Munawwar Sajjad PhD

Munawwar Sajjad

Munawwar Sajjad

Contact Information
105 Parker Hall
Buffalo, New York 14214
Phone: 829-2892

Professional Summary:

I am the director of the Central Radiopharmaceutical Services. Our Cyclotron is closed but the University is in process of installing a new Cyclotron at the CTRC. Along with UB, the following are partners in the new facility. Roswell Park, Khaleida Health, Catholic Health System, Erie County Medical Center, Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center, and Windsong Radiology Group. This center is named Center for Advanced Molecular Imaging (CAMI). Abbreviated new drug applications (ANDA) were submitted to the Food and Drug Administration for 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and 13N-Ammonia. ANDA was approved for 13N-Ammonia. Future centers producing PET radiopharmaceuticals must have ANDA for clinical use drugs or Investigational new drug application (IND) approved by the FDA for human research use Radiopharmaceuticals. Our facility was audited and the 13N-Ammonia ANDA was approved.

18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and 13N-Ammonia were produced for clinical use in our department for the community at large. These labeled drugs were used by different hospital in this area for clinical imaging.

A radiochemistry laboratory has been set up at the CTRC to produce 18F-labeled compounds. This lab has state of the art hot cell and GE Tracaerlab auto synthesizer to produce the labeled compounds. We are producing 18F-LMI 1195 to support a NIH grant of the Division of Cardiovascular medicine. We recently got the IND approval for 18F-LMI 1195. F-18 is purchased from Cardinal Health and the human use product is manufactured in this CTRC radiochemistry laboratory. We used to also produce the following radiopharmaceuticals for human use. 11C-meta-hydroxyephedrine was produced to study for the non-invasive delineation of functional sympathetic nerves. 11C-Raclopride is for brain imaging for D2 receptor, 11C-PIB for amyloid imaging and 11C-Choline for prostate cancer. These radiopharmaceuticals were used for research studies. We have an Investigational New drug (IND) approval for 11C-meta-hydroxyephedrine, 11C-PIB and 11C-Raclopride from the Food and Drug administration.

Iodine-124 was produced in our old cyclotron facility. Now we buy I-124 and Zr-89 from the 3D imaging for research projects. There is a laboratory set up for labeling compounds with Iodine-124 at the BRB building. It is used to label drugs with longer biological half-life. Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) compounds, antibodies and Paclitaxel were all labeled with Iodine-124. I also perform mice studies i.e. biodistribution and microPET studies. We have Focus120 microPET. The research on PDT compounds is moving forward with collaboration with the PDT group of Roswell Park Cancer Institute. A number of 124I -labeled PDT compounds have been tested in different animal models. The goal is to develop one compound for imaging (Fluorescence and nuclear imaging) and for PDT therapy. As of the same molecule represents the contrast medium and the therapeutic medium , the lesion(s) can be continuously imaged during needle/fiber placement for PDT therapy, without any ambiguity in terms of localization or “misregistration” of separate diagnostic/therapeutic images.

Education and Training:

  • Fellowship, PET Radiochemistry, Brookhaven National Laboratory (1985)
  • PhD, Radiochemistry, University of Waterloo (1981)
  • MS, Chemistry, University of Bradford (1976)
  • MS, Physical Chemistry, University of Karachi (1974)
  • BS, Chemistry, University of Karachi (1973)


  • Research Professor (2016-present)
  • Director, Central Radiopharmaceuticals Services, Bufffalo, NY (2012-present)
  • Senior Radiochemist, University at Buffalo (2001-present)
  • Research Associate Professor, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Buffalo, NY Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2001–2016)
  • Research Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, University of Minnesota Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1995–2001)
  • Health Science Specialist, VA Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN (1991–2001)
  • Associate Scientist, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, SaudiArabia (1986–1991)
  • Research Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (1983–1986)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Trace Analysis Research Center, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada Dalhousie University (1981–1983)

Research Centers:

  • Center for Research in Cardiovascular Medicine

Grants and Sponsored Research:

