Education and research in medical imaging have been Dr. Rudin’s main interests at UB. In his role as Director of the CAMPEP accredited UB Medical Physics Program he has been involved in the career development of many who have had successful careers in clinical, academic, governmental as well as industrial medical physics including some of our own current faculty. His research pursuits have primarily involved the development of improved medical imaging methods to increase resolution and lower dose. His projects to develop high spatial resolution detectors for use in better guidance for the minimally invasive treatment of stroke patients during the deployment of interventional vascular devices have culminated in systems that are now in clinics world-wide. Present projects involve the vast improvement of temporal image resolution with angiographic sequences at high speeds up to 1000 frames per second where single photon counting imaging detectors are used. Other research has involved lowering patient dose by region of interest imaging where the location and equalization masks are determined using machine learning, the testing of imaging systems with patient-specific 3D printed vascular phantoms, and objective measurements of imaging system parameters. The caliber, significance, and innovation of the research are demonstrated by the numerous grants that have been received from the NIH and industrial sponsors.
Education and Training:
Fellowship, image-guided endovascular interventions and medical physics, International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) (2018)
Certificate, New York State (2003)
Fellowship, Medical Physics, American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) (1999)
Certificate, American Board of Radiology (1979)
Certificate, Health Physics, American Board of Health Physics (1976)
PhD, Medical Physics, City University of New York (CUNY) (1975)
MS, Low Temperature Solid State Physics, University at Chicago (1965)
BS, Physics, University of Chicago (1964)
SUNY Distinguished Professor, Radiology, University at Buffalo (SUNY) Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2008-present)
Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University at Buffalo (SUNY) School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (2007-present)
Adjunct Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University at Buffalo (SUNY) School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (2004-present)
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Center for BME, University at Buffalo (SUNY) School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (1996-present)
Professor of Radiology, Radiology, University at Buffalo (SUNY) Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1995-present)
Research Professor of Biophysics, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Buffalo (SUNY) Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1995-present)
Research Professor of Neurosurgery, Neurosurgery, University at Buffalo (SUNY) Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1995-present)
Division of Radiation Physics, Director, University at Buffalo (SUNY) (1977-present)
Adjunct Professor of Physics, Physics, University at Buffalo (SUNY) Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (1998–2006)
Research Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Neurosurgery, University at Buffalo (SUNY) Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1993–1995)
Research Associate Professor of Biophysics, Physiology and Biophysics, University at Buffalo (SUNY) Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1987–1995)
Associate Professor of Radiology, Radiology, University at Buffalo (SUNY) Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1977–1995)
Research Assistant Professor of Biophysics, Physiology and Biophysics, University at Buffalo (SUNY) Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1977–1987)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Radiological and Health Sciences, Manhattan College Faculty of Arts and Letters (1976–1977)
Physicist, Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center (1968–1977)
SPIE Cum Laude Award (First Prize, Blue Ribbon) (2015)
Best New Radiology Software Award, (2014)
Stockton Kimball Award (2014)
Certificate of Appreciation (2012)
AAPM Jack Fowler Award (2010)
SPIE Honorable Mention Award (2010)
SUNY Distinguished Professor (2008)
AAPM Special Merit Award (2006)
UB Certificate Award (2005)
UB Product Development Fund Award for 2003 (2004)
UB Sustained Achievement Award (2003)
RSNA Merit Award for Scientific Excellence (2002)
RSNA Merit Award for Scientific Excellence (2001)
RSNA Merit Award for Scientific Excellence (2000)
SPIE Cum Laude Award for Scientific Excellence (2000)
Fellow of the American Association of Physicist in Medicine (AAPM) (1999)
SPIE Cum Laude Award for Scientific Excellence (1999)
RSNA Merit Award for Scientific Excellence (1998)
RSNA Merit Award for Scientific Excellence (1998)
RSNA Award for Excellence in Design (1998)
RSNA Merit Award for Scientific Excellence (1997)
RSNA Merit Award for Scientific Excellence (1996)
RSNA Merit Award for Scientific Excellence (1995)
RSNA Cum Laude Award for Scientific Excellence (1993)
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow (1964)
Bell and Howell Undergraduate Scholar (1961)
ECMC Service Award
Research Expertise:
Medical Imaging Physicist: Diagnostic and interventional neurovascular imaging and endovascular devices. We pursue studies in medical physics involving new methods for imaging with x-rays, gamma rays, ultrasound, radioisotopes, and magnetic resonance. As part of the multidisciplanary UB-Canon(Toshiba) Stroke Research Center, we are investigating new imaging detectors, exposure optimization methods, and means to evaluate and modulate 3D neuro-vascular flow using phantoms made by our 3D printer. These imaging methods will be used to aid in the development and application of new therapies our group is developing to replace neurovascular surgical procedures for treatment of pathologies such as aneurysms, stenoses, and malformations. New image-guided, minimally-invasive, catheter-based treatments involve the development of specialized stents, flow diverters, embolic material, filters, and other devices. We are developing high spatial and high temporal detectors including advance single counting photon imagers. Some if the imagine processing involves machine learning techniques for artifact and noise reduction. Additionally, we have quality assurance and radiation safety responsibilities and access to university teaching hospitals which provides a practical training ground for graduate students while they pursue post-graduate research.
Research Centers:
Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences
Toshiba Stroke Research Center
UB 2020 Strategic Strengths:
Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan
Grants and Sponsored Research:
August 2020–April 2024 High Speed Angiography at 1000 frames per second NIH Role: Principal Investigator $2,605,210
November 2017–October 2018 Research Agreement Continuation with Canon Corp. Canon Corp. Role: Principal Investigator $80,000
November 2015–October 2017 Research Agreement Continuation with Toshiba Corp. Toshiba Medical Systems Role: Co-Investigator $200,000
August 2012–July 2016 Microangiographic guidance of flow modifying stents - renewal NIH Role: Principal Investigator $2,526,475
November 2012–October 2015 Research Agreement with Toshiba, continued support for UB TSRD Toshiba Medical Systems Corp Role: Co-Investigator $300,000
April 2008–March 2012 Solid State X-ray Image Intensifier Development NIH (NIBIB) Role: Co-Investigator $2,659,346
January 2007–January 2012 Radiation Safety and Physics Services 4 (continuation) ECMC Role: Co-Investigator $195,260
October 2010–September 2011 Development of a Small Animal Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and Computed Tomography (CT) Dual Function Imager with an X-ray Detector Buffalo Clinical and Translational Research Center Role: Co-Principal Investigator $32,887
May 2008–April 2011 Research Agreement with Toshiba Corp. continuation 4 Toshiba Medical Systems Role: Co-Principal Investigator $900,000
September 2003–July 2010 Microangiographic guidance of flow modifying stents NIH (NIBIB) Role: Co-Investigator $3,199,913
April 2004–March 2010 Radiographic guidance for a new cerebral aneurysm stent NIH (NINDS) Role: Principal Investigator $2,589,418
May 2005–April 2008 Research Agreement with Toshiba Corp. continuation 3 Toshiba Medical Systems Role: Co-Principal Investigator $600,000
September 2003–July 2007 Image-guided treatment planning for neuro-interventions NIBIB-NIH Role: Co-Investigator $1,210,912
