Appointment, Promotion and Tenure

The Standing Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure is comprised of three Sub-Committees: Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to Academic (Tenurial) Ranks; Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to Research Ranks; and Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to Clinical Ranks. If necessary, ad-hoc sub-committees will be formed to address promotion of candidates with bi-decanal appointments. The make-up of these committees is described in Policies, Procedures, and Criteria for Faculty Promotion.


Promotions of the faculty are initiated by the Department Chair. Proposed promotions are referred to the appropriate Sub-Committee for review and appropriate action.

The Appropriate Sub-Committee will engage in deliberations related to faculty proposed for promotion. Following said deliberations, a vote of the Sub-Committee will be conducted. Results of the vote will be reported using the following four categories: in favor, opposed, abstained and recused/conflict of interest. The aforementioned actions of the Sub-Committee will be complied by the Chair of the Sub-Committee and transmitted to the Dean for further consideration.

Members of the Appointment and Promotions Sub-Committees must recuse themselves from deliberations and voting if they have a conflict of interest with any individual being considered for promotion. Conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to, a close personal relationship, a close professional relationship, a financial/personal property relationship or an employer/employee relationship.


All of the Promotions Sub-Committees will be appointed by the Dean from a slate of nominees compiled by the Steering Committee of the Faculty Council in consultation with the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure equitable distribution between faculty members from basic science departments and clinical departments.

Members of these Committees shall serve for three years. Each committee shall be so constructed that approximately one-third (1/3) of the Committee shall turn over each year.

Chair Until 2020


  • Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to Academic (Tenurial) Ranks
  • Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to Research Ranks
  • Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to Clinical Ranks