  • January 2016–January 2022
    PAREPET II_Prediction of ARrhythnic Events with Positron Emission Tomography.
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • September 2017–September 2019
    Image Guided Photodynamic Therapy in Combination with Chemotherapy of Lung
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2016–January 2017
    Multi-functional cancer therapy agents for long-wavelength photodynamic therapy (PDT), Radiotherapy (RDT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging.
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2014–December 2015
    2014-2015 Novel Agent for Cancer-Imaging by Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
    UB Biomedical for Advanced Biomedical and Engineering Technology
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2013–January 2015
    Novel Agent for Cancer-Imaging by positron Emission Tomography (PET).
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2008–January 2013
    Multifunctional Photosensitizers for Imaging-Guided PDT of Brain and other Tumors.
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • April 2004–June 2011
    2004-2009 Hibernating Myocardium and Sudden Cardiac Death
    National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • May 2008–April 2010
    Investigating the utility of a trifunctional agent for imaging (PET/SPECT) and PDT with a newly developed hybrid PET and SPECT system
    Alliance Foundation-RPCI
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2005–January 2010
    Novel Cancer Nanotechnology Platforms for Photodynamic Therapy and Imaging
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2005–January 2010
    Inhomogeneous Sympathetic Innervation in Ischemic Heart Disease.
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2006–January 2008
    2006-2008 Radiopharmaceuticals for Tumor Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2005–December 2005
    Bifunctional agents for tumor imaging (PET) and therapy (PDT).
    The Oncologic Foundation of Buffalo
    Role: Co-Investigator
  • January 2002–December 2002
    Synthesis and preclinical evaluation of high specific activity radio-paclitaxel for non-invasive assessment of tumor drug uptake level.
    Roswell Park Alliance Foundation Award
    Role: Co-Investigator
See all (3 more)


  • PAA Nanoplatforms containing Fluorophores and Targeted Moieties covalently. (2014)
  • PAA Nanoparticles. No 8,562,944. PAA Nanoparticles for Enhancement of Tumor Imaging. Ravindra K. Pandey, Raoul Kopelman, Anurag Gupta and Munawwar Sajjad (2013)
  • Porphyrin based compounds. No 8,198,432. “Porphyrin based compounds for Tumor Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy”. R. K. Pandey, M. Sajjad, A. Oseroff, S. K. Pandey, H. A. Nabi and Gryshuk, A.L. US patent 8,198,432. (2012)
  • Iodine-124 and meta-iodobenzylguanidine. No 5,019,323. Method of producing Iodine-124 and meta-iodobenzylguanidine containing Iodine-124 (1991)

Journal Articles:

  • John Hamilton, Nicole Roeder, Brittany Richardson, Nikki Hammond, Munawwar Sajjad, Rutao Yao, Yuji Owada, Yoshiteru Kagawa and Panayotis K. Thanos. (2022) Unpredictable chronic mild stress differentially impacts resting brain glucose metabolism in fatty acid-binding protein 7 deficient mice. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. (Jul)(323)
  • Kaleigh Richer, John Hamilton, Foteini Delis, Connor Martin, Dennis Fricke, Rutao Yao, Munawwar Sajjad, Kenneth Blum, Michael Hadjiargyrou, David Komatsu, Panayotis K. Thanos. (2022) Chronic treatment and abstinence from methylphenidate exposure dose-dependent changes glucose metabolism in the rat brain. Brain Research (Jul), 1780
  • Avinash Srivatsan, Paula Pera, Penny Joshi, Aimee Marko, Furrukh Durrani, Joseph R. Missert, Leslie Curtin, Sandra Sexton, Rutao Yao, Munawwar Sajjad, Ravindra K. Pandey. (2020) Highlights on imaging (nuclear / fluorescence) and phototherapeutic potential of a tri-functional chlorophyll-a analog with no significant toxicity in mice and rats. Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology (Jul), 211
  • Avinash Srivatsan, Paula Pera, Penny Joshi, Aimee Marko, Furrukh Durrani, Joseph R. Missert, Leslie Curtin, Sandra Sexton, Rutao Yao, Munawwar Sajjad, Ravindra K. Pandey. (2020) Highlights on imaging (nuclear / fluorescence) and phototherapeutic potential of a tri-functional chlorophyll-a analog with no significant toxicity in mice and rats. J. Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology (Jan), 211
  • Marko AJ, Dukh M, Patel NJ, Missert JR, Ohulchanskyy T, Tabaczynski WA, Ohkubo K, Fukuzumi S, Yao R, Sajjad M, Pandey RK. (2019) A Pyropheophorbide Analogue Containing a Fused Methoxy Cyclohexenone Ring System Shows Promising Cancer-Imaging Ability. ChemMedChem (Jul).
  • Cheruku RR, Cacaccio J, Durrani FA, Tabaczynski WA, Watson R, Marko A, Kumar R, El-Khouly ME, Fukuzumi S, Missert JR, Yao R, Sajjad M, Chandra D, Guru K, Pandey RK. (2019) Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Targeted Multifunctional Photosensitizers for Bladder Cancer Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy. J Med Chem (Mar), 62(5): 2598-2617.
  • Bradley Turner, Joseph Jessee, Diala Ghazal, James Olson, Rachel Ludwig, Steven Koury, Holly Johnson, John Fisk, Julia Adams, Swetha Tati, Munawwar Sajjad, Loukia Karacosta and Kate Rittenhouse-Olson. (2018) Preclinical analysis of JAA-F11, a Specific Anti-Thomsen-Friedenreich Antibody via Immunohistochemistry and in vivo Models. Translational Oncology (Jan), 11: 450.
  • Srivatsan A, Pera P, Joshi P, Missert J R, Tracy E C, Tabacznski W, Yao R, Sajjad M, Baumann H, Pandey R K. (2015) Effect of chirality on cellular uptake, imaging and photodynamic therapy of photosensitizers derived from chlorophyll-a. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (Jul), 23(1): 3603-3617.
  • Rajendra D. Badgaiyan, Sampada Sinha, Munawwar Sajjad and Davis S. Wack. (2015) Attenuated Tonic and Enhanced Phasic Release of Dopamine in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. PLOS ONE (Jan)1-14.
  • K Ferguson, A Yadav, S Morey, J Abdullah, G Hrysenko, JY Eng, M Sajjad, S Koury and K Rittenhouse-Olson. (2014) Preclinical studies with JAA-F11 anti-Thomsen-Friedenreich monoclonal antibody for human breast cancer. Future Oncology 10, 385-399 (Jan).
  • Fallavollita JA, Heavey BM, Luisi AJ Jr, Michalek SM, Baldwa S, Mashtare TL, Hutson AD, deKemp RA, Haka MS, Sajjad M, Cimato TR, Curtis AB, Cain ME and Canty JM Jr. (2014) Regional myocardial sympathetic denervation predicts the risk of sudden cardiac arrest in ischemic cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol (Jan), 63: 141-149.
