Supriya D. Mahajan PhD, MPH

Supriya Mahajan

Supriya D. Mahajan

Associate Professor

Department of Medicine

Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Specialty/Research Focus

Apoptosis and cell death; Bioinformatics; Endocrinology; Gene Expression; Gene Therapy; Genomics and proteomics; Immunology; Molecular and Cellular Biology; Molecular Basis of Disease; Neurobiology; RNA; Viral Pathogenesis

Contact Information
6074 UB‘s CTRC
Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus
875Ellicott Street
Buffalo, New York 14203-1034
Phone: (716) 888-4776
Fax: (716) 859-1471

Professional Summary:

Dr. Mahajan has established herself as an investigator in the area of neuropathogenesis of HIV-1 in the context of drug abuse. She has established 2D and 3D Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) models, that allow
studying mechanisms of BBB pathophysiology, examine BBB integrity and evaluate permeability of neurotherapeutics across the BBB. She investigates the role of a unique key signaling molecule in the dopaminergic pathway called DARPP-32, that impacts drug addiction, depression and other neurological disorders. Her focus has always been on collaborative, interdisciplinary partnerships between various Departments within UB that include the Institute of Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics, Research Institute of Addiction, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, Dept of Pharmaceutical sciences, Dept of Oral Biology and the Department of Bioengineering and also multiinstitutional collaborations with University of Rochester Medical Center and SUNY Albany. This inclusive strategy has facilitated the emergence of a robust, innovative clinical translational research program that continues to grow steadily. Dr Mahajan has obtained independent research funding from NIDA, NSF iCorp, Pharmaceuticals like Pfizer, Shire, Global- CRDF, US- Fulbright and other Private Foundations such as Dr. Louis Skalrow Memorial trust. Dr. Mahajan is Director of Research of the Division of Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology. She supervises the research training of the Allergy fellows, Medical residents, graduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Mahajan has presented her research work at National and International conferences and was an invited speaker at several seminars and colloquiums. She has authored over 108 publications in several top quality peer reviewed journals and has thus demonstrated a high level of scholarly productivity. She is a reviewer and an adhoc member of the editorial board of several journals in her field.
The following is a brief synopsis of her research interests.
HIV neuropathogenesis in the context of drug abuse:
We proposed that Opiates act as co-factors in the pathogenesis of HIV-1 infections by directly suppressing immune functions of the host through interactions with mu-opioid receptors on lymphocytes. Exacerbation of HIV encephalopathy (HIVE) is observed with opiate abuse. The mechanisms underlying HIVE are currently undetermined however, they likely to include the generation of endogenous neurotoxins combined, perhaps synergistically, with bioreactive HIV-1 envelope proteins. We believe that these proposed mechanisms may work through a common signal transduction mechanism activating dopamine D1 receptors in the nucleus accumbens of the brain. Opiate abuse by HIV-1 infected subjects may exacerbate the progression of HIVE as a consequence of the combined effects of HIV-1 induced neurotoxins plus opiate induced increases in the D1 receptor activation. We hypothesize that the dopaminergic signaling pathway is the central molecular mechanism that integrates the neuropathogenic activities of both HIV-1 infections and the abuse of opiate drugs. In this context our investigation is focused on the DARPP-32 signalling pathway. Addictive drugs act on the dopaminergic system of the brain and perturb the function of the dopamine- and cyclic-AMP-regulated phosphoprotein of molecular weight 32 kD (DARPP-32). DARPP-32 is critical to the pathogenesis of drug addiction by modulating both transcriptional and post-translational events in different regions of the brain. DARPP-32 is localized within neurons containing dopamine receptors and is a potent inhibitor of another key molecule in the dopaminergic signaling pathway, protein phosphatase 1 (PP-1). We propose that the sustained silencing of DARPP-32 gene expression using specific siRNA delivered to the brain is an innovative approach for the treatment of drug addiction. The specific challenge of the proposed project is the non-invasive delivery of biologically stable, therapeutic siRNA molecules to target cells within the brain. We are developing biocompatible nanoparticles to both protect DARPP-32 specific siRNA against degradation and deliver it from the systemic circulation across the BBB to specific dopaminergic neurons in the brain of patients with opiate addictions.
BBB Research:
While examining neuropathogenesis of HIV, we became interested in the role of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in HIV neuropathogenesis with the objective of developing therapeutic interventions to prevent and limit the progression of HIV associated neurological disease. The blood-brain barrier is an intricate cellular system composed of vascular endothelial cells and perivascular astrocytes that restrict the passage of molecules between the blood stream and the brain parenchyma. The in-vitro BBB models allow examining permeability of virus, effects of drugs of abuse on BBB permeability, mechanisms of BBB transport, and tight junction modulation. Our goal remains to determine the impact of current and potential CNS antiretrovirals, psychopharmacologic, and other medications on the integrity of the BBB in HIV associated neurological disorder and other neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, we also investigate mechanisms that underlie drugs of abuse induced neuronal apoptosis.
Systems biology approach:
We expanded our investigation to include functional genomic/proteomic NGS analyses that allowed characterization of gene/ protein modulation in response to a drug stimulus or under a specific disease condition. We developed an expertise in these large-scale genomic and proteomic studies and the genomic studies helped identify key genes that underlie molecular mechanisms in drug addiction, HIV diseases progression, and allowed examination of the interplay of genes and environmental factors. The proteomic studies confirmed the presence of specific proteins that regulate key biological processes in drug addiction and HIV diseases progression. Recently, We have expanded my research program to include microbiome analyses and incorporated the utility of the computational drug discovery platform (CANDO) model that allows studying interaction between protein structures from microbiome genomes and determine the interactions that occur between them and small molecules (drugs and human/bacterial metabolites that are already a part of or continue to be added to the CANDO library. Using the CANDO Platform we are able to do the hierarchical fragment-based docking with dynamics between those compounds/drugs and the microbiome proteins/proteomes to determine which ones of the drugs and metabolites will work most efficaciously in patients using specific drugs.
We have developed a strong program in nanomedicine and have initiated several interdisciplinary clinical translational research focused collaborations that include 1) Nanotechnology based delivery systems to examine antitretroviral transport across the BBB; 2) Nanotherapeutics using siRNA/Plasmid delivery to specific regions in the brain to target various genes of interest specifically those pertaining to the dopaminergic pathway that result in the modulation of behavioral response which we observed in animal models of addiction/depression; 3) Biodistribution studies of various nanotherapeutic formulations using PET small animal imaging. Additionally, We are also focused on exploring epigenetic mechanisms that under drug addiction and mechanisms that underlie oxidative stress in neurodegenerative diseases.

