Michael E. Cain MD, FAHA, FACC, FHRS

Michael Cain

Michael E. Cain

Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering

Department of Medicine

Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Specialty/Research Focus

Cardiology; Cardiovascular Disease; Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology; Internal Medicine

Contact Information
955 Main Street, Room 6122
Buffalo, New York 14203-1121
Phone: (716) 829-3956

Professional Summary:

An internationally recognized cardiovascular physician-scientist, Dr. Cain is a specialist in abnormal heart rhythms. He is board-certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases and clinical cardiac electrophysiology and pacing. He is a fellow of the American College of Cardiology, the American Heart Association and the Heart Rhythm Society.

A former associate editor of Circulation, Cain is a member of the editorial boards of the American Journal of Cardiology, the Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine and Heart Rhythm.

His NIH-supported research has focused on determining the mechanisms of life-threatening heart rhythm abnormalities that occur in heart attacks and other conditions that damage heart muscle cells. This information is being used to better characterize and more accurately localize the abnormal heart tissue responsible for these abnormal heart rhythms and to improve the identification of patients at increased risk for sudden cardiac death.

Education and Training:

  • Fellowship, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory, Cardiovascular Section, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (1981)
  • Fellowship, Clinical Cardiology, Cardiovascular Division, Barnes Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine (1980)
  • Fellowship, Cardiovascular Division Research Fellowship, Washington University School of Medicine (1978)
  • Residency, Washington University School of Medicine, Barnes Hospital (1977)
  • Internship, Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, Barnes Hospital (1976)
  • MD, George Washington University School of Medicine (1975)
  • BA, Gettysburg College, Cum Laude (1971)


  • Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, University at Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (2010-present)
  • Professor of Medicine, Medicine, University At Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2006-present)
  • Vice President, University at Buffalo Health Sciences (2011–2021)
  • Vice President for Health Sciences, Medicine, University at Buffalo (2011–2021)
  • Dean Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Medicine, University at Buffalo (2006–2021)
  • Dean, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Dean‘s Office, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2006–2021)
  • Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chemical and Biological Engineering, University at Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (2007–2010)
  • President, Board of Directors, Heart Care Institute, Barnes-Jewish Hospital (2000–2006)
  • Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine (1999–2006)
  • Tobias and Hortense Lewin Professor of Medicine, Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine (1994–2006)
  • Chief Division of Cardiology, Medicine, Washington University (1993–2006)
  • Visiting Professor, Albert Einstein University/Montefiore Hospital (2005)
  • Visiting Professor, Northwestern University (2005)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Minnesota (2005)
  • Visiting Professor, Johns Hopkins University (2004)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Arkansas (2004)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Pennsylvania (2004)
  • Visiting Professor, University of California San Diego (2003)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Claifornia San Diego (2002)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Kansas (2002)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Missouri (2002)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Oklahoma (2002)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Kansas (2001)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Pennsylvania (2001)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Texas Southwestern (2001)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Minnesota (1999)
  • Visiting Professor, Cleveland Clinic Foundation (1998)
  • Visiting Professor, Hershey Medical Center (1997)
  • Visiting Professor, Texas Heart Institute (1997)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Pennsylvania (1997)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Pittsburgh (1997)
  • Director, Arrhythmia Services, Barnes-Jewish Hospital (1994–1996)
  • Visiting Professor, Hahneman University (1995)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Louisville (1995)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Iowa (1994)
  • Visiting Professor, University of South Florida (1994)
  • Director, Cardiovascular Division, Barnes-Jewish Hospital (1993–1994)
  • Interim Director, Cardiovascular Division, Washington University School of Medicine (1993–1994)
  • Professor of Medicine, Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine Washington University School of Medicine (1993–1994)
  • Director, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory, Barnes Hospital (1981–1994)
  • Visiting Professor, Northwestern University (1993)
  • Associate Professor of Medicine, Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine Washington University School of Medicine (1987–1993)
  • Director Clinical Electrophysiology Laboratory, Medicine, Washington University (1981–1993)
  • Visiting Professor, Dalhousie University (1992)
  • Visiting Professor, University of California San Diego (1992)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Louisville (1992)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Toronto (1992)
  • Visiting Professor, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Womens Hospital (1991)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Iowa (1991)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Louisville (1991)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Nebraska (1991)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Tennessee (1991)
  • Visiting Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin (1990)
  • Visiting Professor, Creighton University (1989)
  • Visiting Professor, Hahneman University (1989)
  • Visiting Professor, State University of New York (1989)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Alabama (1989)
  • Visiting Professor, University of California San Diego (1989)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Kansas City (1989)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Minnesota (1989)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Missouri (1989)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Nebraska (1989)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Rochester (1989)
  • Visiting Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin (1987)
  • Visiting Professor, UMDNJ-Rutgers Medical School (1987)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Kansas Medical Center (1987)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Minnesota (1987)
  • Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine Washington University School of Medicine (1981–1987)
  • Visiting Professor, University of California Davis (1986)
  • Visiting Professor, University of London (1984)
See all (60 more)

Awards and Honors:

