

All about NIH NIH Renewals and Resubmissions

Tuesday, October 3, 2017
11:30 am - 4:00 pm
403 Hayes Hall
John Robertson, Grant Writers Seminar and Workshops
Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Developmentā€™s Office of Research Advancement

This workshop is for researchers interested in improving their success rates with NIH. In this workshop, John Robertson, Grant Writers Seminars and Workshops, Inc., will provide strategies for preparing a resubmission to NIH. These resubmissions may be a renewal of an existing NIH grant or a resubmission of one that was declined. Dr. Robertson will help participants understand how to optimize the NIH review process (the Study Section) for a successful resubmission. As part of this workshop, he will provide insight on why proposals do not succeed and strategies for avoiding some pitfalls. Preferably, participants should have some experience in submitting proposals to NIH to reap the maximum benefit from this workshop.


For more information, contact:

Chitra Rajan
Email: chitrara@buffalo.edu
Phone: 716-645-6833