The Buffalo General Hospital Department of Medicine Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine 100 High Street Buffalo, New York 14203 Phone: (716) 348-3436 or 716-859-4711 Fax: 716-859-1491
As one of the few sleep physicians certified in behavioral sleep medicine (CBSM) in New York State, I am engaged in the full-time practice of sleep medicine. I have clinics in the main UBMD Sleep Center as well as satellite facilities. While sleep apnea is the most common issue of our patients, we evaluate a broad range of sleep disturbances in our UB affiliated clinics. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) methods are used in our insomnia practice.
Having been instrumental in establishing the sleep fellowship program remains a source of great satisfaction, and besides patient care, the most rewarding aspect of my professional life is mentoring fellows in sleep medicine. In my dual roles as the chief of sleep medicine and the sleep medicine fellowship director, I understand the challenges and opportunities that face this growing, multidisciplinary field. We strive to ensure that all dimensions of the sleep program are vibrant and that the breadth of clinical and research experience is available to our sleep fellows.
In addition to mentoring fellows in a clinical setting, I devote time to providing instruction in the proper evaluation and interpretation of diagnostic sleep testing. In conjunction with the fellows, I assist with the coordination of monthly sleep medicine grand rounds and selection of cases to present to the faculty. I organize these conferences to highlight sleep medicine’s multidisciplinary nature. Discussion topics vary; recent conferences have included the dental aspects of sleep medicine and the unique needs of pediatric patients with sleep disorders, for example. We have also featured presentations by faculty with pulmonary expertise on sleep apnea and on the neurological aspects of the discipline, such as the cause of neurochemical sleep mechanisms. The carefully selected discussion topics attract faculty, fellows, residents and advanced students from UB’s schools of nursing, dentistry and medicine to take part.
I also teach elective classes for both medical students and residents who demonstrate an early interest in this growing and rapidly evolving discipline.
Education and Training:
Fellowship, Pulmonary Medicine, University of Connecticut School of Medicine (1985)
Medical Director, Olean General Hospital, Sleep Center (2006–2021)
Chief, Section of Sleep Medicine, University at Buffalo University at Buffalo (2011–2016)
Medical Director, Sleep and Wellness Centers of WNY (2003–2015)
Pulmonary Consultant, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York (2003–2015)
Director, Pulmonary Function & Exercise Laboratory, Buffalo General Medical Center (1988–2012)
Chief, Section of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine Buffalo General Medical Center, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2007–2011)
Attending Physician, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (1990–2011)
Medical Director, Associated Healthcare (1987–2011)
Medical Director, UBMD Internal Medicine (subspecialty), Dent Medical Center (2003–2008)
Medical Director, Medical Intensive Care Unit, Buffalo General Hospital (1997–2007)
Interim Medical Director, VISICU eICU Center (2004–2006)
Associate Medical Director, Sleep Disorder Center of Western, New York (1999–2004)
Medical Director, Intermediate Care Unit (2020–2001)
Associate Professor, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1985–2001)
Acting Director, Intermediate Level Care Unit, Buffalo General Hospital (2000)
Medical Director, Sleep Lab, Buffalo General Medical Center (1987–1999)
Coordinator, 3rd & 4th Year Medical Students, Sample Department, University at Buffalo (1990–1997)
Coordinator, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1991–1993)
Medical Coordinator, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Buffalo General Medical Center (1987–1988)
House Physician, New Britain Memorial Hospital (1984–1985)
House Physician, Gaylord Memorial Hospital (1983–1984)
Suzanne S. Dickerson, Carla Jungquist, Eric TenBrock, Alan Aquilina, Patricia Smith, Eman Abu Sabbah, Rana Alameri & Grace Dean. (2016) Feasibility Testing of a Self- Management Program Book to Improve Adherence to PAP in Persons Newly Diagnosed With Sleep Apnea Behavioral Sleep Medicine, Pages 413-426 | Published online: 23 Sep 2016. (Sep)
Dickerson S., Obeidat R., Dean G., Aquilina AT, Ten Brock E, Smith, N., Jungquist C. (2013) Development and usability testing of a self-management intervention to support individuals with obstructive sleep apnea in accommodating to CPAP treatment. Heart and Lung (Jan), 42(2013): 346-352.
El Solh AA, Akinnusi M., Patel A., Bhat A., Ten Brock E. (2009) Predicting optimal CPAP by neural network reduces titration failure: a randomized study. Sleep and Breathing (Jan), 13(4): 325-330.
Ten Brock E, Shucard DW,. (1994) Sleep apnea. Am Fam Physician (Feb), 49(2): 385-394.
Szczepkowski, MA, Shalin, VL, Bertram DA, Drury, CG, Aquilina AT, Tenbrock E. (1994) Observable measures of physician mental workload in the medical intensive care unit. Communications D‘Ordre General (Jan), 6: 6229-6231.
