Research in our lab has largely focused on the bidirectional relationships between alcohol and social/interpersonal relationships. One of the specific questions that we have addressed is whether excessive alcohol use is a factor in bar violence, intimate partner violence, parenting behavior, and child outcomes. We have conducted this research on experimental, marital and parent-child interaction, event-based, and longitudinal studies and have made important theoretical and empirical contributions to our understanding of alcohol and adverse social outcomes. A second question that we have addressed is the individual difference, intimate partner, and social relationships that influenced alcohol and substance use among young adults. Our research has shown that over the transition to marriage, marital satisfaction plays a pivotal role in the reduction of heavy drinking, both directly as well as indirectly by leading to changes in the social network. Moreover, our research has demonstrated the importance of discrepant substance use patterns as predictors of marital disruptions.
Education and Training:
Fellowship, Alcohol/Psychiatric Epidemiology, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (1984)
PhD, Clinical Psychology, Kent State University (1981)
MA, Clinical Psychology, Kent State University (1978)
BA, Psychology, Kent State University, Magna Cum Laude (1976)
Director, Research Institute on Addictions (2011-present)
Research Professor, Psychiatry, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1997-present)
Research Professor, Psychology, University at Buffalo Faculty of Arts and Letters (1986-present)
Senior Research Scientist, Research Institute on Addictions (Formerly Research Institute on Alcoholism) (1986-present)
Principal Research Associate, Family Interaction Project, University of Pittsburgh Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (1984–1986)
Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychiatric/Alcohol Epidemiology, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (1981–1984)
Program Advisory Board of the National Consortium on Alcohol and Neurodevelopment in Adolescent-Adulthood (NCANDA-A) (2023)
Distinguished Scientific Contributors Award (2015)
Outstanding Contributions to Research Award (2014)
Josie Olympia Faculty of the Year Award, Psychiatry, University at Buffalo (2011)
Josie Olympia Faculty of the Year Award, Psychiatry, University at Buffalo (2008)
Resident Teaching Award,Resident Training Program in Psychiatry, University (2006)
Research and Scholarship Award, State University of New York Research Found (2006)
Franklin H. Knower Award, 2005 (2005)
Scientific Advisory Council (2004)
Fellow in the Division of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse (2002)
Didactic Teacher of the Year (2002)
MERIT Award (2002)
Fellow in the Division of Addictions (1996)
Director‘s Recognition Award (1992)
Research Expertise:
Alcohol use, abuse, and dependence
Marital Violence
Social relationships
Grants and Sponsored Research:
October 2023–October 2025 OASAS Research Institute New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports Role: Co-Principal Investigator $1,000,000
October 2022–October 2025 Young Adult Substance Use Prevalence Survey New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports Role: Co-Principal Investigator $929,949
September 2019–September 2025 Stress, hazardous drinking and intimate partner aggression in a diverse sample of women and their partners National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Role: Co-Investigator
May 2012–April 2025 Research Training on Alcohol Etiology and Treatment National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Role: Co-Principal Investigator
August 2020–December 2024 Pain medication prescription and misuse following treatment for alcohol use disorder National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Role: Co-Principal Investigator
October 2013–October 2023 Substance use in reservists: Social and environmental influences National Institute of Drug Abuse Role: Co-Investigator
July 2018–June 2020 Pain medication prescription following treatment for alcohol use disorder National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse Role: Co-Principal Investigator $386,013
June 2017–May 2019 Expansion of MAT Practice in New York State NYS OASAS Role: Principal Investigator $750,000
June 2007–July 2013 Alcohol, Relationship Conflict, and Intimate Partner Violence NIAAA Role: Co-Investigator $1,883,482
April 2005–March 2009 Alcohol and Early Marriage: Spouse and Peer Influence NIAAA Role: Principal Investigator $962,952
April 2001–March 2005 Alcohol and Early Marriage: Spouse and Peer Influence NIAAA Role: Principal Investigator $966,850
April 1996–March 2000 Alcohol and Early Marriage: Spouse and Peer Influence NIAAA Role: Principal Investigator $990,971
January 1988–December 1993 Frequent Heavy Drinking and Marital Violence in Newlyweds NIAAA Role: Principal Investigator $353,198
January 1986–December 1989 Inter-generational Aspects of Serious Domestic Violence and Alcohol/Drugs NIJ Role: Co-Investigator $146,000
January 1984–December 1988 Drinking and Alcoholism in Young Men: A National Study NIAAA Role: Co-Investigator $629,362
Godfrey, DA. Derrick, Jaye, Leonard, KE. (2024) Intimate partner aggression predicts depressive symptomatology across the first 9 years of marriage. Psychology of Violence (Oct), 14(5): 326-334.