Education and Training:

  • MPH, Community Health & Health Disparities, University at Buffalo (2020)
  • Fellowship, Immunology, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (2001)
  • Fellowship, Metabolism/Endocrinology, Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) (1998)
  • PhD, Metabolism/Endocrinology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) (1995)
  • MS, Life Sciences, University of Bombay, India (1987)
  • BS, Life Sciences, University of Bombay, India (1985)


  • Associate Professor, Medicine, University at Buffalo
  • Member UB Delegation for International Biomedical Collaborative Partnership, Medicine, Part of UB- delegation as championed by UB Provost to establish an International Research Partnership with Indian Institute of Technology ( IIT Bombay/IIT Delhi/IIT Kanpur and IIT BHU) to facilitate research and Educational exchange to promote Biomedical application relevant to global health.
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2019-present)
  • Research Associate Professor, Medicine, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2014-present)
  • Research Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo (UB), (2020-present)
  • Research Assistant Professor, Medicine, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2002–2014)
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Medicine, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1998–2001)
  • Post Doctoral Fellow, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH (1995–1998)
  • Pre-doctoral Research Fellow, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (1990–1995)
  • Research Fellow, Indo-USA NIH Funded Senior Fulbright Project (1993–1994)
  • Research Assistant, All India Institute of MedicalSciences (1988–1990)
See all (1 more)

