UBMD Pediatrics Division of Critical Care 1001 Main Street, 5th Floor Buffalo, New York 14203 Phone: (716) 323-0003 Fax: (716) 323-0292 bkramer@buffalo.edu
Girl Scouts of Western New York Women of Distinction Recipient (2023)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Outstanding Research Award (2011)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Quality Improvement Award (2010)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Quality Improvement Award (2009)
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine: Student DO of the Year Award (2004)
Buffalo Spree Magazine: Top Doctors in Western New York (2020-2021)
Buffalo Spree Magazine: Top Doctors in Western New York (2022-2023)
Buffalo Spree Magazine: Top Doctors in Western New York (2021-2022)
Buffalo Spree Magazine: Top Doctors in Western New York (2019-2020)
Buffalo Spree Magazine: Top Doctors in Western New York (2022-2023)
Buffalo Spree Magazine: Top Doctors in Western New York (2023-2024)
Grants and Sponsored Research:
January 2018–January 2019 The Use of Near-infrared Spectroscopy in Children with Traumatic Brain Injury to Predict Adverse Events Wildermuth Foundation Role: Principal Investigator $9,600
January 2018–January 2019 Transmitted Lung Pressure Values with Biphasic Chest Cuirass Kaleida Health Foundation Role: Principal Investigator $4,000
January 2011–December 2011 Noise Pollution Levels in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Society of Critical Care Medicine Role: Principal Investigator $500
April 2010–April 2011 The Natural History of High Flow Nasal Cannula Use at Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo University at Buffalo Role: Principal Investigator $3,000
April 2008–April 2009 Assessing Improvements in Patient Hand-Offs and Patient Safety University at Buffalo Role: Principal Investigator $3,000
August 2018 Transmitted Intrapulmonary Pressures Values with the Use of Negative Pressure Ventilation via Biphasic Chest Cuirass Wildermuth Foundation Role: Co-Investigator $4,000
Journal Articles:
Abdelmagid, Khaled; Kramer, Bree; Heard, Christopher. (2021) The Impact of under-Staffing of Nurses on Sedative/Analgesic Agents Administration in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit [PICU]. Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (May), 5(1): 7-13. doi:10.11648/j.pst.20210501.12
Breuer RK, Carnevale FP, Donhauser JA, Iwano M, Kramer BC, Marthia V, Nutty K, Patankar N, Wilkowski S, Hassinger AB. (2020) Pediatric Sepsis in Our Community: A Point Prevalence Study. J Pediatr Infect Dis (Jan), 15(1): 39-47.
Bera A, Kramer BC. (2016) 1868: A Case of Rhabdomyolysis and Compartment Syndrome Associated with Acute Heroin Overdose. Crit Care Med (Dec), 44(12): 542-542.
Gabrial M, Kramer BC. (2016) 1878: All tachypnea is not respiratory distress. Crit Care Med (Dec), 44(12): 545-545.
Triplet RM, Alibrahim OS, Kramer BC. (2016) Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Disseminated Herpes Simplex Virus Infection with Multiorgan Failure. Austin Crit Care J (Jul), 3(2): 1-3.
Kramer BC, Heard CM, Alibrahim OS. (2015) Acute respiratory distress syndrome from hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: a case report. Austin Crit Care J (Oct), 2(1): 1-3.
