Asked to re-enroll in eduroam Wi-Fi at UB? Here’s what to do

Students using laptops connected to wi-fi.

Published April 17, 2024

Received an email saying your eduroam certificate is expiring?  Here’s what that means and what you should do.

Why did I get this email?



Michael Canfield.

Michael Canfield joined UB in January 2023 as an IT Communications Specialist for UBIT. A former newspaper reporter with a background in higher ed communication, Michael is also a volunteer firefighter. When he’s not writing or learning about all things UBIT, Michael likes to spend time with his wife and two English bulldogs. 

Every five years, UBIT will prompt you to re-enroll your devices on UB eduroam Wi-Fi in order to maintain access to UB’s network.

30 days before your five years is up, you will receive an email from (SecureW2 is a trusted UB partner) with the subject line “Action Required: Please re-enroll in UB eduroam Wi-Fi.”

Consider it a friendly nudge to initiate the re-enrollment process promptly. An email will be sent for each device enrolled with an eduroam authentication certificate.

Two ways to re-enroll your device

  • Email notification: Using the device you need to re-enroll, click directly from the email notification.
  • Visit the registration page: Using the device you need to re-enroll, visit the UBIT website and follow the step-by-step instructions

Good for five more years

Upon re-enrollment, your device will be granted a fresh five-year eduroam certification. Being enrolled with an eduroam certificate unlocks eduroam Wi-Fi at participating universities around the world. 

What happens if I ignored the re-enrollment message?

Your device will not be able to [re-]connect to the UB eduroam network untill you complete the onboarding process again.  

Need help?

The UBIT Help Center is here to help with your technology needs at UB. Students can also reach out to the UB Tech Squad for help; they can meet you anywhere on North or South Campus.