Andrew A. Gage, MD ’44

Andrew Gage.

2010 Distinguished Medical Alumnus

Andrew A. Gage, MD ’44, has received many awards for his leadership in the field of surgery.

In 1984, he was cited for contributing (in collaboration with Wilson Greatbatch and William Chardack) to the design, development and implantation of the first implantable cardiac pacemaker, considered “one of the top 10 US engineering achievements over the past 50 years” by the National Society of Professional Engineers.

Following graduation from medical school, Gage served as a lieutenant and captain in the U.S. Army Medical Corps until 1948.

He then joined the faculty of the UB Medical School, where he served for over four decades.

From 1983-1984, Gage was interim chair of the Department of Surgery. Over the course of his career, he also served as chief of staff at the Buffalo Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center and as deputy institute director for clinical affairs at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Gage belonged to numerous national, state and local professional organizations and held several editorial positions, most recently with Cryobiology, Comprehensive Therapy, and Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment.

He remains active in medical, education and research organizations, and his work has been featured in hundreds of publications and journals.