Mukesh K. Jain, MD '91

Mukesh K. Jain, MD '91.

2016 Distinguished Medical Alumnus

Mukesh K. Jain, MD '91 received this award for his exceptional work in identifying Kruppel-like Factors (KLFs) that regulate critical aspects of cardiovascular biology, innate immunity and metabolism.

Mukesh K. Jain, MD '91, gained international recognition in the early 2000s when his laboratory identified a family of factors called Kruppel-like Factors (KLFs) that regulate critical aspects of cardiovascular biology, innate immunity and metabolism. Since then, he has translated this work into animals and humans and identified KLFs as important therapeutic targets for a broad spectrum of inflammatory and metabolic disease states including cardiovascular, metabolic and neurodegenerative.

Today, Jain is professor of medicine and Ellery Sedgwick Jr. Chair at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine. He also is Distinguished Scientist and Scientific Director of the Harrington Discovery Institute, Chief Scientific Officer for University Hospitals Health System, and Vice Dean for Medical Sciences at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine.

The immediate past-president of the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI), Jain has received numerous awards and honors for his clinical and academic contributions. These include election to the ASCI, the American Association of Physicians, and the Association of University Cardiologists. Most recently, he is the recipient of the 2015 Judah Folkman Award in Vascular Biology from the North American Vascular Biology Organization.

A native of Buffalo, ain received his medical degree in 1991 from the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo. He completed his residency in internal medicine at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston and completed a cardiology fellowship at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.