Awards and Honors:

  • CRDF-Global Mentorship Award (2019)
  • Faculty Excellence Award (2018)
  • Best Research Mentor. CSTEP :Program (2017)
  • UB’s Faculty Internationalization Fund (2013)
  • US Fulbright Senior Scholar (2012) (2012)
  • NIDA Cutting-Edge Basic Research Awards (CEBRA) (2011)
  • NIDA Scholarship (2011)
  • NIDA Scholarship (2011)
  • Young Investigator Travel Award (2008)
  • Young Investigator award - International AIDS Society (2007)
  • College on Problems of Drug Dependence Young Investigator Award (2005)
  • International Union of Immunology Societies (IUIS) (2004)
  • Society for Neuro-Immune Pharmacology (2003)
  • INSERM Award (1992)
  • Travel Award from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (1990)

Research Expertise:

  • Blood Brain Barrier Research: We have validated both the 2 and 3 dimensional human in-vitro BBB models in my laboratory, that allowed examining permeability of virus, effects of drugs of abuse on BBB permeability, mechanisms of BBB transport, and tight junction modulation. My goal remains to determine the impact of current and potential CNS antiretrovirals, psychopharmacologic, and other medications on the integrity of the BBB in HIV associated neurological disorder and other neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, I also investigate mechanisms that underlie drugs of abuse induced neuronal apoptosis.
  • HIV Neuropathogenesis: Dr. Mahajan has expertise in the area of HIV neuropathogenesis specifically in the context of drug abuse.
  • Nanomedicine: Nanotherapeutics for drug and gene delivery.
  • Systems Biology applications: Systems Biology analyses that allowed characterization of gene/ protein modulation in response to a drug stimulus or under a specific disease condition. I developed an expertise in these large-scale genomic and proteomic studies and the genomic studies helped identify key genes that underlie molecular mechanisms in drug addiction, HIV diseases progression, and allowed examination of the interplay of genes and environmental factors. The proteomic studies confirmed the presence of specific proteins that regulate key biological processes in drug addiction and HIV diseases progression.I expanded my investigations to include functional genomic/proteomic analyses that allowed characterization of gene/ protein modulation in response to a drug stimulus or under a specific disease condition. I developed an expertise in these large-scale genomic and proteomic studies and the genomic studies helped identify key genes that underlie molecular mechanisms in drug addiction, HIV diseases progression, and allowed examination of the interplay of genes and environmental factors. The proteomic studies confirmed the presence of specific proteins that regulate key biological processes in drug addiction and HIV diseases progression. Recently I have expanded my research program to include microbiome analyses and incorporated the utility of the computational drug discovery platform (CANDO) model that allows studying interaction between protein structures from microbiome genomes and determine the interactions that occur between them and small molecules (drugs and human/bacterial metabolites that are already a part of or continue to be added to the CANDO library. Using the CANDO Platform we are able to do the hierarchical fragment-based docking with dynamics between those compounds/drugs and the microbiome proteins/proteomes to determine which ones of the drugs and metabolites will work most efficaciously in patients using specific drugs.

Research Centers:

  • Clinical and Translational Research Center (CTRC)

Grants and Sponsored Research:

