Description of responsibilities of the University at Buffalo (UB) Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) and its councils, based on applicable Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) requirements.
This policy describes the functions of the GMEC, including committee charges, meeting logistics, membership, subcommittees, councils and applicable requirements. The GMEC performs all functions as required by the ACGME, including but not limited to:
- Oversight of:
- ACGME accreditation and recognition statuses of the Sponsoring Institution and each of its ACGME-accredited programs; (Outcome)
- the quality of the GME learning and working environment within the Sponsoring Institution, each of its ACGME- accredited programs, and its participating sites; (Outcome)
- the quality of educational experiences in each ACGME- accredited program that lead to measurable achievement of educational outcomes as identified in the ACGME Common and specialty-/subspecialty-specific Program Requirements; (Outcome)
- the ACGME-accredited program(s)’ annual program evaluation(s) and Self-Study(ies); (Core)
- ACGME-accredited programs’ implementation of institutional policy(ies) for vacation and leaves of absence, including medical, parental, and caregiver leaves of absence, at least annually; (Core)
- all processes related to reductions and closures of individual ACGME-accredited programs, major participating sites, and the Sponsoring Institution; and, (Core)
- the provision of summary information of patient safety reports to residents, fellows, faculty members, and other clinical staff members. At a minimum, this oversight must include verification that such summary information is being provided. (Detail)
- review and approval of:
- institutional GME policies and procedures; (Core)
- GMEC subcommittee actions that address required GMEC responsibilities; (Core)
- annual recommendations to the Sponsoring Institution’s administration regarding resident/fellow stipends and benefits; (Core)
- applications for ACGME accreditation of new programs; (Core)
- requests for permanent changes in resident/fellow complement; (Core)
- major changes in each of its ACGME-accredited programs’ structure or duration of education, including any change in the designation of a program’s primary clinical site; (Core)
- additions and deletions of each of its ACGME-accredited programs’ participating sites; (Core)
- appointment of new program directors; (Core)
- progress reports requested by a Review Committee; (Core)
- responses to Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) reports; (Core)
- requests for exceptions to clinical and educational work hour requirements; (Core)
- voluntary withdrawal of ACGME program accreditation or recognition; (Core)
- requests for appeal of an adverse action by a Review Committee; and, (Core)
- appeal presentations to an ACGME Appeals Panel; and, (Core)
- exceptionally qualified candidates for resident/fellow appointments who do not satisfy the Sponsoring Institution’s resident/fellow eligibility policy and/or resident/fellow eligibility requirements in the Common Program Requirements. (Core)
The GMEC is charged with providing oversight, both for UB as a sponsoring institution and for its ACGME-accredited programs, in accordance with ACGME Institutional Requirements. The GMEC also provides strategic guidance on important decisions regarding resident/fellow education and well-being.
Additionally, the UB GMEC provides oversight of nonstandard training programs and CODA-accredited programs (in collaboration with the UB School of Dental Medicine) according to the standards of those accrediting bodies.
The GMEC Chair creates all subcommittees (including charges), and appoints subcommittee Chairs and members. Subcommittees address some GMEC responsibilities as stated in the ACGME Institutional Requirements and include peer-selected resident/fellow members.
- Program Quality Review Subcommittee (PQRS)
- Meets/reports monthly
- Charges: Guide ACGME-accredited programs in achieving and demonstrating continuous improvement, and demonstrate effective oversight of programs by:
- Monitoring resident/fellow work hours logging and compliance (ACGME- and CODA-accredited programs)
- Identifying underperforming programs for Special Reviews and conducting those reviews
- Providing oversight of Annual Program Evaluations (APEs)
- Reviewing and providing proactive feedback on all ACGME-accredited programs’ ADS (Accreditation Data System) Annual Program Updates
- Reviewing all programs’ ACGME accreditation letters, including citations and Areas For Improvement (AFI)
- Contributing to policy decisions
- Reviewing ACGME Annual Resident and Faculty survey results and UB GME Resident/Fellow Satisfaction and Wellbeing survey results
- University at Buffalo Residents’ Committee (UBRC
- Resident/Fellow Forum
- GME Facilitator: DIO
- Meets/reports at least quarterly
- There is time designated during each meeting of the UBRC for members to conduct their forum without the DIO, faculty or other administrators present.
- Charges: communicate and exchange information among residents about training, working and learning environment, and quality of life; bring issues to the GMEC; contribute to deliberations of the GMEC through elected representatives who serve as GMEC voting members.
- Resident representatives to the UB Residents Committee (UBRC) are peer-selected in each of their programs through an annual, anonymous vote. The UBRC elects steering committee members, who serve as voting members of the GMEC.
- Steering committee members may present concerns that arise from discussions at the forum to the DIO and GMEC.
- All residents/fellows are invited to attend meetings and are free to raise concerns to the forum.
The committee Chair may create ad-hoc subcommittees as needed.
The GMEC Chair creates all councils (including charges), and appoints council Chairs. Councils do not address GMEC responsibilities as stated in the ACGME Institutional Requirements and do not include peer-selected resident/fellow members.
- Program Directors Advisory Council (PDAC)
- Meets/reports monthly
- Charges:
- Facilitate professional development applicable to program directors’, clinical educators’ and administrators’ responsibilities as educational leaders
- Provide a venue for town hall meetings with GME institutional leaders
- Provide opportunities for program directors to provide input on institutional priorities (e.g., policies, processes, standard forms (evaluations), resident/fellow recruitment, etc.).
