. (1981) Multiple-baseline analysis of the regulated breathing procedure for the treatment of stuttering. J Fluency Disord (Dec), 6(4): 327-339.
Collins FL, Epstein LH, Hannay HJ. (1981) A component analysis of an operant training program for improving visual acuity in myopic students. Behavior Therapy (Nov), 12(5): 692-701.
Wing RR, Epstein LH, Marcus M, Shapira B. (1981) Strong monetary contingencies for weight loss during treatment and maintenance. Behavior Therapy (Nov), 12(5): 702-710.
Epstein LH, Ossip DJ, Coleman D, Hughes J, Wiist W. (1981) Measurement of smoking topography during withdrawal or deprivation. Behavior Therapy (Sep), 12(4): 507-519.
Epstein LH, Figueroa J, Farkas G, Beck S. (1981) The short-term effects of feedback on accuracy of urine glucose determinations in insulin dependent diabetic children. Behavior Therapy (Sep), 12(4): 560-564.
Epstein LH, Greenwald DJ, Hennon D, Heidorn B. (1981) Monocular fading and feedback: Effects on vision changes in the trained and untrained eye. Behavior Modification (Apr), 5(2): 171-186.
Epstein LH, Wing RR, Thompson JK, Griffin W. (1980) Attendance and fitness in aerobics exercise: The effects of contract and lottery procedures. Behavior Modification (Oct), 4(4): 465-479.
Epstein LH, Masek BJ, Marshall WR. (1978) A nutritionally based school program for control of eating in obese children. Behavior Therapy (Nov), 9(5): 766-778.
Epstein LH, Wolff EA. (1978) A multiple baseline analysis of implementing components of the Problem-Oriented Medical Record. Behavior Therapy (Jan), 9(1): 83-88.
Epstein LH, Masek BJ, Marshall WR. (1978) The effects of pre-lunch exercise on lunchtime caloric intake. The Behavior Therapist (Jan), 1: 15-15.
Epstein LH, Webster JS, Miller PM. (1975) Accuracy and controlling effects of self-monitoring as a function of concurrent responding and reinforcement. Behavior Therapy (Oct), 6(5): 654-666.
Epstein LH, Miller PM, O‘Toole D. (1975) Factors influencing prompt responding to reprint requests. Behavior Therapy (May), 6(3): 414-415.
Fredericksen LW, Epstein LH, Kosevsky BP. (1975) Reliability and controlling effects of three procedures for self-monitoring smoking. Psychological Record (Jan), 25(2): 255-263.
Epstein LH, Hersen M, Hemphill DP. (1974) Music feedback in the treatment of tension headache: An experimental case study. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry (Jul), 5(1): 59-63.
Epstein LH, Hersen M. (1974) A multiple baseline analysis of covert control. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry (Jul), 5: 7-12.
Miller PM, Hersen M, Eisler RM, Epstein LH, Wooten LS. (1974) Relationship of alcohol cues to the drinking behavior of alcoholics and social drinkers: An analogue study. Psychological Record (Jan), 24: 61-66.
Epstein LH, Peterson GL, Webster J, Guanieri C, Libby BI. (1973) Comparison of stimulus control and reinforcement control effects on imitative behavior. J Exp Child Psychol (Aug), 16(1): 98-110.
