Tracey A. Ignatowski PhD

Tracey Ignatowski

Tracey A. Ignatowski

Clinical Associate Professor

Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences

Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Specialty/Research Focus

Behavioral pharmacology; Gene Expression; Gene Therapy; Immunology; Molecular and Cellular Biology; Molecular Basis of Disease; Neurobiology; Neuroimmunology; Neuropharmacology; Protein Function and Structure; Signal Transduction

Contact Information
Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
University at Buffalo
955 Main Street, Room 4256
Buffalo, New York 14203
Phone: 716-829-3102
Fax: 716-829-2725

Professional Summary:

My research spans three interrelated fields: chronic pain, depression and inflammation. Experiments in my laboratory focus on how brain-derived pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF), function as modulators of brain-body interactions during neuropathic pain and how brain-TNF is involved in the mechanism of action of antidepressant drugs. My overall goal is to advance knowledge of, and therapeutic efficacy for pain, depression, neuro-inflammation and drug addiction.

This research is based on my earlier work showing that neurons produce the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF and that the production of TNF by macrophages is regulated by neurotransmitters. Cytokines and neurotransmitters are principal signaling molecules that mediate bidirectional communication between the nervous and immune systems--the crosstalk important in maintaining homeostasis. Consequently, aberrant production of either of these two classes of mediators could profoundly affect signaling by the other, thereby impacting health. A shift in balanced cytokine-neuron interactions that regulate neurotransmitter release in the central nervous system (CNS), and that have potential behavioral consequences, manifest themselves as states of depression and chronic pain. My research uses both cell systems and animal models to test these hypotheses. Colleagues and I use a combination of imaging techniques to localize cytokine production, bioassays and ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays) for pharmacological and functional analyses, electrophysiological (brain slice stimulation) and molecular methods for our studies.

In addition to investigating neuron functioning in the brain, trainees in my laboratory also study the peripheral macrophage, a major source of TNF during inflammation. Specifically studying neurotransmitter regulation of TNF production in the periphery is enhancing our knowledge of how the brain controls a peripheral inflammatory lesion. Our studies are designed to investigate the mechanisms of centrally mediated pain as associated with immune dysfunction and to elucidate mechanisms of drugs used to treat such pain states.

My projects are evolving to investigate the mechanisms and neural pathways involved in TNF neuromodulator functions during chronic pain (due to peripheral nerve injury and diabetes) and stress-induced depressive behavior. We also study mechanisms contributing to the comorbidity of chronic pain and depression.

I collaborate with researchers in several UB departments and at other institutions. Our projects include using noninvasive methods for delivery of anti-TNF therapeutics for chronic pain, elucidating the neural-immune mechanisms involved in the rapid recovery afforded by centrally administered anti-TNF therapy and using nanotechnology-mediated, targeted gene silencing within the CNS.

I am invested in helping my undergraduate and graduate students, medical residents and postdoctoral fellows realize their potential and achieve their goals. Previous students have advanced professionally and hold clinical, academic and industrial positions.

Education and Training:

  • Fellowship, Post-doctoral Fellowship, Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, University of Rochester Medical Center (1997)
  • PhD, Pathology, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (1995)
  • BS, Biological Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Cum Laude (1990)


  • Clinical Associate Professor, Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2023-present)
  • Managing Director, Brain-Body Research Institute (BBRI), Buffalo, New York. Volunteer position., BBRI (2020-present)
  • Member, Clinical and Research Institute on Addictions (CRIA), University at Buffalo-SUNY, Buffalo, New York., CRIA, SUNY-Buffalo (2019-present)
  • Research Assistant Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology, University at Buffalo-SUNY Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2018-present)
  • Research Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1997-present)
  • Assistant Professor, Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2015–2023)
  • Co-Director of Research & Development, Neuroscience Division, NanoAxis, LLC, Clarence, New York. Volunteer position., NanoAxis, LLC (2011–2019)
  • Research Associate Professor, Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2011–2015)
  • Senior Research Scientist, NanoAxis, LLC, Amherst, New York. Volunteer position., NanoAxis, LLC (2009–2011)
  • Research Assistant Professor, Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1999–2011)