May 2003–April 2007 On Line 3D Vasculature from Biplane Angiograms NIHLB-NIH Role: Co-Investigator $1,245,808
January 2002–January 2007 Radiation Safety and Physics Services 3 (continuation) ECMC Role: Co-Investigator $287,768
January 2006–December 2006 New Real-time, High-Resolution, Radiographic Imager Based on Electron Multiplier Charged Coupled Devices (EMCCD) UB-IRDF Role: Principal Investigator $47,000
February 1999–April 2005 Micro-radiographic imager for neurovascular intervention National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Role: Principal Investigator $1,173,159
March 2004–February 2005 Exploratory Centers (P20) for Interdisciplinary Research Grant Submission: Patient Specific Neurovascular Interventions/Devices UB-IRCAF Role: Principal Investigator $4,200
August 2002–July 2004 Patient dose tracking system for fluoroscopic procedures Food and Drug Administration Role: Co-Investigator $343,133
January 2003–January 2004 Asymmetric, variable porosity stents for cerebrovascular aneurysm UB Office of Science, Technology Transfer and Economic Outreach (STOR) Role: Principal Investigator $75,000
January 2002–January 2004 Research Agreement with Toshiba Corp continuation 2 Toshiba Medical Systems Role: Co-Principal Investigator $430,000
January 2003–January 2003 Grant of 85 stent systems Guidant Corp. Role: Principal Investigator $85,000
January 1999–January 2003 Support grant for the Toshiba Stroke Center Oishei Foundation Role: Principal Investigator $1,700,000
January 2002–January 2002 Real Time Medical Imaging Analysis and Visualization UB Office of Provost Role: Co-Investigator $10,000
January 1997–January 2002 Radiation Safety and Physics Services 2 Continued ECMC Role: Co-Investigator $250,614
January 1999–January 2001 A new energy sensitive radiographic imager for high resolution tissue differentiation Dr. Louis Sklarow Memorial Fund, Key Trust Company National Association Role: Co-Investigator $70,000
January 1998–January 2001 Research agreement Toshiba Corp. for continued support of the UB Toshiba Stroke Research Center Toshiba Medical Systems Role: Co-Principal Investigator $534,561
July 1996–June 1999 High Resolution and Sensitivity digital x-ray imager for mammagraphy U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity Grant Role: Principal Investigator $325,303
March 1992–December 1997 Radiation Safety and Physics Services Erie County Medical Center Role: Principal Investigator $241,020
September 1993–August 1997 Region of Interest Fluoroscopy National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Role: Principal Investigator $590,000
January 1997–January 1997 Flow velocity measurement in arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) using droplet path angiography UB Office of Provost Role: Co-Principal Investigator $20,000
June 1995–January 1995 Sun Microsystems Inc. equipment start-up grant for UB Toshiba Neuro Imaging project. Sun Microsystems Role: Co-Principal Investigator $9,628
January 1993–January 1994 Real-time light weight x-ray imager Sensor Plus Inc. Role: Consultant $15,600
January 1987–January 1988 Teleradiology imaging workstation, continuation UB Foundation Role: Co-Principal Investigator $5,000
January 1987–January 1988 Intensity compensated radiographic illuminator, continuation UB Foundation Inc. Role: Co-Principal Investigator $13,000
January 1987–January 1988 Three-dimensional reconstruction and display of CT images UB Foundation Role: Co-Principal Investigator $6,000
July 1982–August 1987 Radiographic Contrast Improvement Using Rotating Aperture Wheels National Cancer Institute Role: Co-Investigator $547,172
January 1986–January 1987 The Assemblage of a digital imaging facility for acquisition processing and transmission /reception of medical images UB Foundation Role: Co-Principal Investigator $10,000
October 1980–September 1981 Fluoroscopic dose reduction using iris control Bureau of Radiologic Health Role: Principal Investigator $8,800
April 1977–June 1978 Computerized Medical Diagnostic Imaging Device NIH Role: Principal Investigator $14,550
January 1996 Toshiba Equipment Support Toshiba Medical Systems Role: Co-Principal Investigator $3,650,000
U.S. Patent No. 10079003, Imaging a ROI Method and Device for Imaging a ROI. New technology disclosure, SUNY Research Foundation, Technology Transfer Office (2018)
U.S. Patent No. 10019795, Focal spot de-blurring Focal spot de-blurring, joint patent filed by Toshiba Medical Systems Corp. and University at Buffalo (2018)
U.S. Patent No. 9613438, X-ray Diagnostic Apparatus X-ray Diagnostic Apparatus and Medical Image Processing Method, joint patent filed by Toshiba Medical Systems Corp. and University at Buffalo (2017)
U.S. Patent No. 6285739, Micro-Angiography Radiographic Imaging Apparatus and Method for Vascular Interventions (2001)
U.S. Patent No. 4403338, Scatter reduction Process and appratus for scatter reduction in radiography (1983)
U.S. Patent No. 4315146, Scatter reduction Process and apparatus for scatter reduction in radiography (1982)
U.S. Patent, No. 4208588, Shielding device Hand held shielding device for radioactive material (1980)
Journal Articles:
Krebs JM, Shankar A, Setlur Nagesh SV, Davies JM, Snyder KV, Levy EI, Hopkins LN, Mokin M, Bednarek DR, Siddiqui AH, Rudin S. (2019) Flow pattern details in an aneurysm model using high-speed 1000-frames-per-second angiography. AJNR (Jun).
Rana V, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2016) A tracking system to calculate patient skin dose in real-time during neurointerventional procedures using a biplane x-ray imaging system. Medical Physics (Sep)5131-5144.
Jain A, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2014) Micro-Angiographic Fluoroscope: comparison for different input phosphors. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. (Jun), 6(3): 1106-1111.
Ionita CN, Natarajan SK, Wang W, Hopkins LN, Levy EI, Siddiqui AH, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2011) Evaluation of a Second-Generation Self-Expanding Variable Porosity Flow-Divertor in a Rabbit Elastase Aneurysm Model. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (Sep), 32: 1399-1407.
Setlur Nagesh SV, Vakharia K, Waqas M, Munich SA, Bednarek DR, Davies JM, Snyder KV, Mokin M, Rudin S, Levy EI, Siddiqui AH. (2020) Single-center experience of using high definition (Hi-Def) imaging during neurointervention treatment of intracranial aneurysms using flow diverters. Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery (JNIS) (Jan).
Rudin S, Bednarek DR, Wakhloo AK, Lieber BB. (2001) U. S. Patent 6,285,739 Region of interest micro-angiography. U. S. Patent (Sep).
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (2001) Computer-aided bootstrap generation of characteristic curves for radiographic imaging systems. Med Phys (Apr), 28(4): 515-520.
Stephen Rudin, Yang CJ, Wang Z, Gopal A, Chattopadhyay A, Daniel Bednarek, Hoffmann KR, Miskolczi L, L Nelson Hopkins, Guterman LR, Lieber BB, Yamada S, Shiraishi K, Umazaki H, Takahashi S, Honda M. (2000) The clinical potential of x-ray flat panel detectors for dynamic images -the evaluation of animal angiographic studies using a direct conversion type flat panel detector. Toshiba Medical Review (Sep), 73: 1-12.
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (2000) Comparison of two dose-area-product ionization chambers with different conductive surface coating for over-table and under-table tube configurations. Health Phys (Mar), 78(3): 316-321.
Liu RR, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1999) Super-global distortion correction for a rotational C-arm x-ray image intensifier. Med Phys (Sep), 26(9): 1802-1810.
Liu R, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1999) Super-global model for image intensifier distortions. Medical Physics (Sep), 26(9): 1802-1810.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Yang CY. (1999) Real-time equalization of region-of-interest fluoroscopic images using binary masks. Med Phys (Jul), 26(7): 1359-1364.
Stephen Rudin, Wakhloo AK, Lieber BB, Granger W, Divani AA, Daniel Bednarek, Hopkins LN. (1999) Microdroplet tracking using biplane digital subtraction angiography for cerebral arteriovenous malformation blood flow path and velocity determinations. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (Jun), 20(6): 1110-1114.
Wakhloo AK, Lieber BB, Stephen Rudin, Duffy-Franckowiak M, Mericle RA, L Nelson Hopkins. (1998) Quantification of brain arteriovenous malformations(AVM)transit times using Ethiodol droplets and high-speed biplane digital subtraction angiography for enbucrilate embolization. J. Neurosurgery (Sep), 89: 395-404.
Massoumzadeh P, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1998) Filter Material Selection for Region of Interest Radiologic Imaging. Medical Physics (Feb), 25(2): 161-171.
