Jessica L. Reynolds, PhD '04 (Pathology)

Jessica L. Reynolds, PhD '04 (Pathology).

Distinguished Biomedical Alumna Award

Dr. Reynolds writes, "I have a strong interest in the development of therapeutic delivery tools using nanomedicine to modulate both the nervous and immune systems. I have developed a body of work in nanomedicine, which is the medical application of nanotechnology and includes a wide range of applications. Towards this end I have been developing nanotechnology and biological based delivery vehicles that target astrocytes, microglial cells, and macrophages. These cells play a prominent role in HIV and neuroAIDs pathogenesis and co-infections associated with HIV such as tuberculosis (TB). My laboratory has developed a new therapy that combines anti-TB drugs with the actions of the innate immune system, to synergistically act to eradicate pathogens. This could potentially reduce the drug dosage required, shorten treatment duration, mitigate dose-dependent toxicity, and reduce the emergence of drug resistance."