  • September 2020–August 2025
    Inhibition of Radiation-Induced Coronary Microvascular Disease.
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2018–December 2023
    Biomarkers for Type III Hereditary Angioedema
    Takeda originally Shire
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2020–March 2022
    Oral Microbiome in HIV+ patients with Thrush.
    Buffalo Blue Sky Award UB VPR Office
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • February 2019–January 2022
    A novel phase and spectroscopic imaging technique to evaluate mitochondrial dynamics
    National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA)
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • June 2020–October 2020
    Mitochondrial dynamics in SARS-CoV-2 spike protein treated human CNS cells: Implications for COVID19 induced CNS hypoxia
    SUNY Research Seed Grant Program
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • July 2010–June 2013
    Innovative Nanotherapy for Drug Addiction.
    Cutting-Edge Basic Research Awards (CEBRA)
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • February 2008–July 2012
    Effect of the SDF-1 3‘A Genetic variant on emergence of X4 tropism in Long Term Non-Progressors of HIV-1 disease.
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • February 2012–June 2012
    Genetic basis for the increased incidence of HIV-1 associated lipodystrophy in the Indian HIV-1 subtype C patient cohort.
    US Scholars Core Fulbright Program
    Role: Principal Investigator


  • new technology disclosure 030-7663 ‘Compounds to treat non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) designed using a multiscale AI-driven drug discovery platform’ Validation of novel compounds to Treat NSCLC (2025)
  • “Composition of Sinapic Acid and Naringenin for Therapeutic Use of Blast Injury. Use of a natural flavonoid Naringenin for Therapeutic Use of Blast Injury. (2024)
  • Method of using gold nanorods-siRNA complexes Bioconjugation of Gold nanorods and DARPP-32 siRNA (2011)

Journal Articles:

See all (101 more)

Books and Book Chapters:

  • Mahajan SD, You Y, Aalinkeel R, Reynolds JL, Nair, Bindukumar B, Mammen MJ, Ignatowski TA, Cheng, Chong, Schwartz SA. (2016) Biodegradable Nanoparticle-Based Antiretroviral Therapy across the Blood-Brain Barrier.
  • Mahajan SD, Aalinkeel R, Reynolds JL, Nair BB, Mammen MJ, Dai L, Prasad PN, Schwartz SA. (2015) Nanotechnology in Diagnosis, Treatment and Prophylaxis of Infectious Diseases. Elsevier.


  • Parikh NU, Aalinkeel R, Reynolds JL, Quaye E, Cwiklinski K, Sykes DE, Mammen MJ, Sharijkova, A, Khmaladze A, Schwartz SA, Mahajan SD. (2017) Methamphetamine (METH) and HIV-tat mediated oxidative stress contributes to Mitochondrial dysfunction in microglia. JOURNAL OF NEUROIMMUNE PHARMACOLOGY, (Apr)
  • Aalinkeel R, Abou-Jaoude E, Parikh, N, Reynolds JL, Sykes DE, Mammen MJ, Mahajan SD, Schwartz SA. (2016) Galectin-3 in prostate cancer proliferation and metastasis. European Journal of Immunology, (Aug)
  • Parikh NU, Mahajan SD, Aalinkeel R, Reynolds JL, Nair BN, Sykes DE, Mammen MJ, Schwartz SA. (2015) Galectin-1 is Neuroprotectice and Reverses Methamphetamine Induced Blood Brain Barrier Breakdown. JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM, (May)
  • Ignatowski TA, Gerard BA, Bonoiu A, Mahajan SD, Knight III PR, Davidson BA, Bergey EJ, Prasad PN, Spengler RN. (2013) Reduction of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in the hippocampus alleviates neuropathic pain perception. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Neuropathic Pain, (Jan) 29-35

Professional Memberships:

  • American Society for Nanomedicine
  • International Society of Neurovirology (ISNV
  • International Union of Immunology Societies, (IUIS
  • The Canadian Immunology Society
  • The Endocrine Society
  • The International AIDS Society (IAS)
  • The Society of NeuroImmune Pharmacology (SNIP)


