UB Women Surgeons are Active in our Community

Published February 4, 2019 This content is archived.

Residents with Health Sciences Charter School students.

With a great amount of help from MS3 Becca Scott, our UB Women Surgeons spent the day teaching at the Health Sciences Charter School in Buffalo. They are excited to continue working with these students until the Top Gun event coming up in the Spring!

Student practices on a simulator.

Their next event will be held on Monday, February 11th, 4pm at the Ronald McDonald House (780 West Ferry, Bflo.) where they will be preparing Chicken Pot Pie for 20-25 patient’s family members. Many thanks to  Dr. Cappuccino for sponsoring and participating in this event. Anyone who would like to join as Head Chef for the day or would be available to do some shopping this weekend, send an email to ubwomensurgeons@gmail.com or text an active member.


We are also excited to tell you that we now have a fully stocked resident library in the resident room at BGH! Our thanks to our wonderful program for providing all of the textbooks and a very special shout out to Dr. Guo for donating FOUR books, complete with special dedications, for all of us to read and become wiser!

Books and inscriptions.

Last, but certainly not least, our Annual Thinktank event is coming up at Ulrich’s Tavern, 674 Ellicott St., Bflo on Saturday, March 2nd in the early evening. Come and join us in crafting future activities, goals, policies, projects, etc. Bring your ideas and we will help turn them into reality!