"Effects of a shared activities parenting intervention on weight outcomes in middle childhood" Jacpbs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Annual Medical Student Research Forum (2025)
"Parental temporal orientation and dimensions of parenting constructs" Ingestive Behavior Research Day (2024)
"Family-absed behavioral treatment for childhood obesity implemented in primary care" 2023 CTSI Buffalo Translational Science Consortium Clinical Research Achievement Award (2024)
"Family-based treatment for pediatric obesity" Invited paper Valley Health Systems, Winchester Medical Center (2024)
"Prevention of Childhood Obesity" Novo Nordisk Foundation Science Cluster Conference (2023)
"An RCT in Primary Care: Family-based behavioral treatment versus usual care for childhood obesity" The Obesity Society (2023)
"Epstein, L. H. (July, 2023). Behavioral and physiological factors mediating food-insecurity and obesity relationship." Presidential Symposium, Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, Portland, OR. (2023)
"From ideas to efficacy: The Big Picture." 2023 ORBIT Institute: Developing behavioral treatments to improve health, Tallahassee, FL. (2023)
"Precision medicine and single-case experimental designs." ORBIT Institute: Developing behavioral treatments to improve health, Tallahassee, FL. (2023)
"Effect of a Default Grocery Shopping Intervention among Families with Obesity: A Secondary Analysis." The Obesity Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. (2022)
"Fidelity and Feasibility of Food Photography in a Restaurant-based Intervention for Children." The Obesity Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. (2022)
"Food reinforcement and home enrichment are independently correlated with childhood zBMI." The Obesity Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. (2022)
"Severe obesity in children: What individual and socioenvironmental factors are related?" The Obesity Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. (2022)
"Lead feet and worn brakes: Reinforcement pathology and obesity." Paper presented to Children’s Mercy Medical Center, Kansas City, Mo. (2022)
"Glycemic Control and Executive Function in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes" 10th International Meeting of Pediatric Endocrinology; Pediatric Endocrine Society (2017)
"Effects of an Intervention Promoting Healthier Children‘s Meals on Children‘s Meal Selection in a Quick-Service Restaurant" Annual Conference; Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (2017)
"To Eat or Not to Eat: Influences of Alternatives on Food Reinforcement" Annual Conference; Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (2017)
"Where Do My Ideas Come From?" Hoebel Lecture; Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (2017)
"Delay Discounting as a Target for Improving Behavior Influencing Prediabetes" Ingestive Behavior Research Day; University at Buffalo (2017)
"Developing an Intervention to Promote Healthier Meal Selection and Intake Among Children in Restaurants" Ingestive Behavior Research Day; University at Buffalo (2017)
"Do People with Higher BMI Have Greater Loss Aversion Toward Food?" Ingestive Behavior Research Day; University at Buffalo (2017)
"Evaluating a Board Game Designed to Promote Young Children’s Delay of Gratification" Ingestive Behavior Research Day; University at Buffalo (2017)
"For You Now, or You and Your Child Later" Ingestive Behavior Research Day; University at Buffalo (2017)
"Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity" Annual Conference; Society of Trans-Disease Decision Processes and Therapeutics (2017)
"Repeatability of the Infant Food Reinforcement Paradigm: Implications for Individual and Developmental Differences" Ingestive Behavior Research Day; University at Buffalo (2017)
"To Eat or Not to Eat: Obesity and Alternative Type Influence Food Reinforcement" Ingestive Behavior Research Day; University at Buffalo (2017)
"Describing Young Children's Decision-Making in the Context of a Board Game Designed to Promote Delay of Gratification Skills" Celebration of Academic Excellence; University at Buffalo (2017)
"Evaluating a Board Game Designed to Promote Young Children’s Delay of Gratification" Biennial Meeting; Society for Research in Child Development (2017)
"Evolution of Applied Behavior Analysis: From Pigeons in a Pelican to Cocaine Dependence" Pediatric Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo (2017)
"Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes" Annual Research Meeting; American Diabetes Association; Innovations in Diabetes Care (2016)
"Lead Foot and Worn Brakes: Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity" InChip Institute; University of Connecticut (2016)
"Translating Basic Behavioral Science to Clinical Interventions" Accelerating the Pathway from Ideas to Efficacy: Developing More Effective Interventions for Lifestyle Behaviors related to Chronic Diseases; National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (2016)
