Associate Professor, Anesthesiology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2009-present)
Director of Thoracic Anesthesia, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (2007-present)
Associate Chief, Surgical Anesthesia, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (2004-present)
OR Clinical Director, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (1996-present)
Staff Anesthesiologist, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (1994-present)
Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1996–2009)
Director, PACU, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (1996–2003)
Instructor, Anesthesiology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1994–1996)
Grants and Sponsored Research:
January 2001 A Multi-Modal Rehabilitation Program for Patients Undergoing Radical Prostatectomies Roxane Laboratories Research Grant Role: Co-Investigator
January 2001 A Multi-Modal Rehabilitation Program for Patients Undergoing Radical Prostatectomies Astra Zeneca Role: Co-Investigator
Journal Articles:
deLeon-Casasola OA, Yarussi AT. (2000) Physiopathology of Opioid Tolerance and Clinical Approach to the Opioid Tolerant Patient. Current Review in Pain (Jan), 4: 2503-205.
Yarussi AT, Sands RP, Lema MJ. (1999) Post-Thoracotomy Pain Syndrome and Post-Herpetic Neuralgia. Seminars in Cardiothroacic and Vascular Anesthesia (Jan), 3(3): 168-176.
Sands RP, Yarussi AT, Lema MJ. (1999) Postthoractomy syndrome and postherpetic neuralgia. Sem Cardiothoracic, Vac Anesth (Jan), 3(3): 168-176.
Yarussi A, Sands R, Edge SB, Lema MJ, DeLeon-Casasola OA. (1999) Evaluation of Peripheral Morphine Analgesia for Lumpectomy and Axillary Node Dissection: A Randomized, Double-Blinded Placebo-Controlled Study. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (Jan), 24(2): 142-145.
Yarussi AT, Sands RP, Edge SB, Lema MJ, deLeon-Casasola OA. (1999) Peripheral Morphine Analgesia for Postoperative Pain Following Axillary Node Dissection for Breast Cancer: A Controlled Randomized Double-Blind Study. Regional Anesthesia (Jan), 24: 142-145.
Sands RP, Yarussi AT, deLeon-Casasola OA. (1998) Complications and Side Effects Associated with Epidural Bupivacaine/Morphine Analgesia. Acute Pain (Jan), 1: 43-50.
Sands R, Yarussi AT. (1998) Regional Anesthesia for Bronchoscopy. Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management (Jan), 2(1): 30-34.
Enhorning G, Yarussi AT, Rao P, Varges I. (1996) Increased Airway Resistance Due to Surfactant Dysfunction Can be Alleviated with Aerosol Surfactant. Canadian Journal of Physilogy Pharmacology (Jan), 74: 681-687.
Books and Book Chapters:
deLeon-Casasola OA, Yarussi AT. (2008) Practical Management of Pain, 4th ed. In: Cancer Pain. Mosby/Elsevier, 413-426.