Anna Blumental-Perry

Anna Blumental-Perry

Anna Blumental-Perry

Assistant Professor

Department of Biochemistry

Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Specialty/Research Focus

Apoptosis and cell death; Cell growth, differentiation and development; Metabolism; Molecular and Cellular Biology; Molecular Basis of Disease; Protein Folding; Protein Function and Structure; Pulmonary; RNA; Stem Cells

Contact Information
Department of Biochemistry
955 Main Street
Buffalo, New York 14203
Phone: 7168292105
Fax: 7168292105

Professional Summary:

The endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondria are parts of a proteostasis network that undergoes age-related changes. The focus of my research has been to understand the adaptive and non-adaptive age-dependent reprogramming of cellular homeostasis in the lungs of smokers, with a focus on mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum age–related stress responses in local progenitor cells.

My laboratory is using exposure to cigarette smoke (CS) and to nicotine as model systems for environmentally induced physiological stressors in exposed cells, animals and humans.

We identified the first known mitochondria-encoded small non-coding RNA, mito-ncR-805, that mediates retrograde communication between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. During stress, mito-ncR-805 exits the mitochondria, and enters the nucleus, where it maintains the expression of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes, and by doing so preserves mitochondrial bioenergetics, and orchestrates adaptation of mitochondrial function to stressful conditions. Currently, we are working to understand the cell type specificity and the molecular mechanisms of the release of mito-ncR-805 from the mitochondria, the mechanism of its entrance into the nucleus, as well as the mechanism of its nuclear function, and the possibility to develop mito-ncR-805 into therapeutics for diseases that have a mitochondrial malfunction component as a leading factor in their pathogenesis.

We delineated the mechanisms of CS-effects on protein folding and identified a protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) as the first known ER target of cigarette smoke induced oxidation. PDI is one of the most abundant redox-sensitive ER resident proteins, and it plays a central role in disulfide bond formation, and redox homeostasis. CS-induced posttranslational PDI oxidation result in the induction of ER Stress Response (ERSR) in vitro and in vivo. Animals deficient in ERSR are fully protected from CS-associated fibrosis, and partially protected from inflammation and emphysema. Our current research aims to delineate redox signaling function of post-transnationally oxidized PDI, and establish which specific components of ERSR are involved and when they should be modulated by therapeutic approaches.

Our technical approach has been multidisciplinary including protein chemistry, cell and
molecular biology, advanced microscopy, genetic engineering, and animal models of disease.

Education and Training:

  • Fellowship, Cell Biology and Physiology, University of Pittsburgh (2008)
  • PhD, Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2002)
  • MS, Human Genetics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Magna Cum Laude (1995)
  • Pre-Med, Rigas Medical School, Magna Cum Laude (1992)


  • Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo (2020-present)
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University (2015–2019)
  • Assistant Professor, Mercer University (2010–2014)
  • Research Instructor, Medicine, University of Pittsburgh (2008–2010)

Awards and Honors:

  • Science Daily mentioning (2016)
  • Dr Shmerler Foundation Award for Msc Thesis with distinction (1995)
  • The Golda Meir Foundation Award for Master Students with distinction (1993)
  • Rigas Medical School Dean List Scholarship (1990)

Grants and Sponsored Research:

  • September 2010–August 2015
    Smoke Induced Unfolded Protein Response in COPD
    Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 2009–December 2010
    Cigarette smoke induced Endoplasmic Reticulum stress response in the pathogenesis of COPD
    American Thoracic Society
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • July 2003–June 2005
    Phosphoinositides as regulators of Coat protein II complex (COPII) mediated export from Endoplasmic Reticulum
    American Heart Association
    Role: Principal Investigator


  • Mitochondria signaling molecule mito-ncR-LDL805 as a target to reduce energy deficit in multiple diseases with mitochondrial malfunction Invention ID: 7710 (2024)
  • Therapeutic Inhibition of mitochondria signaling molecule mito-ncR-LDL805 as a target to reduce survival and metastasis of mito-ncR-LDL805 -dependent tumors Invention ID: 7711 (2024)

Journal Articles:

See all (5 more)

Books and Book Chapters:

  • Zhi-wei Ye, Jie Zhang, Muhammad Aslam, Anna Blumental-Perry, Kenneth D. Tew, Danyelle M. Townsend. (2023) Chapter Four - Protein disulfide isomerase family mediated redox regulation in cancer. In: Protein disulfide isomerase family mediated redox regulation in cancer, Advances in Cancer Research, Invited. Contributed to writing and editing. July, 2023. ELSEVIER

Professional Memberships:

  • American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2015–present)
  • National Association of Professional Women (2015–present)
  • Pitt Alumni (2009–present)
  • American Thoracic Society (2008–present)
  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Alumni (2002–present)