"Developing a Board Game to Promote Young Children‘s Delay of Gratification" Ingestive Behavior Research Day; University at Buffalo (2016)
"Lead Foot and Worn Brakes: Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity" Institute for Health Research and Policy; University of Illinois at Chicago (2015)
"Correcting Reinforcement Pathology for Obesity" Annual Conference; University of Vermont; Vermont Center on Behavior and Health (2015)
"Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity: A Lead Food and Worn Brakes" Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology; University at Buffalo (2015)
"Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity" Using Basic Behavioral Science to Develop More Effective Obesity Treatments; Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research (2015)
"Reducing Relative Food Reinforcement in Infants by and Enriched Music Experience: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial" 27th Annual Convention; Association for Psychological Science (2015)
"Can High-Quality Parenting, Breastfeeding and Well-Child Checkup Reduce Neurodevelopmental Delay Related to Small-for-Gestational-Age Birth?" 2nd Annual Obesity Week Meeting; The Obesity Society (2014)
"Origins of Food Reinforcement in Infants" 2nd Annual Obesity Week Meeting; The Obesity Society (2014)
"Toddler General Self-Regulation and Later Eating Habits: Does Parental Rule about Food Type Matter?" 2nd Annual Obesity Week Meeting; The Obesity Society (2014)
"Parent BMI and Eating Pathology Impact Child Feeding Practices" Annual Meeting; Eating Disorders Research Society (2014)
"Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity: A Lead Food and Worn Brakes" Annual Conference; University of Vermont; Vermont Center on Behavior and Health (2014)
"Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity: A Lead Food and Worn Brakes" Obesity Research and Education Initiative; University of Iowa (2014)
"Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity: A Lead Food and Worn Brakes" Department of Nutrition; Pennsylvania State University (2014)
"Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity: A Lead Food and Worn Brakes" Department of Pediatrics; West Virginia University (2014)
"Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity: A Lead Food and Worn Brakes" Department of Comparative Medicine; Yale University (2014)
"The Role of Psychological Factors on Obese Children’s Quality of Life" Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine (2014)
"Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity: A Lead Food and Worn Brakes" Lecture Series; National Institutes of Health; Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research (2014)
"Enhancing and Extending 'Quit to Win' Contests Targeting College Smokers: Impact on Six-Month Abstinence Outcomes" Annual Meeting; Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (2014)
"Macrosomia Prevention by Normalizing Prepregnancy Weight among Overweight/Obese Women: Findings from a National Pre-Birth Cohort" 1st Annual Obesity Week Meeting; The Obesity Society (2013)
"A Lead Food and Worn Brakes: Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity" Health and Behavior Research Group; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (2013)
"A Lead Food and Worn Brakes: Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity" Department of Psychology; University at Buffalo (2013)
"A Lead Food and Worn Brakes: Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity" Pediatric Grand Rounds; University of Michigan School of Medicine (2013)
"A Lead Food and Worn Brakes: Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity" Pediatric Prevention Research Center; Wayne State University (2013)
"Association of Diet and Physical Activity with the 3 Components of Gestational Weight Gain" Annual Meeting; Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research (2013)
"Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity" Stockton Kimball Award Presentation; University at Buffalo (2013)
"Reinforcement, Pathology and Obesity" Biennial Meeting; Texas Obesity Research Center (2012)
"Dishabituating Properties of Cognitive and Interpersonal Stressors" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2012)
"Evidence of Differential Susceptibility in an Interaction Between Food Reinforcement and the Serotonin 2A Receptor" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2012)
"FTO Polymorphisms Moderate the Effect of Food Reinforcement on Energy Intake" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2012)
"Relative Reinforcing Value of Food, Impulsivity and Food Choices: Associations with Energy Intake and Weight Gain" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2012)
"Reinforcement Pathology and Obesity" 9th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium; European Sensory Science Society (2011)
"The Built Environment and Childhood Obesity" Buffalo Food Policy Summit Research Roundtable; Healthy Kids Healthy Communities Buffalo (2011)
