Room 7156 955 Main St Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 955 Main Street Room 7156 Buffalo, New York 14203 Phone: (716) 829-2982 Fax: (716) 829-3945
My clinical practice has recently changed from traditional arthroscopic and sports related orthopedic surgery to focus full time on education and research. The time gained from no longer seeing patients or performing surgery will be used to expand my roles as a teacher and a clinical researcher. My effort will now be devoted to instruction in the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Center of Excellence in Sports Medicine Skills ab and in the UB RISE Surgical Simulation Lab.
My philosophy and goals of the arthroscopy teaching lab are:
•Provide for instruction of the basics of arthroscopy, including the physics, optics, and electronics of the equipment used in the operating room
•Teach all relevant superficial and arthroscopic anatomy of the major joints of the body
•Demonstrate and practice the navigational skills of arthroscopy, such as orientation, localization, triangulation, and quadrangulation
•Demonstrate and practice diagnostic arthroscopy of all of the major joints
•Instruct and proctor performance of the basic and advanced arthroscopic procedures
•Encourage research into existing and emerging arthroscopic technologies and procedures
•Provide subjective and objective feedback on the acquisition of arthroscopic skill as it pertains to career guidance
•Introduce and instruct using virtual reality and evaluate a process of credentialing doctors based on simulator testing for competence
Education and Training:
Fellowship, Hospital for Special Surgery, Cornell University Hospital Medical Center (1991)
Residency, State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1990)
Fellowship, State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1986)
MA, Anatomical Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo (1986)
Internship, Hahnemann University Hospital (1985)
MD, State University of New York, Health Science Center at Syracuse (1984)
BA, Chemistry, Colgate University (1980)
Clinical Professor of Orthopaedics, Orthopaedics, State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2017-present)
Department of Anatomic and Pathological Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1992-present)
Attending Orthopaedic Surgeon, Kaleida Health System (1991-present)
Clinical Associate Professor of Orthopaedics, Orthopaedics, State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2008–2017)
Medical Director, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Buffalo Bills NFL Football Team (1995–2015)
Medical Admissons Committee, Member, State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2006–2013)
Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics, Orthopaedics, State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2006–2008)
Cinical Assistant Instructor, Orthopaedics, Orthopaedics, State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1991–2008)
Partner, Northtowns Orthopedics, PC (1995–2006)
Consultant, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Buffalo Sabres NHL Hockey Team (1994–2006)
Medical Director, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Buffalo Sabres NHL Hockey Team (1996–2003)
Staff Physician, Pan-Am Games (2000)
Staff Physician, Olympic Training Center (1999)
Assistant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Buffalo Bills NFL Football Team (1991–1995)
Private Practice, Orthopaedic Surgery, John M. Marzo, M.D., PC (1991–1995)
Team Orthopaedic Surgeon, Buffalo State College (1991–1995)
Chief Medical Officer, Track and Field, World University Games (1993)
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Sports Medicine Institute, State University of New York at Buffalo (1991–1993)
Team Orthopaedics Surgeon, Marist College (1990–1991)
January 2011–January 2015 Ralph and Mary Wilson Research Foundation Ralph and Mary Wilson Research Foundation Role: Principal Investigator $1,000,000
January 2006–December 2008 Effects of Electrical Stimulation on Time to Recovery Following Grade I and II Ankle Sprains in Intercollegiate and Professional Athletes. National Football League Role: Co-Investigator $125,000
January 2015 Carestream Health Sponsored Research Role: Co-Investigator $288,382
January 2015 Ralph C. Wilson Jr Foundation Legacy Grant Role: Co-Investigator $4,200,000
Harte, Rick, Bisson, Inglis Marzo. (2022) Clinical Implications of the Distinct Anatomy and Innervation of the Long Head Biceps. Clinical Anatomy (Jan)
Bisson LJ, Phillips MJ, Matthews J, Zhou Z, Zhao J, Wind WM, Fineberg MS, Bernas GA, Rauh MA, Marzo JM, Kluczynski MA. (2019) The Association between Bone Marrow Lesions and Unstable Chondral Lesions and pain in Patients without Radiographic Evidence of Degenerative Joint Disease after Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine (Jan), 7(3).
Wind WM, Bisson LJ, Kluczynski, MA, Fineberg MS, Bernas GA, Rauh MA, Marzo JM, Zhou, Z, Zhao, J. (2018) How Does The Presence of Chondral Lesions Affect Patient Outcomes after Partial Meniscectomy?: The Chondral Lesions and Meniscus Procedures (ChAMP) Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Sports Medicine (Jan), 46(3): 590-597.