  • "ICFNA 2024 at BITS Goa (16th- 18th Nov 2024). Topic: Nano Neurotherapeutics For CNS Diseases" INternational Conference at BITS Goa ICFNA 2024 at BITS Goa ( (2024)
  • "INVITED SPEAKER (INTERNATIONAL) Topic: Nano Neurotherapeutics For CNS Diseases • IIT- Bombay (13th Nov 2024) Topic: CNS Drug Delivery- A Clinical Translational Approach" Workshop at IIT Bombay (2024)
  • "“Nanotherapeutics”." International conference Biorujivith 2021, ‘Innovations And Emerging Trends In Basic And Applied Sciences, Leading To New Entrepreneurship And Employment” hosted by School Of Sciences, Department Of Life Sciences, Garden City University, Bangalore, India in 2021. (2021)
  • "Public Health Informatics in The Context of The Covid-19 Pandemic”" National Conference On Covid-19 And Its Psychological Effects Organized by Department Of Chemistry, Rajdhani College, University Of Delhi India, on 30th April 2021. (2021)
  • "Nanotherapeutics: Future of Personalized Nanomedicine" Inaugural lecture for the International Lecture series-titled Multifaceted Chemistry-An Ever evolving domain of Science, organized by DeshBandhu College, University at Delhi, on Feb 14 th, 2021 (2021)
  • "“Nanotherapeutics- Future Medicine- A new era of Clinical Medicine”" Bioscience for Enriching Human Life Webinar series for Faculty” Hosted by Sri Ramakrishna College, Dept of Biochemistry & Microbiology. (2020)
  • "Nanotherapy for Drug addiction" Herbert Wertheim Distinguished Lectureship Series; Florida International University; Department of Immunology and Nano-Medicine at the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine (HWCOM), FIU. (2019)
  • "Neurodegeneration associated with Methamphetamine Abuse" Colloquium; SUNY Albany; College of Arts and Science (2016)
  • "Nanotherapy for Drug addiction" CTRC Research Seminar; UB; CTRC Research Group (2014)
  • "HIV-1 disease progression" Center for Molecular Dynamics; Center for Molecular Dynamics; Center for Molecular Dynamics (2012)
  • "ART in India and its impact on HIV-1 associated Lipodystrophy" US- Fulbright; USIEF; US- Fulbright South Asian Meeting (2012)
  • "HIV-1 associated Lipodystrophy" Seminar National AIDS Resaerch Research Institute ( NARI), India; NARI; HIV pathophysiology (2012)
  • "Proteomic approach to evaluation of Disease Progression In Long Term Non Progressors (LTNP) of HIV-1 disease" Immunological Societies of Asia Oceania; FIMSA; FIMSA (2012)
  • "Nanotherapy for Drug addiction." International Conference on Molecular Medicine; Vellore Institute of Technology; MOLMED-2012 (2012)
  • "“Modulation of Tight junction expression by an MMP-9 nanoplex: Implications for maintaining Blood Brain Barrier integrity in HIV-1 encephalitis." International Symposium on HIV and Emerging Infectious Diseases.; FIMSA; HIV and Emerging Infectious Diseases. (2010)
  • "Enhancing the Transversing Efficiency And Efficacy Of the Anti Retroviral Drug “Saquinavir” Using Nanotechnology: Implications For Nanotherapeutics In Neuro-Aids" 4th International Workshop on HIV-1 Persistance; HIV-1 resistance & Persistance; Nanotherapeutics In Neuro-Aids (2009)
See all (6 more)

Service Activities:

