Thomas Melendy PhD

Thomas Melendy

Thomas Melendy

Associate Professor of Microbiology & Immunology, and Biochemistry

Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Specialty/Research Focus

DNA Replication, Recombination and Repair; Drug Discovery; Emergent Pathogens; Genome Integrity; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular and Cellular Biology; Molecular genetics; Virology

Contact Information
5116 Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
955 Main Street
Buffalo, New York 14203-1121
Phone: (716) 829-3789

Professional Summary:

The major focus of my laboratory is in understanding the molecular machines that make up the DNA replication forks of the small human DNA viruses, polyoma- and papillomaviruses. Papillomaviruses and polyomaviruses are human pathogens; human papillomavirus (HPV) results in a vast number of human cancers, and the human polyomaviruses JC and BK cause serious disease and death in immunocompromised patients. Both viral systems provide important models for the study of human DNA replication mechanisms and have allowed for vital insights into eukaryotic DNA replication. The study of polyomavirus DNA replication led to the first identification of many cellular DNA replication complexes and processes; papillomavirus has provided the best structures and models to date of replicative hexameric DNA helicases and how they function. I typically train undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars, assistant research professors and laboratory technicians.

My laboratory focuses on two primary areas. One is elucidating the dynamic protein-protein interactions that allow the series of enzymes required to replicate DNA to act in concert and in the correct sequence required to duplicate the genome. My laboratory has been at the forefront of identifying the interactions between the one critical HPV DNA replication protein, the origin-binding DNA helicase, E1, and cellular DNA replication proteins. Understanding these interactions and the roles they play in the HPV DNA replication process has helped our understanding of, and continues to lead to information that tells us more about how both viral and eukaryotic DNA replication forks function. In addition, as we identify protein-protein interactions between HPV E1 and cellular factors that are essential for HPV DNA synthesis, we will uncover potential targets for development of broad-range HPV antivirals that could act to block HPV replication. We recently obtained a large multilaboratory NIH research grant to investigate just this possibility for the interaction between HPV E1 and the human DNA replication protein, Topoisomerase I.

The second primary area of investigation is elucidating how the cellular DNA damage response (DDR) pathways inhibit DNA replication when cells are subjected to DNA damage. For many years, the DDR field focused on the effects of DDR on the cell cycle kinases as the only method by which DNA replication was arrested. In the mid- to late-2000s, researchers recognized that in mammalian cells there is also a substantial (tenfold) inhibition of elongation of DNA replication following DDR. The mechanisms for this inhibition are unknown. Using both in vitro and cell-based simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication systems, we have shown that SV40 DNA replication is also shut down in response to DDR kinase pathways and that this is not based on cell cycle kinase action. Therefore, SV40 provides a useful model system for determining how elongation of DNA replication is inhibited by DDR. Furthermore, we have shown that in contrast HPV DNA replication does not respond to DDR, providing us an important control DNA replication system for these studies. (The lack of DDR arrest of HPV DNA replication likely explains why HPV integrates so readily into host cell chromosomes-an important step for HPV-induced carcinogenesis). Our studies on the DDR effect on polyoma and papilloma virus DNA replication will lead to insights into the effect of DDR on cellular DNA replication as well as an understanding of how HPV integrates into host cell chromosomes causing HPV-induced cancers.

In 2020 we shifted most of our focus to COVID-19. We utilized our skills in cell-based screens for HPV replication activity, to develop novel cell-based screens for critical SARS-CoV2 enzymes.

Education and Training:

  • Other, Senior Lecturer (Leave of Absence from UB), Henry Wellcome Institute for Comparative Medicine, University at Glasgow, Garscube Campus, (2008)
  • Other, Postdoctoral Fellow, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, mentor: Bruce Stillman, PhD, FRS, NAS, CEO (1994)
  • PhD, Molecular Biology, University of California at Los Angeles (1988)
  • BS, Biological Sciences (Microbiology), Cornell University (1983)


  • Director, Witebsky Center for Microbial Pathogenesis & Immunology (2018-present)
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Cancer Genetics, Genomics and Development, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (2001-present)
  • Associate Professor (Tenured), Microbiology and Immunology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2000-present)
  • Consultant, KuDOS division of Astra Zeneca (2007–2008)
  • Senior Lecturer (Tenured), Henry Wellcome Institute of Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine (2007–2008)
  • Consultant, Roche Discovery Welwyn (1999–2002)
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, Molecular Cell Biology Program, University at Buffalo Roswell Park Graduate Division (1995–2001)
  • Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), Microbiology and Immunology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1994–2000)
  • Post Doctoral Fellow, DNA tumor viruses, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories (1988–1994)