  • Anurag Gupta, Shouyan Wang, Aimee Marko, Penny Joshi, Manivannan Ethirajan, Yihui Chen, Rutao Yao, Munawwar Sajjad, Raoul Kopelman, Ravindra K. Pandey. (2014) Polyacrylamide-Based Biocompatible Nanoplatform Enhances the Tumor Uptake, PET/fluorescence Imaging and Anticancer Activity of a Chlorophyll Analog. Theranostics 4, 614-628 (Jan).
  • M. Sajjad, U. Riaz, R. Yao, M. M. Abouzeid, D. A. Erb, R. J. Bernacki, N. D. Chaudhary, J. M. Veith, G. Georg and H. A. Nabi. (2012) “3’-(3-[124I]iodobenzoyl)-3’-debenzoylpaclitaxel analog as a radio-tracer to study multidrug resistance in vivo” Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 70, 1624-1631 (Jan).
  • Srivatsan, A; Wang, Y; Joshi, P; Sajjad, M; Chen, Y; Liu, C; Thankppan, K; Missert, J; Tracy, E; Morgan, J; Rigual, N; Baumann, H; Pandey, RK. (2011) "Correlation between the Cellular-Uptake, STAT3 Dimerization, in vitro/ in vivo Photosensitizing Efficacy and Imaging (PET and fluorescence) Potential of Multifunctional Photosensitizers (Isomers) Derived from Chlorophyll-a and Bacteriochlorophyll-a". Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 54, 6859 (Jan).
  • Y. Chen, M. Sajjad, Y. Wang, C. Batt, H. A. Nabi and R.K. Pandey. (2011) TSPO 18 kDa (PBR) Targeted Photosesitizers for Cancer Imaging (PET) and PDT. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2, 136 (Jan).
  • Fallavollita JA, Banas MD, Suzuki G, deKemp RA, Sajjad M, Canty JM. (2010) 11C-meta-hydroxyephedrine defects persist despite functional improvement in hibernating myocardium. J Nucl Cardiol (Jan), 17(1): 85-96.
  • Fallavollita JA, Banas MD, Suzuki G, Sajjad M, Canty J. (2010) 11C-meta-hydroxyephedrine defects persist despite functional improvement in hibernating Myocardium. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (Jan).
  • Rajiv Kumar, Indrajit Roy, Tymish Y. Ohulchanskky, Earl J. Bergey, Munawwar Sajjad, Paras N. Prasad. . (2010) In Vivo Biodistribution and Clearance Studies Using Multimodality Organically Modified Silica Nanoparticles. ACS Nano 4, 699-708 (Jan).
  • Asit K. Paul, MJ Ciesielski, M. Sajjad, Xinhui Wang, Soldano Ferrone, Hani A. Nabi and Robert A. Fenstermaker. (2009) Expression of HMP/AN2, a melanoma associated antigen, in murine cerebral gliomas: potential for radioimmunotargeting. Journal of Neurooncology (Jan).
  • S. K. Pandey, M. Sajjad, Y Chen, X Zheng, R Yao, JR Missert, C Batt, HA Nabi, AR Oseroff and RK Pandey. (2009) Comparative Positron-Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging and Phototherapeutic Potential of 124I-Labeled Methyl-3-(1’-iodobenzyloxyethyl)pyropheophorbide-a vs the corresponding Glucose and Galactose Conjugates. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (Jan), 52: 445-455.
  • S. K. Pandey, M. Sajjad, Y Chen, Anupam Pandey, R Yao, JR Missert, C Batt, HA Nabi, AR Oseroff and RK Pandey. (2009) Compared to the Purpurinimides, the Pyropheophorbide Containing an Iodobenzyl Group Showed Enhanced PDT Efficacy and Tumor Imaging (124I-PET) Ability. Bioconjugate Chemistry 20, 274-282. (Jan).
  • Chaturvedi R, Heimburg J, Yan J, Koury S, Sajjad M, Abdel-Nabi HH, Rittenhouse-Olson K, Koury ST. (2008) Tumor immunolocalization using 124 I-iodine-labeled JAA-F11 antibody to Thomsen-Friedenreich alpha-linked antigen. Appl Radiat Isot (Mar), 66(3): 278-287.
  • R. Chaturvedi, J. Heimburg, J. Yan, S. Koury, M. Sajjad, H. A. Nabi and K. Rittenhouse-Olson. (2008) Tumor immunolocalization using 124I-Iodine labeled JAA-F11 Antibody to Thomsen-Friedenreich alpha-linked Antigen. Applied Radiation Isotopes 66, 278-287 (Jan).