"Change in Psychosocial Symptoms and Treatment Response in Overweight Children and Their Parents throughout Family-based Weight Loss Treatment" International Conference on Eating Disorders; Academy for Eating Disorders (2011)
"Dietary Restraint and Disinhibition Interact with Reinforcing Value of Food to Predict BMI" Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine (2011)
"Food Reinforcement and Obesity" Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine; Distinguished Scientist Master Lecture (2011)
"Long-Term Habituation for Food Differs for Obese and Lean Subjects" Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine (2011)
"Relationship Between Food Habituation and Reinforcing Efficacy of Food" Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine (2011)
"Behavioral Choice Theory and Obesity: A Multilevel Analysis" International Conference; Association for Behavior Analysis; Behavioral Research and Translation: Behavioral Economics (2011)
"Behavioral Choice Theory and Obesity" Psychology Department Colloquium Series; University of Vermont (2011)
"Behavioral Choice Theory and Obesity" Psychiatry Grand Rounds; University of Vermont (2011)
"Translation of Basic Behavioral Science into Clinical Interventions" Translating Ideas into Interventions: The Process of Developing Behavioral Interventions; National Institutes of Health; Workshop (2010)
"Reinforcement Pathology, Food Addiction and Obesity" Experimental Research into the Psychopathology of Obesity; Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (2010)
"Accessibility and Physical Activity: A Space-Time Model" Annual Meeting; Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (2010)
"Behavioral Choice Theory and Obesity" Crosstalk Lecture Series; National Cancer Institute (2010)
"The Importance of Early Weight Change in a Pediatric Weight Management Trial" Annual Meeting; Eating Disorders Research Society (2010)
"Food Reinforcement" International Conference on Obesity; World Obesity Federation (2010)
"Behavioral Choice Theory and Obesity" School of Public Health; University of Southern California (2010)
"Food Reinforcement" COAST; University of California, San Francisco (2010)
"Translating Basic Behavioral Science to Clinical Interventions" Invited Presentation; Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research (2010)
"Food Reinforcement and Energy Intake in Obese and Nonobese Adults" Annual Meeting; Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (2009)
"Food Reinforcement and Obesity" Annual Meeting; Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (2009)
"Stimulus Specificity of Habituation of Motivated Responding for Food" Annual Meeting; Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (2009)
"Behavioral Choice Theory and Obesity: From Molecular Biology to Public Policy" School of Education; University of Tennessee (2009)
"Behavioral Choice Theory and Obesity: From Molecular Biology to Public Policy" Curry School of Education; University of Virginia (2009)
"Behavioral Choice Therapy and Pediatric Obesity" Combined Meeting; Buffalo Ob-Gyn Society/Buffalo Pediatric Society (2008)
"Food Reinforcement" Brain-to-Society Systems Research Agenda on Healthy Eating and Active Living to Prevent Childhood Obesity; McGill University (2008)
"Differential Effects of Daily Snack Food Consumption on Food Reinforcement in Obese and Non-Obese Women" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2008)
"Behavioral Choice Theory" Invited Presentation; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2008)
"Behavioral Choice Therapy and Obesity" Visiting Professor to Department of Pediatrics; Emory University School of Medicine (2008)
"Effects of Attention Allocation on Habituation to Food Cues in Normal Weight and Overweight Children" Annual Meeting; Eating Disorders Research Society (2008)
"Family-Based Behavioral Treatment for Obese Youth" Visiting Professor to Department of Pediatrics; Emory University School of Medicine (2008)
"Behavioral Choice Theory" Neuroscience Group; Yale University (2007)
"Behavioral Choice Theory and Physical Activity" Annual Conference; Association for Applied Sports Psychology (2007)
"Food Reinforcement" 35th Anniversary of the Appetitive Behavior Symposium; Columbia University (2007)
"Behavioral Economics of Obesity" Department of Psychiatry; University of Arkansas School of Medicine (2007)
"Behavioral Choice Theory in the Treatment and Prevention of Obesity" Department of Community Health; University of Rochester School of Medicine (2007)
"Behavioral Choice Theory in the Treatment and Prevention of Obesity" 4th Annual Pediatric Healthy Weight Summit; East Carolina University (2007)
"Behavioral Economics of Obesity" Field of Nutrition; Cornell University (2007)
"Family-Based Behavioral Treatment of Pediatric Obesity" 4th Annual Pediatric Healthy Weight Summit; East Carolina University (2007)
"Family-Based Behavioral Treatment of Pediatric Obesity" Division of Community Nutrition; Cornell University (2007)