Awards and Honors:

  • UUP Individual Development Award (2019)
  • Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. (2017)
  • Cambridge Who‘s Who, Honored Member (2011)
  • Who's Who in America (2008)
  • Outstanding Poster Presentation Award (ESICM) (1999)
  • Notter Award Recipient (1997)
  • Young Investigator Travel Award (1996)
  • Young Investigator Travel Award (1995)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow Poster Competition Award (1995)
  • American Society for Investigative Pathology Student Travel Award (1995)
  • Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges (1993)
  • Golden Key National Honor Society (1990)
  • Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED) (1989)

Research Expertise:

  • Small animal surgery; Electrophysiology: Chronic contriction injury (CCI); Stereotaxic surgery and implantation of brain infusion cannula; Peritoneal lavage. Electrical stimulation/depolarization of brain tissue slices; superfusion of brain tissue slices.

Grants and Sponsored Research:

  • September 2019–August 2024
    Disrupting ion channel scaffolding to treat neuropathic pain.
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2023–June 2024
    Cannabis vaping-induced inflammasome activation and chronic lung inflammation
    Center for Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research (CeCaR) Pilot Study Program, University at Buffalo
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator
  • September 2012–June 2017
    Ionic Mechanisms Underlying Dorsal Root Ganglion Excitability
    National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2004–June 2006
    The Effect of Brain-derived Tumor Necrosis Factor-? (TNF?) on Macrophage Functioning in the Peripheral Inflammatory Lesion during Neuropathic Pain
    United Spinal Association/Eastern Paralyzed Research Association
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • April 2001–March 2006
    Brain-derived TNF and Adrenergic Responses in Neuropathic Pain
    National Institutes of Health
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2001–December 2003
    Brain-derived Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) and Its Effect on Peripheral Macrophage Functioning during Neuropathic Pain
    The Charles Dana Foundation
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • July 1999–June 2001
    Brain-associated TNF and Adrenergic Responsiveness: A Role in the Mechanism of Tricyclic Antidepressant Action.
    National Alliance of Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD)
    Role: Principal Investigator


  • NANOP104USA Nanoparticle mediated gene therapy and therapeutic products for Alzheimer’s. (2012)
  • NANOP102USA Nanoparticle mediated gene therapy, diagnostic products and therapeutic products for breast cancer. (2011)
  • GNR-plasmid complexes (nanoplasmidexes) delivered to CNS for neurological d GNR-plasmid complexes (nanoplasmidexes) delivered to the CNS for the treatment of neurological disorders. New Technology Disclosure (NTD) submitted to UB STOR. (2010)
  • Gold nanorod-siRNA nanoplexes delivered to the CNS for depressive disorders Gold nanorod-siRNA nanoplexes delivered to the central nervous system as treatment for depressive disorders. New Technology Disclosure (NTD) submitted to UB STOR. (2010)

Journal Articles:

See all (43 more)

Books and Book Chapters:

  • Tobinick EL, Ignatowski TA, Spengler RN. (2017) On Overcoming Barriers to Application of Neuroinflammation Research. In: Mechanisms of Neuro-inflammation. InTech – Open Science Publishing, Inc., Rijeka, Croatia., 145-165.
  • Ignatowski TA, Samankan S, Spengler RN. (2015) Molecular Pathophysiology and the Role of TNF in the Neuro-inflammatory Reflex. In: CRPS: Past, Present & Future. NOVA Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, New York., 51-75.
  • Mahajan SD, Yun Y, Aalinkeel R, Reynolds JL, Nair, Bindukumar B, Mammen MJ, Ignatowski TA, Cheng, Chong, Schwartz SA. (2015) Biodegradable Nanoparticle-Based Antiretroviral Therapy across the Blood-Brain Barrier. In: Handbook of Clinical Nanomedicine-From Bench to Bedside. Pan Stanford Publishing/CRC Press, Singapore., 1379-1406.
  • Ignatowski TA, Gerard BA, Bonoiu A, Mahajan SD, Knight III PR, Davidson BA, Bergey EJ, Prasad PN, Spengler RN. (2013) Reduction of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in the hippocampus alleviates neuropathic pain perception.
  • Ignatowski TA, Spengler RN. (2008) Cytokines in synaptic function. In: Neuro-Immune Biology: Cytokines and the Brain. Academic Press/Elsevier, Ltd., London, UK., 111-143.
  • Ignatowski TA, Bidlack JM. (1997) Changes in kappa opioid receptor expression during maturation of mouse immune cells.
  • Bidlack JM, Ignatowski TA. (1996) Fluorescent labeling of the kappa opioid receptor on cells of the immune system.
  • Spengler RN, Chou RC, Ignatowski TA. (1996) TNF-alpha generation and noradrenergic responsiveness in the CNS in a chronic polyarthritis pain model.