Derrick JL, Leonard KE, Quigley BM, Houston RJ, Testa M, Kubiak A. (2010) Relationship- specific alcohol expectancies in couples with concordant and discrepant drinking patterns. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (Jan), 71: 761-768.
Collins RL, Quigley BM, Leonard KE. (2007) Women’s physical aggression in bars: An event-based examination of causes and predictors of severity. Aggressive Behavior (Jan), 33: 304-313.
Homish GG, Leonard KE, Quigley BM, Collins RL. (2005) Context-related drinking assessment in a community sample. Journal of Substance Use (Jan), 10: 355-361.
Homish GG Leonard KE Collins RL Quigley BM. (2005) Context-related Drinking Assessment in a Community Sample. Journal of Substance Use (Jan), 10: 355-361.
Edwards EP Eiden RD Leonard KE. (2004) Impact of father's alcoholism and associated risk factors on Parent-Infant Attachment Stability from 12 to 18 months. Infant Mental Health Journal (Jan), 25(6): 556-579.
Leonard KE, Quigley BM, Collins RL. (2003) Drinking, personality, and bar environmental characteristics as predictors of involvement in barroom aggression. Addictive Behaviors (Jan), 28(9): 1681-1700.
Testa M, Quigley BM, Leonard KE. (2003) Does alcohol make a difference? Within-subjects comparison of incidents of partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence (Jan), 18: 735-743.
Giancola PR, Raskin White H, Berman ME, McCloskey MS, Greer TF, Spatz Widom C, Chermack ST, Leonard KE, Collins RL, Quigley BM. (2003) Diverse research on alcohol and aggression in humans: In memory of John A. Carpenter. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (Jan), 27(2): 198-208.
Leonard KE, Quigley BM, Collins RL. (2003) Alcohol consumption and the occurrence and severity of aggression: An event-based analysis of male to male barroom violence. Aggressive Behavior (Jan), 29: 346-365.
Leonard KE Collins RL Quigley BM. (2003) Alcohol consumption and the occurrence and severity of aggression: An event-based analysis of male to male barroom violence. Aggressive Behavior (Jan), 29: 346-365.
Leonard KE, Quigley BM, Collins RL. (2002) Physical aggression in the lives of young adults: Prevalence, location, and severity among college and community samples. Journal of Interpersonal Violence (Jan), 17(5): 533-550.
Leonard KE Quigley BM Collins RL. (2002) Violence in the lives of young adults: Prevalence, location, and severity among college and community samples. Journal of Interpersonal Violence (Jan), 17: 533-550.
Edwards EP Leonard KE Eiden RD. (2001) Temperament and behavioral problems among infants in alcoholic families. Infant Mental Health Journal (Jan), 22(3): 374-392.
Quigley, BM, Leonard KE. (1999) Husband alcohol expectancies, drinking, and marital conflict styles as predictors of severe marital violence among newlywed couples. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (Jan), 13(1): 49-59.
Leonard KE, Quigley BM. (1999) Drinking and marital aggression in newlyweds: An event-based analysis of drinking and the occurrence of husband marital aggression. Journal of Studies on Alcohol (Jan), 60(4): 537-545.
Leonard KE. (1989) The impact of explicit aggressive and implicit nonaggressive cues on aggression in intoxicated and sober males. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (Jan), 15(3): 390-400.
Leidenfrost CM, Leonard, KE, Antonius, D. (2018) The Handbook of Behavioral Criminology: Contemporary Strategy and Issues. In: Alcohol, drugs and crime. Springer Publishing
Quigley BM, Leonard KE. (2013) Principles of Addiction. In: Drinking patterns, alcohol consumption, and aggressive behavior. Elsevier/Academic Press, 617-625.