Awards and Honors:

  • UB Teaching Innovation Award (2013)
  • Roche Award (2010)
  • Fellow AAAS - lifetime (2006)
  • K02 - National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease (2004)
  • First Invited Speaker for the University of Rochester DNA Replication & Repair (2000)
  • National Cancer Institute Conference Grant Travel Award (1999)
  • American Cancer Society Research Scholar Award (1998)
  • American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellowship (declined) (1989)
  • Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Postdoctoral Cancer Research Fellowship (1989)
  • Ursula Mandel Fellowship for Biomedical Research (1987)
  • National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute Pre-doctoral Training Grant (1987)
  • University of California at Los Angeles University Fellowship (1984)
  • United States Presidential Scholar (1979)
  • National Merit Scholarship Finalist (1979)

Research Expertise:

  • Microbial pathogenesis
  • Molecular virology: molecular biology of papillomaviruses and polyomaviruses, mechanisms of DNA replication, effects of cellular DNA damage response on viral DNA replication
  • Viral pathogenesis: development of anti-virals against HPV

Research Centers:

  • Witebsky Center for Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology

UB 2020 Strategic Strengths:

  • Molecular Recognition in Biological Systems and Bioinformatics

Grants and Sponsored Research:

  • May 2022–April 2024
    Creation and Validation of cell-based screening systems for SARS-CoV-2 drug targets
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • May 2021–April 2024
    Slowing of the polyomavirus DNA replication fork in response to DDR
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • July 2021–September 2022
    SBIR: Testing Efficiency, Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacokinetic of New Immunotherapeutic Drug for Ovarian and Melanoma Cancer
    NIH - NCI
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator
  • July 2021–September 2022
    UB Center for Advanced Technology in Big Data and Health Sciences
    NYS Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • May 2020–December 2020
    Development of an HTS to screen for SARS CoV2 protease antivirals
    SUNY Research Foundation
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • December 2016–November 2020
    A novel DNA damage response that inhibits polyomavirus DNA replication
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • April 2012–March 2018
    Evaluation and Development of E1-TopoI as a target for anti-HPV therapeutics
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • September 2014–August 2017
    Functional Interactions of HPV Replication Proteins E1 and E2 with Cellular DNA Proteins
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 2001–December 2005
    Mechanisms of DNA damage-triggered S phase checkpoints
    National Institutes of Health
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • September 1999–August 2004
    HPV DNA replication: novel host factors
    National Institutes of Health
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • September 1999–August 2004
    Training in microbial pathogenesis
    National Institutes of Health
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • April 2000–May 2003
    DNA replication arrest and DNA damage responses induced by AMGBs
    US Army Breat Cancer Initiative
    Role: Consultant
  • August 1997–July 2002
    Papillomavirus DNA replication: host cell factors
    National Institutes of Health
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • July 2001–June 2002
    UB Graduate Group Award
    Buffalo DNA Replication Graduate Group
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator
  • January 1998–December 2001
    Cellular initiation proteins in eukaryotic DNA replication
    American Cancer Society
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • November 1999–October 2001
    HPV DNA replication inhibitors
    Roche Discovery Welwyn
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • May 1999–June 2000
    Effects of alkylating minor groove binders on DNA replication
    UB Multidisciplinary Pilot Project Program
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • April 1998–March 1999
    The relationship between cellular responses to DNA damaging antitumor agents and inhibition of DNA replication
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • May 1997–August 1998
    Cell-cycle localization and association of the human Replication Protein A subunits
    UB Multidisciplinary Pilot Project Program
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • May 1995–June 1996
    Role of viral glycoproteins in infectious entry
    Role: Co-Investigator
See all (10 more)


  • Structural Bioinformatics identification and detailed mapping of protein interaction surfaces a novel pathway to identifying protein-protein interaction interfaces (2021)
  • A Rapid, Highly Specific High Throughput Assay for Screening ATR & Other PI This was a more facile and specific assay for ATR function. Although UB decided not to patent, it was the basis of my subsequent consulting agreement with Astra Zeneca (KuDOS division), likely leading to AZ's development of ATR inhibitors currently in clinical trials for treatment of various types of cancer. (2006)
  • Phosphorylation of human Replication Protein A by the Chk1 and ATR checkpoi preliminary patent (2005)

Journal Articles:

See all (46 more)

Books and Book Chapters:

  • eds. John R. Inglis, Mala Shew Mazzullo. (2019) Toss them in and let them sink or swim. In: ORCestrating Science. Cold Spring Harbor Press, pp 151-166.


