UB Gateway Building Department of Family Medicine 77 Goodell Street, Suite 240KK Buffalo, New York 14203 Phone: (716) 816-7228 Fax: (716) 845-6899 jilltira@buffalo.edu
Dr. and Mrs. Earl J. Kelsey Memorial Endowment Award (2012)
Rural Medicine Scholars Award (2012)
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society (2011)
400 Club (2008)
Research Expertise:
Food is Medicine Related Research
Implementation Science
Preventive and Lifestyle Medicine
Primary Care Research
UB 2020 Strategic Strengths:
Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan
Grants and Sponsored Research:
October 2020–March 2024 K12 Implementation Science Career Development Grant NHLBI Role: Other
October 2021–September 2022 Understanding Usage and Best Practices for Evidence-Based Toolkits in Community Settings: A Redesign of the Veggie Van Toolkit Center for Ingestive Behavior, University at Buffalo Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Ghazarians N, Tirabassi JN. (2021) What types of exercise improve outcomes in adolescents with depression?. Evidence-Based Practice (Aug), 24(8): 49. doi:10.1097/EBP.0000000000001157
Robichaud-Fuentes K, Tirabassi J. (2021) What dose of melatonin helps adolescents with delayed sleep phase disorder?. Evidence-Based Practice (Feb), 24(2): 38-9. doi:10.1097/EBP.0000000000000905
Chung AS, Tirabassi JN. (2021) How much does maternal consumption of raw meat increase the risk of Toxoplasma infection in pregnancy?. Evidence-Based Practice (Jan), 24(1): 32-3. doi:10.1097/EBP.0000000000000821
Phan A, Tirabassi J. (2020) What level of increase in serum creatinine should be tolerated in adult patients starting an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor?. Evidence-Based Practice (Dec), 23(12): 41-2. doi:10.1097/EBP.0000000000000882
Tirabassi J, Rosenthal E. (2019) Do intra-articular or local extra-articular soft tissue corticosteroid injections increase blood glucose levels in diabetic patients?. Evidence-Based Practice (Apr), 22(4): 18. doi:10.1097/EBP.0000000000000225
Tirabassi J, Langner S. (2014) How much calcium supplement is recommended in a patient with osteoporosis and a history of calcium oxalate kidney stones?. Evidence-Based Practice (Aug), 17(8): E3. doi:10.1097/01.EBP.0000540723.43921.75
Candib L, Potts S, Barnard K, Tirabassi J, Gussak L, DelRosario H, Lasser D. (2021) Promoting writing through teacherless writing groups. In: Teaching Writing in the Health Professions: Perspectives, Problems, and Practices. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
Tirabassi JN. (2020) Sports-related Fractures, Dislocations and Trauma: Advanced On- and Off-field Management. In: Volleyball Injuries. Springer
Dr. Christina Kasprzak, Mr. Andy Canizares, Dr. Anne Lally, Dr. Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter, Dr. Jill Tirabassi, Ms. Leah Vermont, Dr. Alice Ammerman, Dr. Lucia Leone. (2022) Evaluation of the Implementation of a Mobile Market Model, the Veggie Van model, using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). ISBPNA 2022, (Nov)
Tirabassi JN, Vermont L, Leone L. (2021) Health and Fitness Outcomes of A Pilot Multi-Intervention Randomized Study in Obese and Sedentary Women. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. San Diego, CaliforniaUnited States (May) 213 Poster
American College of Preventive Medicine (2018–present)
American Medical Society of Sports Medicine (2014–2021)
American Academy of Family Physicians (2010–2020)
"Blue Zones & How to Incorporate their Vital Secrets into our Lives" The Garrett Club Wellness Committee (2024)
"Understanding content and dissemination of evidence-based toolkits in community settings." ISBNPA XChange 2023 (2023)
"Physical Activity Prescription for Physicians." Preventive Medicine Grand Rounds, University at Buffalo (2022)
"Human mobility data demonstrates increase in park visitation since start of COVID-19 pandemic in Buffalo, NY." Annual Conference, American College of Preventive Medicine (2022)
"Nutrition Prescriptions." Preventive Medicine Grand Rounds, University at Buffalo (2022)
"MSK Injections: A basic primer." Family Medicine Residency Grand Rounds, University at Buffalo (2022)
"Prescribing Physical Activity & Nutrition." CPM Course, University at Buffalo (2022)
"Preventive & Lifestyle Medicine." 2021-2022 Intersessions, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2021)