Collins, RL, Quigley, BM, & Leonard, KE. (2001) Prevention and control of aggression and the impact on its victims. In: Prediction of bar violence among young adults. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers., 275-283.
Quigley BM, Leonard KE. (2000) Aggression and violence: An introductory text. In: Alcohol, drugs, and violence. Allyn and Bacon., 259-283.
Scalco M, Leidenfrost CM, Quigley BM, Testa M, Houston RJ, Brown WC, Leonard KE, Antonius D. (2016) Alcohol use impacts recidivism rates differently in individuals with mood versus psychosis spectrum disorders (Abstract #406). Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, (Jan) 117A
Quigley BM, Houston R, Antonius D, Leonard KE. (2016) Alcohol use moderates the relationship between symptoms of mental illness and violence (Abstract #407). Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, (Jan) 117A
Quigley BM, Leonard KE, Testa M, Houston R, Kubiak A. (2015) ). Husband alcohol use and both partners’ executive cognitive functioning longitudinally predict intimate partner violence (Abstract #P801). Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, (Jan) 211A
"Alcohol's Role in Marital Conflict and Violence" Journey Together Conference 2023: A Conference for Addiction Professionals, Middle Tennessee Association for Addiction Professionals (2023)
"The Pervasive Links Between Close Relationships and Substance Use." Journey Together Conference 2023 A Conference for Addiction Professionals, Middle Tennessee Association for Addiction Professionals (2023)
"Research Funding for Addiction in the U.S.: How Priorities are Established and the Role of People who use Drugs" The Businesses of Addiction, University at Buffalo. (2023)
"Alcohol and the family: The many ways excessive drinking impacts marriage, parenting and child development" Invited presentation at Bethlehem Tertiary Instititute (2022)
"Alcohol, Partner Violence, and Intimacy: How alcohol influences relationships" Invited presentation at Deakin University (2022)
"The pervasive links between close relationships and substance use." Grand Rounds, online, University of Connecticut (2022)
"Intimate partner violence: Substance use, psychopathology and their relevance in clinical settings" Grand Rounds, University at Buffalo Department of Psychiatry (2021)
"The Pervasive Links between Close Relationships and Substance Use" Grand Rounds, University of Connecticut School of Medicine (2021)
"Behind closed doors: Substance use and domestic violence" Invited online presentation for Curbside Manner: Health Beyond the Hospital. Center for Continuing and Outreach Education, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. (2020)
"The pervasive effects of close relationships on excessive alcohol use" Invited presentation at Dalhousie University (2019)
"The role of drinking patterns and acute alcohol use in violent interpersonal behaviors" Fourth Convening of the Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy (2018)
"The elder side of the epidemic: The high and increasing death rates in older adults." Un-Meeting to Address the Opioid Crisis Center for Leading Innovation & Collaboration (2018)
"The Power of Perceptions and Understanding: Changing How We Deliver Treatment and Recovery Services" Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Academy Television Panel Discussion (2018)
"Addressing the capacity/need gap for medication assisted treatment for opioids in high need New York State regions" International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol and Other Drugs (INEBRIA) (2017)
"Alcohol’s impact on marital violence: Converging evidence on causality and vulnerability." The University of New Mexico, School of Medicine, Department of Neuroscience, Fall 2016 Neuroscience Seminar (2016)
"The emerging importance of intimate relationships as antecedents and consequences of excessive alcohol use" Plenary presented at the American Psychological Association Convention (2016)
"The unfolding of an epidemic: The epidemiology and progression of opiate and heroin use" Presentation at UB’s Mini Med School “Confronting the Opioid Epidemic” (2016)
"Developmental transitions and emergent causative influences: Intimacy, influence, and alcohol problems over the early years of marriage" Invited presentation at the Development of Addictions: The State of the Science and Future Directions, University of Michigan, Department of Psychiatry (2015)
"The drinking partnership: How drinking shapes and is shaped by intimate relationships" Invited presentation at the Martha Lambatuss Lecture, University of Missouri-Columbia (2015)
"Excessive drinking, alcoholism, and intimate partner violence" Invited presentation at the 13th Guze Symposium on Alcoholism: Alcoholism and the Family (2015)
"Heavy episodic alcohol use and intimate partner violence: A cross-cultural public health issue." Invited presentation at the Institute of Medicine Forum on Global Violence Prevention (2014)