  • Tezal M, Sullivan MA, Stoler D, Hyland A, Melendy TE, Smaldino PJ, Rigual N, Loree T. (2008) Chronic Periodontitis, Smoking and Human Papillomavirus 16 Interaction in Base of Tongue Cancers. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, (Jul)

Professional Memberships:

  • American Society of Virology; member (2021–present)
  • International Papilloma Virus Society; member (1999–present)
  • American Society of Microbiology; member (1998–present)
  • Buffalo Collegium of Immunology (1995–2018)
  • Western New York, American Society for Microbiology; member (1995–present)
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science; member and Fellow (1992–present)


  • "Proteomics analysis of the PyV DNA replication complex reveals a novel functional role for proto-oncogene ETS1 in viral transcription" Buffalo DNA Replication & Repair Symposium (2024)
  • "DNA damaged-induced phosphorylation of PyV Large T-antigen results in inhibition of viral genome replication through attenuation of DNA helicase function" Annual meeting of the American Society of Virology (2024)
  • "Proteomics analysis of the PyV DNA replication complex reveals a novel functional role for proto-oncogene ETS1 in viral transcription" Microbial Pathogenesis Conference (2024)
  • "DNA Replication of small DNA tumor viruses" International DNA Tumour Virus Conference, Centre Mont-Royal, The Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Institute, McGill University (2023)
  • "Small tumor virus replication: viral helicases and cellular polymerases" GEM Work-In-Progress Series (2022)
  • "DNA Replication of PyVs and PVs" Midwest HPV and PyV Symposium (2022)
  • "How the DNA Damage Responses can slow replication forks: more lessons from SV40" NICHD Seminar Series (2021)
  • "Bio-sensors to screen for antivirals for SARS-CoV-2" UB GEM Symposium "The State of Microbiome Research in Buffalo" (2021)
  • "Eukaryotic DNA replication insights from small DNA viruses" Buffalo DNA Replication & Repair Symposium (2020)
  • "Evidence for a novel viral DNA replication fork unique to HPV" University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine; University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine (2017)
  • "HPV creates a novel viral DNA replication system" University of Western Ontario; University of Western Ontario (2017)
  • "Polyomavirus DNA replication is inhibited by phosphor-mimetic mutation, at a highly conserved DNA damage PIKK site within the Large T-Antigen helicase domain, that compromises DNA helicase function" International DNA Tumour Virus Meeting; Unniversity of Birmingham (2017)
  • "The HPV DNA helicase E1 recruits and confers processivity to cellular DNA polymerase epsilon" International DNA Tumour Virus Meeting; University of Birmingham (2017)
  • "How HPV recruits and reprograms the cellular DNA replication machinery" University of Tartu; University of Tartu; Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology (2017)
  • "How HPV recruits and reprograms the cellular DNA replication machinery" University of Florida; School of Medicine, University of Florida; Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology (2016)
  • "A functional interaction between the PV DNA replication protein E1 and cellular DNA polymerase epsilon" 2016 DNA Polymerases Meeting (2016)
  • "A functional interaction between the PV DNA replication protein E1 and cellular DNA polymerase epsilon" 2016 DNA Tumour Virus Meeting (2016)
  • "Characterization of DNA replication functions of SV40 Large T-Antigen with a phospho-dominant mutation at a DDR kinase site" 2016 DNA Tumour Virus Meeting (2016)
  • "Mutational analysis of the highly-conserved critical C-terminus of the papillomavirus E1 DNA helicase domain" 2016 DNA Tumour Virus Meeting (2016)
  • "HPV: targeting viral DNA replication for anti-viral approaches and prevention of cancer" Kings College; Kings College; Division of Mucosal and Salivary Biology, School of Dental Medicine (2016)
  • "Why HPV integrates, and new ways to attack the virus" University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics (2012)
  • "Vital protein-protein interactions at a viral DNA replication fork: potential targets for therapeutics?" University of Rochester School of Medicine; University of Rochester School of Medicine; Department of Biochemistry (2010)
