Published September 1, 2020
If you logged into UB Learns, but your Panopto video says you need to request access before viewing, no need to click the Request Access link and wait: just log out of UB Learns and close your web browser. The problem should be solved when you log back in.
The first time you see this message, you may be tempted to click the Request Access link and wait for your instructor to give you access. But there’s a simpler and faster way: try clicking Tools in UB Learns, and selecting Panopto Content. Panopto should confirm that you have access through your class and allow you to watch your videos.
If you tried the above steps and are still seeing a message that says “You do not have access to this” when trying to watch your class’s Panopto videos, do the following:
If you try both of the above options but still don’t have access, then you should click the Request Access link, or speak with your instructor directly to make sure you’re on the course roster.
If you’re experiencing problems with Panopto, contact the UBIT Help Center, online at or by phone at 716-645-3542.