Browning W, Kluczynski M, Marzo J, Curatolo C. (2016) Suspensory Versus Aperture Fixation of Hamstring Tendon Autograft ACL Reconstruction: a Meta-analysis. American Journal of Sports Medicine (Dec).
Marzo J, Kluczynski M, Bisson. (2016) Comparison of a Novel Weight Bearing Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CT) Scanner versus a Conventional CT Scanner for Measuring Patellar Instability. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine (Nov).
Kluczynski M, Marzo J, Rauh M, Bernas G, and Bisson L. (2016) A Case-control Study Comparing Bone Bruising and Intra-articular Injuries in Patients Undergoing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with and without Medial Collateral Ligament Tears. The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine (Aug), 4(8).
Kluczynski M, Kang J, Marzo J, Bisson L. (2016) Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Intra-Articular Findings Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Ice Hockey versus Other Sports. The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine (May), 4(5).
Komm J, Bisson L, Bernas J, Fineberg M, Marzo J, Rauh M, Smolinski R, Wind W. (2016) How Accurate Are Patients At Diagnosing The Cause Of Their Knee Pain With The Help Of A Web-based Symptom Checker?. The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine (Jan), 4(2): 1-6.
Brown M, Marzo J, Klucynski M. (2016) Biomechanical Effects of a Horizontal Medial Meniscus Tear and Subsequent Leaflet Resection. Am J Sports Med (Jan), 44(4): 850-854.
Bisson, L, Kluczynski, M, Wind, W, Fineberg, M, Bernas, G, Rauh, M, Marzo, J, Zhou, Z, Zhao, Z. (2016) Patient-reported outcomes of debridement versus observation of chondral lesions found during partial meniscectomy: The Chondral Lesions and Meniscus Procedures (ChAMP) Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Jan).
Kluczynski M, Nayar S, Marzo J, Bisson L. (2015) Early Versus Delayed Passive Range of Motion Following Rotator Cuff Repair: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Am J Sports Med (Jan), 43(8): 2057-2063.
Kluczynski M, Eisenberg M, Marzo J, Bisson L. (2015) Does Early versus Delayed Active Range of Motion Affect Rotator Cuff Healing Following Surgical Repair? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Am J Sports Med (Jan), 43: 2057-2063.
Bisson L, Kluczynski M, Wind W, Fineberg M, Rauh M, Bernas, Marzo J, Smolinski R. (2015) Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial to Compare Debridement to Observation of Chondral Lesions Encountered During Partial Meniscectomy: the CHAMP Trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials (Jan).
Marzo JM. (2015) Gender-specific predictors of intra-articular injuries observed during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine (Jan).
Marzo JM. (2013) A Prospective Study of the Factors Associated with Meniscal Tears and Chondral Lesions in Patients Undergoing ACL Reconstruction. AJSM (Jun).
Marzo JM, Ehrensberger M, Gurske-dePerio J, Hein C. (2011) Effects of medial meniscal posterior horn avulsion and repair on meniscal displacement. Knee (Jan), 18(3): 189-192.
Cappuccino A, Dalton D, Marzo JM, Bisson LJ. (2010) The Use of Hypothermia for the Treatment of an Acute Spinal Cord Injury in a Professional Football Player. Spine (Jan), 35(2): E57-E62.
Bisson LJ, Moyer M, Lanighan K, Marzo JM. (2008) Complications Associated with Repair of a Distal Biceps Rupture Using the Modified 2-Incision Technique. Shoulder and Elbow (Jan), 17((1)): 67-71.
Bisson L, Brahmabhatt V, Marzo J. (2005) Split-line orientation of the talar dome articular cartilage. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association (May), 21(5): 570-3.
Marzo JM, Bisson LJ, Brahmabhatt V. (2005) Split Line Patterns of Articular Cartilage of the Talus. Arthroscopy (Jan), 21(5): 570-573.
Marzo JM, Otis JC, Wickiewicz, Backus SI, Barr AI, Warren RF. (1993) Gait Adaptations in Patients Who Have a Deficient Posterior Cruciate Ligament. Journal of Biomechanics (Jan)303-303.
Marzo JM. (1991) Results of Nonoperative Treatment of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: Changing Perspectives. Advances in Orthopaedic Surgery (Jan), 15: 59-69.
Marzo JM, Warren RF, Arnoszky SP, Nicholas SJ. (1991) Arthroscopic Meniscal Repair: Review of Outside-In Technique. The American Journal of Knee Surgery (Jan), 4: 164-172.