  • "New approaches for attacking the DNA synthesis of the cancer-causing Human Papillomavirus" Brock University; Brock University (2009)
  • "The Many Roles of the Papillomavirus E1 Protein at the DNA Replication Fork" UK Medical Research Council (MRC); UK Medical Research Council (MRC) (2008)
  • "Host-Virus interactions at the papillomavirus DNA replication fork" Tartu University of Biomedicine & Biotechnology; University of Tartu (2008)
  • "How the Papillomavirus E1 DNA Replication Protein Interacts and Integrates with the Cellular DNA Synthesis Machinery" CRUK Institute for Cancer Studies; University of Birmingham (2008)
  • "The Papillomavirus E1 DNA Helicase Cooperates with the Cellular DNA Synthesis Machinery" University of Bristol; University of Bristol (2008)
  • "How the Papillomavirus E1 DNA Replication Protein Interacts and Integrates with the Cellular DNA Synthesis Machinery" Glasgow Virology Conference; Glasgow Virology Conference (2008)
  • "Mechanisms and regulation of Papillomavirus and SV40 DNA replication" University of Glasgow, School of Veterinary Medicine; University of Glasgow, School of Veterinary Medicine (2007)
  • "Substrate-specific ATR function & a SV40 DNA replication in vitro checkpoint" KuDOS Pharmaceuticals, Division of AstraZeneca; KuDOS Pharmaceuticals, Division of AstraZeneca (2007)
  • "Cellular DNA Damage Responses and SV40 DNA Replication" University of Nebraska, Nebraska Center for Cellular Signaling; University of Nebraska, Nebraska Center for Cellular Signaling (2007)
  • "Improved Screening Methods for PIK Kinase Inhibitors – Important Therapeutic Targets" Bausch & Lomb Optic Center; Bausch & Lomb Optic Center (2006)
  • "DNA damage checkpoints and DNA replication" Mayo Clinic College of Medicine; Mayo Clinic College of Medicine; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2005)
  • "Mechanisms and regulation of Papillomavirus and SV40 DNA replication" Penn State College of Medicine; Penn State College of Medicine; Department of Microbiology & Immunology (2005)
  • "Mechanisms and regulation of Papillomavirus and SV40 DNA replication" Wright State University School of Medicine; Wright State University School of Medicine; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2004)
  • "Effects of Genotoxic Chemotherapeutics on the Cellular DNA Replication Machinery" Tulane University Cancer Center; Tulane University Cancer Center; Department of Pathology (2002)
  • "DNA replication-dependent and -independent mechanisms for DNA damage-induced intra-nuclear redistribution and hyper-phosphorylation of Replication Protein A" Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Eukaryotic DNA Replication (2001)
  • "Recruitment of cellular Replication Protein A by the papillomavirus E1 protein" Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Eukaryotic DNA Replication (2001)
  • "DNA replication-dependent and -independent mechanisms for DNA damage-induced intra-nuclear focalization and hyper-phosphorylation of Replication Protein A." Nuclear Structure & Cancer; FASEB (2001)
  • "DNA damage-induced RPA foci formation and hyperphosphorylation in S phase cells" Fifth Annual Buffalo DNA Replication & Repair Symposium, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (2001)
  • "Recruitment of cellular Replication Protein A by the papillomavirus E1 protein" Fifth Annual Buffalo DNA Replication & Repair Symposium, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (2001)
  • "Different DNA damaging agents trigger different DNA replication inhibition mechanisms" Eukaryotic DNA Replication Meeting, The Salk Institute (2000)
  • "In vitro okazaki fragment synthesis by human DNA polymerase alpha requires a Cdc45 protein complex" Eukaryotic DNA Replication Meeting, The Salk Institute (2000)
  • "The majority of human Replication Protein A remains complexed throughout the Cell Cycle" Eukaryotic DNA Replication Meeting, The Salk Institute (2000)
  • "Different DNA damaging agents trigger different S-phase checkpoint/DNA replication inhibition mechanisms" LXV Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, Biological Responses to DNA Damage (2000)
  • "Different DNA damaging agents trigger S-phase checkpoint/DNA replication inhibition mechanisms" Buffalo DNA Replication Graduate Group Fourth Annual Symposium (2000)