Koshel C, Hassinger AB, Michienzi K, Kramer BC. (2020) Bleeding in Pediatric Patients with Prolonged INR: Effects of Vitamin K and Fresh Frozen Plasma. Crit Care Med, (Jan) 234-234
Korumilli R, Kramer BC, Riedy M. (2020) Lactulose-Induced Pneumatosis Intestinalis in Pediatrics. Crit Care Med, (Jan) 212-212
Breuer RK. (2020) Nontraumatic Rupture of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in an 11-Year Old Boy. Crit Care Med, (Jan) 62-62
Kramer BC, Ducato C, Alibrahim OS. (2018) Apheresis and ECMO: A Single Center Experience. J Clin Apher, (Apr) 198-198
Nunez C, Lyons K, Kramer BC. (2018) Simulation as a Means to Increase Pediatric Resident Confidence and Assess Long-Term PALS Retention. Crit Care Med, (Jan) 181-181
Gourabathini H, Kramer BC, Shum K, Abdelmagid K, Alibrahim OS. (2018) Necrotizing Enterocolitis Complicating RSV Bronchiolitis: A Case Series. Crit Care Med, (Jan) 250-250
Kramer BC, Carnevale FP, Killion JJ, Qiao H, Wrotniak BH. (2018) Comparing Laryngoscope Devices in a Pediatric Intensive Care Setting. Crit Care Med, (Jan) 559-559
Gourabathini H, Heard CM, Alibrahim OS, Kramer BC. (2017) Is it Safe and Effective for Pediatric Intensive Care Faculty to Manage an Apheresis Program?. J Clin Apher, (Apr) 73-73
Gourabathini H, Heard CM, Breuer RK, Alibrahim OS, Kramer BC. (2016) A Pediatric Intensivist Directed Apheresis Program: from Conception to Fruition. Crit Care Med, (Dec) 107-107
Kramer BC, Heard CM, Alibrahim OS. (2012) A Decrease in Blood Product Transfusion Following a Change to Heparin-Bonded ECMO Circuit: A Case Series. Crit Care Med, (Dec) 267-267
Kramer BC, Heard CM. (2011) Noise Pollution in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Its Effect on Sedation. Crit Care Med, (Dec) 224-224
Kramer BC, Wagner SL, Black TA, Pastore JV, Leaderstorf M, Dull ME. (2011) The Safety of High Flow Nasal Cannula at Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo. Crit Care Med, (Dec) 224-224
Kramer BC, Creighton PR, Heard CM. (2010) Noise Pollution Levels in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Crit Care Med, (Dec) 566-566
Fitzpatrick LK, Bonnevie D, Lee J, Kramer BC. (2010) Resident Perceptions of Barriers to Compliance with Work Hour Regulations. Acad Pediatr, (Jul) e7-e7
"Fluid Overload is Associated with Prolonged Admission in Critically Ill Pediatric Trauma Patients" 51st Annual Congress; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2022)
"Pediatric Advanced Life Support 2020 Updates" Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds (2020)
"Respiratory Emergencies" Pediatric Seminar Series; Western Region Health Emergency Preparedness Coalition (2020)
"Bleeding in Pediatric Patients with Prolonged INR: Effects of Vitamin K and Fresh Frozen Plasma" 49th Annual Congress; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2020)
"Lactulose-Induced Pneumatosis Intestinalis in Pediatrics" 49th Annual Congress; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2020)
"Nontraumatic Rupture of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in an 11-Year Old Boy" 49th Annual Congress; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2020)
"Acute Flaccid Myelitis Improvement After Plasmapheresis" Annual Meeting; American Society of Apheresis (2019)
"Tandem Procedures: The Who, What, When and Why" Annual Meeting; American Society of Apheresis (2019)
"Technical Aspects and Complications of Tandem Apheresis Procedures" Annual Meeting; American Society of Apheresis (2019)
"Basic Suturing" STEM-A-Palooza; Girl Scouts of Western New York (2019)
"Bone Findings Reveal a Rare Cause of Neonatal Respiratory Failure" 48th Annual Congress; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2019)
"Pediatric Sepsis" Webinar; Bradford Regional Medical Center/Olean General Hospital (2019)
"Pediatric Advanced Life Support Updates" Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo (2018)
"Apheresis and Extracorporeal Therapies" Pediatric Resident Lecture Series; University at Buffalo (2018)
"Burns" Pediatric Resident Lecture Series; University at Buffalo (2018)
"DKA" Pediatric Resident Lecture Series; University at Buffalo (2018)
"SEPSIS: Study of the Epidemiology of Pediatric Sepsis In Society" Annual Meeting; Pediatric Academic Societies; ID: Bacterial Infections I (2018)
"Shock and Vasoactive Agents" Pediatric Resident Lecture Series; University at Buffalo (2018)
"Apheresis and ECMO: A Single Center Experience" Annual Meeting; American Society for Apheresis (2018)
"Comparing Laryngoscope Devices in a Pediatric Intensive Care Setting" 47th Annual Congress; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2018)
"Necrotizing Enterocolitis Complicating RSV Bronchiolitis: A Case Series" 47th Annual Congress; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2018)
"Simulation as a Means to Increase Pediatric Resident Confidence and Assess Long-Term PALS Retention" 47th Annual Congress; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2018)
