Faden HS, Brodsky LS, Pizzuto MP, Poje CP, Nagy ML. (2001) Detection of S. pneumoniae in Chronic Otitis Media with Effusion Utilizing the NOW Test. Proceedings of the 4th Extraordinary International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media (Jan)181-181.
Cook S., Brodsky L.S., Reilly J., Deutsch E., Waner M., Brookhouser P., Pizzuto M.P., Poje C., Nagy M.L., Shaha S., Chait D., Bower C. (2000) Effectiveness of Adenoidectomy and Laser Tympanic Membrane. Laryngoscope (Jan), 111(2): 251-254.
Pizzuto M.P., Brodsky L.S. (2000) Management of Voice Disorders in Children. Otolaryngology (Jan), 8: 479-484.
Pizzuto M., Brodsky L.S., Duffy L., Gendler J., Nauenberg E. (2000) Comparison of Microbipolar Dissection fo (MBPD) Tonsillectomy to "Hot-Knife" and "Cold-Knife/Cautery" -Outcomes of a Prospective Randomized Study. (Jan), 52(3): 239-246.
Carr M., Pizzuto M.P, Poje C., Nagy M.L., Brodsky L.S. (2000) Correlation of Findings on Direct Laryngoscopy and Bronchoscopy with Presence of Extraesophageal Reflux Disease. Laryngoscope (Jan), 111(9): 1560-1562.
Carr M., Nguyen A., Nagy M.L., Pizzuto M.P., Poje C,, Brodsky L.S. (2000) Clinical Presentation as a Guide to the Identification GERD in Children. Int Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (Jan)27-32.
Nagy ML, Carr M, Nguyen A, Poje C, Pizzuto MP, Brodsky LS. (2000) Clinical Presentation As A Guide To the Identification of GERD in Children. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (Jan)27-32.
Brodsky L.S., Pizzuto M.P. (2000) Patient Education Guide "Does Your Child Need Ear Tubes?". The Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolarynglogy (Jan), 2(3): 167-168.
Nagy ML, Carr M, Nguyen A, Pizzuto MP, Poje C, Brodsky LS. (1999) Utility of Symptoms in Identifying Children with Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). International Joural of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (Jan)
Pizzuto M.P., Donaldson D., Brodsky L.S. (1998) A Role for Genetic Predisposition in Subglottic Stenosis. International Jorunal of Respiratory Diseases (Jan), 4(3): 279-284.
Pizzuto M.P., Emami A.J., Simon D., Duffy L., Brodsky L.S. (1998) Pediatric Voice Disorders, Etiology and Evaluation -A Preliminary Approach. International Journal Otorhinolaryngology (Jan)
Emami A.J., Pizzuto M.P., Krynycki L., Franco U., Duffy L., Brodsky L.S. (1998) Video Endoscopid Findings in Dysphonic Children: The Role of Phonation Gaps. Journal of Voice (Jan)
Williams A., Pizzuto M.P., Perry R. (1998) Supernumerary Nostril: A Rare Congenial Deformity. Int J of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (Jan), 44: 161-167.
Williams A., Pizzuto M.P., Perry R. (1998) Supernumerary Nostril: A Rare Congenital Deformity. Int J of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (Jan), 44: 161-167.
Behar P., Pizzuto M.P., Poje C., Duffy L., Behar J., Brodsky L. (1997) The Role of Adenoidectomy in the Treatment of Pediatric Sinusitis. Archives of Otolaryngology (Jan)
Ramesh S., Brodsky L.S., Afshani E., Pizzuto M.P., Ishman M., Helm J., Ballow M. (1997) Open Trial of Intravenous Immune Serum Globulin for Chrinic Sinusitis in Children. An Allergy Asthms Immunology (Jan), 78: 119-124.
Nagy M.L., Pizzuto, M.P., Backstrom J., Brodsky L.S. (1997) Deep Neck Infections in Children: A New Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment. Laryngoscope (Jan), 107: 1627-1634.
Nagy ML. (1997) Deep Neck Infections in Children: A New Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment. The Laryngoscope (Jan), 107: 1627-1634.
Pizzuto MP. (1996) Current Guidelines for Prescribing Antibiotics for Children with Otitis Media with Effusion. (Mar)
Brodsky L.S., Pizzuto M.P., Gendler J., Duffy L. (1996) Micropolar Dissection vs Cold Knife/Suction Cautery Tonsillectomy in Children: Preliminary Results of a Prospective Study. Acta Otolaryngology (Jan), 523: 256-258.