  • "Purification of a Cdc45-containing complex that recruits DNA polymerase alpha-primase in the presence of hRPA in vitro" Buffalo DNA Replication Group Fourth Annual Symposiium (2000)
  • "Purification of a Cdc45-containing complex that recruits DNA polymerase alpha/primase in the presence of hRPA invitro" Buffalo DNA Replication Graduate Group Fourth Annual Symposium (2000)
  • "DNA damage triggers multiple mechanisms of DNA replication arrest" First Meeting of the DNA Replication and Repair Cluster; University of Rochester School of Medicine; DNA Replication and Repair Cluster (2000)
  • "DNA damage triggers multiple mechanisms of DNA replication arrest" University of Rochester; ; Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics (2000)
  • "Genotoxic Chemotherapeutics Trigger Multiple S-Phase Checkpoint Mechanisms" University of Virginia; ; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics (2000)
  • "Multiple Mechanisms of DNA Replication Arrest are Triggered by DNA Damaging Anti-Cancer Chemotherapeutics" University of Delaware; ; Department of Biological Sciences (1999)
  • "Multiple mechanisms of inhibition of SV40 DNA replication following DNA damage" Roswell Park Cancer Institute; ; DNA Damage Group monthly meeting (1999)
  • "Bovine Papillomavirus Type 1 E1 Protein Interacts with Human Replication Protein A" Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Eukaryotic DNA Replication (1999)
  • "DNA damaging anti-cancer agents trigger multiple S-phase checkpoints" University at Buffalo, SUNY; ; Center for Advanced Molecular Biology & Immunology Research Exchange Series (1999)
  • "DNA replication arrest by adozelesin is through inactivation of replication protein A" Cold Spring Habor Meeting on Eukaryotic DNA Replication (1999)
  • "Purification of a Human Cellular DNA Polymerase Alpha/Primase Stimulatory Factor" Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Eukaryotic DNA Replication (1999)
  • "Mechanisms of SV40 DNA Replication Arrest After Treatment of Cells with DNA-Damaging Agents." Tumour Virus Meeting on Polyomaviruses, Papillomaviruses and Adenoviruses; Imperial Cancer Research Fund (1999)
  • "Multiple Mechanisms of DNA Replication Arrest are Induced by DNA Damaging Chemotherapeutic Agents" University of Massachusetts; ; Department of Biochemistry (1999)
  • "Purification of a Human Celular DNA Polymerase Alpha-Primase Stimulatory Factor" Buffalo DNA Replication Graduate Group Third Annual Symposiuim (1999)
  • "Trigger DNA Damage-Dependent DNA Replication Arrest Through more than one Mechanism" Buffalo DNA Replication Graduate Group Third Annual Symposium (1999)
  • "Novel Mechanisms of Papillomavirus DNA Replication In Vitro." 17th International Papillomavirus Conference (1999)
  • "Protein interactions with the cellular single-stranded DNA binding complex, replication protein A" Buffalo DNA Replication Graduate Group Third Annual Symposium (1999)
  • "Identification of Novel Eukaryotic DNA Replication Factors: A Cellular Primosome Activity from Human Cells" Eukaryotic DNA Replication (1998)
  • "Identification of Novel Eukaryotic DNA Replication Factors: A Cellular Primosome Activity from Human Cells" Buffalo DNA Replicatiion Graduate Group Second Annual Symposium (1998)
  • "Viral appropriation of the cellular DNA replication machinery" University at Buffalo, SUNY; ; Microbial Pathogenesis Graduate Group Meeting (1997)
  • "Different papovaviruses utilize common mechanisms to take over the cellular DNA replication machinery" NICHD symposium on THE Eukaryotic Nucleus (1997)
  • "Papovavirus DNA replication initiator proteins bind similarly to Replication Protein A" Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Eukaryotic DNA Replication (1997)
  • "Mechanisms of Papovavirus DNA Replication" University of California at Los Angeles; ; Molecular Biology Institute (1997)
  • "Mechanisms of Papovavirus DNA Replication" University at Buffalo, SUNY; ; Department of Biological Sciences (1996)
  • "Eukaryotic factors required for papillomavirus DNA replication" University at Buffalo, SUNY; ; CAMBI Research Exchange Series (1995)
  • "Ceullar factors required for papillomavirus DNA replication" Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Eukaryotic DNA Replication (1995)
  • "Requirements of cellular factors for papillomavirus DNA replication" University at Buffalo, SUNY; ; Department of Biochemistry (1995)