"Behavioral Economics of Obesity" School of Public Health; University of Minnesota (2007)
"Behavioral Economics of Obesity" School of Public Health; Northwestern University (2007)
"Behavioral Economics of Obesity" School of Public Health; University of Alabama at Birmingham (2006)
"Designing Active Environments for Children: Design, Planning and Policy Implications from Recent Research" Annual Conference; Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (2006)
"Dopamine Receptor Genotype and Food Reinforcement Interact to Increase Energy Intake" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2006)
"Price and Obesity Influence Purchasing of Low and High Energy Dense Foods" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2006)
"The Relationship Between Percentage Overweight and Motor Proficiency in Children" Annual Meeting; The Obesity Society (2006)
"Behavioral Economic Approaches to Pediatric Obesity Treatment" Hospital for Sick Children; University of Toronto (2006)
"Behavioral Economic Approaches to Eating and Activity in Youth: Applications to Obesity Treatment" 27th Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine (2006)
"Habituation as a Model for Ingestive Behavior" Medical Scientist Training Program Seminars; University at Buffalo (2005)
"Reducing Sedentary Behavior in Youth" 2nd Annual Childhood Health Behavior Lecture; University at Buffalo (2005)
"Reducing Sedentary Behavior in Youth" Childhood Obesity: Updates and Innovations; Cooper Institute Conference Series (2005)
"The Built Environment: Disparate Effects on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors in Youth" Annual Conference; Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (2005)
"Dopamine D2 Receptor Genotypes and Physical Activity Levels" 52nd Annual Meeting; American College of Sports Medicine (2005)
"Cost Effectiveness of Recruitment Methods in a Prevention Trial for Young Children" 26th Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine (2005)
"Effects of Allocation of Attention on Habituation to Olfactory Food Stimuli in Children" 26th Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine (2005)
"The Influence of Price on Purchase of Healthy and Unhealthy Alternative in Youth" 26th Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine (2005)
"The Neighborhood Built Environmental Influences Substitution of Physical Activity for Sedentary Behavior in Youth" 26th Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine (2005)
"Validation of Parental Estimate versus Objective Measures of Child TV Watching and Computer Usage" 26th Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine (2005)
"Family-Based Behavioral Treatment of Pediatric Obesity" Annual Meeting; American Academy of Child Psychiatry (2004)
"Antisedentarianism: Choice Theory Applied to Eating and Physical Activity" 6th Annual Conference on the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity (2004)
"Family-Based Behavioral Treatment of Pediatric Obesity" Clinical Obesity Research Panel; National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (2004)
"Food Reinforcement" Annual Meeting; Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (2004)
"Habituation as a General Process Theory of Ingestive Behavior" Annual Meeting; Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (2004)
"Habituation as a General Process Theory of Ingestive Behavior" Department of Physiology; University at Buffalo (2004)
"Predictors of Self-Reported Physical Activity of Children" 51st Annual Meeting; American College of Sports Medicine (2004)
"Acute Effects of Family-Based Pediatric Obesity Treatment on Eating-Related and General Psychopathology" Annual Meeting; Eating Disorders Research Society (2003)
"Antisedentarianism: Behavioral Economics of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior" Annual Meeting; Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (2003)
"Delay Discounting as a Predictor of 6-Month Smoking" 111th Annual Meeting; American Psychological Association (2003)
"Effect of Substituting Active for Sedentary Behavior in the Treatment of Pediatric Obesity" 111th Annual Meeting; American Psychological Association; Treatment for Pediatric Obesity, What Works for Whom? Symposium (2003)
"Habituation of Salivation and Motivated Responding for Food in Children" 111th Annual Meeting; American Psychological Association (2003)
"Impulsivity Differences Between Obese and Lean Adults" 111th Annual Meeting; American Psychological Association (2003)
"Increasing Physical Activity in the Treatment of Pediatric Obesity" 50th Annual Meeting; American College of Sports Medicine (2003)
"Influence of Interpersonal Stress on Physical Activity of Youth" 50th Annual Meeting; American College of Sports Medicine (2003)
"Open Loop Feedback to Increase Physical Activity in Youth" 50th Annual Meeting; American College of Sports Medicine (2003)
"Behavioral Treatment of Pediatric Obesity" Department of Pediatrics; University at Buffalo (2003)
"Acute Food Deprivation, but Not Acute Food Restriction, Increases the Relative Reinforcing Value of Food" 24th Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine (2003)