  • Eyup Akgün, Philip S. Portoghese, Munawwar Sajjad, and Hani A. Nabi. (2007) Synthesis and 124I-labeling of m-iodophenylpyrrolomorphinan as a potential PET imaging agent for delta opioid (DOP) receptors. Journal of Labelled Compounds. 50, 165-170 (Jan).
  • Eyup Akgün, Munawwar Sajjad, and Philip S. Portoghese. (2006) N1’-(p-[18F]Fluorobenzyl)naltrindole (p-[18F]BNTI) as a potential PET imaging agent for DOP receptors. Journal of Labelled Compounds 49, 857-866 (Jan).
  • Munawwar Sajjad, Erol Bars, and H. A. Nabi. (2006) Optimization of 124I production via 124Te(p,n)124I reaction. Applied Radiation Isotopes 64, 965-970 (Jan).
  • SK Pandey, M Sajjad, A Gryshuk, X Zheng, Y Chen, MM Abouzeid, J Morgan, HA Nabi, A Oseroff, and RK Pandey. (2005) Novel Trifunctional Photosensitizers for Tumor Imaging (PET, Fluorescence) and Treatment (Photodynamic Therapy): A Possible See and Treat Approach. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 48, 6286 (Jan).
  • Sajjad M. (2002) Production and Dosimetry of [14O]H2O for PET Activation Studies. M. Sajjad, J-S. Liow, M. R. Zaini, D. A. Rottenberg and S. C. Strother. Applied Radiation Isotopes 57, 607 (Jan).
  • Munawwar Sajjad, Jeih-San Liow and Jorge Moreno-Cantu. (2000) A system for continuous production and infusion of [15O]H2O for PET activation studies. Applied Radiation Isotopes, 52, 205(2000) (Jan).
  • B. Palmer, M. Sajjad and D. A. Rottenberg. . (1995) An Automated H215O Production and Injection System for PET Imaging. Nucl. Med. & Biol. 22, 241(1995). (Jan).
  • M. Sajjad and R. M. Lambrecht. (1993) Cyclotron production of medical radionuclides. Nucl. Instrum. & Methods in Physics Research B79,911(1993) (Jan).
  • F. Tarkanyi, S. M. Qaim, G. Stocklin, M. Sajjad and R. M. Lambrecht. . (1991) Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections Relevant to the Production of the 122Xe/122I Generator System using Highly Enriched 124Xe and a Medium Sized Cyclotron. Applied Radiation Isotopes A42, 229(1991) (Jan).
  • F. Tarkanyi, S. M. Qaim, G. Stocklin, M. Sajjad, R. M. Lambrecht and H. Schweickert. (1991) Excitation Function of (p,2n) and (p,pn) Reactions and Differential and Integral Yields of 123I in Proton Induced Nuclear Reactions on Highly Enriched 124Xe. Appl. Rad. Isot. A42, 221(1991) (Jan).
  • C. W. Somawardhana, M. Sajjad and R. M. Lambrecht. (1991) Solid State Support for the Synthesis of [1-11C]-Putrescine. Applied Radiation Isotopes A42, 555(1991) (Jan).
  • C. W. Somawardhana, M. Sajjad and R. M. Lambrecht. (1991) Synthesis of 2-[11C]Cyano-isonicotinic acid hydrazide. Applied Radiation Isotopes A42, 559(1991) (Jan).
  • C. W. Somawardhana, M. Sajjad and R. M. Lambrecht. (1991) Synthesis of 2-[123I and 124I]Iodoisonicotinic acid hydrazide - A Potential Radiotracer for Tuberculosis. Appl. Rad. Isot. A42, 215(1991). (Jan).
  • C. W. Somawardhana, M. Sajjad and R. M. Lambrecht. . (1990) Novel Solid State Support for Rapid Synthesis of Radiopharmaceuticals labelled with Carbon-11 Cyanide. J Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm. 370(1990) (Jan).
  • M. Sajjad, R. M. Lambrecht and S. A. Bakr. . (1990) Autoradiolytic Decomposition of Reductant-free Sodium 123I- and 124I-Iodide. Radiochim. Acta. 50, 123(1990) (Jan).
  • M. Sajjad and R. M. Lambrecht. . (1989) Cyclotron Targetry for Medical Radioisotopes Production. Nucl. Instrum. & Methods in Physics Research B40/41, 1100(1989) (Jan).