  • "Different cellular factors are required for PV and SV40 DNA replication in vitro" Roswell Park Cancer Institute; ; Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology (1994)
  • "Papillomavirus DNA replication: what else is needed?" University at Buffalo, SUNY; ; Department of Microbiology (1994)
  • "In vitro replication of papillomavirus DNA requires human cellular factors other than those required for SV40 DNA replication" Meeting on Molecular Biology of SV40, Polyoma, and Adenovirus; ; Cold Spring Harbor Meeting (1994)
  • "SV40 large T antigen binds to human topoisomerase I" Meeting on Molecular Biology of SV40, Polyoma, and Adenovirus; ; Cold Spring Harbor Meeting (1994)
  • "Simian Virus 40 and Papillomavirus: Mechanisms of Genome Replication" Wayne State University; ; Department of Microbiology and Immunology (1994)
  • "Simian Virus 40 and Papillomavirus: Mechanisms of Genome Replication" Temple University School of Medicine; ; Fels Institute for Cancer Research (1994)
  • "Simian Virus 40 and papillomavirus: Mechanisms of Genome Replication" University of Buffalo, SUNY; ; Department of Microbiology (1993)
  • "Simian Virus 40 DNA Replication: Mechanisms and Approaches" University of Minnesota; ; Department of Pharmacology (1993)
  • "Simian Virus 40 DNA Replication: Mechanisms and Approaches" University of Michigan; ; Department of Microbiology and Immunology (1993)
  • "Simian Virus 40 DNA Replication: Mechanisms and Approaches" Yale University School of Medicine; ; Department of Therapeutic Radiology (1993)
  • "Simian Virus 40 DNA Replication: Mechanisms and Approaches" St. Louis University; ; Department of Biology (1993)
  • "Simian Virus 40 DNA Replication: Mechanisms and Approaches" University at Buffalo, SUNY; ; Department of Biochemistry (1993)
  • "Simian Virus 40 DNA Replication: Mechanisms and Approaches" National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Child Health & Development; ; Laboratory of Molecular Growth and Regulation (1993)
  • "Simian Virus 40 DNA Replication: Mechanisms and Approaches" Texas A & M University; ; Albert B. Alkek Institute of Biosciences and Technology (1993)
  • "Simian Virus 40 DNA Replication: Mechanisms and Approaches" University of Maryland College Park; ; Department of Microbiology (1993)
  • "Simian Virus 40 DNA Replication: Mechanisms and Approaches" University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey; ; Department of Biochemistry (1992)
  • "Simian Virus 40 DNA Replication: Mechanisms and Approaches" Thomas Jefferson Medical School (1992)
  • "SV40 DNA replication." Molecular Biology of SV40, Polyoma, and Adenovirus (1992)
  • "Simian Virus 40 DNA Replication: Mechanisms and Approaches" Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital East, Cutaneous Biology Research Center (1992)
  • "Phosphorylation of RPA p34 and its role in DNA replication" Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Eukaryotic DNA Replication (1991)
  • "Cell-ctcle specific phosphorylation by cdc2 kinase of RF-A, a cellular protein essential for DNA replication from the SV40 origin of replication" Tumor Virus Meeting on SV40, Polyoma, and Adenovirus; ; Cold Spring Harbor Meeting (1990)
  • "Cellular replication factors sequentially direct the in vitro initiation of leading and lagging strand DNA synthesis by two DNA polymerases at the SV40 origin." Tumor Virus Meeting on SV40, Polyoma, and Adenovirus (1990)
  • "Functions of proteins involved in SV40 DNA replication in vitro" Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on EukaryoticDNA Replication (1989)
  • "Kinetoplast DNA topoisomerase II" Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Eukaryotic DNA Replication (1989)
  • "Replication of SV40 DNA and chromatin assembly in vitro" Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Eukaryotic DNA Replication (1989)
  • "A homogeneous type II topoisomerase from the trypanosomatid Crithidia fasciculata" Sixth Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Cancer Cells (1987)
  • "Topoisomerases in the trypanosomatid, Crithidia fasciculata" First West Coast Parasitology Meeting (1987)
  • "Topoisomerases in the trypanosomatid, Crithidia fasciculata" First West Coast Parasitology Meeting (1987)
  • "Topoisomerase I in Crithidia fasciculata" UCLA symposia on molecular and cellular biology (1986)
See all (92 more)