"Prepulse Inhibition of Startle During Exposure to Smoking and Food Cues Among Food-Deprived Non-Smokers" 9th Annual Meeting; Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (2003)
"Relationship Between Smoking During Pregnancy and Breast-Feeding: Teasing Apart Initiation and Maintenance in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey" 9th Annual Meeting; Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (2003)
"Behavioral Treatment of Pediatric Obesity" Department of Psychiatry; University at Buffalo (2002)
"Behavioral Economics of Activity and Food Intake in Youth" Noll Summit on Health Implications of Physical Inactivity; Pennsylvania State University (2002)
"Pediatric Obesity" Department of Physical Therapy, Nutrition and Exercise Science; University at Buffalo (2002)
"Antisedentarianism" Department of Nutrition; Rutgers University (2002)
"Gender, Ethnicity and SES: Are They Related to Compliance and Success in a Family-Based Weight-Loss Treatment?" 23rd Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine (2002)
"Antisedentarianism" School of Medicine; University of Rochester (2002)
"Dopamine Transport Genotype as a Risk Factor for Obesity in Smokers" 8th Annual Meeting; Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (2002)
"Zyban, Genetics and Smoking Cessation" School of Medicine; University of Rochester (2002)
"Research Design" Summer Training Institute for Randomized Clinical Trials Involving Behavioral Interventions; NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (2001)
"Behavior Therapy for Obesity: Long-Term Results" Annual Meeting; Pediatric Endocrine Society (2001)
"Behavioral Economics of Obesity" 2nd Biennial Niagara Conference on Evidence-Based Treatments for Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health Problems (2001)
"Behavioral Treatment of Pediatric Obesity" 2nd Biennial Niagara Conference on Evidence-Based Treatments for Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health Problems; ; Workshop (2001)
"Behavioral Economics of Obesity" Obesity Treatment and Prevention Task Force; National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (2001)
"Using the Tritarac to Improve Self-Reported Activity in Sedentary Adult Males" 48th Annual Meeting; American College of Sports Medicine (2001)
"Behavioral Economics of Obesity" Behavioral Medicine Seminar Series; Johns Hopkins University (2001)
"Behavioral Economics of Obesity" Bohan Visiting Professor in Preventive Medicine; University of Kansas School of Medicine (2001)
"A Cost-Analysis of Adopting a Healthy Diet in a Family-Based Obesity Treatment Program" 22nd Annual Meeting; Society of Behavioral Medicine (2001)
"Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Symptoms and Smoking Patterns among Participants in a Smoking Cessation Program" 7th Annual Meeting; Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (2001)
"Gender Differences in Response to Bupropion for Smoking Cessation" 7th Annual Meeting; Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (2001)
"Long-Term Effectiveness of Behavioral Treatment for Pediatric Obesity" Annual Meeting; Federation of American Societies for Experimental Science (2001)
"The Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Obesity" 9th Annual Meeting; Academy for Eating Disorders; Workshop (2000)
"Reinforcement pathology: A new approach to obesity treatment." Diane and Morton Stenchever Memorial Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Health Psychology; Guest editor: Ideas to Efficacy (2021–2022)
Nutrients; Editorial Board Member (2021–present)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Search Committee for Department Chair of Pediatrics; Committee Member (2018)
NHLBI: Accelerating the Pathway from Ideas to Efficacy: Developing More Effective Interventions for Lifestyle Behaviors related to Chronic Diseases Wo; Chair (2016)
JAMA Pediatrics; Board Member (2016–present)
NIH: Psychosocial Risk and Disease Prevention Study Section; Chair (2013–2015)
NIH: Psychosocial Risk and Disease Prevention Study Section; Member (2011–2015)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Clinical and Translational Science Award Key Function Co-Director (2010–2016)
University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions: Search Committee for Department of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences; Chair (2009–2010)
University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions: NIH Mock Study Sections - Epidemiology; Chair (2001)
NIDDK: Special Emphasis Panel to Review Applications for Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes; Chair (2001)
NIDDK: Pediatric Type 2 Diabetes Steering Committee; Committee Member (2001)
OBSSR: Summer Institute on Design and Conduct of Randomized Clinical Trials Involving Behavior and Social Interventions Planning Committee; Committee Member (2001)
NIDDK: Special Emphasis Panel to Review Applications for SHOW Trial; Chair (1999)