- All program directors, clinical educators and administrators are invited to participate
- Training Program Administrators Council (TPAC)
- Charges:
- Facilitate professional development applicable to program administrators’ unique roles and responsibilities
- Provide a forum for discussion with and without GME office staff
- Provide opportunities for program administrators to provide input on institutional priorities (e.g., policies, processes, standard forms (evaluations), resident/fellow recruitment, etc.).
- All program administrators are invited to participate.
- Resident Well-Being Council
- Meets/reports at least quarterly
- Charges: Help residents thrive by: assisting and guiding residents in identifying and appreciating their abilities and strengths; identifying and sharing effective methods for managing the challenges and stresses in their relationships at work and home; establishing programs that foster well-being and facilitate treatment for those in need of support.
- All residents/fellows are invited to attend.
ACGME Institutional Requirements effective 7/1/2022:
- Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) (I.B.-I.B.1.a).(4), I.B.2.-I.B.5.a).(3))
- Membership
- A Sponsoring Institution with multiple ACGME-accredited programs must have a GMEC that includes at least the following voting members: (Core)
- the DIO; (Core)
- a representative sample of program directors (minimum of two) from its ACGME-accredited programs; (Core)
- a minimum of two peer-selected residents/fellows from among its ACGME-accredited programs; and, (Core)
- a quality improvement or patient safety officer or designee. (Core)
- Additional GMEC members and subcommittees: In order to carry out portions of the GMEC’s responsibilities, additional GMEC membership may include others as determined by the GMEC. (Detail)
- Subcommittees that address required GMEC responsibilities must include a peer-selected resident/fellow. (Detail)
- Meetings and Attendance: The GMEC must meet a minimum of once every quarter during each academic year. (Core)
- Each meeting of the GMEC must include attendance by at least one resident/fellow member. (Core)
- The GMEC must maintain meeting minutes that document execution of all required GMEC functions and responsibilities. (Core)
- Responsibilities: GMEC responsibilities must include:
- Oversight of:
- ACGME accreditation and recognition statuses of the Sponsoring Institution and each of its ACGME-accredited programs; (Outcome)
- the quality of the GME learning and working environment within the Sponsoring Institution, each of its ACGME- accredited programs, and its participating sites; (Outcome)
- the quality of educational experiences in each ACGME- accredited program that lead to measurable achievement of educational outcomes as identified in the ACGME Common and specialty-/subspecialty-specific Program Requirements; (Outcome)
- the ACGME-accredited program(s)’ annual program evaluation(s) and Self-Study(ies); (Core)
- ACGME-accredited programs’ implementation of institutional policy(ies) for vacation and leaves of absence, including medical, parental, and caregiver leaves of absence, at least annually; (Core)
- all processes related to reductions and closures of individual ACGME-accredited programs, major participating sites, and the Sponsoring Institution; and, (Core)
- the provision of summary information of patient safety reports to residents, fellows, faculty members, and other clinical staff members. At a minimum, this oversight must include verification that such summary information is being provided. (Detail)
- review and approval of:
- institutional GME policies and procedures; (Core)
- GMEC subcommittee actions that address required GMEC responsibilities; (Core)
- annual recommendations to the Sponsoring Institution’s administration regarding resident/fellow stipends and benefits; (Core)
- applications for ACGME accreditation of new programs; (Core)
- requests for permanent changes in resident/fellow complement; (Core)
- major changes in each of its ACGME-accredited programs’ structure or duration of education, including any change in the designation of a program’s primary clinical site; (Core)
- additions and deletions of each of its ACGME-accredited programs’ participating sites; (Core)
- appointment of new program directors; (Core)
- progress reports requested by a Review Committee; (Core)
- responses to Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) reports; (Core)
- requests for exceptions to clinical and educational work hour requirements; (Core)
- voluntary withdrawal of ACGME program accreditation or recognition; (Core)
- requests for appeal of an adverse action by a Review Committee; and, (Core)
- appeal presentations to an ACGME Appeals Panel; and, (Core)
- exceptionally qualified candidates for resident/fellow appointments who do not satisfy the Sponsoring Institution’s resident/fellow eligibility policy and/or resident/fellow eligibility requirements in the Common Program Requirements. (Core)
- Program Administration (II.B., II.B.3.): The Sponsoring Institution, in partnership with each of its ACGME-accredited programs, must ensure the availability of adequate resources for resident/fellow education, including:
- support for professional development applicable to program directors’ and core faculty members’ responsibilities as educational leaders; (Core)
- Resident/Fellow Forum (II.C.- II.C.3.): The Sponsoring Institution with more than one program must ensure availability of an organization, council, town hall, or other platform that allows all residents/fellows from within and across the Sponsoring Institution’s ACGME-accredited programs to communicate and exchange information with other residents/fellows relevant to their ACGME-accredited programs and their learning and working environment. (Core)
- Any resident/fellow from one of the Sponsoring Institution’s ACGME- accredited programs must have the opportunity to directly raise a concern to the forum. (Core)
- Residents/fellows must have the option, at least in part, to conduct their forum without the DIO, faculty members, or other administrators present. (Core)
- Residents/fellows must have the option to present concerns that arise from discussions at the forum to the DIO and GMEC. (Core)
Established: 2022
GMEC approval date: June 21, 2022