Marzo JM, D'Amato C, Strong M, Gillespie R. (1990) Arthrography: A Guide to Treatment of Lateral Humeral Condyle Fractures in Children. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics (Jan)317-321.
Marzo JM. (2016) Orthopedic Surgery Clerkship: A Quick Reference Guide for Senior Medical Students. In: Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder Syndrome). Ed Eltorai Springer
Marzo J. (1996) Surgery of the Hand and Upper Extremity. In: Elbow Arthroscopy. C McGraw-Hill
Marzo JM. (1994) Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine: Clinical Practice of Sports Injury Prevention and Care. In: Overuse Syndromes of the Knee. P Blackwell Scientific Publications
Marzo JM. (1991) Surgery of the Knee. In: Acute Injury to the Anterior Cruciate and Medial Collateral Ligaments of the Knee. J Churchill Livingston
Professional Memberships:
Reviewer, Advances in Orthopedics (2015–present)
Editorial Board, American Journal of Sports Medicine (2012–present)
Reviewer, Physician and Sports Medicine (2012–present)
Reviewer, The Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine (2012–present)
Reviewer, Clinical Anatomy (2010–present)
Arthroscopy Association of North America (1997–present)
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (1996–present)
American Journal of Sports Medicine - Reviewer (1996–present)
Medical Society County of Erie (1991–present)
Medical Society State of New York (1991–present)
National Football League Team Physicians Society (1991–present)
New York State Society of Orthopadic Surgeons (1991–present)
"Failed Glenohumeral Instability and Bone Defects" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine Conference (2017)
"Liability of the Sports Team Provider" University at Buffalo School of Law (2017)
"Graft choice for ACL reconstruction in 2017" Symposium on Sideline Management of the Athlete (2017)
"Measurement of Tibial Tuberosity-Trochlear Groove Offset Distance by Weight Bearing Cone Beam CT Scan" Orthopaedic Research Society Regional Meeting (2017)
"Orthopedic applications of an extremity cone beam CT scanner" Annual Medical Advisory Board Meeting; ; Carestream Health (2017)
"Orthopedic Applications of a new CT Technology" Ralpy & Mary Wilson Lecture; ; University at Buffalo (2017)
"Failed Glneohumeral Instability and Bone Defects" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine Conference (2016)
"Conflicts of interest for the professional team physician" Mini Med School; Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (2016)
"Emotional aspects of caring for spinal injured athletes" ATC Symposium on Sideline Management of the Injured Athlete (2016)
"Muscle Strain Injury" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine Rounds (2016)
"Medicolegal Issues for sports medicine physician" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics Grand Rounds (2016)
"Skeletal Muscle Injury Basic and Clinical Science" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine Conference (2016)
"Medicolegal Issues in Sports Medicine" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics Grand Rounds (2015)
"Multiple Ligament Knee Inju" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics Grand Rounds (2014)
"A radiographic approach to patellofemoral instability" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine Conference (2013)
"Patellofemoral Surgery" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics Grand Rounds (2013)
"To Operate or Not? A Series of Cases." NFL Physicians Society Annual Meeting (2013)
"Liability of the Team Physician and Athletic Trainer" 65th Annual Eastern Athletic Trainers’ Association Meeting and Clinical Symposium; Buffalo Niagara Convention Center (2013)
"Skeletal Muscle Injury Basic and Clinical Science" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics Grand Rounds (2013)
"Failed Glenohumeral Instability and Bone Defects" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics Grand Rounds (2012)
"Meniscal Root Tear and Repair" Prodigy Surgical Laboratory (2012)
"Meniscal Root Repair" American Orthopedic Society Sports Medicine Traveling Fellows Visit (2011)
"Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Repair with and without Lateral Retinacular Release" American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting (2009)
"Tibial Stress Fractures. Sports Medicine & the NFL: A Sideline Perspective." AOSSM (2009)
"Loss of Meniscus Tissue in the Knee: Solutions to the Problem." Lamplighters Orthopedic Association 52nd Annual Meeting (2008)
"The Education Ladder to a Career in Sports Medicine." Broome Tioga Scholastic Recognition (2008)
"Does Use of Electrical Stimulation for Ankle Sprain Hasten Recovery?" NFL Physicians Society Scientific Meeting (2008)
"Use of a Non-Cannulated screw for Difficult 5th Metatarsal Fractures in Athletes" NFL Physicians Society Scientific Meeting (2008)