Votto, JJ, Tenbrock E. (1986) Lymphangioleiomyomatosis: Treatment with hormonal manipulation. New York State Journal of Medicine (Oct), 86: 533.
Dickerson SS, Ten Brock E, Smith P, Kwon M, M Chacko, T, Dean G. (2019) Adherence to Positive Airway pressure (PAP) Devices: Feasibility of a Web based Self-Management Program. Sleep, 2019; 42: A0530. (Jan)
Dickerson S.S., Dean G.E., Aquilina AT, Ten Brock E, Smith P., Junquist C.R. (2013) Complex Intervention to Solve a Complex problem: CPAP Adherence. Sleep, (Jan) A0422
Dickerson SS,Obeidat R,TenBrock E,Aquilina AT,Junquist CR,Smith P,Dean GE. (2012) Useability Testing of a Multimodal Self Care Management Program to Support Individuals Starting CPAP Treatment. Sleep, (Jan)
Ten Brock E, Moitheenazima B, Akinnusi M. (2010) Utility of the Berlin Questionnaire in Hospitalized Patients. Sleep, (Jan) 137-138
Wassel A, Halliwell K, Ten Brock E, Ten Brock R, Wassel M, El-Solh AA. (2008) The Difference is Sleep Latency if Sleep Onset is Determined by Slow Eye Movements Compared to Alpha Rhythm Attenuation. Sleep, (Jan)
El Solh AA, Mador MJ, Tenbrock E, Shucard DW, Abul-Khoudoud, M, Grant BJ. (1999) Validity of an Artificial Neural Network in Predicting Sleep Apnea. Sleep, (Jan) 105-111
El Solh AA, Mador MJ, Ten Brock E, Shucard D, Grant BJ. (1998) Validity of an artificial neural network in predicting sleep apnea. (abstract). Am J Respir Crit Care Med, (Jan)
Ten Brock E, El Solh AA, Miller M., Schnapp M., Graham S., Houck J., Grant BJ. (1998) The effect of partial ventriculectomy on exercise capacity and quality of life in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. (abstract). Chest, (Jan)
Professional Memberships:
Top Doc in Sleep Medicine (2021–present)
UBMD IM Board of Directors - Vice President (2021–present)
"Obstructive Sleep Apnea" Department of Medicine City-Wide Grand Rounds (2023)
"The Difference is Sleep Latency if Sleep Onset is Determined by Slow Eye Movements Compared to Alpha Rhythm Attenuation" Sleep Conference; Associated Professional Sleep Societies (2008)
Service Activities:
; University at Buffalo Faculty Senate (2024–present)
UBMD Internal Medicine; Board of Director (2021–present)
Sleep Medicine Fellowship Selection Committee; Chairman (2021–present)
The Sleep Show: Name that Disorder, Primary Care Update CME Conference, UBMD Internal Medicine and UB Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Department of Medicine, Buffalo, NY; Lecture (2016)
Optimizing CPAP in Sleep Apnea, Primary Care Update CME Conference, UBMD Internal Medicine and UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Department of Medicine, Buffalo, NY; Lectures (2015)
Who to Refer for A Sleep Study, Primary Care Update CME Conference, UBMD Internal Medicine and UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Department of Medicine, Buffalo, NY; Lecture (2014)
Introduction to Clinical Medicine (The University at Buffalo, Neuroscience) Non-Sleep Apnea; Lecture (2011–present)
Overview of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing, Critical Care Conference, VA Medical Center, Buffalo, NY; Lecture (2010)
Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonia, Critical Care Conference, VA Medical Center, Buffalo, NY; Lecture (2009)
Utility of the Berlin Questionnaire in Hospitalized Patients, Physician Education, Olean General Hospital Sleep Center, Olean, NY; Lecture (2009)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea 2009, UB Department of Family Medicine, Erie County Health Department, Buffalo, NY; Lecture (2009)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Diabetes, Is There a Relationship, Diabetes Endocrinology Center Didactic Conference, Millard Fillmore Gates Hospital, Buffalo, NY; Lecture (2009)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea 2009, ENT Grand Rounds, Millard Fillmore Gates Hospital, Buffalo, NY; Lecture (2009)
Introduction to Clinical Medicine (The University at Buffalo, School of Medicine, Medicine) Sleep Apnea; Lecture (2009–present)
Sleep Apnea 2008, Respiratory Care, Continuing Education Unit, Erie Community College, Williamsville, NY; Lecture (2008)
Sleep Deprivation, St. Bonaventure, Olean, NY; Lecture (2008)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea 2008, Western Chapter Education Night, United Memorial Medical Center, Batavia, NY; Lecture (2008)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea 2008, Nurse Practitioner Association of WNY, Saturn Club, Buffalo, NY (2008)
Control of Breathing, Lung & Respiration Module, University at Buffalo School of Medicine (2008)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea 2008, Medical Grand Rounds, Buffalo General Hospital; Lecture (2008)