  • "How what we inhale can accelerate lung aging: endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria perspective" Case Western Reserve University Genetics, and Genome Sciences Seminar (2024)
  • "“Evaluation of cell types that contribute to the lung aging and small airway disease in COPD via mass cytometry”." Weill Cornell Medicine, New York CYTOF Symposium. (2024)
  • "Endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial stress responses in the Pathogenesis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" University at Buffalo, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Invited Speaker Seminar, (2023)
  • "Proteostasis imbalance in the pathogenesis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" MD-PhD Seminar Invited Speaker (2023)
  • "“Dysregulation of Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) Signaling in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Leads to Small Airway Fibrotic Disease”" VuMedical a video educational platform for physicians, May 2022. (2022)
  • "“Development of a small mtDNA-encoded regulatory non-coding RNA region as a potential therapeutic agent to modulate mitochondrial bioenergetics”" International Conference on COPD and Asthma (2022)
  • "Mitochondria-nuclear communication during stress and its possible relevance to cancer cell survival, May 2021" University at Buffalo-Cancer Research Consortium Seminar Series-Guest Speaker (2021)
  • "Retrograde signaling by a mtDNA-encoded non-coding RNA preserves mitochondrial bioenergetics during recovery from stress" International ncRNA world society Invited seminar, April 2021 (2021)
  • "Cigarette Smoke Exposure Alters Mitochondria Function by Regulating Expression of Mitochondrial miR805/mitosRNA-L-DL_1 in Alveolar type II Cells" ATS; ATS; Pathologic Programming of Airway Epithelium (2015)
  • "Unfolded Protein Response as a Driving Force of Tissue Loss During Virally Induced Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" From Unfolded Proteins in the ER to Disease; FASEB Summer Research Conference (2013)
  • "Cigarette Smoke Exposure Induces Unfolded Protein Response in Cell Culture and in Animal Models" ATS/AAT-1 foundation meeting; ATS (2010)
  • "Unfolded Protein Response Induced by Cigarette Smoke, General Mechanisms and Implications to COPD" From Unfolded Proteins in the ER to Disease; FASEB Summer Research Conference: (2010)
  • "Retrograde signaling by an MT-DNA-Encoded non-coding RNA preserves mitochondrial bioenergetics," 11th Targeting Mitochondria Congress, Berlin, October 28-30, 2020.
See all (3 more)

Service Activities:

  • NHLBI’s funding announcements for review panel. “Maximizing the Scientific Value of the NHLBI Biorepository: Scientific Opportunities for Exploratory Research” (R21, RFA-HL-23-018); Reviewer (2024)
  • Internal Mock reviewer for VA Career development award CDA-2.; Reviewer (2024)
  • Reviewed and re-evaluated manuscript REDOX-D-24-02218; Reviewer for Redox Biology (2024)
  • Judged submitted for competitions works, participated in the event.; Art of Research, Judge (2024)
  • Special NIH/ Heart, Lung, and Blood Program Project Study, Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group meeting (01-31-24) 2024/05 HLBP-A (20) P01; Reviewer (2024)
  • Interviewed candidates for MD-PhD and PPBS programs; Interviewer (2024)
  • UB Association of Jewish Faculty, Staff, and Friends; Treasurer and board member (2024–present)
  • Invited Elsa Bou Ghanem (University at Buffalo). 2024 speakers Drs. Lynne Maquat (University of Rochester Medical Center), Tom Rutkowski (University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine),; Host for Invited speakers (2024)
  • GGB research day poster judge; Judge at research days (2023–present)
  • interviewer of potential candidates; PPBS (PhD Program in the Biomedical Sciences) (2023)
  • interviewer of potential candidates; Computational Cell Biology, Anatomy and Pathology Graduate program (2023–present)
  • Art of Research Competition; Steering Committee member (2022–2023)
  • ; Basic Science Representative to Faculty Council Steering Committee (2022–2024)
  • ; Basic science representative to Jacobs School Executive Committee Meeting (2022–2024)
  • Faculty-member of University at Buffalo Faculty Senate and Faculty Senate Executive Committee.; Basic Science Representative to the Faculty Senate (2022–present)
  • Reviewer for PMID: 34566699, PMID: 34916953, and PMID: 34110970; Reviewer (2021–2023)
  • ; BCH research day poster and oral presentation judge (2021–2023)
  • UB faculty Senate, weekly meeting. Participated in discussion, and voting on certain topics.; Member of the Executive Senate Committee (2020–2022)
  • Lung and Aging institutes; Deciphering the Molecular Landscape of Lung Aging in Humans;; Panel Member (2018)
  • Lung institute; LIRR;; Grant Reviewer (2017)
  • Special Issue “ Pulmonary Case Reports” Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine, Published by OmicsGroup; Editor (2013–2014)
  • FAMRI; FAMRI;; Grant Reviewer (2012)
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum stress in Diseases Journal by De Gruyter; Editor (2012–2019)
  • Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine; Editorial Board Member (2011–present)
  • Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol, Molecular Oncology, Scientific Reports Nature Publishing Group, Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy, Pulmonary Pha; Reviewer (2011–present)
  • Reviewer for Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol, Molecular Oncology, Scientific Reports Nature Publishing Group, Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy, PlosOne, Frontiers, RNA biology, Clinical&Translational Medicine, Redox Biology; Reviewer (2011–present)

School News:

In the Media:

Clinical Specialties:

Clinical Offices:

Insurance Accepted:

Contact Information

Department of Biochemistry
955 Main Street
Buffalo, New York 14203
Phone: 7168292105
Fax: 7168292105