L Nelson Hopkins, Wakhloo AK, Stephen Rudin, Lee Guterman. (1997) Recent developments and applications in neurointervention. Toshiba Medical Review (Nov), 62: 1-3.
Granger WE, Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1997) Survey of Primary beam exposure outside the displayed fluoroscopic FOV. Medical Physics (May), 24(5): 703-707.
Fletcher LM, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1996) Method for Image Equalization of ROI Fluoroscopic Images using Mask Localization Selection and Subtraction. Computerized Med. Imag. and Graphics (Jan), 20(2): 89-103.
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1996) Increasing the utility of the mammographic phantom image. Radiology (Jan), 201: 572-573.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Kezerashvili M, Granger W, Serghany J, Lee Guterman, L Nelson Hopkins, Massuomzadeh P, Szymanski B, Loftus R. (1996) Clinical Application of Region of Interest (ROI) Radiologic ImagingTechniques. Radiographics (Jan), 16: 895-902.
Stephen Rudin, Lee Guterman, Granger W, Daniel Bednarek, L Nelson Hopkins. (1996) Neuro-interventional Radiologic Application of Region of Interest (ROI)Imaging Techniques. Radiology (Jan), 199: 870-873.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Lee Guterman, Wakhloo A, L Nelson Hopkins, Fletcher L, Massoumzadeh. (1995) Implementation of region of interest fluoroscopy using the road mapping mode of a real-time digital radiographic unit. Radiographics (Nov), 15(6): 1465-1470.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1992) Minimizing radiation dose to patient and staff during fluoroscopic, nasoenteral tube insertions. Br J Radiol (Feb), 65(770): 162-166.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong Roland. (1991) Accurate characterization of image intensifier distortion. Med Phys (Nov), 18(6): 1145-1151.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong R. (1991) Improving fluoroscopic image quality with continuously variable zoom magnification. Med Phys (Sep), 18(5): 972-977.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong Roland. (1991) Computer frame freezing of fluoroscopic images. Radiol Technol (May), 62(5): 369-373.
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1991) Blurred-mask density compression for improved reproduction of radiographs. Invest Radiol (Apr), 26(4): 358-363.
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin, Wong R. (1991) Luminance range compression for video film digitizers. Med Phys (Mar), 18(2): 198-205.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Miller JA. (1991) Dose reduction during fluoroscopic placement of feeding tubes. Radiology (Mar), 178(3): 647-651.
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin, Alker GJ. (1991) Computed Tomography. Engineering for the Personal Injury Attorney: Theory, Experts, Evidence (Jan), 17.06.
Daniel Bednarek, Rudinger G, Stephen Rudin. (1988) Slit design considerations for rotating-aperture, scanning-beam radiography. Med Phys (Jan), 15(1): 29-35.
Alker GJ, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1987) Computed Tomography. Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation (Jan), 2: 826-848.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong R. (1983) Rapid scanning beam digital radiography. J. Imaging Technology (Dec), 9(6): 196-198.
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin, Wong R, Andres ML. (1983) Reduction of fluoroscopic exposure for the air-contrast barium enema. Br J Radiol (Nov), 56(671): 823-828.
Rudin S, Bednarek DR, Wong R. (1983) U. S. Patent 4,403,338 Process and apparatus for scatter reduction in radiography. U. S. Patent (Sep).
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin, Wong Roland. (1983) Assessment of patient exposure for barium enema examinations. Investigative Radiology (Sep), 18(5): 453-458.
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin, Wong R. (1983) Artifacts produced by moving grids. Radiology (Apr), 147(1): 255-258.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong Roland. (1982) Artifact patterns in multiple scanning beam radiography. Med Phys (May), 9(3): 394-400.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong Roland. (1982) Design of rotating aperture cones for radiographic scatter reduction. Med Phys (May), 9(3): 385-393.
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin, Roland Wong. (1982) An optical density comparator. Radiology (Feb), 142(2): 533-534.
Rudin S. (1982) U.S. Patent 4,315,146 Process and apparatus for scatter reduction in radiography. U. S. Patent (Feb).
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin, Roland Wong. (1982) Methods of sensitometry for low energy radiography. Optical Engineering (Jan), 21(1): 105-107.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1981) Scatter reduction in x-ray tomography using rotating apertures. Optical Engineering (Jul), 20(4): 590-593.
Stephen Rudin. (1981) Book Review of Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography and Other Selected Topics. Medical Physics (May), 8(3): 408-409.
Alker GJ, Leslie EV, Banna M, Pallie W, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Oh YS. (1981) Computed tomography of the orbit. Crit Rev Diagn Imaging (Mar), 15(1): 27-93.
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1981) Modified bootstrap sensitometry in radiography. Optical Engineering (Mar), 20(2): 271-274.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1980) Improving contrast in special procedures using a rotating aperture wheel (RAW) device. Radiology (Nov), 137(2): 505-510.
Rudin S. (1980) U. S. Patent 4,208,588 Hand-held shielding device for radioactive material. U. S. Patent (Jun).
Stephen Rudin. (1980) Rotating aperture wheel (RAW) device for improving radiographic contrast. Optical Engineering (Jan), 19(1): 132-138.
Stephen Rudin. (1979) Book Review of NCRP Report 58. Medical Physics (Nov), 6(6): 542-543.
Stephen Rudin. (1979) Design of indirect imaging syringe shields. Applied Radiology (Jul), 8(4): 108-110.
Bardfeld PA, Stephen Rudin. (1971) New system for replacing polaroid with rapidly processed 35mm film for radioisotope scan display. Radiology (Jan), 100: 180-182.
Rudin S Cavedon C. (2016) Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Imaging: Physics and Technology. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.
Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2016) Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Imaging: Physics and Technology. In: Physics and Technology of X-Ray Angiography. Chapter 4. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 35-58.
Rudin S, Cavedon C. (2016) Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Imaging: Physics and Technology. In: Introduction to the Physics of Vascular Imaging. Chapter 1. CRC Press, Taylor and Francic Group, 3-6.
Rudin S, Jain A, Bednarek DR. (2016) Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Imaging: Physics and Technology. In: Special Detectors for Digital Angiography, Microangiography, and Micro ROI CBCT. Chapter 13. CRC Press, Taylor and Francic Group, 203-220.
Rudin S. (2016) Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Imaging: Physics and Technology. In: Current and Future Trends. Chapter 27. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 459-462.
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1995) In: Spatial Shaping of the Beam: Collimation, Grids, Equalization Filters, and Region of Interest Fluoroscopy. , 75-85.
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1990) Medical Diagnostic Imaging. SPIE.
Stephen Rudin et al. (1977) Radiological Physics Examination (RAPHEX).
Stephen Rudin, Rider KL, Hart HE. (1973) Tomographic Imaging in Nuclear Medicine. In: Gamma camera magnifying collimator systems.