Service Activities:

  • NIH VPI - Viral Pathogenesis & Immunity - reviews for R01 and R21 research grant applications; Reviewer (2025)
  • special edition of Pathogens on Molecular Biology of HPV; Guest Editor for Special Edition of Pathogens (2024–2025)
  • “safe cleaning of personal water bottles”; presentation on Spectrum News (2024)
  • “the 5-second rule - dropped food”; presentation on Spectrum News (2024)
  • Search Committee; Member (2023–2024)
  • Biology; reviewer (2023)
  • Organized a clothing and toy drive in the Jacobs SOM and South Campus for the recent immigrants to the Town of Amherst; organizer (2023)
  • Hosted an after work program for understanding implicit biases, microagressions and stereotypes, "Sticks and Stones" which was open to all UB employees.; organizer (2023)
  • JSMBS Faculty Council Bylaws & Elections Committee; Chair (2023–2025)
  • JSMBS Faculty Council Steering Committee; Parliamentarian (2023–2025)
  • UUP Chapter President; UUP Chapter President (2023–2025)
  • International Journal of Molecular Sciences; reviewer (2023)
  • Table presenter at Willow Ridge Elementary School at their annual Science Night in April.; Presenter at Science Night on "Viruses" (2023–present)
  • DCA1, Antiviral Drug Discovery and Molecular Pharmacology - reviews of NIH R01 and R21 research grant applications; reviewer (2023)
  • As Chair of TPP I worked with the FS DEI committee and Bob Granfield to incorporate PACOR (President's Advisory Council on Race Implementation Effort) recommendations into UB promotions policies to enhance DEI in tenure and promotion of faculty, and to promote DEI and Community Outreach activities amongst the entire faculty by including these as supplemental criteria for enhancement of tenure and promotion.; Chair of Tenure and Promotion Policies Committee (2022–present)
  • Executive Committee; Faculty Senate Executive Committee Member (2022–2024)
  • Member; Faculty Senate Member (2022–present)
  • JSMBS Community Response Committee (2022–present)
  • NIAID AntiViral Drug Discovery (AViDD) Centers for Pathogens of Pandemic Concern; Invited Reviewer - major review task for proposals of over $100M each to address pandemics (2021–2022)
  • NIH ZRG1 IDM AIDC, Antiviral Drug Discovery and Mechanisms of Resistance; ad hoc Reviewer (2021)
  • Presentation/Q&A on COVID-19 vaccines for the St. James Church of God in Christ, 1221 Michigan St, Buffalo, NY; Invited speaker (2021)
  • To the Idiots Podcast to talk on COVID-19 vaccines.; Invited speaker (2021)
  • Participated in a team presentation on COVID-19 vaccines for the community around SUNY Brockport organized by SUNY Brockport faculty; Invited speaker (2021)
  • Participated in a team presentation on COVID-19 vaccines for the community Conversations in Science, Buffalo Museum of Science.; Invited speaker (2021)
  • Presenter for JSMBS Mini-Medical School class on COVID-19, with Dr Russo, Dr. Archer; Speaker - UB Mini-Medical School (2020)
  • NIH - ZRG1 IDM W02 Study Section, Topics in Virology; Reviewer -mAd hoc (2020)
  • JSMBS Faculty Council Steering Committee (2020–2022)
  • JSMBS Executive Committee (2020–2022)
  • Presented on SARS-CoV-2 for Peter Winkelstein’s JSMBS COVID Predictive Analytics team; presenter (2020)
  • JSMBS Faculty Council (2020–present)
  • Journal of Virology (2020)
  • PLOS One (2020)
  • PLOS Pathogens (2020)
  • Cancers (2020–present)
  • Witebsky Center for Microbial Pathogenesis & Immunology (2019–present)
  • Steering Committee for the graduate program in Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics (GGB).; Member (2019–present)
  • NIH ZRG1 F13-Z: Infections diseases and microbiology fellowship review panel; ad hoc reviewer (2019)
  • Pathogens (2019–present)
  • NIH CSR Anonymization Study; invited reviewer (2018)
  • FPMP Governing Board; Alternate Member (2018–2019)
  • Admissions Committee for the interdisciplinary graduate program in Biomedical Sciences (PPBS); Member (2017–2019)
  • UUP Statewide Executive Board; UUP Statewide Executive Board (2017–present)
  • Topics in Virology and Viral Pathogenesis (ZRG1 IDM U02);; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2017)
  • Human Frontier Science Program; Human Frontier Science Program; Career Development Award reviewer;; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2016)
  • Virology A (VIRA);; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2016)