  • Gettysburg College Distinguished Alumni Award (2022)
  • UB School of Management Alumni Association Executive of the Year Award (2021)
  • National Federation for Just Communities of Western New York Legacy Award (2021)
  • Member, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Richard Sarkin Medical Emeritus Faculty Chapter, Gold Humanism Honor Society (2021)
  • UB President's Medal (2018)
  • Distinguished Fellowship Award, 18th World Congress on Heart Disease, International Academy of Cardiology (2013)
  • Leadership Buffalo Value Award for Inclusion (2013)
  • Stanley J. Sarnoff Spirit Award, Sarnoff Cardiovascular Research Foundation (2012)
  • Resident/Fellow Alumni Achievement Award, Washington University Medical Ctr (2012)
  • Elected/Member, American Clinical and Climatological Association (2012)
  • Distinguished Service Award, Heart Rhythm Society (2007)
  • Distinguished Service Teaching Award, Washington University Medical School (2006)
  • Distinguished Service Teaching Award, Washington University Medical School (2005)
  • Hans-Peter Krayenbuehl Memorial Award for Research in Cardiac Function (2005)
  • Fellow, Heart Rhythm Society (2003)
  • American Heart Association Heart Ball Medical Honoree, St. Louis Chapter (2002)
  • Outstanding Researcher of the Year Award, Missourian American Heart Assoc. (2002)
  • Arthur E. Strauss Award, American Heart Association (2000)
  • Elected/Member, Association of University Cardiologists (1997)
  • Fellow, Council on Clinical Cardiology of the American Heart Association (1985)
  • Fellow, American College of Cardiology (1984)
  • Golden Apple Teacher of the Year Award (1982)
  • American Heart Association Fellowship Award (1980)
  • Calvin Klopp Award, William Beaumont Medical Research Society (1975)
  • Elected/Member, Alpha Omega Alpha (1974)
  • Washington Heart Association Student Research Grant (1973)
  • William Beaumont Medical Research Society, Washington University (1972)
  • George B. Stoner Award, Gettysburg College (1971)

Research Expertise:

  • Risk stratification for sudden cardiac death

UB 2020 Strategic Strengths:

  • Civic Engagement and Public Policy
  • Extreme Events: Mitigation and Response
  • Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan
  • Integrated Nanostructured Systems
  • Molecular Recognition in Biological Systems and Bioinformatics

Grants and Sponsored Research:

  • January 2006–January 2011
    Principles in Cardiovascular Research Training Program
    NIH National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 2005–January 2009
    Clinical Research Skills Development
    NIH National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Core SCCOR in Cardiac Dysfunction and Disease
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 2006–December 2007
    Remodeling and novel biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in Type 2 diabetes
    Washington University/Pfizer Biomedical Research Program
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2001–January 2006
    Principles in Cardiovascular Research Training Program
    NIH National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 2001–January 2004
    The Pathophysiology of T-wave Alternans
    Sponsor: Sanjiv Narayan, M.D.
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1998–January 2003
    Pathophysiologic Basis of Ventricular Tachycardia in Man
    NIH National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1996–January 2001
    Principles in Cardiovascular Research Training Program
    NIH National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1992–January 1998
    Multicenter Unsustained Tachycardia Trial - MUSTT
    NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1993–January 1997
    Pathophysiologic Basis of Ventricular Tachycardia in Man
    NIH National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1995–January 1996
    Mechanisms of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia in humans
    American Heart Association Fellowship Award, Missouri Affiliate
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1991–January 1995
    Principles in Cardiovascular Research Training Program
    NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 1990–December 1994
    Determinants of altered frequency components in electrocardiographic signals
    NIH Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, SCOR-Ischemic Heart Disease
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 1992–January 1993
    Contribution of dynamic changes in repolarization to the termination of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia
    Michael Bilitch Fellowship in Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1992–January 1993
    An open, multicenter evaluation of the Bard radiofrequency energy catheter ablation system in the treatment of patients with sympotomatic, sustained ventricular tachycardias using abnormal atrioventricular conduction pathways
    Bard Electrophysiology
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1989–December 1992
    A linkage study of long QT syndrome in an Amish kindred
    National Institutes of Health
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 1991–January 1992
    A randomized, double-blind comparison of intravenous amiodarone and bretylium in the treatment of patients with refractory, hemodynamically destabilizing ventriuclar tachycardia or fibraillation
    Wyeth-Ayerst and North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 1990–January 1992
    Clinical investigation of Medtronic 7216A/17B Pacer-Cardioverter-Defibrillator (PCD) system
    Medtronic, Inc.
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 1986–December 1991
    Mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis following infarction
    NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 1990–January 1991
    A dose-ranging study of intravenous amiodarone in patients with refractory ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 1990–January 1991
    Electrophysiologic determinants of altered frequency components in signal-averaged ECGs
    Missouri American Heart Association Fellowship
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1989–January 1990
    Contributions and therapeutic implications of primary repolarization abnormalities in the initiation of ventricular arrhythmias by programmed stimulation
    Kenneth M. Rosen Fellowship in Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology, North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1988–January 1990
    A placebo controlled study of ascending single oral doses of CK-1752A in patients with frequent ventricular ectopy to examine safety, pharmacodynamics and pharmakinetics
    Berlex Laboratories
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1988–January 1990
    A comparative inpatient study of the safety and efficacy of three oral Recainam doses in the suppression of life-threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmias
    Berlex Laboratories
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1988–January 1990
    Emergency use of intravenous amiodarone in patients with refractory ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 1985–December 1989
    Effects of phychosocial and psychoeducational interventions on compliance to beta-adrenergic blocking agents in patients recovering from acute myocardial infarction and to antiarrhythmic agents for prevention of sudden cardiac death
    NIH, National Research and Demonstration Center Component SCOR-Ischemic Heart Disease
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 1984–December 1989
    Detection of the risks of malignant ventricular arrhythmia and assessment of its response to medical and surgical intervention
    NIH, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, SCOR-Ischemic Heart Disease
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 1988–January 1989
    Electrophysiologic and morphologic determinants of intramural reentry in human ventricular tachycardia
    Michael Bilitch Fellowship in Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology, North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1987–January 1989
    A double-blind multicenter comparison of intravenous adenosine to intravenous placebo in the termination of spontaneous or induced paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
    Medco Research
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 1987–January 1988
    Fast Fourier Transform Analysis of signal-averaged ECG complexes: a potential noninvasive approach to the identification of patients at risk for the development of ventricular tachycardia
    Washington University School of Medicine
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1987–January 1988
    A dose-range evaluation of the myocytic alpha-adrenergic receptor blocking potential of Labetalol
    Glaxo Laboratories
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • January 1980–January 1981
    Evaluation of ventricular excitabiliy in man
    American Heart Association Fellowship Award
    Role: Principal Investigator
See all (21 more)

