David Holmes, MD

David Holmes.

Distinguished Resident

David M. Holmes, MD, is a family physician who has devoted his career to working in medically underresourced communities on Buffalo’s east side and in Haiti and other countries around the world.

He co-founded two faith-based, free clinics in Buffalo: Good Neighbors Health Care and the clinic at Cornerstone Manor.

Holmes also serves as a clinical associate professor in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences’ Department of Family Medicine, where he teaches and directs the Global Health Education Program. He and the department received a Templeton Foundation grant to develop a spirituality-in-health-care curriculum for several courses at the Jacobs School.

Holmes also conducts research on global health, as well as on the role faith plays in addiction recovery.  In addition, he serves as a mentor and faculty advisor for students and residents engaged in research projects involving global health or addiction medicine.

In 2007, the New York State Academy of Family Physicians named Holmes the New York State Family Physician of the Year.

Born in Kenya, East Africa, to missionary parents, Holmes was raised on Long Island, N.Y. He earned his undergraduate degree at Stanford University, and his medical degree at the University of Vermont, after which he completed his residency in family medicine at UB. Holmes and his wife, Lucy, also a physician, liked Buffalo so much they chose to stay and have raised their four children here.