"Central Venous Access and Chest Tube Placement Simulation" Pediatric Critical Care and Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellows; Oishei Children's Hospital (2018)
"High Flow Nasal Cannula" Pediatric Resident Lecture Series; University at Buffalo (2018)
"Nasal High Flow Proposed Guidelines: A U.S. Perspective" International Meeting on Pediatric Nasal High Flow; New Zealand Embassy (2017)
"Is It Safe and Effective for Pediatric Intensive Care Faculty to Manage an Apheresis Program?" Annual Meeting; American Society for Apheresis (2017)
"Mechanical Ventilation" Pediatric Resident Lecture Series; University at Buffalo (2017)
"Sedation and Analgesia" Pediatric Resident Lecture Series; University at Buffalo (2017)
"Pathway to Osteopathic School" Prestudent Osteopathic Medicine Association Event; Canisius College (2017)
"A Case of Rhabdomyolysis and Compartment Syndrome Associated with Acute Heroin Overdose" 46th Annual Congress; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2017)
"A Pediatric Intensivist-Directed Apheresis Program: From Conception to Fruition" 46th Annual Congress; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2017)
"All Tachypnea is Not Respiratory Distress" 46th Annual Congress; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2017)
"Pediatric Sepsis" Grand Rounds; WCA Hospital (2016)
"Brain Death and Ethics at the End of Life" Pediatric Resident Lecture Series; University at Buffalo (2016)
"Developmental Milestones in Pediatrics" Pediatric Interest Goup Clinical Skills Night; University at Buffalo (2016)
"Advance Directives for the Special Needs Child" Pediatric Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo (2016)
"End of Life Planning in Special Needs Children" Pediatric Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo (2016)
"Sudden Cardiac Arrest" Pediatric Morbidity and Mortality Conference; University at Buffalo (2015)
"Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: An Assessment of Noise in the Pediatric Critical Care Unit" Pediatric Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo (2015)
"A Decrease in Blood Transfusions During Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Following a Change to a Heparin-Bonded Circuit: A Case Series" Annual Conference; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2013)
"Bronchiolitis" Pediatric Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo (2012)
"High Flow Nasal Cannula: Proving the Practice" Pediatric Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo (2012)
"Noise Pollution in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Its Effect on Sedation" Annual Conference; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2012)
"The Natural History of High Flow Nasal Cannula at Women and Children‘s Hospital of Buffalo" 41st Annual Congress; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2012)
"The Safety of High Flow Nasal Cannula at Women and Children‘s Hospital of Buffalo" Annual Conference; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2012)
"Kelly Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit" Annual Meeting; American Society of Health System Pharmacists (2011)
"Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit" 47th Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition; American Society of Health System Pharmacists (2011)
"Arterial Blood Gas Analysis" Medical Student Lecture and Small Group Workshop; University at Buffalo (2011)
"Initiation of High Flow Nasal Cannula Protocol" Pediatric Resident Lecture Series; University at Buffalo (2011)
"ARDS from Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis: A Case Report" Annual Conference; Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (2011)
"High Flow Nasal Cannula Usage" Pediatric Hospital Medicine 2011; American Academy of Pediatrics/Society of Hospital Medicine (2011)
"The Natural History of High Flow Nasal Cannula at Women and Children‘s Hospital of Buffalo" Pediatric Hospital Medicine 2011; Society of Hospital Medicine (2011)
"The Natural History of High Flow Nasal Cannula Use at Women and Children‘s Hospital of Buffalo" Scholarly Exchange Day; University at Buffalo (2011)
"Noise Pollution Levels in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit" Annual Conference; Society of Critical Care Medicine (2011)
"High Flow Nasal Cannula: History of Usage at WCHOB" Pediatric Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo (2010)
"Heat Stroke" Pediatric Clinical Case Conference; University at Buffalo; Department of Pediatrics (2010)
"Assessing Improvements in Patient Hand-offs and Patient Safety" Spring Clinical Day; University at Buffalo (2010)
"Resident Perceptions of Barriers to Compliance with Work Hour Regulations" Annual Meeting; Association of Pediatric Program Directors (2010)
"A Transport Case: Should I Stay or Should I Go?" Pediatric Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo (2010)
"To Go or Not to Go, A Pediatric Transport Case" Pediatric Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo (2010)
"An Abuse Case" Pediatric Morbidity and Mortality Conference; University at Buffalo (2009)