  • P01 for the “PAR-23-064 Program Projects: Interactions Between HIV-1 and Opioids” ZRG1 IIDB-R(40); Review Panel Member (2025)
  • • November 2024- Part of UB- delegation as championed by UB Provost to establish an International Research Partnership with Birla Institute of Technology (BITS) Goa and IIT Goa) to facilitate research and Educational exchange to promote Multidisciplinary Research.; Part of UB- delegation as championed by UB Provost to establish an International Research Partnership with Birla Institute of Technology (BITS) Goa and IIT Goa) to facilitate research and Educational exchange to promote Multidisciplinary Research. (2024)
  • October 23-25, 2024-Panel member for National Science Foundation’s Building Research Capacity of New Faculty in Biology program (BRC-BIO). s Building Research Capacity of New Faculty in Biology program (BRC-BIO).; Panel Member for National Science Foundation (BRC-BIO). (2024)
  • August 5th, 2024-Reviewer for R01/R21 /Clinical Trials PAR 24-091. “Topics on HIV Comorbidities, Coinfections and Associate Cancers ‘ZRG1 IIDB X02; Review Panel Member (2024)
  • June 20th, 2023 -Reviewer for DOD-CMDRP- FY23 PRMRP DIS ND-4 peer review Neuroscience Panel; Review Panel Member (2024)
  • March 27, 2024-Reviewer “PAR-23-064 Program Projects (P01): HIV, Antiretroviral Therapy and Drug Abuse” ZRG1 IIDB-R(02); Review Panel Member (2024)
  • Candidate HEMALAKSHMI M Department of Biochemistry, Bharathiar University Coimbatore, India Thesis Title: Anti-Diabetic Effects Of Green Synthesized Polyherbal Silver Nanoparticles With Ethanolic Polyherbal Extracts Comprised Of Mangifera Indica, Vinca Rosea And Allium Sativum On Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats Candidate: LERATO MAMABOTE MABOKO, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa Thesis Title: Assessing the acetylcholinesterase inhibitory potential of novel pharmacophores for potential treatment of Alzheimer’s disease Candidate: TAKUDZWA MTISI CHAGUMAIRA University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences , Avondale, Harare Thesis Title: Role of host genetic variation in APOL1 and ABCC genes on differential susceptibility to Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate induced kidney disease in HIV positive adolescents in Zimbabwe Candidate: SWETA RANI Monash University, Chemical & Biological Engineering, Clayton campus, Australia Thesis Title: Femtosecond laser-assisted fabrication of functional micro/nanostructures and their applications Candidate: SONALI KUMARI Banaras Hindu University – Dept of Biochemical Engineering Thesis Title: Molecular modelling and In-Vitro studies of therapeutic potential of Ichnocarpus frutescens and Hemidesmus indicus; PHD THESIS EVALUATION (2024-2025) (2024–2025)
  • Sept 6-7th 2023- Reviewer for DOD-CMDRP- FY23 PRMRP DIS ID-2 Infectious Disease Panel; Review Panel Member (2023)
  • Reviewer for NIH-NDA R01 “Targeting Inflammasomes in Substance Abuse and HIV”–; Review Panel Member (2023)
  • • March 9, 2023-Reviewer for NIH Director’s New Innovator Award Program (DP2); Review Panel Member (2023–2022)
  • NIDA Avenir Program (DP1) Special Emphasis Panel (SEP) ZDA1 IXR-Q (04) S February 23-24th, 2022; Special Emphasis Panel (SEP) member (2022)
  • NIH-NIAID, “Emergency Awards for COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 ZAI1-JHM-X-S3; Review Panel Member (2021)
  • NIH-NIAID HIV/ AIDS Biological-F17A-B (20) Review Panel Member – July 13, 2021; Review Panel member (2021)
  • AIDS and AIDS Related Research (AARR) IRG 2021/01 ZGR1 AARR-B (02) - Dec 11, 2020.; Review Panel Member (2020)
  • NIH-NIMH “BRAIN Initiative” – March 13, 2020; Review panel Member (2020)
  • IP Forum Faculty Facilitator; Faculty Facilitator (2020–present)
  • HIV immunology and pathogenesis/vaccines/microbiome/neuro-AIDS2019/10 ZRG1 AARR-P (02) M – July 30, 2019; Member Review Panel (2019)
  • Neuroscience and Bioengineering SEP (ZRG1 ETTN-K (02) SEP – June 7, 2019; Member Review Panel (2019)
  • Annual Participation in the Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS) conference to promote awareness in STEM education; Invited Speaker (2018–2019)