Journal Articles:

See all (101 more)

Books and Book Chapters:

  • Smith TW, Cain ME, Breithardt G, Kirchof P. (2006) Pharmacology of Sudden Death. In: European Society of Cardiologists Educational Series: Sudden Cardiac. Blackwell Publishers, 205-219.
  • Smith TW, Cain ME. (2004) Class III Antiarrhythmic Drugs: Amiodarone, Ibutilide, and Sotalol. In: Cardiac Electrophysiology From Cell to Bedside Ed. 4. Saunders, 932-941.
  • Narayan S, Cain ME. (2003) Non-invasive techniques for assessing arrhythmia risk: T-wave alternans, signal-averaged ECGs and heart rate variability. In: Harrison‘s Principles of Internal Medicine Online 15th Ed. McGraw Hill, Inc.
  • Narayan SM, Cain ME. (2003) Identifying patients at risk for sudden cardiac death: is low ejection fraction alone enough or do we need additional testing?. In: Cardiac Arrhythmias 2003. Springer-Verlag, 387-396.
  • Cain ME, Smith JM, Cox JL. (1998) Surgery for atrial fibrillation: the next step in the development of a nonpharmacologic cure. In: Comprehensive Cardiovascular Medicine. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 2153-2164.
  • Botteron GW, Cain ME. (1997) Nonpharmacological Management of Atrial Fibrillation. In: Nonpharmacological Management of Atrial Fibrillation. Futura Publishing, 185-200.
  • Cain ME, Ambos HD, Arthur RM. (1997) Signal-averaged electrocardiography. Methods of analysis and clinical impact. In: Cardiology. J. B. Lippincott, Co., 1-36.
  • Cain ME. (1996) Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia. In: Medical Management of Heart Disease. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 311-317.
  • Cain ME, Ambos HD, Kavesh NG, Arthur RM. (1996) Signal-Averaged Electrocardiography. In: Hurst's The Heart (Update 1). McGraw-Hill, Inc., 41-66.
  • Sobel BE, Eisenberg PR, Cain ME. (1996) Medical Management of Heart Disease. Marcel Dekker, Inc..
  • Cain ME. (1996) Palpitations. In: Medical Management of Heart Disease. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 61-78.
  • Cox JL, Boineau JP, Schuessler RB, Kater KM, Ferguson TB, Cain ME, Lindsay BD, Smith JM, Corr PB, Hogue CB. (1995) Electrophysiologic basis, surgical development, and clinical results of the maze procedure for atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation. In: Advances in Cardiac Surgery. Mosby-Year Book, 1-67.
  • Gamache MC, Cain ME. (1994) Cardiac arrhythmias. In: A Practical Approach to Emergency Medicine, Second Edition. Little, Brown and Company, 60-104.
  • Lappas DG, Hogue CW, Cain ME, Cox JL. (1993) Anesthesia for electrophysiological procedures. In: Cardiac Anesthesia (3rd Edition). W. B. Saunders Co., 781-818.
  • Cain ME, Lindsay BD, Ambox HD. (1992) Value of frequency domain analysis in identifying patients with ventricular tachyarrhythmias. In: High Resolution Electrocardiography. Futura Publishing, 593-633.
  • Cain ME, Ambos HD, Arthur RM, Lindsay BD. (1991) Signal-averaged electrocardiography. Methods of analysis and clinical impact. In: Cardiology. J. B. Lippincott Co., 1-20.
  • Cain ME, Lindsay BD, Arthur RM, Markham J, Ambos HD. (1990) Noninvasive detection of patients prone to life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias by frequency analysis of electrocardiographic signals. In: Cardiac Electrophysiology. From Cell to Bedside. W. B. Saunders, Co., 817-831.
  • Boineau JP, Schuessler RB, Cain ME, Corr PB, Cox JL. (1990) Activation mapping during normal atrial rhythms and atrial flutter. In: Cardiac Electrophysiology. From Cell to Bedside. W. B. Saunders, Co., 537-548.