  • Qayum S, Schmitt RR, Mojdeganlou H, Ignatowski TA, Bass C, Muthaiah VPK, Mahajan S. (2022) A Cannabidiol (CBD) Nanoformulation to Treat Neuropathic Pain. Buffalo Society for Neuroscience Chapter 15th Annual Neuroscience Research Day, University at Buffalo. Buffalo, New York (Oct) Poster
  • Botchway A, Mojdeganlou H, Ignatowski TA. (2022) Neurotransmitter Regulation of Tumor Necrosis Factor Production from RAW cells. 16th Annual Collegiate Science & Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) Research Poster Symposium, University at Buffalo. Buffalo, New York (Jul) Poster
  • Mustafa SA, Joseph A, Ghandili M, Ignatowski TA. (2021) Blocking brain tumor necrosis factor to alleviate persistent inflammatory pain. 3rd Annual Celebration of Scholarship Poster Competition. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Jun) Poster
  • Incardona KJ, Ghandili M, Hopkins M, Ignatowski TA. (2019) Paclitaxel-induced Neuropathy Occurs with Central and Peripheral Increase of TNFa. Buffalo Society for Neuroscience Chapter 13th Annual Neuroscience Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Oct) Poster
  • Bloomindale P, Meregalli C, Annalisa C, Alessia C, Monza L, Pozzi E, Alberti P, Malacrida A, Ballarini E, Oggioni N, Pollard K, Carlson L, Liu W, Ghandili M, Ignatowski T, Lee KP, Moore MJ, Cavaletti G, Mager DE. (2019) Systems Pharmacology Modeling Identifies a Novel Treatment Strategy for Bortezomib-Induced Neuropathic Pain. 10th American Conference on Pharmacometrics (ACoP10). Orlando, FloridaUnited States (Oct) Poster
  • Ignatowski TA, LaMacchia ZM, Abidi AH, Jaffari M, Ahmed T, Singh N, Tobinick EL, Ghandili M, Spengler RN. (2019) Perispinal targeting of brain tumor necrosis factor-alpha is antinociceptive for ongoing and evoked pain in rats with chronic constriction injury. Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IllinoisUnited States (Oct) Oral
  • Katus S, Ghandili M, Hopkins M, Ignatowski TA. (2019) Resolving the Brain TNF Signaling Pathway Involved in the Mechanism of Neuropathic Pain. Buffalo Society for Neuroscience Chapter 13th Annual Neuroscience Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Oct) Poster
  • Hausknecht K, Ghandili M, Wang R, Ignatowski TA, Haj-Dahmane S, Shen R-Y. (2019) Chronic Neuropathic Pain Abolishes Endocannabinoid Tone in the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus of Male Rats. Buffalo Society for Neuroscience Chapter 13th Annual Neuroscience Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Oct) Poster
  • Ghandili M, Wang R, Halaji Dezfuli P, Hausknecht K, Haj-Dahmane S, Shen R-Y, Ignatowski TA. (2019) Chronic Constriction Injury Alters Synaptic Electrophysiology in the Rat CA1 Hippocampus. Buffalo Society for Neuroscience Chapter 13th Annual Neuroscience Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Oct) Poster
  • Mustafa SA, Ghandili M, Boyd K, Ignatowski TA. (2019) Blocking Brain TNF to Alleviate Persistent Pain. Buffalo Society for Neuroscience Chapter 13th Annual Neuroscience Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Oct) Poster
  • Lee K, Matson B, Ignatowski TA, Schwartz SA, Nader N, Mahajan SD. (2019) Role of FKBP51 and microglial activation in chronic neuropathic pain and associated co-morbid depressive disorders. Annual Department of Medicine Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Jun)
  • Mustafa SA, Ghandili M, LaMacchia Z, Covey W, Spengler RN, Ignatowski TA. (2019) Blocking brain TNF to alleviate persistent pain. Student Research in Addiction Sciences. Clinical and Research Institute on Addictions. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Apr) Poster
  • Copeland LA, Hopkins ML, Ghandili M, LaMacchia ZM, Pons-Calvo A, Hoste AJ, Ignatowski TA. (2019) Neurotransmitter regulation of TNF production is restored in macrophages from acute stressed rats receiving perispinal TNF antibody injection. Center for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (CURCA). Celebration of Academic Excellence. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Apr) Poster