"Understanding the behavioral risks of acute intoxication: The critical role of alcohol administration to study violent and risky behaviors" Invited presentation at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) Workshop: The Conduct of Human Laboratory Studies in Alcohol Research (2013)
"Does alcohol differentially influence violence perpetration or victimization among men and women?" Invited presentation at the Kettel Bruun Society Latin America Regional Conference on Gender, Alcohol and Violence, Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões (2012)
"The social environment of intimate partners: Substance use, intimate contexts, and conflict as influences on drinking behavior and alcohol problems" Invited participant at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Workshop: Establishing a Taxonomy of Alcohol-Related Environmental Exposures on Associated Alcohol Use and Consequences. (2012)
"Toward effective interventions for alcohol-related sexual, physical, and intimate partner violence: Where we are, what is needed, how to get there" Invited presentation at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Workshop Binge Drinking and Intimate Partner Violence in Community Couples (2012)
"Research on alcohol and violent behavior: Where we’ve been, where we are, and where we might go." Presentation at the 6th Annual Joint NIAAA/INSERM meeting (2010)
"Alcohol use and aggressive behavior among adult men and women" International Society for Research on Aggression World Meeting; International Society for Research on Aggression (2010)
"Alcohol as a Cause in Marital Violence; Converging Evidence from Different Methodologies" Presentation at the Brock University (2010)
"Gender asymmetry in the frequency of violence among mutually violent newlywed couples." National Summit on Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Across the Lifespan: Forging a Shared Agenda (2010)
"Alcohol’s role in domestic violence" Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, University of Michigan (2009)
"Alcohol’s role in marital violence; Converging evidence on causality and vulnerability." Presentation at the 2nd German Congress on Addiction, (2009)
"Intimate partner violence: Current controversies and their relevance in clinical settings" University at Buffalo Psychiatry/Medicine Update (2008)
"Alcohol and intimate partner violence: The converging evidence on causality and vulnerability" Annual Conference of the International Society for Research on Aggression (2008)
"Excessive alcohol use and intimate partner violence" Grand Rounds at the University of Connecticut, School of Medicine: Department of Psychiatry (2008)
"Social influences on adult substance use: Intimate partners and peers." ; University of Connecticut; School of Medicine: Department of Psychiatry (2008)
"The role of alcohol and substance abuse in the occurrence of intimate partner violence" American Psychological Association Violence Summit (2008)
"Alcohol and intimate partner violence: Understanding the role of drinking patterns and acute consumption" Grand Rounds, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry: Department of Psychiatry (2007)
"The role of drinking patterns and acute alcohol use in violent interpersonal behaviors." International Center for Alcohol Policies: International meeting on alcohol and violence, Washington, DC (2007)
"Excessive drinking and alcoholism: What is their role in domestic violence and parenting behavior?" Invited presentation to the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference (2007)
"Parenting and the development of behavior problems among children of alcoholic fathers." Grand Rounds: Department of Psychiatry; State University of New York at Buffalo; School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (2005)
"The vicissitudes of substance use in marriage; husbands‘ and wives‘ influence and impact on each other" Presentation at the Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies (2005)
"Alcohol and intimate partner violence: Understanding the proximal link between drinking and episodes of violence" Presentation at Grand Rounds: Drexel University College of Medicine. (2004)
"Alcohol and intimate partner violence: Understanding the proximal and distal effects" Substance abuse and Antisocial Behavior across the Lifespan: Research Findings and Clinical Implications.; University of Toronto (2004)
"Family transitions in young adulthood: Marriage and parenting" Still at Risk for Drug Abuse: Prevention Research among Young Adults; National Institute on Drug Abuse (2004)
"Alcohol use and intimate partner violence." University of Alabama; Center for the Advancement of Youth Health (2003)
"Alcohol and intimate partner violence." National Institutes on Health for “Alcohol: A Women’s Health Issue”; National Institutes on Health (2003)
"Parenting and infant development in alcoholic families." National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Workshop on Gene-Environment Interactions in Alcoholism; National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (2002)