"Patient Handoffs and Safety: Before and After" Pediatric Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo (2009)
"Assessing Improvements in Patient Hand-offs and Patient Safety" Pediatric Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo (2009)
"Team-Based Versus Floor-Based: Comparing Patient Outcomes" Pediatric Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo (2008)
I help the organization guide residents on advocacy projects and goals. I also help review grant proposals for selection of awards for different projects; American Associated of Pediatric Program Directors New York State Region Chapter Advocacy Committee Member (2022–present)
I organize a chief resident "boot camp" for all chief residents in New York and New Jersey; American Associated of Pediatric Program Directors New York State Region Chapter Chief Resident Boot Camp Organizing Committee Member (2022–present)
Canisius College: Board of Regents; Board Member (2019–2022)
; Canisius College Board of Regents Member (2019–present)
; Boy Scouts of America NOVA STEM Mentor (2019–present)
Girl Scouts of Western New York: STEM Advisory Team; Volunteer (2017–present)
University at Buffalo: Faculty Senate; Member (2017–present)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Medical Student Mentor (2017–present)
STEMAPALLOOZA: Annual STEM Event; Teacher (2017)
Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York: Summer Camp Medical Director (2017–present)
University at Buffalo: 1st Annual Interprofessional Forum - 'Confronting Opioid Dependence: An Interprofessional Strategy' Small Group Facilitator (2016)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: IMC502 Problem-Based Learning Facilitator (2016)
Society of Critical Care Medicine: Annual Conference Abstracts; Reviewer (2016–present)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Pediatric Interest Group Clinical Skills Night Facilitator (2016)
STEMAPALLOOZA: Annual STEM Event; Teacher (2016)
Oishei Children‘s Hospital: Severe Sepsis QA Committee; Committee Member (2016–present)
Oishei Children‘s Hospital: Mass Casualty Incident Committee; Committee Member (2016–present)
Oishei Children‘s Hospital: Infection Prevention Committee; Committee Member (2016–present)
UBMD Pediatrics: Employee Recognition Committee; Committee Member (2016–present)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Scholarly Oversight Committee Interdepartmental Faculty Member (2015–present)
Oishei Children‘s Hospital: High Flow Nasal Cannula Committee; Co-Chair (2015–present)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Behling Simulation Center Facilitator (2015–present)
Kaleida Health: Value Analysis Team Hospital Representative (2015–present)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: PICU Resident Lecture Series; Coordinator (2015–present)
Buffalo General Medical Center: Spinal Fusions PICU Liaison (2014–2017)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Pediatric Clinical Competency Committee; Committee Member (2014–present)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Pediatric Teaching Interest Committee; Committee Member (2014–present)
Girl Scouts of Western New York Career Mentor (2014–present)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Pediatric Residency PICU Rotation; Faculty Liaison (2014–present)
El Paso Children‘s Hospital: Informatics Committee; Committee Member (2013–2014)
El Paso Children‘s Hospital: Credentialing Committee; Committee Member (2013–2014)
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center: Pediatric Clinical Competency Committee; Committee Member (2013–2014)
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center: Pediatric Resident Recruitment Committee; Committee Member (2012–2014)
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center: Pediatric Curriculum Committee; Committee Member (2012–2014)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Graduate Medical Education - Internal Review Subcommittee; Committee Member (2011–2012)
Girl Scouts of Western New York: Summer Camp Medical Coordinator (2011–present)
Women and Children‘s Hospital of Buffalo: High Flow Nasal Cannula Committee; Committee Member (2010–2012)
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS); Teacher (2009–present)
Women and Children‘s Hospital of Buffalo: Team STEPPS; Teacher (2009–2012)
University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences: Pediatric Teaching Interest Committee; Committee Member (2008–2009)
Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo: Throughput Committee; Committee Member (2008–2009)
Women and Children‘s Hospital of Buffalo: Family Advisory Council; Member (2008–2009)
American Osteopathic Association: Bureau of Student Affairs; Member (2008–2009)
Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo: Quality Improvement Committee; Committee Member (2007–2009)
UBMD Pediatrics Division of Critical Care 1001 Main Street, 5th Floor Buffalo, New York 14203 Phone: (716) 323-0003 Fax: (716) 323-0292 bkramer@buffalo.edu