  • Cain ME, Lindsay BD. (1990) Pre-excitations syndromes: diagnostic and management strategies. In: Current Management of Arrhythmias. B. C. Decker, Inc., 91-103.
  • Lindsay BD, Branyas NA, Cain ME. (1990) The pre-excitation syndromes. In: Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology (3rd Edition). W. B. Saunders, Co., 190-216.
  • Cain ME, Lindsay BD. (1990) The preoperative electrophysiologic study. In: Cardiac Arrhythmia Surgery. Hanley and Belfus, Inc., 53-91.
  • Cain ME. (1990) Newer antiarrhythmic agents and their role in ventricular arrhythmias. An overview of management strategies for the 1990‘s. In: The New Frontiers of Arrhythmias-9th International Congress. John Libbey, 897-925.
  • Cain ME. (1988) Indications for the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias. In: Perspectives in Cardiology-1988. Current Medical Literature, Ltd., 281-300.
  • Cain ME, Cox JL. (1987) Surgical Treatment of Supraventricular Arrhythmias. In: Management of Cardiac Arrhythmias: the Nonpharmacologic Approach. J. B. Lippincott Co., 304-339.
  • Corr PB, Cain ME. (1987) Electrophysiology. In: Cardiovascular Pathophysiology. Oxford University Press, 34-73.
  • Cain ME, Ambos HD, Lindsay BD. (1987) Fast-Fourier transform analysis of the signal-averaged electrocardiogram in the management of patients with or prone to ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation. In: Cardiac Arrhythmias: Where to Go from Here?. Futura Publishing, 311-328.
  • Cain ME, Ambos HD, Lindsay BDE. (1987) Frequenzanalyse des signalgemittelten Elektrokardiogramms zur Erkennung von Patienten mit anhaltenden ventrikularen Tachykardien. In: Lebensbedrohliche ventrikulare Herzrhythmusstorungen. Steinkopff Verlag, 113-122.
  • Boerner JA, Cain ME. (1987) Cardiac Arrhythmias. In: A Practical Approach to Emergency Medicine. Little Brown Publishing, 39-71.
  • Lindsay BD, Cain ME. (1986) Cardiac Arrhythmia. In: Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 25th Edition. Little Brown Publishing, 107-140.
  • Crossen KJ, Cain ME. (1986) Assessment and Management of Sinus Node Dysfunction. In: Modern Concepts of Cardiovascular Disease. American Heart Association, Inc., 43-48.
  • Cox JL, Cain ME. (1986) Surgery for Pre-excitation Syndromes. In: Cardiac Pre-excitation Syndromes: Origins, Evaluation, and Treatment. Martinus Nijhoff Publishing, 527-534.
  • Cain ME, Rosenblum A. (1983) Cardiac dysrhythmias. In: Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 24th Edition. Little Brown Publishing, 95-124.
  • Cain ME, Josephson ME. (1982) Disopyramide. In: Drug Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmias. Future Publishing, 109-137.
  • Cain ME, Josephson ME. (1982) Procainamide. In: Drug Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmias. Futura Publishing, 73-108.
  • Cain ME, Josephson ME. (1982) Quinidine. In: Drug Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmias. Futura Publishing, 33-72.
  • Cain ME, Horowitz LN, Harken AH, Josephson ME. (1982) Surgical management of ventricular dysrhythmias. In: Cardiovascular Medicine. Raven Press, 211-223.
  • Cain ME, Josephson ME. (1982) Ventricular dysrhythmias: recent advances in assessment and management. In: Cardiovascular Medicine. Raven Press, 185-209.
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Professional Memberships:

  • American Clinical and Climatological Association (Member) (2012–present)
  • Association of American Medical Colleges; Council of Deans (2006–2021)
  • American Association of Medical Colleges Council of Deans (2006–2021)
  • Associated Medical Schools of New York (2006–2021)
  • Clinical Research Forum (2006–present)
  • Association of University Cardiologists (1997–present)
  • Association of Professors of Cardiology (1994–2006)
  • International Society for Computerized Electrocardiography (1987–2000)
  • Heart Rhythm Society; Formerly North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1985–present)
  • American Heart Association, Council of Clinical Cardiology (1984–present)
  • American Heart Association, Council on Basic Science (1984–present)
  • American College of Cardiology (1984–present)
  • Cardiac Electrophysiology Society (1980–2010)
  • American Federation Clinical Research (1980–present)
  • American Heart Association (1977–present)
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  • "Stereotactic Radiation Therapy for Ventricular Tachycardia" Catholic Health System Citywide Medical Surgical Grand Rounds (2024)
  • "Leadership" UB Academy for Higher Education Leadership (2023)
  • "Stereotactic Radiation Therapy for Ventricular Tachycardia" UB Department of Medicine Grand Rounds (2023)
  • "Evolution of Nonpharmacologic Therapy for Ventricular Tachycardia" Association of University Cardiologists Sixty-Second Annual Meeting (2023)
  • "Evolution of the Electrophysiology Program at Washington University in St. Louis" 75th Anniversary of the Cardiovascular Division at Washington University (2022)
  • "Stereotactic Radiation Treatment for Ventricular Tachycardia" 30th Annual International Congress for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention/Egyptian Society of Cardiogy (2022)
  • "Evolution of the Non-Pharmacological Treatment for Ventricular Tachycardia" 28th Annual International Congress for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention/Portuguese Society of Cardiology (2019)
  • "Evolution of the Non-Pharmacological Treatment of Ventricular Tachycardia" 27th Annual International Congress for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention (2018)
  • "Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death: Challenges and Opportunities" 26th Annual International Congress for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention (2017)
  • 22nd World Congress on Heart Disease; International Academy of Cardiology (2017)
  • 4th John P. Boineau Memorial Lecture; Washington University in St. Louis; Cardiovascular Division, Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery (2016)
  • "Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death: Challenges and Opportunities" 21st World Congress on Heart Disease; International Academy of Cardiology; Electrophysiology: Sudden Death, Arrhthmias and Device Therapy (2016)
  • "The Changing Landscape of Medical Education" 25th Annual International Congress for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention (2016)
  • 2016 Heart Rhythm Society 2016 Annual Scientific Sessions; Heart Rhythm Society (2016)
  • 21st World Congress on Heart Disease; International Academy of Cardiology (2016)
  • "Interprofessional Education and Interprofessional Clinical Practice" 24th Annual International Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Symposium/Peruvian Society of Cardiology (2015)
  • "The 2014 AF Guidelines: What‘s New?" 20th World Congress on Heart Disease; International Academy of Cardiology; Arrhythmia, Electrophysioogy and Stroke Prevention (2015)
  • "Macro- and Micro-Level Connections for Collaboration, Teamwork, and Productivity" Tradeline Facility Strategies for Academic Medicine and Allied Health; Tradeline (2014)
  • "Denervated Myocardium Predicts Risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy" 23rd International Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Symposium/Austrian Society of Cardiology (2014)
  • "How Is EP Best Practiced? Today's Realities and Tomorrow's Prospects" Heart Rhythm 2014 35th Annual Scientific Sessions; Heart Rhythm Society (2014)
  • 19th World Congress on Heart Disease; International Academy of Cardiology (2014)
  • "Sudden Cardiac Death/Advances in Implantable Rhythm Device Therapy" 18th World Congress in Heart Disease; International Academy of Cardiology (2013)
  • "Navigating the Perfect Storm Facing Academic Cardiology" Association of Professors of Cardiology; Association of Professors of Cardiology (2013)
  • "New Insights into Identification of Patients at Risk for Sudden Cardiac Death" 17th World Congress on Heart Disease; International Academy of Cardiology; Sudden Death and Novel Approaches to Arrhythmia Management (2012)
  • "Risk Stratification for Sudden Cardiac Death: insights from clinical trials" 20th International Cardiovascular Symposium/South Africa Society of Cardiology (2011)
  • 19th International Cardiovascular Symposium: Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in the 21st Century/Thai Society of Cardiology (2010)
  • "Risk Stratification for Sudden Cardiac Death: insights from clinical trials" 19th International Cardiovascular Symposium: Cardiovascular Prevention in the 21st Century/Thai Society of Cardiology (2010)
  • Heart Rhythm 2010; Heart Rhythm Society (2010)
  • 15th World Congress on Heart Disease; International Academy of Cardiology (2010)
  • 11th International Workshop on Cardiac Arrhythmias (2009)
  • American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2009; American Heart Association (2009)
  • Heart Rhythm 2009; Heart Rhythm Society (2009)
  • Heart Rhythm 2008; Heart Rhythm Society (2008)
  • 14th World Congress on Heart Disease; International Academy of Cardiology (2008)
  • "How to Become a Clinical Investigator" ; American College of Cardiology (2008)
  • American Heart Association Scientific Sessions; American Heart Association (2007)
  • 13th World Congress on Heart Disease; International Academy of Cardiology (2007)
  • 10th International Workshop on Cardiac Arrhythmias (2007)
  • Europace 2007 (2007)
  • "How to Become a Clinical Investigator" ; American College of Cardiology (2007)
  • 15th World Congress in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Cardiac Techniques (2006)
  • XII International Symposium on Pacing (2006)
  • Heart Rhythm Society 27th Annual Scientific Session; Heart Rhythm Society (2006)
  • American Heart Association Scientific Sessions; American Heart Association (2006)
  • American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2005; American Heart Association (2005)
  • Europace 2005 (2005)
  • 12th World Congress on Heart Disease; International Academy of Cardiology (2005)
  • 9th International Workshop on Cardiac Arrhythmias (2005)
  • Heart Rhythm Society 26th Annual Scientific Session; Heart Rhythm Society (2005)
  • American College of Cardiology 54th Annual Scientific Sessions; American College of Cardiology (2005)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (formerly NASPE) 25th Annual Scientific Session; Heart Rhythm Society (formerly NASPE) (2004)
  • 14th World Congress in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Cardiac Techniques, Cardiostim 2004 (2004)
  • European Society of Cardiology (2004)
  • XI International Symposium on Pacing (2004)
  • "Major Topics in Cardiology Today" 37th Annual New York Cardiovascular Symposium (2004)
  • American College of Cardiology 52nd Annual Scientific Sessions; American College of Cardiology (2003)
  • 12th World Congress on Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology (2003)
  • Eighth International Workshop on Cardiac Arrhythmias (2003)
  • Europace 2003 (2003)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 24th Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (2003)
