MD, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (1993)
BS, Biology, State Unviersity of New York at Binghamton (1988)
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Medicine, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1996-present)
Attending Physician, Division of General Internal Medicine, Kaleida Health, Buffalo General Hospital (1996-present)
Assistant Clinical Professor, Medicine, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1993–1996)
Awards and Honors:
White Coat Award (2024)
Excellent in Teaching Ambulatory Award (2023)
Evaluative Studies and Case Reports:
Loren Wright-Whitson, James Rutowski, Patrick Frieary. (2025) Rothia mucilaginosa Bacteremia In An Individual With Unconventional Immunocompromise. Chest (Feb), 166(4)
Professional Memberships:
Fellow American College of Physicians (2007–2022)
"Irritable Bowel Disease" Presentation given to residents during their continuity clinic (2002)
"Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" Pesentation given to residents during their continuity clinic (2000)
"Irritable Bowel Disease and Dyspepsia" Presentation given to residents during their continuity clinic (1999)
"Getting a Gasp on COPD" Presentation given to residents during their continuity clinic (1998)
"Outpatient Geriatric Assessment" Presentation given to residents during their continuity clinic (1997)
Service Activities:
Designated Core Faculty for the IM Residency; Core Faculty (2022–present)
A committee looking at barriers to safe discharge and tools to use to prevent re-admission for high risk patients; Readmission Provider Subgroup (2021–present)
Member, Kaleida Electronic Medical Records Steering Committee; Member (2009–present)
Member, Buffalo General Hospital, Kaleida Health Ethics Committee; Member (2007–present)