Kathleen A. O'Leary MD

Kathleen O'Leary

Kathleen A. O'Leary

Contact Information
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Elm and Carlton Streets
Buffalo, New York 14263
Phone: 716-845-3240

Education and Training:

  • Residency, Anesthesiology, University at Buffalo (1992)
  • Internship, Internal Medicine, Millard Fillmore Hospital (1989)
  • MD, University at Buffalo (1988)


  • Associate Professor, Oncology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (2006-present)
  • Associate Professor, Anesthesiology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2001-present)
  • Chief, Surgical Anesthesia, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (2000-present)
  • Vice Chair, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (2000-present)
  • Cancer Anesthesiologist, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (1992-present)
  • Chair, Operating Room Committee, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (2001–2005)
  • Medical Director, Operating Room, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (2001–2005)
  • Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1993–2001)
  • Director of Resident Education, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (1994–1997)
  • Medical Director, PACU/Respiratory Therapy, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (1993–1995)
  • Instructor, Anesthesiology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1992–1993)
See all (1 more)

Journal Articles:

  • Butt ZM, Fazili A, Tan W, Wilding GE, Filadora V, Kim HL, Mohler JL, O'Leary KA, Guru KA, O‘Leary KA. (2009) Does the presence of significant risk factors affect perioperative outcomes after robot-assisted radical cystectomy?. BJU Int (Oct), 104(7): 986-990.
  • Evans SS, Ostberg JR, O‘Leary K, Gibbs J, Repasky EA, Kraybill W. (2002) A phase I study of fever-range whole body hyperthermia (FR-WBH) in patients with advanced solid tumours: correlation with mouse models. International Joournal of Hyperthermia (Jan), 18(3): 253-266.
  • O‘Leary KA, Myers DP. (1998) The use of thoracic epidural anesthesia as a sole anesthetic for intrathoracic surgery. Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management (Jan), 2: 2-7.
  • O‘Leary KA, Myers DP. (1997) Interpleural analgesia and neurolysis. Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management (Jan), 1: 1-7.
  • O‘Leary KA, Lema MJ. (1997) Anaesthetic concerns in the management of cancer patients. S. Afr. J. Anaesth Analg (Jan), 3: 12-20.
  • O‘Leary KA. (1996) Providing anesthesia for cancer patients: pearls and pitfalls. Sphere (Jan), 15: 283-287.
  • Myers DP, O'Leary KA, Lema MJ. (1996) Complications in the Oncological Patient. Seminars in Anesthesia (Jan), 15(3): 283-287.
  • O‘Leary KA. (1993) Anesthesia for major abdominal and perineal cancer surgery. Problems in Anesthesia (Jan), 7(4): 417-424.
  • O'Leary KD, Pelham WE, Rosenbaum A, Price GH. (1976) Behavioral treatment of hyperkinetic children. An experimental evaluation of its usefulness. Clin Pediatr (Phila) (Jun), 15(6): 510-515.

Books and Book Chapters:

  • O‘Leary KA, Yarussi AT, Myers DP. (2001) Interventional Pain Management, 2nd ed. In: Interpleural Catheters -- indications and techniques. WB Saunders
  • O‘Leary KA. (1999) Essentials of Pain Medicine. In: Interpleural Analgesia. Churchill Livingstone, 164-166.
  • Myers DP, O'Leary KA, Lema MJ. (1996) Interventional Pain Management. In: Interpleural Catheters--Indications and Technique. WB Saunders, 319-323.
  • Deleon-Casasola OA, O‘Leary KA. (1995) Handbook of Gynecologic Oncology, 2nd ed. In: The gynecology-oncology patient in the intensive care unit. Little, Brown and Co.


  • Filadora VA, Butt Z, O‘Leary KA, Guru K. (2008) Do significant comorbidities impact complications following robot-assisted radical cystectomy?. ASA Annual Meeting, (Oct)
  • O'Leary KA, deLeon-Casasola OA, Lema MJ. (1995) The use of thoracic epidural anesthesia with sedatin for post-surgica bronchopleural fistula repair. Reg Anesth, (Jan) 100
  • O'Leary KA, deLeon-Casasola OA, Lema MJ. (1995) Thoracic epidural anesthesia for the repair of bronchopleural fistulas. Reg Anesth, (Jan) 100

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Contact Information

Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Elm and Carlton Streets
Buffalo, New York 14263
Phone: 716-845-3240