This annual research poster session is open to all second, third and fourth-year medical students who have performed research in the prior year.
Recipients of the Dean’s Fellowship, Nader Fellowship, past researchers in both the T-35 infectious disease training grant or R-25 Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center Summer Research Experience are required to participate.
Whether you were successful in receiving a fellowship or were part of a physician-scientist training grant, all potential physician-scientists who performed research this past year are encouraged to participate and should present their research findings at this forum.
Faculty and staff are welcome to attend this event.
Does the abstract state the research problem under investigation? Is it clear what methods were used? Are results presented in an understandable form? Are there conclusions?
Total segment points = 15
Does the poster present the elements of a coherent investigation? Is there a stated or implicit hypothesis? Are the methods appropriate? Are the data adequate and do they lead to the conclusions drawn by the student?
36 Points
Does the poster present the elements of a coherent investigation? Is there a stated or implicit hypothesis? Are the methods appropriate? Are the data adequate and do they lead to the conclusions drawn by the student?
12 Points
Does the poster communicate effectively? Is it readable; are figures and charts understandable? Does it contain typographical or other errors?
12 Points
Does the student understand the problem? Do they know what they did and how it relates to their research problem? Does the student know how the results relate to published data or results of others? Does the student know the implications for further study?
15 Points
Is the student aware of limitations of the methods used in the study? Can the student connect the methodologic limitations to the ability to generalize from the results?
5 Points
Does the student respond to all questions clearly and directly? Are explanations adequate? Does the student acknowledge shortcomings or respond to suggestions in an open-minded manner?
5 Points
Total segment points = 25
If you have questions, please contact:
Julie Szrama
Director of Student and Academic Affairs
955 Main Street, Room 1214 Buffalo, NY 14203-1121
Phone: (716) 829-2802; Fax: (716) 829-2798