Krebs J, Shankar A, Setlur Nagesh SV, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2018) MO-E115-GePD-F1-5 Spatial resolution comparison of new High-Definition (Hi-Def) mode with standard Flat Panel Detector (FPD) mode of an innovative x-ray imaging detector. Medical Physics, (Jun)
Troville J, Kilian-Meneghin J, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2018) MO-I345-GePD-F1-1 Analysis of Microsoft Kinect performance for interventional fluoroscopic procedure staff tracking. Medical Physics, (Jun)
Guo C, Xiong Z, Troville J, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2018) MO-I345-GePD-F1-5 Procedure-room scattered-radiation dose-rate distribution variation with gantry angle and phantom. Medical Physics, (Jun)
Shankar A, Krebs J, Setlur Nagesh SV, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2018) SU-E-207-3 Demonstration of ultra-high frame-rate imaging capability of a photon-counting detector (PCD). Medical Physics, (Jun)
Shankar A, Krebs J, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2018) SU-E-207-6 Evaluation of linearity and extent of pulse pile-up in the Actaeon Photon Counting Detector. Medical Physics, (Jun)
Xiong Z, Guo C, Troville J, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2018) TH-CD-207-12 Patient brain-dose estimation for fluoroscopically-guided neuro-interventional procedures. Medical Physics, (Jun)
Krebs J, Shankar A, Setlur Nagesh SV, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2018) TH-CD-207-3 Demonstration of an innovative dual-resolution x-ray imaging detector system using a 3D-printed angiographic phantom. Medical Physics, (Jun)
Troville J, Vijayan S, Xiong Z, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2018) TU-C1030-GePD-F8-2 A method for evaluation of skin dose during fluoroscopic procedures with a new High-Definition Detector. Medical Physics, (Jun)
Shepard LM, Sommer K, Iyer VS, Wilson MF, Rybicki FJ, Mitsouras D, Angel E, Said Z, Rudin S, Ionita CN. (2017) 3D printed patient-specific coronary models for testing CT-derived FFR. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Xiong Z, Vijayan S, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2017) Dose reduction to the lens of the patient’s eye when using small lead shields over the temporal region of the head and its effect on image quality for neuro Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scans and interventional fluoroscopic procedure. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Setlur Nagesh SV, Iwai H, Russ M, Shankar A, Klebs J, Shakir H, Matsuzaki T, Watanabe Y, Sato N, Matsumoto K, Ionita CN, Bednarek DR, Gotoh A, Rudin S, Siddiqui A. (2017) New Detector with special high definition (Hi-Def) zoom feature for neuro interventional procedures. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Krebs J, Shankar A, Russ M, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2017) SU-E-201-4 Effect of motion blur on High Resolution Fluoroscopic (HRF) detector projection views used for Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Medical Physics, (Jun) 2739-2740
Xiong Z, Vijayan S, Guo C, Choudhary P, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2017) SU-E-201-5 Lateral head shielding for eye lens dose reduction for neuro-CBCT and interventional fluoroscopic procedures. Medical Physics, (Jun) 2740
Guo C, Xiong Z, Vijayan S, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2017) SU-E-702-3 Scattered radiation dose-rate distribution around an interventional c-arm fluoroscope and variation with exposure parameters. Medical Physics, (Jun) 2737
Choudhary P, Vijayan S, Karthikeyan B, Xiong Z, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2017) SU-E-702-5 Real-time, image-frame-specific magnification factor determination during fluoroscopically-guided interventions. Medical Physics, (Jun) 2738
Russ M, Shankar A, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2017) SU-E-702-7 Comparison of 50 um and 75 um pixel pitch indirect CMOS detectors for use in neurovascular image guided interventions. Medical Physics, (Jun) 2738-2739
Ionita CN, Angel E, Shepard L, Sommer K, Izzo R, Mitsouras D, Rudin S. (2017) TU-H-CAMPUS-IT-3 In vitro comparison of flow resistance with Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) in patient-specific 3D printed cardiovascular models used for CT- derived FFR validation. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3177
Freund E, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2017) SU-K-702-1 Increased small focal spot output capability of two novel x-ray tube insert designs over existing angiographic tubes demonstrated by Mueller-Oosterkamp heat calculations. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3017
Rudin S. (2017) SU-K-702-3 Use of 3D-printed patient specific neurovascular phantoms to assess performance of basis material decomposition on images acquired using a CMOS-based micro-CBCT system. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3017
Setlur Nagesh SV, Ionita CN, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2017) WE-AB-601-10 Real-time resolution enhanced and dose-reduced display for neuro-interventional procedures. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3197
Xiong Z, Kilian-Meneghin J, Vijayan S, Guo C, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2017) WE-AB-601-12 A method for eye lens dose estimation during fluoroscopically guided neuro-interventional procedures. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3198
Shankar A, Russ M, Krebs J, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2017) WE-AB-601-7 Initial investigation of various modes in a CdTe- based imaging photon counting detector (PCD). Medical Physics, (Jun) 3197
Shankar A, Krebs J, Russ M, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2017) WE-RAM1-GePD-I-6 Energy spectra measurements with a CdTe- based imaging Photon Counting Detector (PCD). Medical Physics, (Jun) 3202
Vijayan S, Xiong Z, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2016) MO-FG-CAMPUS-IeP-4 Kerma area product calculation for non-uniform x-ray fields using a skin dose tracking system. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3716
Russ M, Ionita CN, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2016) SU-C-209-1 Validation of the Simulated Detectability Metric (G-ROD) Using the Experimental Generalized Measured Relative Object Detectability Metric. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3328
Rana R, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2016) SU-C-209-3 Anti-Scatter Grid-Line Artifact Minimization for Removing the Grid Lines for Three Different Grids Used with a High Resolution CMOS Detector. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3328
Xiong Z, Vijayan S, Kilian-Meneghin J, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2016) SU-G-206-5 A comparison of head phantoms used for dose determination in imaging procedures. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3640
Freund E, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2016) SU-G-IeP3-3 Dual filament multi-facet anode design to overcome small focal spot output limitations. Medical Physics, (Jun)
Podgorsak A, Rudin S, Bednarek DR, Ionita CN. (2016) TH-EF-207A-3 Photon counting implementation challenges using an Electron Multiplying Charged-Coupled Device based micro-CT system. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3901
Balasubramoniam A, Bednarek DR, Rudin S, Ionita CN. (2016) TU-G-CAMPUS-IeP3-2 Neurovascular 4D Parametric Imaging Using Co-Registration of Biplane DSA Sequences with 3D Vascular Geometry Obtained From Cone Beam CT. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3784-3785
Ionita CN, Angel E, Mitsouras D, Rudin S, Bednarek DR, Zaid S, Wilson MF, Rybicki F. (2016) TU-H-CAMPUS-IeP2-3 Development of 3D Printed Coronary Phantoms for In-Vitro CT-FFR Validation Using Data From 320- Detector Row Coronary CT Angiography. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3781
Vijayan S, Xiong Z, Shankar A, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2016) TU-D-209-2 A back scatter point spread function for entrance skin dose determination. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3748-3749
Oines A, Kilian-Meneghin J, Karthikeyan B, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2016) TU-D-209-3 Alignment of the patient graphic model using fluoroscopic images for skin dose mapping. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3749
Xiong Z, Vijayan S, Oines A, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2016) TU-D-209-5 Automatic Calculation of Organ and Effective Dose for CBCT and Interventional Fluoroscopic Procedures. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3749
Setlur Nagesh SV, Russ M, Ionita CN, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2016) TU-FG-209-10 Phantom-simulation method to evaluate the clinical utility of the high-resolution Micro-Angiographic Fluoroscope Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MAF- CMOS) detector. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3762-3763
Shankar A, Russ M, Vijayan S, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2016) TU-FG-209-2 Elimination of Aliased Signal Using An Apodized Aperture Pixel Design. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3760-3761
Russ M, Shankar A, Lau A, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2016) TU-FG-209-5 Demonstration of line-focus principle using the GM-ROD metric. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3761
Vijayan S, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2016) Integration of kerma-area product and cumulative air kerma determination into a skin dose tracking system for fluoroscopic imaging procedures. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Mar) 97832