NIH: Center for Scientific Review Advisory Committee; Committee Member (1998–2001)
NIH: Center for Scientific Review - Reorganization of Behavioral and Social Sciences Study Sections; Consultant (1998–1999)
University at Buffalo: Office of the Provost - Scientific Advisory Board; Board Member (1998)
Provost's Scientific Advisory Board; Member (1998)
American Psychological Association, Division 38; President (1997–1998)
International Life Sciences Institute Research Foundation: Improving Child and Adolescent Health Through Physical Activity and Nutrition Participant and Scientific Advisor (1997)
NIH/NIDDK: National Task Force on Prevention and Treatment of Obesity Scientific Member (1997)
University at Buffalo: Office of the Provost - Interdisciplinary Structures Committee; Committee Member (1997)
San Diego State University: Provider-based Assessment and Counseling for Excercise plus Nutrition; Consultant (1997)
Maternal and Child Health Bureau: Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Obesity Workgroup; Member (1997)
NIH: Department of Health and Health Services - Biological and Physiological Sciences Special Emphasis Panel; Panel Member (1997)
University at Buffalo Department of Psychology: Personnel Committee; Committee Member (1996–1997)
University at Buffalo Department of Psychology: Clinical Area Faculty Committee; Committee Member (1996–1997)
University at Buffalo: Office of the Provost - Task Force on Quality and Quality Assessment; Member (1996–1997)
NIH: Behavioral Medicine Study Section; Chairman (1995–1998)
University at Buffalo Department of Psychology: Clinical Psychology Search Committee; Committee Member (1995)
University at Buffalo Department of Psychology: Health Psychology Search Committee; Committee Member (1994)
University at Buffalo Department of Psychology: Clinical Training Area; Director (1994)
University at Buffalo Department of Psychology: Policy and Planning Committee; Chairman (1993)
University at Buffalo Department of Psychology: Behavioral Neurosciences Search Committee; Committee Member (1993)
University at Buffalo Department of Psychology: Clinical Admissions Committee; Committee Member (1993)
University at Buffalo Department of Psychology: Clinical Search Committee; Committee Member (1993)
NIH: Behavioral and Neurosciences Special Emphasis Panel; Panel Member (1993)
NIH: Biomedical Aspects of Obesity - Prevention and Treatment Planning Committee; Committee Member (1990)
Health Psychology; Associate Editor (1986–1993)
American Psychological Association, Division 38: Program Committee (1981, 1983, 1997-1998); Committee Member
Behavior Therapy; Editorial Board Member
Eating Behavior; Editorial Board Member
Health Psychology; Editorial Board Member
Addictive Behaviors; Editorial Board Member
International Review of Health Psychology; Editorial Board Member
JAMA Pediatrics; Editorial Board Member
Journal of Behavioral Assessment; Editorial Board Member
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology; Editorial Board Member
NIH: Behavioral Medicine Study Section (1985-1989, 1994-1995); Grant Reviewer
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology; Reviewer
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease; Reviewer
Journal of Pediatric Psychology; Reviewer
Journal of Substance Abuse; Reviewer
Journal of the American Medical Association; Reviewer
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise; Reviewer
Nutrition Research; Reviewer
Obesity; Reviewer
Pediatric Exercise Science; Reviewer
Pediatrics (Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics); Reviewer
Physiology and Behavior; Reviewer
PLOS One; Reviewer
Preventive Medicine; Reviewer
Psychological Bulletin; Reviewer
Psychological Review; Reviewer
Psychological Science; Reviewer
Psychology and Health; Reviewer
Psychopharmacology; Reviewer
Psychophysiology; Reviewer
Psychosomatic Medicine; Reviewer
Journal of Behavioral Assessment; Reviewer
Journal of Abnormal Psychology; Reviewer
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis; Reviewer
Journal of Applied Social Psychology; Reviewer
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry; Reviewer
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; Reviewer
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity; Reviewer
International Journal of Eating Disorders; Reviewer
International Journal of Obesity; Reviewer
European Journal of Pediatrics; Reviewer
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology; Reviewer
Health Psychology; Reviewer
Biofeedback and Self-Regulation; Reviewer
Clinical Psychology; Reviewer
Eating Behavior; Reviewer
American Psychologist; Reviewer
Annals of Behavioral Medicine; Reviewer
Appetite; Reviewer
Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine; Reviewer
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology; Reviewer
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Division of Behavioral Medicine G56 Farber Hall, 3435 Main Street Williamsville, New York 14221 Phone: 7169843075 Fax: (716) 829-3993