
Infectious Diseases

Dr. Mark D. Hicar.

Division Chief, Dr. Mark D. Hicar

The Division of Infectious Diseases provides consultations on patients with infectious diseases and conduct research in clinical microbiology, virology and immunology.


Our division is actively involved in the education of both residents and medical students. Our fellows play an integral role in educating these rotating trainees.


Members of our division are involved with clinical investigation of infectious diseases including: Kawasaki Disease, COVID-19, Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), Cytomegalovirus, and Hepatitis C.  They have active translational and basic science research programs on the study of viruses (HIV), vaccine development (Lyme and HIV), and how the immune system responds in children (Kawasaki disease and MIS-C).

Our division is involved in the clinical investigation of infectious diseases and in basic science research in bacterial and viral immunology.

Current projects focus on immune responses to HIV, COVID-19, bile acid metabolism, extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing gram-negative organisms and bacteriophages.

Our main areas of research include:

  • CMV: We have recently been named the regional Specialty Care Center for congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection within Western New York. The New York State Department of Health Newborn Screening Program has begun testing of dried newborn blood spots for the presence of CMV by PCR, as a screen for symptomatic and asymptomatic congenital CMV. In parallel to this, we are also part of a multisite study (Proactive) to assess long-term outcomes of CMV congenital infections.
  • Kawasaki research (KD): Kawasaki disease is an inflammatory disorder affecting children and resulting in severe cardiac complications. Research in KD is directed to identify the etiology of this condition by immunological and genomic tools.
  • Hepatitis C research: Hepatitis C affect a large number of pregnant women in the US and vertical transmission are leading to an increasing number of newborn babies exposed to Hepatitis C. Research is being conducted to evaluate the rate of Hepatitis C vertical transmission in Western New York area and to design ways to address prevention and therapeutic management of these exposed infants.
  • Lyme Disease: Members of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Division are actively involved in Lyme Disease vaccine trials.
  • For those interested in current research protocols here at the University at Buffalo, visit our research website.

We work closely with the bacteriology, virology and molecular diagnostics laboratories on the development and application of new diagnostic tests.

Clinical Care

Our division consists of pediatric infectious disease specialists who are available to help manage the complete spectrum of infectious diseases common to children.

Chief, Infectious Diseases

Hicar, Mark

Mark Hicar, MD, PhD, FPIDS, FIDSA

Associate Professor; Chief, Pediatric Infectious Diseases; Program Director, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Fellowship

UBMD Pediatrics Division of Infectious Diseases 1001 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 323-0150; Fax: (716) 323-0296

Email: markhica@buffalo.edu


1001 Main Street
5th Floor
Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 323-0150
Fax: (716) 323-0296