Setlur Nagesh SV, Kuhls-Gilcrist A, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2015) Improved visualization of neurovascular interventional treatment devices by processing of images obtained using a high resolution Micro Angio Fluoroscope – Charge Coupled Device (MAF-CCD) detector. Proc IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, (Nov)
Sonig A, Setlur Nagesh SV, Natarajan SK, Cress MC, Munich S, Rangel-Castilla L, Ionita CN, Bednarek DR, Snyder KV, Hopkins LN, Levy EI, Rudin S, Siddiqui A. (2015) Spatially Different Temporal Filtering with X-Ray Attenuator: A Novel Technique of Dose Reduction in Neuro-endovascular Interventions. Neurosurgery, (Aug) 199
Russ M, Ionita CN, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2015) SU-D-204-5 Quantitative comparison of a high resolution CMOS-Based Micro-Angiographic Fluoroscopic (MAF) detector with a standard flat panel detector (FPD) using the new metric of Generalized Measured Relative Object Detectability (GM-ROD). Medical Physics, (Jun) 3217
Shankar A, Rana R, Vijayan S, Setlur Nagesh SV, Ionita CN, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2015) SU-E-I-48 Noise reduction with over-sampling for high resolution detectors using a spread function convolution method. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3252
Pasternack A, Rana R, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2015) SU-E-I-50 Investigation of the effect of anti-scatter grid septa size and orientation on high resolution detectors when decreased pixel size approaches septa width Grid artifact study for 25 um aSe detector. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3253
Vijayan S, Rana V, Setlur Nagesh SV, Xiong Z, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2015) SU-E-I-53 Comparison of Kerma-Area-Product Between the Micro-Angiographic Fluoroscope (MAF) and a Flat Panel Detector (FPD) as Used in Neuro-Endovascular Procedures. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3253
Rudin S. (2015) SU-E-I-55 The Contribution to Skin Dose due to Scatter from the Patient Table and the Head Holder during Fluoroscopy. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3254
Krishnakumar SB, Setlur Nagesh SV, Rudin S, Bednarek DR, Ionita CN. (2015) TU-G-CAMPUS-I-5 Investigation of an Electron Multiplying Charge Coupled Device (EMCCD) detector with variable gain in a microCT system. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3639
Vijayan S, Rana V, Xiong Z, Setlur Nagesh SV, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2015) TH-AB-201-1 A Real-Time Skin-Dose Mapping System for Region-Of-Interest (ROI) Fluoroscopy. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3717
Xiong Z, Vijayan S, Rana V, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2015) MO-G-CAMPUS-I-1 A System for Automatically Calculating Organ and Effective Dose for Fluoroscopically – Guided Procedures. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3583
Balasubramoniam A, Rudin S, Bednarek DR, Ionita CN. (2015) MO-G-CAMPUS-I-2 Investigation of the Stability of a Gamma fitting algorithm for angiographic parametric imaging at low x-ray exposures using a patient specific neurovascular phantom. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3578-3579
Setlur Nagesh SV, Rana R, Russ M, Ionita CN, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2015) WE-G-204-4 Focal Spot Deblurring For High Resolution Amorphous Selenium (aSe) Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) X-ray Detector. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3694
Russ M, Setlur Nagesh SV, Ionita CN, Scott C, Karim KS, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2015) WE-G-204-5 Relative Object Detectability Evaluation of a New High Resolution a-Se Direct Detection System Compared to Indirect Micro-Angiographic Fluoroscopic (MAF) Detectors. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3694-3695
Rana R, Setlur Nagesh SV, Ionita CN, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2015) WE-G-204-6 Iterative scatter correction for gridline artifact minimization for high resolution detectors. Medical Physics, (Jun) 3695
Setlur Nagesh SV, Ionita CN, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2014) Automatic detection of the circular region of interest (ROI) for a novel patient dose reduction technique in fluoroscopic-guided interventions. Proc IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, (Nov)
Loughran B, Singh V, Jain A, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2014) SU-E-I-40 New method for measurement of task-specific, high-resolution detector system performance. Medical Physics, (Jun) 139
Wood R, Iacobucci G, Khobragade P, Ying L, Snyder KV, Wack DS, Rudin S, Ionita CN. (2014) SU-E-QI-6 Design and initial validation of a precise capillary phantom to test perfusion systems. Medical Physics, (Jun) 378
Russ M, Pang M, Troen B, Rudin S, Ionita CN. (2014) SU-E-T-143 Effect of X-Ray and Cone Beam CT Reconstruction Parameters on Estimation of Bone Volume of Mice Used in Aging Research. Medical Physics, (Jun) 255
Setlur Nagesh S Vasan, Loughran B, Rana R, Ionita CN, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2014) SU-E-I-83 Parallel programming upgrades for the Control Acquisition, Processing and Image Display System (CAPIDS) of the Micro Angiographic Fluoroscope (MAF). Medical Physics, (Jun) 149
Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2014) SU-E-E-6 Teaching Medical Physics in a Radiology Museum. Medical Physics, (Jun) 126
Singh V, Jain A, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2014) SU-E-I-29Generalized relative object detectability (G-ROD) as a metric for comparing x-ray imaging systems. Medical Physics, (Jun) 136
Vijayan S, Rana V, Setlur Nagesh S Vasan, Ionita CN, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2014) SU-E-CAMPUS-I-4 Automatic Skin-Dose Mapping for an Angiographic System with a Region-of-Interest, High-Resolution Detector. Medical Physics, (Jun) 385
Rana R, Jain A, Setlur Nagesh S Vasan, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2014) SU-E-I-13 Comparison of CCD and CMOS micro-angiographic fluoroscope (MAF) detector systems using contrast measurements for specific imaging tasks related to neuro-endovascular image-guided interventional (EIGI) procedures. Medical Physics, (Jun) 132
Rana VK, Vijayan S, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2014) SU-E-I-22 Dependence on Calibration Phantom and Field Area of the Conversion Factor used to Calculate Skin Dose during Neuro-Interventional Fluoroscopic Procedures. Medical Physics, (Jun) 134
Russ M, Iacobucci G, Wood R, O'Hara R, Rudin S, Ionita CN. (2014) SU-C-18C-5 Evaluation of Endovascular Procedures Using Precise Patient -Specific Phantoms Created Using Additive Manufacturing. Medical Physics, (Jun) 103
Ionita CN, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2014) WE-E-18A-12 Sampling correction of parametric imaging maps derived from digital subtraction angiography in vascular phantoms. Medical Physics, (Jun) 512
Bednarek DR, Rana VK, Rudin S. (2013) A system for real-time mapping of pediatric skin dose during fluoroscopic cardiac procedures. RSNA Scientific Program, (Dec)
Rana R, Jain A, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2013) SU-E-I-94 Correction to Improve X-Ray Focal Spot Measurements by Image Detector Blur Deconvolution. Medical Physics, (Jun) 147
Stephen Rudin, Wu Y, Daniel Bednarek. (2002) Micro-angiographic detector with fluoroscopic capability. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 344-354
Kenneth Hoffmann, Nazareth DP, Miskolczi L, Nemes B, Gopal A, Stephen Rudin. (2001) Measurement of vessel sizes: comparison of manual and automated techniques. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
D. P. Nazareth, A. Gopal, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Jacek Dmochowski, A. Ganguly, Kenneth Hoffmann. (2001) Accurate determination of the position and orientation of stents from a single projection image. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Nazareth DP, Gopal A, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Jacek Dmochowski, Gnaguly A, Kenneth Hoffmann. (2001) Accurate position and orientation of stents from single projections. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Kenneth Hoffmann, Nazareth DP, Miskolczi L, Nemes B, Gopal A, Stephen Rudin. (2001) Analysis of manual versus automated techniques for the measurement of vessel sizes in angiograms. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
D. P. Nazareth, A. Gopal, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Jacek Dmochowski, A. Ganguly, Kenneth Hoffmann. (2001) Determination of 3D position and orientation of stents from single projections. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Yang CJ, Stephen Rudin, Wang Z, Wu Y. (2001) Determination of the probability for blocking small side-branch perforator vessels during cerebrovascular stent deployment. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Ganguly A, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Kenneth Hoffmann, Yang CJ, Jui Wang. (2001) Direct conversion flat panel detector for region of interest angiography. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 178-188
Stephen Rudin, S. Yamada, C. Y. J. Yang, M. Honda, A. Chattopadhyay, Kenneth Hoffmann. (2000) Angiographic imaging applications for a new direct conversion amorphous selenium flat panel detector (FPD) and comparisons with an image intensifier. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Stephen Rudin, S. Yamada, CYJ Yang, M. Honda, A. Chattapadhyay, Kenneth Hoffmann. (2000) Operational comparison of a new direct conversion flat panel detector (FPD) with a standard image intensifier for both dynamic and static imaging. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov) 519