  • Joint US-Russia Symposium on New Development in Cardiac Arrhythmias; National Heart, Lung and Blood Intitute and Russian Cardiology Research Center (2003)
  • "How to Become a Cardiovascular Investigator" ; American College of Cardiology (2003)
  • American College of Cardiology 51st Annual Scientific Sessions; American College of Cardiology (2002)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 23rd Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (2002)
  • 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society; Japanese Circulation Society (2002)
  • EP '02 Spotlight Sunday Electrophysiology Symposium (2002)
  • Seventh Asian-Pacific Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology Scientific Sessions (2001)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 22nd Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (2001)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 21st Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (2000)
  • Seventh World Congress on Heart Failure; International Academy of Cardiology (2000)
  • American College of Cardiology 50th Annual Scientific Sessions; American College of Cardiology (2000)
  • "Cardiac Electrophysiology Board Review Course" ; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology and American College of Cardiology (2000)
  • American College of Cardiology 49th Annual Scientific Sessions; American College of Cardiology (1999)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 20th Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1999)
  • "Cardiac Electrophysiology Board Review Course" ; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology and American College of Cardiology (1999)
  • American College of Cardiology Cardiovascular Board Review; American College of Cardiology (1998)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 19th Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1998)
  • Fifth International Symposium on High-Resolution ECG and Late Potentials and Noninvasive Electrophysiology; 11th International Congress - Cardiostim 98 (1998)
  • "Cardiac Electrophysiology Board Review Course" ; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology and American College of Cardiology (1998)
  • American College of Cardiology 46th Annual Scientific Sessions; American College of Cardiology (1997)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 18th Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1997)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 17th Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1996)
  • Symposium on Nonpharmacological Management of Atrial Fibrillation (1996)
  • CME in the Orient; Thai Physicians Association of America/Washington University School of Medicine (1996)
  • American College of Cardiology 45th Annual Scientific Sessions; American College of Cardiology (1996)
  • 29th Annual New York Cardiovascular Symposium (1996)
  • "Cardiac Electrphysiology Board Review Course" ; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology and American College of Cardiology (1996)
  • American Heart Association 68th Annual Scientific Sessions; American Heart Association (1995)
  • 25th National Meeting; Spanish Society of Cardiology (1995)
  • 42nd Scientific Sessions; Japanese College of Cardiology (1994)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 15th Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1994)
  • American Heart Association 67th Annual Scientific Sessions; American Heart Association (1994)
  • "Clinical Electrophysiology Board Review Course" ; American College of Cardiology (1994)
  • American Heart Association 66th Annual Scientific Sessions; American Heart Association (1993)
  • American College of Cardiology 42nd Annual Scientific Sessions; American College of Cardiology (1993)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 14th Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1993)
  • 3rd Annual Japanese Symposium on High Resolution Electrocardiography (1993)
  • 14th Hellenic Armed Forces Medical Conference (1992)
  • First International Symposium on Cardiac Arrhythmias; 8th International Congress-Cardiostim 92 (1992)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 13th Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1992)
  • American College of Cardiology 41st Annual Scientific Sessions; American College of Cardiology (1992)
  • American College of Cardiology Clinical Electrophysiology Board Review Course; American College of Cardiology (1992)
  • American Heart Association 65th Annual Scientific Sessions; American Heart Association (1992)
  • American College of Cardiology 40th Annual Scientific Sessions; American College of Cardiology (1991)
  • 5th Puerto Rico Congress of Cardiology (1991)
  • American College of Cardiology Heart House Learning Center Program; American College of Cardiology (1991)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology IX World Symposium; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1991)
  • Mapfre Medicina Foundatino Symposium (1991)
  • International Symposium on Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology (1991)
  • Joint USA-USSR Symposium on Coronary Artery Disease; NIH National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute and Cardiology Research Institute of the USSR (1990)
  • American College of Cardiology Heart House Learning Center Program; American College of Cardiology (1990)
  • American College of Cardiology 39th Annual Scientific Sessions; American College of Cardiology (1990)
  • American College of Cardiology 38th Annual Scientific Sessions; American College of Cardiology (1989)
  • American Heart Association 62nd Annual Scientific Sessions; American Heart Association (1989)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 10th Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1989)
  • "Practical Application of Electrophysiologic Studies for Diagnosis and Management of Arrhythmias" Heart House Learning Center Program; American College of Cardiology (1989)
  • American Heart Association 61st Annual Scientific Sessions; American Heart Association (1988)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 9th Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1988)
  • "Practical Application of Electrophysiologic Studies for Diagnosis and Management of Arrhythmias" Heart House Learning Center Program; American College of Cardiology (1988)
  • American Heart Association 60th Annual Scientific Sessions; American Heart Association (1987)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 8th Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1987)
  • 20 Years of Programmed Stimulation of the Heart; ; Where to Go from Here (1987)
  • International College of Angiology 29th Annual Meeting (1987)
  • "Practical Application of Electrophysiologic Studies for Diagnosis and Management of Arrhythmias" Heart House Learning Center Program; American College of Cardiology (1987)
  • International College of Angiology 28th Annual Meeting (1986)
  • International Workshop on the Patient at Risk of Sustained Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias (1986)
  • "Practical Application of Electrophysiologic Studies for Diagnosis and Management of Arrhythmias" Heart House Learning Center Program; American College of Cardiology (1986)
  • North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 6th Annual Scientific Session; North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1985)
  • "Practical Application of Electrophysiologic Studies for Diagnosis and Management of Arrhythmias" Heart House Learning Center Program; American College of Cardiology (1985)
  • "Practical Application of Electrophysiologic Studies for Diagnosis and Management of Arrhythmias" Heart House Learning Center Program; American College of Cariodology (1984)
See all (120 more)

