Core Facilities

Institute for Healthcare Informatics

A secure computing center — compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) — that stores, aggregates and innovatively analyzes health care data.

Peter Winkelstein, MD.

Peter Winkelstein, MD, MBA, executive director of the Institute for Healthcare Informatics, has extensive experience applying medical informatics in clinical and academic settings. 

About IHI

We are committed to enhancing community health on local, national, and global scales by securely storing, aggregating, providing, and innovatively analyzing healthcare data. Our mission involves partnering with researchers, equipping them with essential tools and support to conduct groundbreaking research.

Get Involved

If you are a researcher or a healthcare professional interested in leveraging our healthcare data or utilizing our services, please reach out to us. We are excited to collaborate with you and contribute to the advancement of healthcare research.


875 Ellicott Street
Buffalo, NY 14203