  • Pons-Calvo A, Singh N, Hopkins M, LaMacchia Z, Abidi A, Ignatowski TA. (2018) Macrophage acetylcholine receptor regulation of TNF production during neuropathic pain. Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). Indianapolis, IndianaUnited States (Nov) Poster
  • Mehrnoosh G, Clonan EL, Pukos N, LaMacchia ZL, Ignatowski TA. (2018) An antidepressant mechanism of ketamine and resolvin-D2 is decreasing TNF levels in the brain. Buffalo Society for Neuroscience Chapter 12th Annual Neuroscience Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Oct) Poster
  • Copeland LA, Hopkins ML, Ghandili M, LaMacchia ZM, Pons-Calvo A, Hoste AJ, Ignatowski TA. (2018) Macrophage regulated TNFa production from acute stressed rats with perispinal TNF antibody injection. Buffalo Society for Neuroscience Chapter 12th Annual Neuroscience Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Oct) Poster
  • LaMacchia Z, Abidi AH, Ghandili M, Ignatowski TA. (2018) Perispinal targeting of central TNF is antinociceptive in rats experiencing chronic pain. Buffalo Society for Neuroscience Chapter 12th Annual Neuroscience Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Oct) Oral
  • Pons-Calvo A, Singh N, Hopkins M, LaMacchia Z, Abidi A, Ignatowski TA. (2018) Macrophage acetylcholine receptor regulation of TNF production during neuropathic pain. SACNAS 2018. San Antonio, TexasUnited States (Oct) Poster
  • Ahmed T, Jaffari M, Ignatowski TA. (2018) Comparison of different administration routes for anti-TNF alpha therapeutics. 13th Annual All School Research Consortium, Rosalind Franklin University. Chicago, IllinoisUnited States (Mar) Poster
  • Pons-Calvo A, Singh N, Hopkins M, LaMacchia Z, Abidi A, Ignatowski TA. (2017) Macrophage acetylcholine receptor regulation of TNF production during neuropathic pain. CLIMB UP Summer Research Symposium, BEB-Atrium at University at Buffalo-SUNY. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Aug) Oral
  • Singh N, Pons-Calvo A, Ignatowski TA. (2017) Comparison of intrathecal versus perispinal anti-TNF antibody injections: Effects on antinociception and cognition during neuropathic pain. Roswell Park Summer Research Symposium, Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Jul) Poster
  • Hoste A, LaMacchia Z, Ignatowski TA. (2017) In vitro regulation of macrophage-derived TNF production by antidepressant drugs. ASPET-NYPS 6th Annual Meeting. Center for the Arts at University at Buffalo-SUNY. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Hoste A, LaMacchia Z, Ignatowski TA. (2017) Antidepressant regulation of macrophage-derived TNF production. Center for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (CURCA). Celebration of Academic Excellence. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Apr) Poster
  • Benson CA, Kimm J, Nafari M, Huangfu D, Ignatowski TA, Claus P, Brennand K, Jornet JM, Stachowiak MK, Stachowiak EK. (2016) In vitro generation and modification of human neuronal networks and photonic-genetic analyses. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience. Washington D.C., MarylandUnited States (Nov) Poster
  • LaMacchia Z, Ignatowski TA. (2016) Ketamine-induced Antinociception Is Associated with Perception of Pain and Central TNF Levels. Buffalo Society for Neuroscience Chapter 10th Annual Neuroscience Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Oct) Poster
  • Davari-Farid S, Samankan S, Ignatowski T, Nader ND. (2015) Etanercept, a tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor, for lumbosacral radiculopathy treatment; systematic review and meta-analysis. A1004; American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Annual Meeting,. San Diego, CaliforniaUnited States (Oct) Oral
  • Coloney N, Re A, Mullan B, Davidson B, Ignatowski TA. (2015) Pro-inflammatory TNF and HMGB-1 Increase during Diabetic Neuropathy with Loss of a2-Adrenergic Receptor Sensitivity. 2015 National University at Buffalo Undergraduate Research Conference. Niagara Falls, New YorkUnited States (Jul) Oral