Service Activities:

  • Faculty Coach, Learning Communities Program, Office of the Curriculum; Faculty Coach (2024–present)
  • Search Committee Dean School of Law; Member (2023–2024)
  • Neurology Clerkship Review adhoc Task Force of the Course Evaluation Subcommittee; Member (2023–2024)
  • Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences adhoc Committee on promotions to academic (tenurial) ranks; Member (2023–2026)
  • Joseph Robert Love Scholastic Leadership Award Selection Committee; Member (2023–present)
  • Psychiatry Clerkship Review adhoc Task Force of the Course Evaluation Subcommittee; Member (2022)
  • Department of Medicine Promotions Committee; Member (2022–present)
  • Western New York COVID-19 Vaccination Hub; Co-leader (2020–2021)
  • Heart Rhythm Society; Chair, Awards Committee (2020–present)
  • UB COVID-19 Guideline Committee; Chair (2020–2021)
  • New York State Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul's COVID-19 Control Room; Member (2020–2021)
  • Institutional Self-Study Task Force Committee (LCME accreditation); Chair (2017–2019)
  • HEALTHeLINK Board of Directors; Secretary (2017–2022)
  • HEALTHeLINK Executive Committee; Member (2014–2022)
  • Board of Directors, University at Buffalo Associates (UBMD); Chair (2011–2021)
  • President's Cabinet; Member (2011–2021)
  • HEALTHeLINK; Board Member (2011–2022)
  • Associated Medical Schools of New York; Vice-Chair (2011–2021)
  • Women and Children‘s Hospital of Buffalo Advisory Council Buffalo, NY; Member (2009–2017)
  • Women and Children‘s Hospital of Buffalo, Professional Steering Planning Committee‘s Inpatient Subcommittee Buffalo, NY; Member (2009–2013)
  • Institutional Self-Study Task Force Committee (LCME accreditation); Chair (2009–2012)
  • Clinical and Translational Research Center Planning Committee; Chair (2009–2012)
  • UB Clinical Translational Science Award (CTSA) Steering Committee; Chair (2009–2012)
  • The Palliative Care Institute Board of Directors Buffalo, NY; Member (2009–2012)
  • Web Content Initiative Steering Committee; Member (2009–2012)
  • Women and Children‘s Hospital of Buffalo, Professional Steering Planning Committee‘s Transition Care Subcommittee Buffalo, NY; Member (2009–2010)
  • University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics Diane and Morton Stenchever Memorial Lecturer; Guest Lecturer (2009)
  • Great Lakes Health of WNY, Professional Steering Committee Buffalo, NY; Member (2008–2021)
  • Great Lakes Health System of WNY Board of Directors Buffalo, NY; Member (2008–2021)
  • Circulation: Arrhythmias and Electrophysiology; Guest Editor (2008–2016)
  • UBMD Management Council; Member (2008–2015)
  • IT Student Services Executive Committee; Member (2008–2015)
  • Internal Campaign Advisory Group; Member (2008–2013)
  • Student Services Executive Committee; Member (2008–2012)
  • The Sarnoff Endowment for Cardiovascular Research Governance Committee; Member (2007–2010)
  • The Sarnoff Endowment for Cardiovascular Research Board of Directors; Immediate Past Chair (2007–2008)
  • Circulation; Guest Editor (2007–2016)
  • CUBRC Board of Directors Buffalo, NY; Member (2007–2013)
  • Deans Coordinating Committee, Health and Wellness Across the Life Span, UB 2020 Strategic Strength; Co-Chair (2007–2012)
  • Provost‘s Faculty Recognition Task Force; Member (2007–2011)
  • Provost's Enrollment Growth Task Force; Member (2007–2008)
  • Search Committee, Dean School of Nursing; Chair (2007)
  • University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Distinguished Lecturer, Alpha Omega Alpha; Guest Lecturer (2007)
  • President's Communication Task Force; Member (2007)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) Publications Committee; Chair (2006–2010)
  • The Sarnoff Endowment for Cardiovascular Research Board of Directors; Member (2006–2010)
  • The Sarnoff Endowment for Cardiovascular Research Board of Directors; Chair (2006–2007)
  • The Sarnoff Endowment for Cardiovascular Research Governance Committee; Chair (2006–2007)
  • Associated Medical Schools of New York; Board Member (2006–2021)
  • ECMC Lifeline Foundation Board of Directors Eric County Medical Center Buffalo, NY; Member (2006–2021)
  • Board of Directors, University at Buffalo Associates (UBA); Member (2006–2021)
  • Deans Coordinating Committee, Molecular Recognition and Bioinformatics, UB 202 Strategic Strength; Chair (2006–2012)
  • Deans Coordinating Committee, Civic Engagement, UB 2020 Strategic Strength; Member (2006–2012)
  • Deans Coordinating Committee, Integrated Nanostructured Systems, UB 2020 Strategic Strength; Member (2006–2012)
  • Deans Coordinating Committee, Extreme Events, UB 2020 Strategic Strength; Member (2006–2012)
  • Heart Rhythm; Editorial Board Member (2004–2010)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) International Coalition of Pacing and Electrophysiology Organization; Co-Chair (2004–2007)
  • The Sarnoff Endowment for Cardiovascular Research Strategic Planning Committee; Co-Chair (2004–2006)
  • The Sarnoff Endowment for Cardiovascular Research, Scientific Board; Immediate Past Chair (2004–2005)
  • Heart Rhythm Society, Board of Trustees; Past President (2004–2005)
  • Association of Professors of Cardiology; Past President (2004–2005)
  • Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine Advisory Board; Member (2004–2010)
  • Association of Subspecialty Professors Advocacy Committee; Member (2004–2006)