"Alcohol and domestic violence in the early years of marriage" Alcohol Training Program Symposium; Brown University (2002)
"Alcohol’s role in domestic violence: A contributing cause or an excuse?" American Psychological Association Division 50, 109th convention; American Psychological Association Division 50 (2001)
"Alcohol and domestic violence: Contributory cause or just an excuse?" Southern Methodist University; Psychology Department (2001)
"Prevention of alcohol-related aggression" National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) Extramural Scientific Advisory Meeting: Prevention; National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (1998)
"Alcohol and marriage" NIAAA Workshop on Alcohol and the Family: Opportunities for Prevention; NIAAA (1996)
"Alcohol and the perpetration of violence" RIA Conference “Research to Practice: A Dialogue for Action: Alcohol, Drugs and Violence”.; RIA (1996)
"Alcohol, drugs, and violence." Symposium commemorating the 25th anniversary of NIAAA Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association; American Psychological Association (1995)
"Alcohol and domestic violence in the early years of marriage." American Society of Addiction Medicine; Substance Abuse & Domestic Violence (1995)
"Role of alcohol/other drugs in violence" Symposium Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence; Johnson Institute Foundation (1995)
"Aggression in the early years of marriage: Exploring the role of alcohol." Clinical Colloquium Series; State University of New York at Buffalo; Department of Psychiatry (1994)
"Alcohol and premarital aggression among newlywed couples." Symposium on Alcohol and Aggression; The State University of New Jersey; Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers (1992)
"Alcohol use and the transition to marriage." Transitions in Alcohol Consumption: The Third Decade of Life,; 21st Annual International Medical Advisory Conference (1992)
"Drinking patterns and intoxication in domestic violence: Review, critique, and future directions for research" NIAAA Workshop on Alcohol-Related Violence: Fostering Interdisciplinary Perspectives; NIAAA (1992)
"Family and peer influences in the development of adolescent alcohol abuse" Working Group on the Development of Alcohol-Related Problems in High-Risk Youth: Establishing Linkages Across Biogenetic and Psychosocial Domains; NIAAA (1991)
"Characteristics of aggressive-while-drinking men" Indiana University Conference for Research on Clinical Problems, Marital Violence: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives; Indiana University (1991)
"Marital intimacy and alcohol involvement in newlyweds" Symposium on Alcohol, Family, and Significant Others, sponsored by the Social Research Institute of Alcohol Studies and the Nordic Council for Alcohol and Drug Research; Social Research Institute of Alcohol Studies and the Nordic Council for Alcohol and Drug Research (1991)
"Methodological issues in the study of alcohol-related marital aggression." Indiana University Conference for Research on Clinical Problems, Marital Violence: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives; Indiana University (1991)
Serve as expert in young adult addictions for National Consortium on Alcohol and NeuroDevelopment in Adolescence-Adulthood supported by NIAAA; Program Advisory Board (2023–present)
VPRED Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusiveness in Research (2020–2021)
Appointment, Promotions and Tenure Committee (2019–2022)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Fellowship Review (F31, F32, K application); Reviewer (2016–2019)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Training Grant Review; Reviewer (2016–present)
Standing Committee on Admissions Policy (2016–present)
Erie County Opioid Task Force; Member (2016–present)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism MOBC-PAR-R21 Review; Chair (2015)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Center Grant Review; Reviewer (2015)
Reviewer, Romanian National Council for Development and Innovation (2011–2012)
Reviewer, Population Sciences and Epidemiology Integrated Review Group, Center for Scientific Review (2011)
Reviewer, Center for Disease Control and Prevention/National Center for Environmental Health (2010)
Research Promotions; Chair (2009–2010)
Relations with Industry Commitee; Member (2008–present)
Research Promotions; Member (2007–2010)
Adult Psychopathology and Disorders of Aging;; External Reviewer (2005)
Medical Research Council of South Africa; External Review;; External Reviewer (2005)
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (2004–2011)
; Alcohol and Drug Research Advisory Group (2004)
Faculty Council; Member (2003–2005)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research; External Review;; External Reviewer (2003)
University Alcohol Policy Board (2002–2003)
; Dean of Arts and Sciences-Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Psychological Services Center (2002)
Appointment, Promotions and Tenure; Committee member, assist and mentor faculty with promotion (2001–present)