

UB Resident & Fellow Committee Meeting

Wednesday, September 18, 2024
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
In-person - Location to be sent to attendees

The University at Buffalo Residents Committee (UBRC) is an organization comprising peer-elected resident representatives who strive to:

1.) Facilitate the professional and personal development of residents

2.) Communicate and exchange information across programs on all aspects of residency education including education environment, benefits and quality of life issues

3.) Provide an effective, confidential liaison between residents and the GME

4.) Collaborate and cooperate with the University, individual programs, and area hospitals to resolve issues related to safe delivery of patient care

5.) Foster an environment where residents have the opportunity to excel in service, teaching and research while exhibiting ethical and professional modes of practice

6.) Provide resident representation in key forums responsible for resident privileges, benefits and safety

7.) Create an atmosphere favorable to retaining medical students and residents in the Western New York area

The UBRC meets four times per year to address any and all concerns that the residents may have, and we provide residents with direct access to the university administration. The committee sends its elected chair and two other elected representatives to the monthly Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) meetings, where they serve as full voting members. This again provides residents access to UB GME administration at its highest levels and gives us a voice in decisions that directly affect us.


For more information, contact:

Jennae Howard
Email: jennaeho@buffalo.edu
Phone: 7168296124