  • The Sarnoff Endowment for Cardiovascular Research Scientific Board; Chair (2003–2004)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) Board of Trustees; President (2003–2004)
  • Association of Professors of Cardiology; President (2003–2004)
  • The Sarnoff Endowment for Cardiovascular Research, Scientific Board and Program Director; Vice-Chair (2002–2003)
  • Association of Professors of Cardiology (President elect); Other (2002–2003)
  • Journal of American College of Cardiology; Editorial Board Member (2002–2006)
  • Heart Rhythm Soceity (NASPE), Board of Trustees (President elect) Heart Rhythm Society; Other (2001–2003)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) 23rd Annual Scientific Sessions (Program Chair); Chair (2001–2002)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) Board of Trustees; First Vice President (2001–2002)
  • Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology; Editorial Board Member (2001–2005)
  • American College of Cardiology, Cardiac Arrhythmia Section, Annual Scientific Session Program Committee; Chair (2001–2002)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) 22nd Annual Scientific Sessions (Abstract Chair); Chair (2000–2001)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE), Board of Trustees (Second VP) Heart Rhythm Society; Vice President (2000–2001)
  • Association of Professors of Cardiology; Secretary/Treasurer (2000–2001)
  • ABIM Committee for Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology (CCEP) American Board of Internal Medicine; Member (2000–2006)
  • The Sarnoff Endowment for Cardiovascular Research Scientific Board; Member (1999–2006)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) Executive Committee; Member (1999–2005)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) Annual Scientific Sessions Program Committee; Member (1999–2004)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE), Board of Trustees Now Heart Rhythm Society; Secretary (1999–2000)
  • American College of Cardiology, Annual Scientific Sessions Program Committee; Member (1999–2002)
  • Heart Rhythm Society Board of Trustees formerly North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology; Member (1998–2006)
  • Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology; Editorial Board Member (1998–2011)
  • ABIM Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Self-Evaluation Process (SEP) American Board of Internal Medicine; Member (1998–1999)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) Committee on Health Policy; Member (1997–2000)
  • Association of University Cardiologists; Member (1997–present)
  • American Heart Association, Board of Directors (Missouri Affiliate); Member (1996–1998)
  • American Heart Association, Board of Directors (St. Louis Chapter); President (1996–1998)
  • Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Training Programs, Residency Review Committee for Internal Medicine; Reviewer (1996–1997)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) Publications Committee; Chair (1995–1998)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) Long Range Planning Committee; Member (1995–2001)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) and American College of Cardiology Board Review Course in Clinical Electrophysiology and Pacing; Co-Director (1995–2000)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) Government Relations Physicians Workforce, Clinical Resources and Education Committee; Member (1994–1995)
  • American College of Cardiology, Board of Governors Steering Committee; Member (1994–1995)
  • American College of Cardiology, Board of Governors Working Group on Academic Medical Centers; Member (1994–1995)
  • Coronary Artery Disease/Review-in-Depth Management of Sustained Ventricular Arrhythmias 1994; 8:649-685; Editor (1994)
  • Association of Professors of Cardiology; Member (1993–2006)
  • Journal American College of Cardiology; Editorial Board Member (1993–1997)
  • American College of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Technology Assessment Committee; Member (1993–1994)
  • American Heart Association, Board of Directors (St. Louis Chapter); Vice President (1992–1996)
  • American College of Cardiology Board of Directors (Missouri Chapter); President (1992–1995)
  • American College of Cardiology Board of Directors (Missouri) College Governor; Other (1991–1995)
  • Coronary Artery Disease/Review-in-Depth High Resolution Electrocardiography 1991; 2:1-41; Editor (1991)
  • American College of Cardiology Board of Directors (Missouri) College Governor-Elect; Other (1991)
  • American Heart Association, Board of Directors (St. Louis Chapter); Assistant Secretary (1990–1992)
  • American Heart Association, Committee on Electrocardiography and Electrophysiology, Council on Clinical Cardiology; Member (1988–1990)
  • American Heart Association, Task Force Committee on Standards for Analysis of Ventricular Late Potentials Present Using High Resolution Electrocardiog American Heart Association American College of Cardiology European Society of Cardiology; Member (1988)
  • American Journal of Cardiology; Editorial Board Member (1987–present)
  • Heart Rhythm Society (NASPE) Publications Committee; Member (1986–2000)
  • American Heart Association, Board of Directors St. Louis Chapter; Member (1986–2004)
  • The Video Journal of Cardiology; Editorial Board Member (1985–1997)
  • Circulation; Associate Editor (1983–1988)

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955 Main Street, Room 6122
Buffalo, New York 14203-1121
Phone: (716) 829-3956