Recent Research Funding

Our faculty secure major research grants from various National Institutes of Health as well as private sources.

  • MRI-Based Quantitative Mapping of Oxygen Extraction Fraction in MS. Ferdinand Schweser (Co-Investigator). NIBIB. $1,773,283. 4/1/2024-3/1/2029.
  • Optimizing Chest Compressions Targeting Gas Exchange and Hemodynamics in a Transitional Cardiac Arrest Model. Ferdinand Schweser (Co-Investigator). National Institutes of Health. $1,642,389. 4/1/2021-3/1/2026.
  • Self-collimating Single Photon Emission Breast Tomography System with Three-Dimensional Sparse Position-Sensitive Detectors. Rutao Yao (Principal Investigator). NIH/NIBIB. $608,205. 6/1/2022-2/1/2026.