Supplement your non-neurology specialty with basic neurological evaluation skills and develop an understanding of state-of-the-art management options for neurological conditions commonly seen in hospitalized patients.
Our rotator experience is designed to expose residents primarily in internal medicine, family medicine, emergency medicine, psychiatry and neurosurgery to adult clinical neurology. You will learn to complement your clinical skills with a basic competency in neurological care and appropriately use neurological consultations within your own specialty.
Guided by our neurology faculty attendings and experienced neurology residents, you will be involved in the entire spectrum of patient care, from diagnosis to follow-up care, including:
Working as an integral part of the care team, you will receive expert feedback as you discuss patient care and your proposed management plan with the senior neurology resident and during daily rounds with the attending neurologist.
You also will discuss care management with other physicians or health care professionals.
In addition, you will develop essential knowledge to enhance your clinical skills through our strong didactic training.
1-3 modules
During each rotation, you will be assigned to one of three diverse community hospitals, including an urban general medical center; a specialized vascular and stroke treatment institute; and a regional hospital serving veterans.
At Buffalo General Medical Center, your care team, guided by an an attending neurologist, includes:
Your team will typically care for about 20 patients at a time; as a rotating resident, you will work directly with four to seven patients.