My research interests have two main divisions. The first is developing methods for the analysis of medical images. This research focuses on creating parametric maps from post-reconstructed PET, SPECT, MRI, CT, and source localization EEG images. My current work focuses on improving parameter estimation using dynamic image noise reduction, segmentation algorithms, and the development of large image databases and specialized image search algorithms. Associated with my search algorithms are my machine learning methods, which often employ stochastic discrimination methods that are robust in protecting against over-training and proven very effective with neuro-images which have millions of features, but perhaps only hundreds of images with a classification.
My other line of work focuses on neuro-imaging of auditory and language processing. Past work has focused on binaural hearing; current work has moved towards neural markers of top-down compensation for language processing in subjects that do not perform well with speech in noisy backgrounds. This work has received past support from Canon Medical Systems, Inc, USA.
Current projects: A project with NIH support with Rutao Yao, PhD (PI) titled "Self-collimating Single Photon Emission Breast Tomography System with Three-Dimensional Sparse Position-Sensitive Detectors" is ongoing, and has a large simulation component. A project utilizing "4D flow" MRI imaging has received internal support for the purposes of assessing patients with Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease, with Kenneth Snyder, M.D., PhD. from UBNS, as PI.
Publications (h-index: 26, i10: 35) can be seen on Google Scholar.
Recent Biomedical engineering students have worked on comparisons of machine-learning algorithms for classifications of neuroimages, visualization methods utilizing dimension reduction methods for image search results, and natural language algorithms for the automated interpretation of medical reports.
I am currently a member of the faculty council for the Jacobs School of Medicine and a board member of the University at Buffalo's Faculty Student Association.