Brodsky L.S., Pizzuto, M.P. (1996) Airway Considerations in Children with Dysphagia, Seminars in Speech and Lagurage Pediatric Dyspagia. (Jan)
Pizzuto MP. (1996) Current Guidelines for Prescribing Antibiotics for Children With Otitis Media. (Jan)
Pizzuto MP, Sirotnak J, Brodsky LS. (1995) Airway Obstruction in the Crouzon Syndrome. international journal pediatric otorhynology (Jan), 31235(246)
Pizzuto MP. (1995) Update on Tympanostomy Tubes. The Journal of Respiratory Diseases (Jan), 16(2): 193-201.
Pizzuto MP, L J.M., P C.W. (1990) Omomyid Muscle Layngoplasty. Proceedings of th XIV World Congress Otolaryngology (Jan)
Pizzuto M.P., Brodsky L. S. (1996) Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy in Pediatric Otolaryngology for th General Otolaryngology. In: Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy in Pediatric Otolaryngology for the General Otolaryngology. Igaku-Shoin Medical Publishers Inc., 3-12.
Evaluative Studies and Case Reports:
Ong AA, Rosi-Schumacher M, Pizzuto M. (2021) Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis of the Skull. Ear, Nose and Throat Journal (Sep), 4(100): 219-221.
Young V.N., Rohan C., Wijewickrama, Pizzuto, M.P., Rosen C. (2012) An Unusual Complication of Vocal Fold Lipoinjection. Arch Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (Apr), 131(4)
Emami A.J., Pizzuto M.P., Brodsky L.S. (1996) Neonatal Septoplasty, Case report and review of the Literature. Int. J Pediatric Otorhinolaryngolgy (Jan), 35: 271-275.
Professional Memberships:
American Academy of Pediatrics; Fellow
American Academy of Surgeons; Fellow
American Medical Association
American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology
Baccelli Medical Society; Regional
Buffalo Otolaryngoligic Society; Regional
Fellow, American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery
Fellow, Society for Ear, Nose, and Throat Advanced in Children; (SENTAC)
New York State Medical Society; Regional
"Anosmia: A Case of an Absent Olfactory Bulb in a 19 year old with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome" American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology Summer Meeting (2019)
"Balloon Sinuplasty: Safety and Efficacy" American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting (2018)
"The 6A's of Pediatric Sinusitis: A Tool for Teaching" COSM (2000)
"Correlation of Findings on Direct Laryngoscopy and Bronchoscopy With Presence of Extraesophageal Reflux Disease" Eastern Section Meeting (2000)
"Utility of Symptoms in Identifying Children with Gstro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)" 27th annual Meeting of SENTAC (1999)
"A Comparison of Microbipolar Dissection (MBPD) Tonsillectomy to Hot-Knife (HK) and Cold-Knife/Cautery (CK/C)--Outcomes of a Prospective Randomized Study" American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (1997)
"Management of Voice Disorders in Children: A Prospective Analysis" American society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (1997)
"Ther Role of Adenoidectomy in the Treatement of Pediatric Sinusitis" American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (1997)
"Video Endoscopic Findings in the Dysphonic Children: The Role of Phonation Gaps" Voice Symposium (1996)
"Pallister-Illian Syndrome: ENT Manifistations of Moasic Tearoom12p" American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (1996)
"Microbipolas vs Cold Knife/Cautery Tonsillectomy in Children" Third International Symposium on Tonsils and Adenoids (1995)
"Clinical Classification as a Guide ot Treatment of Sinusitis in Children" American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (1995)
"Interdisciplinary Approach to Pediatric Voice Disorders" American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (1995)
"Transoral Drainage of Selected Paraphayngeal Abscesses" American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (1995)
"Supernumerary Nostril: A Rare Congenital Deformity" Society ear Nose and Throat Advances in Children (1993)
"Polymorphic Reticulosis in Children A Case Report and Review of the Literature" Triological Association - Eastern Section (1993)
"Absence of the Epiglottis: a Rare Laryngeal Anomaly" Society of ears Nose and Throat Advances in Children (1992)
"Locally Invasive Sinonasal Ployposin in Infants and Children" Society of Ears Nose and Throat Advances in Children (1990)
"Immune Complexes in Middle Ear Effusions of Children" American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (1990)
"Omohyid Muxcle Laryngoplasty" XIV World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (1989)
"Disseminated Burkitt's Lymphoma Presenting As Unilateral Tonsillar Hypertrophy" Second International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer (1988)