From the Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea to Compliance with Treatment: A Successful Continuum of Care, Olean General Hospital; Lecture (2008)
Sleep Apnea Lecture, Lung & Respiration Module, University at Buffalo; Lecture (2008–present)
Independent Heath, Obstructive Sleep Apnea Advisory Panel; Member (2008–2072)
Sleep Medicine Residency Electives; Coordinator (2008–present)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea-2007, Department of Medicine Medical Grand Rounds, Buffalo General Hospital, Buffalo, NY; Lecture (2007)
From the Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea to Compliance with Treatment: A Successful Continuum of Care, United Memorial Medical Center, Richmond Library, Batavia, NY; Lecture (2007–2022)
From the Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea to Compliance with Treatment: A Successful Continuum of Care, Olean General Hospital Sleep Center; Lecture (2007–2022)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease, University at Buffalo; Lecture (2007)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease, Respiratory Program-Fall Lecture Series, Respiratory Care Program, Erie Community College,; Lecture (2007)
Sleep Apnea and Cardiac Pathology; Lecture (2007)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease, Sleep Medicine Grand Rounds, Saturn Club; Lecture (2007)
Update: Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease, Department of Internal Medicine, Morning Report; Lecture (2007)
Update: Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Medical Grand Rounds, Olean General Hospital; Lecture (2007)
Kaleida Medical Ethics Committee; Chairman (2007–2008)
Medical Student Sleep Medicine Elective; Coordinator (2006–present)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Medical Grand Rounds, Millard Fillmore Gates Hospital; Lecture (2005)
Insomnia-Pharmacologic and Behavioral /Cognitive Approaches, Internists/Psychiatrists of WNY; Lecture (2005)
Blue Cross & Blue Shield...Obstructive Sleep apnea Advisory Panel; Member (2005–2011)
Rapid Response Committee; Chairman (2005–2006)
Rapid Response Committee, Buffalo General Medical Center; Chairman (2005–2006)
Insomnia-Pharmacologic and Behavioral /Cognitive Approaches, Internists/Psychiatrists of WNY; Lecture (2004)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Grand Rounds, Buffalo/Niagara Marriott; Lecture (2004)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Medical Grand Rounds, Buffalo General Hospital; Lecture (2004)
Promotions Committee to Clinical Ranks; Member (2004–2007)
Kaleida Medical Ethics Committee; Chairman (2004–2005)
Kaleida Medical Ethics Committee; Chairman (2001–2002)
Sleep Medicine Fellowship Selection Committee; Chair (2001–present)
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing, Medicine Grand Rounds, Erie County Medical Center; Lecture (2000)
Pulmonary Embolism in Pregnancy, Children’s Hospital; Lecture (2000–2022)
The Role of Dentistry in the Evaluation and Management of Sleep Apnea; Lecture (2000)
Asthma in Pregnancy, Children’s Hospital; Lecture (2000)
Sleep Disorders, Lecture to Family Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo; Lecture (2000–2022)
Kaleida Critical Care Committee; Chair (2000–2007)
Critical Care Committee, Kaleida Health; Chairman (2000–2007)
Code Blue Committee, Kaleida Health; Chairman (1999–2008)
Kaleida Code Blue Committee; Chairman (1999–2008)
Sleep Medicine Advisory Committee; Member (1999–present)
Ethics of Care Giving, Palliative Care and Bereavement Conference; Lecture (1998)
Update in Sleep Apnea, BGH Clinical Conference; Lecture (1998)
Kaleida Health Medical Ethics Committee; Co-Chair (1998–2008)
Kaleida Medical Ethics Committee; Chairman (1998–1999)
Clinical Practice Committee; Member (1998–1990)
Nominating Committee for Buffalo General Hospital; Member (1997–1998)
City-wide Sleep Medicine Lecture Series; Coordinator (1997–present)
Sleep Medicine Grand Rounds; Coordinator (1997–present)
Center for Clinical ethics and Humanities in Health Care; Member (1995–2015)
Center for Clinical Ethic & Humanities in Health Care (1995–2005)
Exercise Testing in Heart Transplantation, Great Lakes Pulmonary Conference; Lecture (1994)
Exercise Testing in Heart Transplantation, Great Lakes Pulmonary Conference; Lecture (1994)
Physician Assisted Suicide Program taped for television; Lecture (1994)
The Buffalo General Hospital Department of Medicine Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine 100 High Street Buffalo, New York 14203 Phone: (716) 348-3436 or 716-859-4711 Fax: 716-859-1491