Kim Griswold MD '94

Dr. Kim Griswold.

Distinguished Volunteer of the Year

Kim Griswold MD, MPH, RN, FAAFP, is professor of family medicine, psychiatry, and public health and health professions.

For 25 years, she has dedicated her clinical practice to working with mentally ill adults and with immigrant and refugee populations seeking asylum. Dr. Griswold also serves as a role model to UB medical students and residents by providing care to underserved communities overseas. As faculty advisor to the student-led Human Rights Initiative in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, she has been instrumental in establishing and sustaining this unique learning experience for UB medical students.

Dr. Griswold conducts research related to psychiatry, cultural care and public health. She is a co-investigator on a project to increase the primary care workforce size, leadership potential, diversity and commitment to patient-centered medical home models of practice in underserved areas throughout the region, state and nation.

A highly regarded teacher, Dr. Griswold is devoted to educating pre-med and medical students and training family medicine residents to provide complete inpatient management of adult patients, with a special focus on care for vulnerable populations.

Dr. Griswold earned a bachelor of arts degree in drama and English from Bard College; a nursing degree from Upstate Medical Center; a master’s degree in public health from Yale University; and a medical degree from UB.  She is a graduate of the Royal College of Physicians Educator Program. Over the course of her career, she has received multiple teaching and humanism awards from students and residents and has been inducted into the Richard Sarkin Memorial Chapter of the Gold Humanism Honor Society.