  • Hawkins J, Alnaji AR, Samankan S, Davidson B, Knight PR, Ignatowski TA. (2015) Assessment of TNF production by peritoneal macrophage from C57BL/6-RAGE-KO mice: The effect of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic neuropathic pain and stimulation of adrenergic receptors. Upstate New York Pharmacology Society Third Annual Meeting: G-Protein Coupled Receptor Signaling Systems in Health and Disease (ASPET). Rochester, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Coloney N, Re AC, Mullan B, Davidson BA, Ignatowski TA. (2015) Pro-inflammatory TNF and HMGB-1 increase during diabetic neuropathy with loss of a2-adrenergic receptor sensitivity. Upstate New York Pharmacology Society Third Annual Meeting: G-Protein Coupled Receptor Signaling Systems in Health and Disease (ASPET). Rochester, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Alnaji AR, Re A, Clonan E, Davidson B, Knight PR, Prasad P, Ignatowski TA. (2015) ß2- and a2-Adrenergic Receptor Regulation of TNF Production by Peritoneal Macrophages during Diabetic Neuropathy. Upstate New York Pharmacology Society Third Annual Meeting: Development and Disease across the Lifespan (ASPET). Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Samankan S, Davari-Farid S, Nader ND, Ignatowski T. (2015) The effect of etanercept, a tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor, on neuropathic pain management: A meta-analysis and systematic review. Dr. R. Terry Anesthesiology Research Day. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Poster
  • Jaffari MA, Alnaji AR, Re A, Ignatowski TA. (2015) Assessment of TNF in the brain and neurogenesis. Center for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (CURCA). Celebration of Academic Excellence. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Apr) Poster
  • Hawkins J, Alnaji AR, Samankan S, Davidson B, Knight PR, Ignatowski TA. (2015) Assessment of TNF production by peritoneal macrophage from C57BL/6-RAGE-KO mice: The effect of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic neuropathic pain and stimulation of adrenergic receptors. Center for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (CURCA). Celebration of Academic Excellence. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Apr) Poster
  • Coloney N, Re A, Mullan B, Davidson B, Ignatowski TA. (2015) Pro-inflammatory TNF and HMGB-1 increase during diabetic neuropathy: The effect of decreasing levels of TNF in the brain on HMGB-1 production. Celebration of Academic Excellence, Center for the Arts at University at Buffalo-SUNY. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Apr) Poster
  • Alnaji AR, Re A, Clonan E, Davidson B, Knight PR, Prasad P, Ignatowski TA. (2014) ß2- and a2-Adrenergic Receptor Regulation of TNF Production by Peritoneal Macrophages during Diabetic Neuropathy. Celebration of Academic Excellence. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Apr) Poster
  • Re A, Alnaji AR, Knight PR, Davidson B, Ignatowski TA. (2013) The Pathogenesis of the Chronic Pain Associated with STZ-Induced Diabetic Neuropathy Is Associated with Increased Levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) in the Brain. The Pharmacologist, Upstate New York Pharmacology Society Second Annual Meeting: Frontiers in Neuropharmacology (ASPET). Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) B-5 (A19) Poster
  • Ignatowski TA, Gerard BA, Bonoiu A, Mahajan S, Knight PR, Davidson B, Bergey EJ, Prasad PN, Spengler RN. (2013) Reduction of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) in the Hippocampus Alleviates Neuropathic Pain Perception. 4th International Congress on Neuropathic Pain, NeuPSIG of IASP. Toronto, Canada (May) Poster
  • Gerard B, Bonoiu AC, Martuscello RT, Spengler RN, Knight PR, Davidson B, Bergey EJ, Mahajan S, Prasad PN, Ignatowski TA. (2012) Silencing of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) in the hippocampus alleviates chronic pain. 15th Annual Graduate Medical Education – Scholarly Exchange Day/Spring Clinical Day, State University of New York at Buffalo. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (May) Oral
