You are eligible for the Buswell fellowship if you are a medical doctor who intends to pursue a career as a physician-scientist. You must devote at least 80 percent of your time to research.

U.S. Citizen?
U.S. Citizen?

In not, please provide:


Research Project and Appointment






Supporting Documentation

Curriculum Vitae

Upload the following documents in support of your application:

A complete curriculum vitae including your:

  • academic background
  • prior employment experience
  • list of papers, books, chapters, monographs and articles you have authored or co-authored which have been published or are in press

References to the literature should contain:

  • last names and initials of all authors
  • complete title
  • abbreviated name of periodical
  • volume: inclusive pages
  • year

Article Reprints

Attach up to three reprints providing evidence of your expertise in the field of the proposed study.


Human or Animal Study Approvals

Do your proposed studies involve the use of human subjects or animals?
Do your proposed studies involve the use of human subjects or animals?

If yes, please provide committee approval (human studies IRB or animal IACUC) or evidence of a pending application.


Proposed Research Plan

Please address the following. Limit your total plan to 16 pages, including all tables and figures, excluding references to the literature.

Briefly describe why the project is important, the hypothesis to be tested, the specific aims and major methods. (Up to 200 words.)
State the hypothesis to be tested and the specific aims or objectives for each aspect of the project. What do you want to accomplish by the end of the grant? Design your specific aims and experiments so they answer the question posed by the hypothesis. Organize and define your aims so you can relate them directly to your research methods. Two or three aims may be all that’s needed for a short-term project. (One page or less recommended.)
Summarize the background leading to the present application, critically evaluate existing knowledge and identify gaps the project is intended to fill. State concisely the importance and health relevance of the research by relating the specific aims to the broad, long-term objectives. (Two to three pages recommended.)
Describe your and/or your sponsor’s preliminary studies. Demonstrate your and your sponsor’s experience and competence to successfully pursue the proposed project. List complete references to appropriate publications and manuscripts submitted or accepted for publication. (Up to three pages recommended.)

Attach up to three pertinent publications.


Research Design and Methods

Spell out what you are going to do, how you are going to do it and your criteria for success.


Letter of Recommendation

Attach one letter of recommendation from a knowledgeable individual who is personally familiar with your professional abilities. If you are not currently affiliated with UB, submit at least one letter of recommendation from a senior faculty member at your home institution.


Required Sponsor and Chair Forms

Your sponsor(s) and department chair must also submit the following forms on your behalf:

If you have questions, please contact:

Quattrin, Teresa

Teresa Quattrin, MD

UB Distinguished Professor; Senior Associate Dean for Research Integration

UBMD Pediatrics Division of Endocrinology/Diabetes Conventus Building 1001 Main Street, 5th floor Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 323-0170; Fax: (716) 323-0297
