Assistant Professor
Department of Structural Biology
Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Membrane Proteins; Protein Function and Structure; Structural Biology; X-ray Crystallography
My laboratory studies the structure, function, and the relationship between structure and function in membrane transport proteins. Transporters undergo isomerization, transitioning between distinct conformations to ferry cargo across lipidic membranes. We are especially interested in deciphering the forces that energize transport, the determinants of ligand selection (given the spectrum from high specificity to multispecificity among transporters), and deciphering the structural dynamics governing conformational changes in transporters.
To probe these captivating facets of transport, we harness a diverse array of structural biology techniques, including X-ray crystallography, cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM), and X-ray scattering. Complementing these methods, we employ a suite of biochemical and biophysical assays to characterize purified proteins, whether solubilized in detergents or reconstituted in lipids. Additionally, we conduct various cellular assays and collaborate closely with computational scientists proficient in molecular dynamics simulations and other computational methodologies to enrich our experimental insights.
Our main focus is the Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide superfamily, which plays pivotal roles in numerous physiological processes, encompassing drug disposition, potential life-threatening drug-drug interactions, and the management and progression of specific cancers.
Furthermore, the field of cryo-EM has witnessed substantial advancements in recent years, yet challenges persist, particularly concerning sample stability and dispersion on cryo-EM grids. To address these hurdles, we are developing novel tools for sample handling and freezing. Our aim is to minimize the occurrence of denatured particles on grids and mitigate issues such as preferred particle orientations, thereby enhancing the efficacy and reliability of cryo-EM analyses.