  • Bonoiu AC, Ding H, Kumar R, Ignatowski TA, Prasad PN. (2010) Gold nanorod-siRNA induces gene silencing in the rat hippocampus. Research Symposium, State University of New York at Buffalo. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Jun) Poster
  • Ignatowski, TA, Sud R, Nader ND, Knight PR, Spengler, RN. (2007) Alpha2-adrenergic receptors in acute and chronic pain: Actions and interactions. Symposium, American Pain Society Annual Meeting,. Washington D.C., United States (May) Oral
  • Ignatowski TA, Sud R, Knight PR, Spengler RN. (2004) Brain-derived TNF affects a2-adrenergic regulation of TNF production from peripheral macrophage. Program No. 484.6. 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, Online. Washington, DC, (Oct), (484.6) Oral
  • Sud R, Ignatowski TA, Spengler RN. (2004) A role for brain-derived TNF in the antinociceptive action of amitriptyline. Program No. 718.6. 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience Online. (Oct), (718.6) Poster
  • Sud R, Reynolds JL, Ignatowski TA, Spengler RN. (2003) Effect of Amitriptyline on Neuropathic Pain and Pain-induced Transformation of a2-Adrenergic Receptor Abstracts: Regulation of TNF Production from Peripheral Macrophage. Program No. 131.9. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience.. Washington D.C., United States (Oct) Poster
  • Ignatowski TA, Spengler RN, Reynolds JL, Heffner RR. (2003) An Increase in Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Production in the Brain Directs Neuropathic Pain and a Decrease in TNF Production Is Involved in the Analgesic Properties of Antidepressant Drugs. Program No. 108. 79th Annual Amer. Assoc. of Neuropathologists Meeting. Florida (Sep) Oral
  • Reynolds JL, Spengler RN, Knight PR, Ignatowski TA. (2003) Antidepressant Drugs Decrease Brain Tumor Necrosis Factor Thereby Alleviating Hyperalgesia during Neuropathic Pain. Program No. 437.11. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience.. Washington D.C., United States (Sep) Poster
  • Ignatowski TA, Sud R, Knight PR, Spengler RN. (2002) Brain-derived TNF: Its Dual Role in the Onset and Dissipation of Neuropathic Pain. Program No. 756.10. 2002 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience.. Washington D.C., United States (Oct) Poster
  • Reynolds JL, Ignatowski TA, Schlenker AE, Spengler RN. (2002) Interaction between TNF Production and ?2-Adrenergic Receptors: A New Twist on the Monoamine Theory of Depression. Program No. 322.9. 2002 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience.. Washington D.C., United States (Oct) Poster
  • Ignatowski TA, Heffner RR, Reynolds JL, Spengler RN. (2002) Adrenergic Augmentation of TNF Production from Neurons during the Dissipation of Pain Resembles That Which Occurs Following Antidepressant Drug Administration. Program No. 178. 78th Annual Amer. Assoc. of Neuropathologists Meeting. (Sep) Oral
  • Reynolds JL, Ignatowski TA, Spengler RN. (2002) TNF Regulation of Adrenergic Sensitivity. FASEB. United States (Sep) Poster
  • Ignatowski TA, Renauld AE, Knight PR, Spengler RN. (2001) An Antidepressant-like Mechanism for Norepinephrine Release during the Dissipation of Chronic Pain. Program No. 356.12. Society for Neuroscience. (Sep) Oral
  • Reynolds JL, Ignatowski TA, Spengler RN. (2001) Interactive Relationship between TNF Production and Alpha2-Adrenergic Receptor Sensitivity. Program No. 13.11. Society for Neuroscience. (Sep) Poster
  • Renauld AE, Reynolds JL, Ignatowski TA, Spengler RN. (2000) Adrenergic Regulation of Neuron-derived Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha. Society for Neuroscience. (Sep) Poster
  • Ignatowski TA, Nickola TJ, Spengler RN. (1999) Brain-Associated Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha and Adrenergic Responsiveness: A Role in the Mechanism of Antidepressant Action. Society for Neuroscience. (Sep) Poster
  • Ignatowski TA, Spengler RN. (1999) Alpha2-Adrenergic and Prostaglandin Interactions Regulate Macrophage-Derived Tumor Necrosis Factor. 12th European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Annual Congress. Berlin, Germany (Sep) Poster
See all (44 more)