"Shoulder Problems in the Athlete – Labrum, AC Joint, and Clavicle." University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine Conference (2007)
"Skeletal Muscle Basic and Clinical Science." University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics Grand Rounds (2007)
"Muscle Strain Injury and Potential Therapeutic Interventions" University at Buffalo, Department of Rehabilitation Science Seminar Series (2007)
"Emergency Evaluation of Common Sports Medicine Injuries." University at Buffalo, Department of Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds (2007)
"Effects of Medial Meniscus Posterior Horn Avulsion and Repair on Medial Tibiofemoral Compartment Contact Area and Peak Pressure." NFL Physicians Society Scientific Meeting (2007)
"Knee Oddities and Unusual Diagnoses." University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics Grand Rounds (2007)
"Medicolegal Issues in Sports Medicine" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine Conference (2006)
"Temporary Treatment of Peroneal Tendon Subluxation." NFL Physicians Society Scientific Meeting (2003)
"Turf Toe Injury" American Orthopedic Society of Sports Medicine, Team Physician Course (2002)
"Patella Tendon Versus Hamstring Tendon for ACL Reconstruction" University of Cincinnati Sports Medicine Symposium (2001)
"Rotator Cuff Tears in Athletes" University of Cincinnati Sports Medicine Symposium (2001)
"Technique for Taping Lisfranc’s Joint" NFL Physicians Society Scientific Meeting (1992)
"Functional Analysis of Patients Who Have a Posterior Cruciate Deficient Knee" Hospital for Special Surgery Fellowship Graduation Paper (1991)
"Operative Versus Nonoperative Treatment of Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture" Hospital For Special Surgery Alumni Day (1991)
"Proliferative Fibrous Nodule of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Following Arthroscopic Reconstruction" Arthroscopy Association of North America, Specialty Day (1991)
"Shoulder Instability in the Athlete" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics Grand Rounds (1991)
"Arthrography: A guide to Treatment of Lateral Humeral Condyle Fractures in Children" Pediatric Orthopedic Society (1990)
"Cervical Spondylotic Radiculopathy and Myelopathy" Masters Thesis presentation, Department of Anatomical Sciences; State University of New York at Buffalo (1986)
"Neck Injury in High School Football Players" University at Buffalo, Department of Orthopaedics Grand Rounds (1986)
Review research protocols and conflict of interest management; Clinical study monitor Thomas DuQuin, MD. 2019 - 2022, Sridar Rachala, MD. 2022 (2019–2022)
Mentor Csaba Gajdos M.D., 2019 Department of Surgery, Manoj Mammon, MD 2021 Department of Family Medicine, Faculty Mentor Amy Case M.D., 2022 Department of Medicine, Daniel Mirsch, MD 2022 Department of Emergency Medicine.; Faculty advancement committee (2019–2022)
Advisory Committee (2013)
Search Committee for Chair of Orthopaedics; Member (2013)
Resident Research Advisory and Review Committee; Member (2013–present)
Advisory Committee (2012–2013)
Admissions Committee; Member (2006–2013)
Arthroscopy Lab Director Arthroscopy lab, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences University at Buffalo, State University of New York.; Director (2006–present)
Colgate University Career Preceptor This program allows a college student to spend time with an Alumnus to gain an appreciation of the specific demands and rewards of a career. Students spend from 1 day to 1 week shadowing the Alumnus.; Panel Member (2002–present)
Volunteer Physician United States Olympic Committee, Lake Placid Olympic Training Center.; Volunteer (1999–2000)
Volunteer Faculty Anatomy 801: Advanced Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Clinical Correlation. University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.; Volunteer (1994–present)
Sports Medicine Fellowship Coordinator Sports Medicine Fellowship, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences University at Buffalo, State University of New York.; Coordinator
Deans Council; Member
Williamsville East High School Career Day Panel Member This one-half day symposium is structured as a lecture followed by questions and answers to give high school students an introduction to careers in sports medicine.; Panel Member
Williamsville Central Schools CEIP This is a mentor program to help high school students make decisions about career paths. The student spends 50 hours of time over a summer, shadowing the mentor, learning all aspects of the profession. A student has been hosted each of the past two summers.; Volunteer
Volunteer Faculty Anatomy 500: Human Gross Anatomy, The State University of New York, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.; Volunteer
Room 7156 955 Main St Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 955 Main Street Room 7156 Buffalo, New York 14203 Phone: (716) 829-2982 Fax: (716) 829-3945