We want to hear from you.
Please contact us with any questions you have about our adult neurology residency program, research opportunities for residents or the application process.
Melissa Rayhill, MD, FAHS, FAAN
Clinical Associate Professor, Adult Neurology Residency Program Director
UBMD Neurology 1010 Main Street, 2nd Floor Buffalo, NY 14202
Phone: (716) 932-6080 Ext. 201; Fax: (716) 829-3010
Email: mrayhill@buffalo.edu
Department of Neurology Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurosciences Sherman Hall Annex, Room 114 Buffalo, NY 14214
Phone: (716) 829-5989
Email: tjcovey@buffalo.edu
Thomas Bellanca
Department of Neurology
1010 Main Street, 2nd floor, Buffalo, NY 14202
Phone: 716-829-5060; Fax: 716-829-5051
Email: tjbellan@buffalo.edu