  • Standing Study Section Member 2019/01 ZRG1 F02A-K (20) L: Oct 18-19, 2018 March 7-8, 2019 May 28-29, 2019 Oct 11-12, 2019 Feb 12-13, 2020 June 25-26, 2020 Oct- 21-22, 2021; NIHStudy Section Member (2018–present)
  • HIV and Drug Abuse: Small Grant Applications: A-START program - 2017/10 ZRG1 AARR-N (91) P – June 12, 2017; July 30, 2018; Session Chair, Member Review Panel (2018)
  • Research Symposium Judge for CSTEP Summer Research Program; Research Symposium Judge for CSTEP Summer Research Program (2017–present)
  • AIDS and Related Research (AARR) Integrated Review Group; -2016/10 ZRG1 AARR-N (91) S – July 2016; Member Review Panel (2016)
  • Medicine Research Day; Judge (2016–present)
  • NSF- GRFP Neuroscience Panel; National Science Foundation (NSF);; Panel Member (2016–2020)
  • NIH CTSA; CTSA Pilot grant program;; Grant Reviewer (2015)
  • Faculty Senate Member second Term Term 1-2015-2018 Term 2- 2021-2024; Member (2015–2024)
  • NIDA ZDA1 HXO-H (01); Member Scientific Review Group: NIH Pathway to Independence Award;; Grant Reviewer (2015)
  • NIH- RCMI; Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) Translational Research Network;; Grant Reviewer (2015)
  • NIDA ZDA1 HXO-H (05); Member Scientific Review Group: NIH Pathway to Independence; Agenda Seq Num – 280299, March 11, 2015 ;; Grant Reviewer (2015)
  • NIH- RCMI; Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) Translational Research Net; Reviewer for NIH grants awarded to Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) Translational Research Network (RTRN)- 2014,;; External Reviewer (2014–2015)
  • NIDA- ZDA1 HXO-H (04); Member Scientific Review Group: NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00;; Grant Reviewer (2014)
  • Faculty Council Member; Member (2014–2017)
  • Faculty Council; Member (2014–2019)
  • Coordinator for Clinical trials for the Division of Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology Coordinator for Clinical trials for the Division of Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology Ongoing trials in the Division GAM 5-28 Octagam Research trial Impact of Lung Flute Therapy on Asthma (completed); Advisor (2014–2015)
  • International Society of Neurovirology (ISNV) Member; Member (2014–present)
  • VA; Reviewer for Veteran Adminstration, Western New York Health Care System-; Reviewer for Veteran Adminstration, Western New York Health Care System- 2013 VAWNYHS Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and Research & Development Committee (RDC);; Grant Reviewer (2013)
  • The Endocrine Society; Associate Member (2012–present)
  • NIDA; Member Scientific Review Group: ZDA1 SXC-E 12 1; NIDA Cutting-Edge Basic Research Awards (CEBRA) (R21) –December 2011;; Ad Hoc Reviewer (2011)
  • VA Western New York Healthcare System- VA Research Day; Judge (2011)
  • The International AIDS Society (IAS); Associate Member (2010–present)
  • American Society for Nanomedicine; Member (2010–present)
  • The Society of NeuroImmune Pharmacology (SNIP); Member (2008–present)
  • Director of Research Division of Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology; Director (2006–present)
  • Reviewer for the Scientific journals Journal Of Neuroimmune Pharmacology Nutrition AIDS Research & Therapy Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism International Journal of Biomedical Science Nanomedicine BMC genomics AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses Research Reports in Clinical Cardiology Neurobehavioral HIV Medicine BMC Neurology International Journal of Nanomedicine African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Journal of Clinical Immunology Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Science of Advanced Materials European Food Research and Technology NANO Biomaterials Science; Reviewer (2006–present)
  • The Canadian Immunology Society - International Union of Immunology Societies, (IUIS); Member (2006–present)

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Contact Information

6074 UB‘s CTRC
Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus
875Ellicott Street
Buffalo, New York 14203-1034
Phone: (716) 888-4776
Fax: (716) 859-1471