  • Virology A (VIRA);; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2015)
  • Virology A (VIRA);; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2015)
  • United University Professions NY state-wide Executive Board; member (2015–present)
  • Virology A (VIRA);; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2015)
  • Witebsky Center for Microbial Pathogenesis & Immunology (2014–2016)
  • Director Departmental Website Transition; Director Departmental Website Transition (2014–2015)
  • Topics in Virology and Viral Pathogenesis (ZRG1 IDM U02);; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2014)
  • Virology A (VIRA);; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2014)
  • Virology A (VIRA);; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2013)
  • Steering Committee for the interdisciplinary graduate program in Biomedical Sciences (PPBS); Member (2013–2018)
  • JSMBS Medical Student Progress Committee (2012–2024)
  • FC Committee on Graduate Education Policies; Chair (2011–2022)
  • FC Committee on Competency Assessment in Professionalism (2011–2015)
  • FC Committee on Undergraduate Education Policies (2011–2012)
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies; Director of Undergraduate Studies (2011–2013)
  • Phase I; Member (2010–2018)
  • UUP Buffalo HSC VP Academics; UUP Buffalo HSC VP Academics (2010–2023)
  • Greater Buffalo United Way Leadership Society; member (2010–2018)
  • Appointment, Promotions,Tenure & Privileges; Member (2009–2012)
  • for Habitat for Humanity. Helped in 'tear down' of the interior of houses that were being renovated for new minority and underprivileged owners.; volunteer (2009–2010)
  • Health Research Board of Ireland; Health Research Board of Ireland;; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2007)
  • President Faculty Council; President (2006–2007)
  • AIDS Discovery & Development of Therapeutics (ADDT);; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2006)
  • IFR committee; IFR committee (2006–2007)
  • UUP Buffalo HSC VP for Academics (2005–2007)
  • President Elect Faculty Council (2005–2006)
  • AIDS Associated Opportunistic Infections and Cancer (AOIC);; Panel Member (2005–2006)
  • Molecular Genetics C (MGC);; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2005)
  • National Cancer Institute; NCI Integrative Cancer Biology Program;; Panel Member (2004)
  • American Cancer Society; ACS Research Professorship Site Visit Reviewer;; External Reviewer (2004)
  • Cancer Research UK; Cancer Research UK;; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2004–2008)
  • Appointment, Promotions,Tenure & Privileges; Member (2003–2006)
  • Witebsky Center for Microbial Pathogenesis & Immunology (2002–2004)
  • American Cancer Society; Genetics Mechanisms and Cancer - American Cancer Society;; Panel Member (2002–2008)
  • United States-Israel Bi-National Science Foundation; United States-Israel Bi-National Science Foundation;; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2002)
  • UUP Buffalo HSC Executive Committee (2001–present)
  • Cell Development and Function (CDF-2);; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2000)
  • for the medical technology STEP program for minority and disadvantaged students.; mentor (2000–2007)
  • Center for Advanced Molecular Biology and Immunology Steering Committee; Member (2000–2005)
  • US Army; Breast Cancer Initiative (DOD);; Ad Hoc Reviewer (1999)
  • served on the qualifying exam committee for all PhD students in the department; Member of Qualifying Exam Committee (1999–2006)
  • Thomas F. and Kate Miller Jeffress Memorial Trust; Thomas F. and Kate Miller Jeffress Memorial Trust;; Ad Hoc Reviewer (1998)
  • Proteins and Disease (SSS2);; Panel Member (1998–2000)
  • UB Radioisotope Safety Committee; Member (1998–2000)
  • Seminar Committee; Chair (1997–2001)
  • SUNY Buffalo Distinguished Scientists Seminar Series Committee; Member (1997–1998)
  • American Cancer Society; Genetics Mechanisms and Cancer - American Cancer Society;; Ad Hoc Reviewer (1997)
  • Immunology/Bacteriology Search Committee; Alternate Member (1996)
  • Graduate Admissions Committee; Fellow (1995–1997)
  • Seminar Committee; Member (1994–2000)

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Contact Information

5116 Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
955 Main Street
Buffalo, New York 14203-1121
Phone: (716) 829-3789