In the event of an emergency, move to the emergency exit nearest to you and leave the building.

1. Leave the Building During Emergency Alerts

You must leave the building during alerts.

Everyone must evacuate once an emergency is detected. Do not wait for further instructions.

2. Use the Emergency Exit Stairwells

Find the emergency exit locations closest you when you are in the building at 955 Main Street, especially on floors 3 through 7. Emergency stairwells are fire rated enclosures and lead directly outside.

Stairwell A

Located at the southwest corner. It exits to Main Street.

Stairwell B

Located in the hallway behind the passenger elevators, opposite the freight elevators, on the east side of the building. It exits to Washington Street.

Stairwell C

Located at the northwest corner, behind the freight elevators. It exits to Main Street near High Street.

Stairwell D

Located at the northeast corner. It exists to Washington Street near High Street.

Stairwell E

Located on the southeast side of the building, on the 2nd floor. Use this exit if you are in especially in the M&T Auditorium, room 2120A. It exits to Washington Street.

Map of 955 Main Street building showing stairwell E.

Stairwell E is attached to the M&T Auditorium (room 2120A).

Areas of Refugee

If you have a mobility issue, go the nearest emergency stairwell and use the “Area of Refugee” Station to alert emergency personal to your location and await further instructions.

3. Move Away from the Building

Once you have evacuated, move away from the building. Emergency personnel must have unimpeded access to the building.

Move 50 or more feet away from the building to safe location. Do not stand in the streets.

4. All Clear

The “All Clear” signal will be given by word of mouth. Please pass it along to those near you.