Cahttopadhyay A, Daniel Bednarek, Yang CJ, Wang Z, Gopal A, Kenneth Hoffmann, Stephen Rudin. (2000) MTF comparison of thre radiographic detectors: region of interest (ROI) micro-angoigraphic camera, selenium flat panel detector, and image intensifier. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, (Jul)
Wang Z, Wu Y, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Nazareth DP, Yang CJ. (2000) Neurovascular phantoms for evaluation of high-resolution ROI micro-angiographic camera. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, (Jul)
Yang CJ, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (2000) Performance evaluation of a real-time automatic tracking system for region of interest (ROI) fluoroscopy. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, (Jul)
Nazareth DP, Kenneth Hoffmann, Gopal A, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (2000) 3-D structured object location from a single projection. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, (Jul)
D. Nazareth, Kenneth Hoffmann, A. Gopal, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (2000) 3D Structured Object Location from a Single Projection. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, (Jul)
Gopal A, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Yang CJ. (2000) Improvement of feature detail using a region of interest micro-angiographic camera. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, (Jul)
Kenneth Hoffmann, Nazareth DP, Wang Z, Miskolczi L, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (2000) Vessel size mearsurements and the effects of resolution. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, (Jul)
Kenneth Hoffmann, D. Nazareth, I. Wang, L. Miskolczi, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (2000) Vessel Size Measurements and the Effects of Resolution. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, (Jul)
Yamada S, Takahashi A, Umazaki H, Honda M, Shiraishi K, Stephen Rudin, Yang CY, Daniel Bednarek. (2000) Image quality evaluation of a new selenium-based flat panel digital x-ray detector system based on animal studies. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 429-436
Barasch EF, Altunbas MC, Daniel Bednarek, Condit W, Delbaso AM, Knab JR, Stephen Rudin. (2000) A Medical Imaging microstrip gas chamber. Proc IEEE NSS MIC, (Jan) 22-25
Massoumzadeh P, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (2000) Quantitaive Evaluation of amorphous Selenium (a-Se) for Region of Interest (ROI) Fluoroscopy. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 658-669
Stephen Rudin, Nazereth D, Yang CYJ, Daniel Bednarek, Chattopadhyay A. (2000) Region of Interest micro-angiography: imager development. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 534-541
Yamada S, Tomisaki T, Umazaki H, Yang C-YJ, Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1999) Demonstration of a new selenium-based flat panel digital x-ray detector system for both fluoroscopy and radiography. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov) 503
Yamada S, Nagai S, Honda M, Yang C-YJ, Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1999) Image quality evaluation of a new selenium-based flat panel digital x-ray detector system at low dose fluoroscopic rate. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov) 503
Nazareth D, Chattopadhyay A, Stephen Rudin, Yang CJ, Daniel Bednarek. (1999) Initial study of the micro-angiographic determination of elastic properties of vessels. Medical Physics, (Jun) 1173
Chattopadhyay A, Barasch E, Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1999) Design strategies for pressurized xenon microstrip detectors in radiography. Medical Physics, (Jun) 1754
Wang Z, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1999) An accurate method for angiographic measurement of neurovascular lesion dimensions. Medical Physics, (Jun) 1755
Wahkloo AK, Divani AA, Stephen Rudin, Lieber BB. (1999) Intracranial stents-MR imaging campatibility study. Joint Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section on Cerebrovascular Surgery and the American Soc. of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology, (Jan)
Smith ST, Daniel Bednarek, Wobschall DC, Jeong M, Kim H, Stephen Rudin. (1999) Evaluation of a CMOS image detector for low-cost and power medical x-ray imaging applications. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 952-961
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wahkloo AK, Lieber BB, Yang CJ, Nazereth D. (1999) Region of Interest micro-angiography: radiographic imaging optimized for vascular interventions. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 708-717
Yang CJ, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1999) Variable sampling area for automatic brightness control in digital fluoroscopy. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 826-832
Stephen Rudin, Wahkloo AK, Daniel Bednarek, Yang CJ, Granger WE. (1998) Stent visualization with new resolution region of interest (ROI) micro-angiographic digital detector. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Granger WE, Stephen Rudin, Divani AA, Wahkloo AK, Lieber BB, Daniel Bednarek. (1998) A new method for dual contrast injection flow for determination by digital radiographic imaging. RSNA Scientifc Program, (Nov) 627
Granger WE, Stephen Rudin, Divani AA, Wahkloo AK, Lieber BB, Daniel Bednarek. (1998) A new method of dual contrast injection for flow determination by digital radiographic imaging. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Stephen Rudin, Wahkloo AK, Daniel Bednarek, Yang CJ, Granger WE. (1998) Comparison of a new high resolution region of interest (ROI) micro-angiographic digital detector with standard image intensifier and screen-film receptors for visualizing vascular stents. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1998) A double transmission ionization chamber for dose-area-product monitoring. Medical Physics, (Aug) A1585
Stephen Rudin, Patel JJ, Daniel Bednarek. (1998) Decay time measurements of imaging phosphor materials. Medical Physics, (Jul) A214
Liu R, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Yang CJ. (1998) Super-global distortion correction for a rotational c-arm x-ray image intensifier. Medical Physics, (Jul) A214
Lieber BB, Wahkloo AK, Divani AA, Stephen Rudin. (1998) Determination of vascular geometry and flow velocity in cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) using double contrast and high speed digital subtraction angiography. Adv. in Bioengineering, (Jan) 53-54
Lieber BB, Wahkloo AK, Divani A, Stephen Rudin. (1998) Determination of vascular geometry and flow velocity in cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) using double contrast and high speed digital subtraction angiography. Adv. in Bioengineering, (Jan) 53-54
Wahkloo AK, Mericle RA, Lieber BB, Divani AA, Granger WE, L Nelson Hopkins, Stephen Rudin. (1998) Double contrast digital subtraction angiography to determine AVM architecture and flow velocity. 1998 Congress of Neurological Surgeons, (Jan)
Stephen Rudin, Divani A, Wahkloo AK, Lieber BB, Daniel Bednarek, Granger W, Yang CJ. (1998) Factors affecting the accurate determination of cerebrovascular blood flow using high speed droplet imaging. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 232-241
Yang CJ, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1998) Image acquisition and real time processing in region of interest fluoroscopy with variation of source to image distance. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 660-667
Massoumzadeh P, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1997) Evaluation of Selenium (Se) and CsI image receptors for region of interest (ROI) imaging. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Wahkloo AK, Lieber BB, Stephen Rudin. (1997) Quantification of transit times in cerebral arteriovenous malfromations prior to therapeutic Histoacryl embolization using non-soluable contrast material ethiodol. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Wahkloo AK, Lieber BB, Stephen Rudin. (1997) Quantification transit times in cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) prior to Histoacryl embolization using ethiodol droplets with pulsed fluoroscopy. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov) 483
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1997) Comparison of two dose-area product (DAP) ionization chambers. Medical Physics, (Aug) 1356
Lieber BB, Wahkloo AK, Stephen Rudin, Lee Guterman, L Nelson Hopkins. (1997) Angiographic assessment of transit times in cerebral arteriovenous malformations prior to NBCA embolization using ethiodol droplets. Adv. in Bioengeineering, (Jan) 533-534
Wahkloo AK, Lieber BB, Stephen Rudin, Miskolczi L, Mericle RA, Rodriguez R, Lee Guterman, L Nelson Hopkins. (1997) Fluoroscopic quantification in cerebral arteriovenous malformations prior to NBCA embolization using ethiodol droplets. ASNR/ASHNR Proceedings, (Jan)
Stephen Rudin, Wahkloo AK, Lieber BB, Lee Guterman, L Nelson Hopkins, Daniel Bednarek. (1997) Droplet tracking using biplane digital angiography for cerebral arteriovenous malformations blood flow velocity and vessel morphology determinations. RSNA Scientific Program, (Jan)
Lieber BB, Stephen Rudin, Wahkloo AK, Daniel Bednarek, L Nelson Hopkins. (1997) Fluoroscopic tracking of traceable droplets in an aneurysm model. ASNR/ASHNR Proceedings, (Jan)
Stephen Rudin, Lieber BB, Wakhloo AK, Daniel Bednarek, Gutterman LR, L Nelson Hopkins. (1997) Quantitaive flow velocity measurements in vessels, aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) using droplet path tracking with a biplane pulsed fluoroscopy system. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 268-279
