Code of Professional Conduct

Commitment to demonstrate respect, compassion & integrity

  • consider carefully how your personal actions reflect upon the university, institution, or the profession including behavior outside of the work place, not limited to online activities such as the use of social media
  • recognize the importance of your status as a physician in society and avoid using this influence inappropriately (e.g. commercial gain, political influence, societal status)
  • work to intentionally eradicate racism and healthcare disparities by educating myself, colleagues and students, speaking out against injustice, avoiding bias in clinical decision making, and mentoring others
  • treat all individuals with behavior and language that shows respect, sensitivity, and responsiveness, without regard to culture, race, age, gender, disability, national origin, position, religion, socioeconomic status or sexual orientation
  • cultivate an environment that is not hostile, intimidating, or harassing by avoiding such behaviors as abusive language, unwelcome sexual advances, and offensive communications and speaking out to report these problems and support those affected
  • recognize that using alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances impairs performance and risks patient safety
  • dress professionally and maintain good personal hygiene in order to establish trust and confidence, and show consideration for cultural sensitivities of patients and co-workers, avoiding attire and grooming that could be offensive or unsafe
  • communicate accurate information about which you have direct knowledge, not intentionally misleading or giving false information
  • identify and adhere to partner institutions’ guidelines and policies patients and their families

  • use non-judgmental language and behavior, free from obscene or derogatory terms, that shows empathy and sensitivity to patients’ and families’ needs, feelings, and wishes
  • recognize the limits of your clinical knowledge and experience, seeking advice whenever needed
  • work in concert with your health care team, led by the attending faculty, in presenting a consistent, understandable message to patients and families
  • act with integrity in dealing with adverse outcomes, accepting responsibility, taking corrective action, and learning from the event to improve patient care in the future
  • share medical and personal information about patients only with health professionals directly involved in the patient's care, and in locations that are as private as possible
  • practice judicious use of personal technology and social media in medical settings (e.g. phones and/or tablets for photography, texting, audio-capture, etc.)
  • create accurate, original, timely, truthful, complete, and legible medical documents, including electronic correspondence, that are stored in secure locations
  • respond to patient care requirements in a timely manner
  • recognize the possibility of conflict of interest, which may manifest as acceptance of certain gifts, or inappropriate utilization of services
  • demonstrate a willingness to consider the socio-economic reality in which care is provided and the influence this has on patient outcomes faculty, colleagues and staff

  • work together with all members of the health care team, showing sensitivity to their responsibilities, needs, and feelings
  • refrain from making derogatory statements about other health professionals, medical specialties or professions
  • display a judicious use of others' time and energy:
    • do not misrepresent the work of others as your own
    • arrive at the scheduled time for all clinical rotations, courses, sessions, and other mandatory academic obligations
    • avoid behavior that is disruptive to the learning environment
    • complete paperwork, duty hour logging, evaluations, and surveys in a timely manner
    • use hospital/clinic property, including equipment and medications, for patient care only, not personal use
    • prevent damage or misuse of hospital/clinic tools and equipment
    • welcome candid and constructive feedback from faculty and others who observe performance as an indispensable guide to improving skills
    • provide constructive feedback to promote the learning of others and improve quality of care

Maintenance of the aforementioned standards is a shared responsibility accomplished by reinforcing positive actions and addressing concerns constructively.

Established:  2007
GMEC Approved Date:  July 21, 2020