"Nutrition Education in Medical Training: Time for More than Lip Service." 1st Annual Food as Medicine Symposium, Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus (2021)
"Tendinopathy Lecture and Ultrasound Workshop." Family Medicine Residency Didactics, Erie County Medical Center/University at Buffalo (2021)
"Health and Fitness Outcomes of a Pilot Multi-Intervention Randomized Study in Obese and Sedentary Women." 3rd Annual Celebration of Scholarship, University at Buffalo (2021)
"Health and Fitness Outcomes of a Pilot Multi-Intervention Randomized Study in Obese and Sedentary Women." Annual Meeting (Virtual), American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (2021)
"Lifestyle Medicine." Internal Medicine/Preventive Medicine Residency Didactics, University at Buffalo (2021)
"Conversation in Science: COVID Vaccines." University at Buffalo GEM & Buffalo Museum of Science (2021)
"Physical Activity & The Community." Orthopedic Sports Medicine Lecture, University at Buffalo (2020)
"Decline in Childhood Vaccination Coverage During the COVID-19 Pandemic." Preventive Medicine Weekly Seminar, University of Massachusetts Medical School (2020)
"Parks & Health." Preventive Medicine Weekly Seminar, University of Massachusetts Medical School (2020)
"MMWR: Characteristics and Health Status of Informal Unpaid Caregivers." Preventive Medicine Weekly Seminar, University of Massachusetts Medical School (2020)
"Health and Fitness Outcomes in a Multi-Intervention Program for Obese & Sedentary Women: The Fit&Fab Pilot." FMCH Monthly Department Research Seminar, University of Massachusetts Medical School (2019)
"Increasing Access to Contraception." Clinical Preventive Services Seminar, University of Massachusetts Medical School (2019)
"Early Sport Specialization." Medical Student Elective - Care of the Athlete, University of Massachusetts Medical School (2019)
"Care of Families Orientation: Shoulder and Knee Exam." Medical Student Presentation, University of Massachusetts Medical School (2019)
"MMWR: Trends in Meeting Physical Activity in Urban and Rural Adults." Preventive Medicine Weekly Seminar, University of Massachusetts Medical School (2019)
"Care of Families Orientation: Shoulder and Knee Exam." Medical Student Presentation, University of Massachusetts Medical School (2019)
"Health Surveillance Presentation on YBRFSS." Preventive Medicine Weekly Seminar, University of Massachusetts Medical School (2019)
"CDC Vital Signs: Preventing 1 Million Heart Attacks and Strokes." Preventive Medicine Weekly Seminar, University of Massachusetts Medical School (2018)
"Tendinopathy." Family Medicine Grand Rounds, Health Alliance Hospital (2017)
"Joint Injections." Residency Didactics, Health Alliance Fitchburg Family Practice (2017)
"Common Sports Medicine Injuries." Residency Didactics, Health Alliance Fitchburg Family Practice (2017)
"Diagnosis and Management of Meniscal Tears." Primary Care Days, University of Massachusetts Medical School Department of Family Medicine and Community Health (2017)
"Shoulder Issues." Residency Didactics, Health Alliance Fitchburg Family Practice (2017)
"Splinting/Fracture Care." Residency Didactics, Health Alliance Fitchburg Family Practice (2017)
"RICE without the I(ce): A new shift in our injury treatment culture?" Athletic Trainers Conference; Beacon Health; Beacon Memorial Health Athletic Trainers (2016)
"Epidemiology of High School Sports-Related Injuries Resulting in Medical Disqualification 2005/6 through 2013/14 Academic Years." Annual Meeting, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (2016)
"Challenges of the Young Athlete." Family Medicine Residency Lecture, Beacon Health (2016)
"Quality Improvement in Progress: Promoting Advance Care Planning in a Large Family Medicine Clinic." Annual Conference, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (2015)
"Variation of Traditional Biomarkers of Liver Injury after an Ultra-marathon at Elevation." Annual Meeting, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (2015)
"Attitudes of Primary Care Providers and Recommendations of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring." Winter Weekend and Scientific Assembly Research Forum, New York Academy of Family Physicians (2012)
UB Gateway Building Department of Family Medicine 77 Goodell Street, Suite 240KK Buffalo, New York 14203 Phone: (716) 816-7228 Fax: (716) 845-6899 jilltira@buffalo.edu