Stephen Rudin, Wahkloo AK, Lieber BB, Lee Guterman, L Nelson Hopkins, Daniel Bednarek, Granger WE, Yang CJ. (1997) New method for analysis of arteriovenous malformations using biplane angiographic droplet tracking. RSNA Scientific Program, (Jan)
Lieber BB, Wahkloo AK, Stephen Rudin, Duffy-Fronckowiak M, L Nelson Hopkins. (1997) Velocity and Transit time quantification in cerebral arteriovenous malformations by ethiodol droplets. Intl. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Science, (Jan) 90
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1996) Real-time contrast and brightness equalization in region of interest (ROI) fluoroscopy. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Stephen Rudin, Lieber BB, Stancampiano A, Daniel Bednarek, Wahkloo AK. (1996) Fluoroscopic study of disturbed flow in a stented vs. non-stented aneurysm model by comparison of streak patterns and droplet paths. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Granger WE, Kezerashvili M, Massoumzadeh P. (1996) Demonstration of real-time equalization of Region-of-Interest (ROI) Fluoroscopic Images. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Kezerashvili M, Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1996) Computerized system for dose-area product monitoring ROI fluoroscopy. Medical Physics, (Jun) 1059
Granger WE, Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin, Klash S. (1996) Excess patient exposure due to inexact fluoroscopic collimation and its reduction using ROI techniques. Medical Physics, (Jun) 1059
Daniel Bednarek, Kezerashvili M, Stephen Rudin. (1996) Effect of field size on contrast and dose for fluoroscopic systems with automatic brightness control. Medical Physics, (Jun) 1501
Massoumzadeh P, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1996) Effect of Gd and Cu Region of Interest (ROI) filters on image contrast and relative detected signal. Medical Physics, (Jun) 1144
Lieber BB, Stephen Rudin, Wakhloo AK, Stancampiano AP, Daniel Bednarek. (1996) Fluoroscopic particle tracking in a model aneurysm using traceable droplets. Adv. in Bioengineering, (Jan) 457-458
Kutlubay EM, Wasserman RM, Hwang B, Wobschall DC, Acharya RS, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1996) Portable digital radiographic imager: an overview. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 742-749
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Granger WE, L Nelson Hopkins, Lee Guterman, Wahkloo A, Chavis T. (1995) Region of Interest (ROI) Fluoroscopy and angiography in interventional radiology. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Kezerashvili M, Granger WE, Massoumzadeh P. (1995) Clinical Application of Region of Interest (ROI) Radiologic Imaging Techniques. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Granger WE, Klash S, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1995) Primary beam exposure outside the fluoroscopic FOV and proposed exposure reduction using ROI filtration. Medical Physics, (Sep) 1539
Kezerahsvili M, Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1995) Method for measuring the total dose area product (DAP) during region of interest fluoroscopy. Medical Physics, (Jun) 947
Fletcher LM, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1995) Method for ROI localization and mask selection in ROI fluoroscopy image evaluation. Medical Physics, (Jun) 972
Kezerashvili M, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1995) Automatic filter placement device for region of interest (ROI) fluoroscopy. Medical Physics, (Jun) 972
Daniel Bednarek, Tobin MB, Stephen Rudin. (1995) Dependence of contrast on variations in mammographic parameters. Medical Physics, (Jun) 1013
Massoumzadeh P, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1995) Contrast improvement of iodine using gadolinium filter for application of Region of Interest Fluoroscopy. Medical Physics, (Jun) 972
Kutlubay EM, Wasserman RM, Wobschall DC, Acharya RS, Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1995) Cost-effective, high resolution, portable, digital x-ray imager. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 554-562
Stephen Rudin, Fletcher L, Daniel Bednarek. (1994) Rapid selection of the image mask in Region of Interest (ROI) Fluoroscopy. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Stephen Rudin, Fletcher L, Daniel Bednarek, Massoumzadeh P, Kezerahvili M. (1994) Practical region of interest fluoroscopy with rapid selection of image mask. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Fletcher LM, Iota-Herbei V, Massoumzadeh P. (1993) Region of interest fluoroscopy. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov) 413
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Lee Guterman, L Nelson Hopkins, Standard SC, Szikora I. (1993) Implementation of region of interest fluoroscopy using the roadmapping mode of real-time digital radiographic units. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1993) Dose and image noise reduction in interventional radiology using Region of Interest (ROI) Fluoroscopic beam shift strategies. Medical Physics, (May) 894
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1993) Selection of filter material in Region Of Interest (ROI) Fluoroscopy. Medical Physics, (May) 920-921
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1993) Non-hardening x-ray beam attenuating filters. Medical Physics, (May) 918
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1993) Comparison of filter material and design for use in ROI angiography. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 354-364
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1992) Region of Interest Fluoroscopy applied to interventional radiologic procedures. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong R. (1991) Parameterization of image intensifier distortion. Medical Physics, (May) 599-600
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1991) Substantial dose reduction in selected fluoroscopic procedures. Medical Physics, (May) 656
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong R. (1991) Continuously-variable zoom magnification for fluoroscopy. Medical Physics, (May) 599
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong R, Kaczmarek R, Ram R. (1987) Increased radiographic contrast and dynamic range by combining a rapid multiple scanning beam device with a wide latitude receptor and digital enhancement. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 109-115
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong R, Kaczmarek RG, Kaczmarek RV, Alker G. (1986) High contrast clinical imaging with a rapid multiple scanning beam device: Effects of aperture pattern zone boundaries. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Kaczmarek R, Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin, Wong R. (1986) Survey of patient exposure in phototimed chest radiography. Medical Physics, (Jan) 607
Daniel Bednarek, Rudinger G, Stephen Rudin. (1986) Optimized rotating aperture wheel slit design. Medical Physics, (Jan) 613
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong R, Kaczmarek R. (1985) Toward millisecond scanning beam radiography. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 165-172
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin, Wong R, Kaczmarek R. (1985) Effect of a multi-scanning beam device and trough filter on scatter in chest radiography. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 13-18
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong R. (1982) Application of rapidly scanning multiple beams in digital radiography. SPSE/ AAPM Medical Imaging Meeting Program, (Sep)
Wong R, Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1982) Dependence of object detectability on quantum noise in an imaging system with variable sensitivity. Medical Physics, (Jul) 637
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong R. (1981) Digital Radiography using linear array detectors with a rotating aperture beam device. Medical Physics, (Sep) 743
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin, Wong R. (1981) Artifacts patterns of anti-scatter grids. Medical Physics, (Jul) 557
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong R, Andres MLR, Leslie EV. (1981) Fluoroscopic dose reduction using iris control. Medical Physics, (Jul) 576
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin, Wong R. (1981) Evaluation of sensitometry at mammographic energies. Medical Physics, (Jul) 576
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong R. (1981) Conical rotating aperture geometries in digital radiography. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 77-80
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin, Wong R. (1981) Sensitometry at low x-ray energies. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, (Jan) 63-66
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong R. (1980) Synchronization and overlap artifacts in multiple scanning beam radiography. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek, Wong R. (1980) Rotating aperture cones for scatter reduction in diagnostic radiology. RSNA Scientific Program, (Nov)
Stephen Rudin, Daniel Bednarek. (1980) Scatter reduction in cone beam CT using a Scanning Cylindrical Aperture Tomography (SCAT) device. Medical Physics, (Jul) 428
Daniel Bednarek, Stephen Rudin. (1980) Clinical Sensitometry. Medical Physics, (Jul) 431-432
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"3D printed patient-specific coronary models for testing CT-derived FFR" 99nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (2017)
