Outside the Annual Plan (OAP)

OAP Process

What determines the need for an OAP Request?

Why do we need to complete this form?

  • It is required for any new rotation(s) to hospitals  outside of your Annual Plan offsites and away rotations
  • To maximize hospital Medicare reimbursement for all OAP rotations
  • To ensure all residents have malpractice coverage at all sites where they rotate
  • To revise paylines, if necessary

Program Request Procedure

  1. Contact Dan Schupp (djschupp@buffalo.edu; 829-6135) to discuss your request.
  2. Complete and submit the form in MedHub to include
    • in depth rationale for request (question 12 on evaluation)
    • Program Director Attestation

Approval Procedure

  1. Requests presented to the GMEC for review by the entire committee (including hospital CMO's) and voted by all GMEC members. All aspects of rotation are considered (ex. Medicare reimbursement, FTE Loss, Visa implications and malpractice coverage).
  2. Dan will email Program Director/TPA if approval or denial was granted for the rotation.

Final Steps

  1. Residents may begin rotations once GME has notified program.
  2. OAPs are effective for a period of 5 years, GME will review on a rolling basis.

Assigning Outside the Annual Plan Evaluation in MedHub

  1. Navigate to Evaluations Tab > Deliver Evaluations
  2. Set the fields as follows:
    1. Evaluation type: Faculty evaluation of program/hospital
    2. Selection Method: Individuals > Click Continue
    3. Evaluation Form: Outside the Annual Plan (OAP) Request
    4. Select PD as Recipient (or TPA)
    5. Special Options: none
  3. Assign delivery as desired
  4. Submit

Program Director Attestation