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Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
University at Buffalo (UB)
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Medical Physics Program
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Medical Physics Program
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Recent Faculty Publications
Our research has been published in a variety of national and international peer-reviewed journals.
Reeves JA, Salman F, Mohebbi M, Bergsland N, Jakimovski D, Hametner S, Weinstock-Guttman B, Zivadinov R, Dwyer MG, Schweser F. (2025)
Association between paramagnetic rim lesions and pulvinar iron depletion in persons with multiple sclerosis.
Multiple sclerosis and related disorders (Jan), 93: 106187.
Wack DS, Schweser F, Wack AS, Muldoon SF, Slavakis K, McGranor C, Kelly E, Miletich RS, McNerney K. (2025)
Speech in noise listening correlates identified in resting state and DTI MRI images.
Brain and language (Jan), 260: 105503.
Reeves JA, Bartnik A, Jakimovski D, Mohebbi M, Bergsland N, Salman F, Schweser F, Wilding G, Weinstock-Guttman B, Dwyer MG, Zivadinov R. (2024)
Associations Between Paramagnetic Rim Lesion Evolution and Clinical and Radiologic Disease Progression in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis.
Neurology (Nov), 103(10): e210004. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000210004
Reeves JA, Bartnik A, Mohebbi M, Ramanathan M, Bergsland N, Jakimovski D, Wilding GE, Salman F, Schweser F, Weinstock-Guttman B, Hojnacki D, Eckert S, Bagnato F, Dwyer MG, Zivadinov R. (2024)
Determinants of long-term paramagnetic rim lesion evolution in people with multiple sclerosis.
Annals of clinical and translational neurology (Nov).
Zivadinov R, Schweser F, Jakimovski D, Bergsland N, Dwyer MG. (2024)
Decoding Gray Matter Involvement in Multiple Sclerosis via Imaging.
Neuroimaging clinics of North America (Aug), 34(3): 453-468.
Jakimovski D, Weinstock-Guttman B, Burnham A, Weinstock Z, Wicks TR, Ramanathan M, Sciortino T, Ostrem M, Suchan C, Dwyer MG, Reilly J, Bergsland N, Schweser F, Kennedy C, Young-Hong D, Eckert SP, Hojnacki D, Benedict RH, Zivadinov R. (2024)
Dynamic disability measures decrease the clinico-radiological gap in people with severely affected multiple sclerosis.
Multiple sclerosis and related disorders (Jul), 87: 105630.
QSM Consensus Organization Committee , Bilgic B, Costagli M, Chan KS, Duyn J, Langkammer C, Lee J, Li X, Liu C, Marques JP, Milovic C, Robinson SD, Schweser F, Shmueli K, Spincemaille P, Straub S, van Zijl P, Wang Y,. (2024)
Recommended implementation of quantitative susceptibility mapping for clinical research in the brain: A consensus of the ISMRM electro-magnetic tissue properties study group.
Magnetic resonance in medicine (May), 91(5): 1834-1862. doi:10.1002/mrm.30006
Zivadinov R, Jakimovski D, Burnham A, Kuhle J, Weinstock Z, Wicks TR, Ramanathan M, Sciortino T, Ostrem M, Suchan C, Dwyer MG, Reilly J, Bergsland N, Schweser F, Kennedy C, Young-Hong D, Eckert S, Hojnacki D, Benedict RHB, Weinstock-Guttman B. (2024)
Neuroimaging assessment of facility-bound severely-affected MS reveals the critical role of cortical gray matter pathology: results from the CASA-MS case-controlled study.
Journal of neurology (May).
Shields A, Williams K, Bhurwani MMS, Setlur Nagesh SV, Chivukula VK, Bednarek DR, Rudin S, Davies J, Siddiqui AH, Ionita CN. (2024)
Enhancing cerebral vasculature analysis with pathlength-corrected 2D angiographic parametric imaging: A feasibility study.
Medical physics (Apr), 51(4): 2633-2647. doi:10.1002/mp.16808
Reeves JA, Mohebbi M, Wicks T, Salman F, Bartnik A, Jakimovski D, Bergsland N, Schweser F, Weinstock-Guttman B, Dwyer MG, Zivadinov R. (2024)
Paramagnetic rim lesions predict greater long-term relapse rates and clinical progression over 10 years.
Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England) (Apr), 30(4-5): 535-545. doi:10.1177/13524585241229956
Nagesh SVS, Vanderbilt E, Koenigsknecht C, Pionessa D, Chivukula VK, Ionita CN, Zlotnick DM, Bednarek DR, Rudin S. (2024)
First In-Vivo demonstration of 1000fps High Speed Coronary Angiography (HSCA) in a swine animal model.
Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering (Feb), 12930. doi:10.1117/12.3006858
Orji MP, Williams K, Setlur Nagesh SV, Rudin S, Bednarek DR. (2024)
Fluoroscopic Procedure-Room Scatter-Dose Reduction Using a Region-of-Interest (ROI) Attenuator.
Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering (Feb), 12925. doi:10.1117/12.3006856
Vanderbilt EA, White R, Nagesh SVS, Chivukula VK, Bednarek DR, Ionita CN, Rudin S. (2024)
Evaluation of aneurysm flow divertor (stent) treatment using multi-angled 1000 fps High-Speed Angiography (HSA) and Optical Flow (OF).
Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering (Feb), 12930. doi:10.1117/12.3006922
Vanderbilt EA, Koenighsknecht C, Pionessa D, Ionita CN, Bednarek DR, Rudin S, Setlur Nagesh SV. (2024)
Demonstration of 1000 fps High-Speed Angiography (HSA) in Pre-Clinical In-vivo Rabbit Aneurysm Models During Flow-Diverter Treatment.
Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering (Feb), 12930. doi:10.1117/12.3005678
Jakimovski D, Zivadinov R, Weinstock Z, Burnham A, Wicks TR, Suchan C, Sciortino T, Schweser F, Bergsland N, Dwyer MG, Eckert SP, Young-Hong D, Weinstock-Guttman B, Benedict RHB. (2024)
Cognitive function in severe progressive multiple sclerosis.
Brain communications (Jan), 6(4): fcae226. doi:10.1093/braincomms/fcae226
Reeves JA, Mohebbi M, Zivadinov R, Bergsland N, Dwyer MG, Salman F, Schweser F, Jakimovski D. (2023)
Reliability of paramagnetic rim lesion classification on quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) in people with multiple sclerosis: Single-site experience and systematic review.
Shields A, Setlur Nagesh SV, Rajagopal K, Bednarek DR, Rudin S, Chivukula VK. (2023)
Application of 1,000 fps High-Speed Angiography to In-Vitro Hemodynamic Evaluation of Left Ventricular Assist Device Outflow Graft Configurations.
ASAIO journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs : 1992) (Aug), 69(8): 756-765. doi:10.1097/MAT.0000000000001948
Pol S, Dhanraj R, Taher A, Crever M, Charbonneau T, Schweser F, Dwyer M, Zivadinov R. (2023)
Effect of Siponimod on Brain and Spinal Cord Imaging Markers of Neurodegeneration in the Theiler's Murine Encephalomyelitis Virus Model of Demyelination.
International journal of molecular sciences (Aug), 24(16): 12990. doi:10.3390/ijms241612990
Reeves JA, Weinstock Z, Zivadinov R, Dwyer MG, Bergsland N, Salman F, Schweser F, Weinstock-Guttman B, Benedict RH, Jakimovski D. (2023)
Paramagnetic rim lesions are associated with greater incidence of relapse and worse cognitive recovery following relapse.
Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England) (Jul), 29(8): 1033-1038. doi:10.1177/13524585231169466
, Bilgic B, Costagli M, Chan KS, Duyn J, Langkammer C, Lee J, Li X, Liu C, Marques JP, Milovic C, Robinson S, Schweser F, Shmueli K, Spincemaille P, Straub S, van Zijl P, Wang Y, . (2023)
Recommended Implementation of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping for Clinical Research in The Brain: A Consensus of the ISMRM Electro-Magnetic Tissue Properties Study Group.
ArXiv (Jul).