"Dose reduction to the lens of the patient’s eye when using small lead shields over the temporal region of the head and its effect on image quality for neuro Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scans and interventional fluoroscopic procedure" 99nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (2017)
"New Detector with special high definition (Hi-Def) zoom feature for neuro interventional procedures" 99nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (2017)
"Advances in Image-Guided Neurointerventions-Clinical Pull and Technology Push (Invited Talk)" 2016 AAPM Annual Meeting (2016)
"Improved visualization of neurovascular interventional treatment devices by processing of images obtained using a high resolution Micro Angio Fluoroscope – Charge Coupled Device (MAF-CCD) detector" IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. and Medical Imaging Conference (2015)
"Generalized relative object detectability (G-ROD) as a metric for comparing x-ray imaging systems" 2014 AAPM Annual Meeting (2014)
"Design Considerations for a Dose-Reducing Region of Interest (ROI) Attenuator Built in the Collimator Assembly of a Fluoroscopic Interventional C-Arm" 2013 AAPM Annual Meeting (2013)
"Advances in the Micro-Angiographic Fluoroscope (MAF)" 98nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (2012)
"An Educational Physical Environment Concept with Close Research and Clinical Collaborations" 2016 AAPM Annual Meeting (2012)
"Accurate position and orientation of of stents of single projections" 87th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (2001)
"Analysis of manual automated techniques for the vessel sizes in angiograms" 87th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (2001)
"Determination of the probability for blocking small side-branch perforator vessels during cerebrovascular stent deployment" 87th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (2001)
"Measurement of vessel sizes: comparison of manual and automated techniques" 87th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (2001)
"Angiographic imaging applications for a new direct conversion amorphous selenium flat panel detector (FPD) and comparisons with an image intensifier" 86th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting RSNA (2000)
"Operational comparison of a new direct conversion flat panel detector (FPD) with a standard image intensifier for both dynamic and static imaging" 86th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (2000)
"3-D structure object location from a single projection" World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (2000)
"Improvement of feature detail using region of interest microangiographic camera" World Congress on Medical Physics and biomedical Engineering (2000)
"MTF comparison of three radiographic detectors: region of interest (ROI) micro-angiographic camera, selenium flat panel detector, and image intensifier" World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (2000)
"Neurovascular phantoms for evaluation of a high resolution ROI micro-angiographic camera" World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (2000)
"Performance evaluation of a real-time automatic tracking system for region of interest (ROI) fluoroscopy" World Congress on Medical Ohysics and Biomedical Engineering (2000)
"Vessel size measurements and the efffects of resolution" World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (2000)
"The clinical potential of x-ray flat panel detectors for dynmic images- the evaluation of animal angio studies by using direct conversion type flat panel detectors" Japan Federation of Medical Congress Promotion 2000; combined meeting of JRS, JRST, JIRA (2000)
"Demonstration of a new selenium-based flat panel digital x-ray detector system for both fluoroscopy and radiography" 85th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1999)
"Image quality evaluation of a new selenium-based flat panel digital x-ray detector system at low dose fluoroscopic rate" 85th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1999)
"Intracranial stents - MR imaging compatibility study" Joint Meeting of the AANS/CNS; ; Cerbral Surgery and the American Soc. of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradioglogy (1999)
"A new method of dual contrast injection flow for determination by digital radiographic imaging" 84th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1998)
"Comparison of a new high resolution region of interest (ROI) and micro-angiographic digital detector with standard image intensifier and screen-film receptors for visualizing vascular stents" 84th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1998)
"Stent visualization with a new high resolution region of interest (ROI) micro-angiographic digital detector" 84th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1998)
"Droplet tracking using biplane digital angiography for cerebral arteriovenous malformation blood flow velocity and vessel morphology determinations" 83rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1997)
"Evaluation of selenium (Se) and CsI image receptors for region of interest (ROI) imaging" 83rd Scientifif\c Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1997)
"New Method for Analysis of srteriovenous malformation using biplane angiographic droplet tracking" 83rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1997)
"Quantification of transit times in cerebral arteriovenous malformations prior to therapeutic Histoacryl embolization using non-soluble contrast material" 83rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1997)
"Quantification of Transit times in cerebral arteriovenous malformations(AVMs) prior to Histoacryl embolization using ethiodol droplets pulsed fluoroscopy - a feasibility study" 83rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1997)
"Precise calculations of transit times in cerebral arteriovenous malformations prior to Histoacryl embolization: improved simulation and resolution using ethiodol micro-droplets and biplnar rapid sequence DSA" Joint Scientific Conf. of American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology and World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (ASITN/WFITN) (1997)
"Velocity and Transit time quantification in cerebral arteriovenous malformations by ethiodol droplets" First Int. Interdisciplinary Conf. on Cardio-vascular medicine, surgery, science, and mechanics (1997)
"Fluoroscopic flow quantification in cerebral arteriovenous malformations prior to NBCA embolization using ethiodol droplets" 1997 Joint Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology and the American Society of Head and Neck Radiology; ASNR/ASHNR (1997)
"Fluoroscopic tracking of traceable droplets in an aneurysm model" 1997Joint Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology and the American Society of Head and Neck Radiology (1997)
"Demonstration of disturbed flow in a stented vs. nonstented aneurysm model using fluoroscopic images of streak patterns and droplet paths" 82nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1996)
"Demonstration of real-time Equalization of region of interest (ROI) fluoroscopic images" 82nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1996)
"Fluoroscopic study of disturbed flow in a stentd versus non-stented aneurysm model by comparison of streak patterns" 82nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1996)
"Fluoroscopic study of disturbed flow in a stented vs. non-stented aneurysm model by comaprison of streak patterns and droplets paths" 82nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1996)
"Real-time contrast and brightness equalization in region of interest (ROI) fluoroscopy" 82nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1996)
"Region of Interest Fluoroscopy and Angiography in Interventional Radiology" 81st Scientific Assembly an Annual Meeting of RSNA (1995)
"Practical Region Interest Fluoroscopy with rapid selection of image mask" 80th Scientific Assembly an Annual Meeting of RSNA (1994)
"Rapid Selection of the image mask in region of interest (ROI) fluoroscopy" 80th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1994)
"Region of Interest Fluoroscopy" Spring Clinical Days; ; SUNY at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (1994)
"Implementation of region of interst fluoroscopy using roadmapping mode real-time digital radiographic units" 79th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1993)
"Region of Interest Fluoroscopy" 79th Scientific Assembly an Annual Meeting of RSNA (1993)
"Region of Interest fluoroscopy applied to inerventional radiologic procedures" 78th Scientific Assembly an Annual Meeting of RSNA (1992)
"High contrast clinical imaging with a rapid multiple scanning beam device: Effects of aperture pattern zone boundaries" 72nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1986)
"Initial clinical experience with rotating aperture wheel device" Assoc. of University Radiologist 34th Annual Meeting (1986)
"Application of rapidly scanning multiple beams in digital radiography" State of the Art Conventional and New Modalities Symposium; SPSE/AAPM Medical Imaging (1982)
"Digital scanning beam rotating aperture x-ray imagers" SPSE 34th Annual Conference; Soc. of Photog. Scientists and Engineers (1981)
"Rotating aperture cones for scatter reduction in diagnostic radiology" 66th Scientific Assembly and annual Meeting of RSNA (1980)
"Synchronization and overlap artifacts in multiple scanning beam radiography" 66th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1980)
"Perspective on radiation protection and risks" 33rd Annual Spring Seminar; ; Empire State Assn. for Med. Techn. (1980)
"Improving contrast in special procedures using RAW device" Scientific program and 65th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA (1979)