Our redesigned curriculum – called Well Beyond – starts July 2024. Medical students who enter the Jacobs School in 2024 and beyond will train under this curriculum.
We’ve developed an all-new, cutting-edge medical curriculum called Well Beyond. Today’s dynamic health care environment — with increased pressure and constantly changing complexities — demands physician-scientists who have undertaken comprehensive training in an innovative program.
With three phases and a supportive environment fostered by learning communities and faculty coaches, our MD program will provide a robust foundation of knowledge for your medical career.
It’s important that you learn content and skills within applicable contexts. Therefore, we’ve designed Well Beyond curricular and educational experiences to occur across three distinct phases.
Well Beyond's Curriculum Map (click to zoom).
Build foundational skills and take advantage of early experiences in the clinical world.
Move beyond the classroom as you embark on core clinical clerkships
Prepare for the challenges awaiting you in residency training.
Medical students admitted to the Jacobs School before 2024 will continue to train under our Classic Curriculum.
Why does the Jacobs School have two curricula? While our well-established classic curriculum is sound and trusty as ever, we’re committed to developing curriculum for the world’s ever-changing health care landscape.
Both curricula are powerful. So, irrespective of which curriculum shapes your training, you will benefit from a comprehensive education that provides a strong foundation for your future.