Professional Memberships:

  • NIH HEAL Initiative | PURPOSE Network for Pain Researchers (2023–present)
  • Association for Academic Pathology (AAPath); previously Association of Pathology Chairs (APC) (2023–present)
  • Association for Pathology Informatics (API) (2023–present)
  • Upstate New York Pharmacology Society (2013–2018)
  • American Pain Society (2012–2019)
  • Eastern Pain Association (2004–2007)
  • International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) (2004–present)
  • Society for Neuroscience (1996–present)


  • "Convergence of Multifunctional Materials, Photonics, Bioscience and Artificial Intelligence: Organoids in Pain" IISERs-University at Buffalo (UB) Interactive Workshop, Berhampur, Odisha, India (2025)
  • "TNFa in the Brain: Neuromodulator, Inflammatory Mediator, and Therapeutic Target for Neuropathic Pain" Texas A&M Institute for Neuroscience (TAMIN) Seminar Series Invited Speaker (2022)
  • "TNFa in the Brain: Neuromodulator, Inflammatory Mediator, and Therapeutic Target for Neuropathic Pain" Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine (2021)
  • "A Novel Treatment for Neuropathic Pain: Targeting TNF in the Brain." Rehabilitation Science Seminar Series, School of Public Health and Health Professions, University at Buffalo-SUNY (2021)
  • "Tumor Necrosis Factor-a in the Brain: A Target for Treatment of Neuropathic Pain" Grand Rounds Seminar Series, Department of Pathology & Anatomical Sciences, Clinical and Translational Research Center (CTRC) (2020)
  • "TNF in the Hippocampus: A Common Link between Chronic Pain and Depression." 1st Philadelphia Pain Symposium, Drexel University (2018)
  • "Targeting Supraspinal TNFa to Relieve Neuropathic Pain." Conversations in the Disciplines Program, “Interdisciplinary Conversations in Blood Brain Barrier Re-Modelling.” CTRC, University at Buffalo-SUNY (2017)
  • "Decreasing Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Solely in the Brain for Treatment of Neuropathic Pain" The Science of Pain and Its Management 2016 (Online meeting); EuroSciCon (2016)
  • "TNFa: Inflammatory Mediator, Neuromodulator, and Therapeutic Target." Midwest PAIN Expo - Neuropathic Pain Treatment and Education Conference; Invited on behalf of Power of Pain Foundation. (2015)
  • "Neuromodulator Actions of Brain-derived Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF) during Neuropathic Pain" Invited Speaker, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Seminar Series (2013)
  • "Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptors in Acute and Chronic Pain: Actions and Interactions" Symposium, American Pain Society Annual Meeting (2007)
  • "Fluorescent Labeling of the Kappa Opioid Receptor on Cells of the Immune System." College on Problems of Drug Dependence, 58th Annual Scientific Meeting (1996)
  • "The Study of the Relationship between Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Production and Norepinephrine Release" ; University of Rochester; Department of Pharmacology and Physiology (1996)
  • "Relationship between TNF Production and Norepinephrine Release" ; University of Tennessee; Department of Pharmacology (1995)
See all (4 more)