  • M. Sajjad, H. -J. Machulla, R. M. Lambrecht and S. A. Bakr. (1989) High Specific Activity 15-(p-[123I]Iodophenyl)Pentadecanoic Acid. Appl. Rad. Isot. A40, 428 (1989) (Jan).
  • R. M. Lambrecht, M. Sajjad, R. H. Syed and W. Meyer. (1989) Target Preparation and Recovery of Isotopically Enriched Isotopes Utilized for Medical Radionuclide Production. Nucl. Instrum. & Methods in Physics Research A282, 269(1989) (Jan).
  • R. M. Lambrecht, M. Sajjad, M. A. Qureshi and S. J. Al Yanbawi. (1988) Production of Iodine-124. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Lett. 127, 143 (1988) (Jan).
  • M. Sajjad, R. M. Lambrecht and S. A. Bakr. (1988) Chromatographic Evaluation of the Radiochemical Purity of Reductant-free Iodine-123. Nuclear Medicine and Biology B15, 721 (1988) (Jan).
  • R. M. Lambrecht and M. Sajjad. (1988) Accelerator Derived Radionuclide Generator. Radiochimica Acta 43, 171 (1988) (Jan).
  • R. M. Lambrecht and M. Sajjad. (1988) Aluminum and Nickel Targets for Rubidium-81 Production. Applied Radiation Isotopes A39, 1081 (1988) (Jan).
  • P. W. Wojciechowski, M. Sajjad, and R. M. Lambrecht. (1988) A Semi-Quantitative Approach to the Design, Analysis and Operation of a Gas Target System. Appl. Rad. Isot. A39, 429 (1988) (Jan).
  • M. Sajjad, R. M. Lambrecht and A. P. Wolf. (1986) Excitation Functions for the 16O(p,a)13N and 14N(p,pn)13N Reactions. Radiochimica Acta 39,165(1986) (Jan).
  • M. Sajjad and R. M. Lambrecht. (1986) Separation of 44Ti from irradiated Vanadium. Analytical Chemistry 58,667(1986) (Jan).
  • G. W. Kabalka, R. M. Lambrecht, M. Sajjad, J. S. Fowler, S. A. Kunda, G. W. McCollum and R. MacGregor. (1985) Synthesis of 15O-labeled Butanol via Organoborane Chemistry. Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 36,853(1985) (Jan).
  • M. Sajjad, R. M. Lambrecht and A. P. Wolf. . (1985) Investigation of some Excitation Functions for the Preparation of 15O, 13N and 11C. Radiochim. Acta. 38,57(1985) (Jan).
  • Sajjad M. (1984) Excitation Function for the 15N(p,n)15O Reaction. Radiochimica Acta 36,159(1984) (Jan).
  • P. Fawcett and M. Sajjad. (1977) The identification and analysis of the products of Cr(II)-Cr(III) reaction in the presence of trimetaphosphate using radiochemical techniques. Radiochem. Radioanal. Lett. 28,403(1977) (Jan).
See all (42 more)

Books and Book Chapters:

  • Sajjad M. (2010) In: Bifunctional Agents for Imaging and Therapy. Ravindra K. Pandey, Nadine S. James, Yihui Chen, Joseph Missert, Munawwar Sajjad. , 223-259.
  • M. Sajjad and R. M. Lambrecht. (1988) Radiochemistry of Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen.


  • Munawwar Sajjad and Jeih-San Liow. (1999) Gas Target Optimization of 11C, 15O and 18F Production for PET. Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Proceedings 2, 998(1999)., (Jan)
  • M. A. Qureshi, M. Sajjad, M. M. Vora and R. M. Lambrecht. (1987) Production of Iodine-124 and its incorporation in Meta-Iodobenzylguanidine. Proceedings of the Ninth Australian Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, Sydney,2,723(1987), (Jan)
  • J. W. Stetson, R. M. Lambrecht, M. Sajjad and F. W. Zielinski. . (1987) A Status Report of the Cyclotron Facility at the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center. Proceedings of 11th Int. Conf. on Cyclotron and Their Applications, Ionics, Tokyo,678-681 (1987), (Jan)

Professional Memberships:

  • Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (1994–present)

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Contact Information

105 Parker Hall
Buffalo, New York 14214
Phone: 829-2892