Service Activities:

  • Award of Excellence for Promoting Inclusion and Cultural Diversity Selection Committee Member. Reviewed applications for awards and submitted selections.; Committee Member (2023)
  • Department Awards Committee Member, Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences. Meet to discuss and select students and residents eligible for various departmental awards.; Department Awards Committee Member (2023–present)
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences Lead, Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences Lead (2022–present)
  • Medical Curriculum Development Liaison, Jacobs School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences Representative. Ensure representation of pathology content throughout the revised medical curriculum.; Medical Curriculum Development Liaison (2022–present)
  • Advisory Council Member, Jericho Center of Medical Diplomacy; Scientific Member (2021–present)
  • Stroke Recovery Trial Fund (SRTF) Research Advisory Committee; Member (2020–present)
  • Faculty Council At-Large Steering Committee – Representative.; Representative (2019–2020)
  • UB-Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Grant Program; Grant Reviewer (2019)
  • Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience (H-Index: 34; 5-yr IF: 4.585; RT-IF: 4.5); Member (2019–present)
  • Student Advisory Group member, PPBS/iSEED/CLIMB Scholar program.; Academic Advisor (2017–present)
  • Scientific Reports (H-Index: 179; 5-yr IF: 4.576; RT-IF: 7.1); Editorial Board Member (2016–present)
  • Faculty Recruitment Search Committee Member; Member (2016–present)
  • Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Faculty Council – Alternate Representative. (2015–2020)
  • Journal of Neurology and Neurobiology (IF 1.2); Editorial Board Member (2015–present)
  • Cora P. Maloney College (CPMC) Collegiate Science & Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) Summer Research & Poster Symposium, University at Buffalo-SUNY; Judge (2014–present)
  • Sponsor High School Student Visits to Laboratory, UB-SUNY, Buffalo, NY; Sponsor (2014–present)
  • Journal of Addiction and Addictive Disorders (IF: 1.22); Editorial Board Member (2014–present)
  • MedCrave Online Journal of Toxicology; Editorial Board Member (2014–present)
  • (online reference source); Editorial Board Member (2014–present)
  • NIH T32 Anesthesiology Research Training Program, Department of Anesthesiology; Faculty Participant (2013–present)
  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Post-Approval Compliance Officer. Specific responsibility to set-up and initiate post- approval monitoring system; coordinate and conduct review of laboratories and records for all laboratories using animals in the University system.; Compliance Officer (2011–2022)
  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Alternate Member. Duties involve inspection of all animal laboratory facilities, experimental procedures and animal care and handling, as well as reviewing all funding and teaching applications for the use of laboratory animals.; Committee Member (Alternate) (2009–present)
  • Medical Student Research Forum, Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo-SUNY.; Judge (2009–present)
  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Duties involve inspection of all animal laboratory facilities, experimental procedures and animal care and handling, as well as reviewing all funding and teaching applications for the use of laboratory animals.; Member (2007–2009)
  • Admissions Committee; Alternate Member (2006–2019)
  • Bonica Award Committee, Eastern Pain Association Appointed to choose recipient of the prestigious Bonica Award that honors an outstanding researcher/clinician in the field of pain medicine.; Member (2005)
  • Graduate; Member (2001–present)
  • Anesthesiology, Anesthesia & Analgesia, Behavioural Brain Research, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Brain Research, European Journal of Neuroscience, Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, International Journal of Anesthetics and Anesthesiology, International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, Journal of Inflammation, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Journal of Neuroimmunology, Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Pain, Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics, Molecular Therapy, Molecular Pain, Molecular Pharmaceutics, Nanomedicine, Neuroscience Letters, Pain Medicine, Pain Management, Pharmacologia, Research Square; Reviewer (2000–present)
  • Invited Speaker, Career Education Program, Herbert Hoover Middle School, Buffalo, NY; Invited Participant (1999–2000)
  • Department Council; Member (1999–present)

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Contact Information

Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
University at Buffalo
955 Main Street, Room 4256
Buffalo, New York 14203
Phone: 716-829-3102
Fax: 716-829-2725