Administrative Policies and Procedures

These resources include a variety of tools to help you complete any administrative duties here at UB and the Jacobs School.

Note that this is a working document. If you see something that is no longer accurate, or if you would like to add something, please reach out to Brittany Sandor to make updates. 

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Course Registration

  1. Make sure you’re signed into Cisco AnyConnect, you will not be able to access HUB without this.
  2. When logged into HUB, click the "Enrollment" icon > Quick Enroll a Student > Enter Person Number, Undergrad or Grad, and Term > Add

General Enrollment

Put in the class number or search using the magnifying class icon > Submit

Screenshot of quick enrollment with magnifying glass highlighted.

Force Enrollment

Go to the ‘Class Overrides’ tab and check the ‘Closed Class’ box. This is if a class needs department permission or the class is full.

Tabs with class overrides highlighted and closed class with a checkmark.

Other Force Enrollments

If a student doesn’t meet a prerequisite, for example maybe they took that class at a different school and it’s not transferring into the system, you will go to the ‘General Overrides’ tab→ click Requisites box.

General overrides tab highlighted.

This tab also lets you override time conflicts or ‘Action Date’ a student back to the add/drop date.  Action Date is used for departmental staff only and allows us a couple extra days past add/drop to enroll students.

Units and Grade tab

This tab allows us to enroll students into different amounts of credits in thesis research and lab courses.

Units and grade tab highlighted with focus on unit taken field.


Midterm and Final grades are input into HUB Faculty Center. This is a separate function from regular HUB.

Make sure you are in the correct semester or change term:

screenshot of system.

Each class will have a class roster and a grade roster. Hover over the icons

Example roster.

Grade Roster

When you select the ‘Grade Roster’, it will take you to the list of students. If it’s a small class you can manually select their grades. If it’s a large class, you can upload the grades from a spreadsheet but it must be saved as a CSV file.

Grade upload with upload options shown.

Once you have either successfully uploaded a file or you’ve manually selected the grades, you must change the status to ‘Approved’.

Grade roster action with approval status dropdown.

Last step: scroll down to the end of the page and click ‘POST’! Grades will then be live!

Request Grade Change

Before grades are officially due to the school, you can make a grade change after you’ve already posted grades. 

Click ‘Request Grade Change’ > under Official Grade, use the drop down menu to select a different grade >Submit

This only is available during a limited time. If it is past the final deadline for grades, you must then request a grade change through the Registrar:

Online grade change tool or email them at

Course Scheduling

  1. Make sure you’re signed into Cisco AnyConnect, you will not be able to access HUB without this.
  2. Each semester the Registrar will send an email to the listserv that the following semester’s classes are now up in HUB and you will need to review/make changes before a certain date. This is so that the courses are correct and up to date for the students to see before enrolling.  The email comes several months before the following semester.
  3. When logged into HUB, click the "Class Scheduling" icon > Maintain Schedule of Classes > Search for the appropriate semester and course

Basic Data Tab

This tab tells you the class section, campus location, session, etc. This is also where you can create a new section by clicking on the + button.

The ‘Schedule Print’ box highlighted below allows you to hide a class section from student view. If it is NOT checked, then students cannot see this as an option.

Basic data tab with schedule print field highlighted.

Meetings Tab

This tab is probably the one you will update the most.  Each semester you will have to input a ‘Facility ID’ and then the meeting pattern of Time and Days of the Week.

CSS – Centrally scheduled space (usually for Undergrd courses on South campus).  The Registrar will assign the room when this code is entered

Meetings tab with code CSS in the facility id field.

1454REQ – This code is for Downtown scheduling requests.  (More applicable for Graduate courses)

Meetings tab with 1454REQ code in the facility id field.
955 Main St Requests

When requesting a classroom downtown, after this step in HUB, you must also fill out the EMS – HUB Room Request spreadsheet in UB Box. You will need to get access to this spreadsheet from the Office of Facilities Planning and Management.

This tab also is where you will add in any instructor who teaches in the course.  Make sure you click on the ‘Print’ box so that instructor is evaluated for the course.

Example of instructors who teach the course with print checkbox highlighted.

‘Post’ access means they can post grades in HUB Faculty Center.

Enrollment Control Tab

This tab tells you how many students are enrolled.  You can also add a number to the ‘Wait List Capacity’ if you want a waitlist for the course.

If a course is cancelled, this is where you will update that next to *Class Status.  Select ‘cancelled section’ from the dropdown box.

Enrollment control tab with class status highlighted.

Reserve Cap Tab

This tab is where you might have a specific number of seats saved for students in certain majors.

Final Exam Requests

If your course needs a centrally scheduled final exam, this is a separate task. Again, the Registrar will send out reminders to submit all final exam requests to them by a certain date. You then will need to pull a report from SIRI, update it, and send it into them. Instructions can be found on the internal Registrar website

Final exams will then show up in your HUB Faculty Center after they have completed the process.

HUB AAR Report

Before you can login to HUB, you will need to login to UBs Administrative VPN.

Master’s students will refer to the HUB Academic Advisement Report (AAR) to review their degree requirements and current progress towards meeting those requirements.

Master’s program administrators will review their students’ AAR each semester to ensure that it is up to date and that the courses are correctly listed – satisfying the appropriate requirements. Sometimes, we will need to adjust the AAR so that it accurately reflects the student’s progress. Most often, a ‘student milestone’ requirement needs to be updated manually or a ‘course directive’ exception will have to be processed when a course needs to be moved to satisfy a requirement.

Processing Student Milestones

When a master’s student chooses their faculty mentor or completes their culminating experience requirement (thesis, project, or exam), the appropriate milestone will need to be processed in HUB. Step-by-step directions for applying these milestones is available in the UB Box ‘HUB AAR - Adding Student Milestones’ document. For assistance with applying or correcting milestones email or

Processing Course Directive Exceptions

Exception processing is used when a needs to be moved to satisfy a student’s AAR course requirements. Step-by-step directions for applying these milestones is available in the UB Box ‘HUB AAR - Exceptions Processing – Course Directive’ document. For assistance with exception processing please email

Tuition Scholarships

Tuition Scholarship Processing


Tuition remission/scholarships are processed each summer for the upcoming academic year, and throughout the year as changes or updates are needed. Departments and programs must prepare and submit a tuition remission form to the Office of Biomedical Education for each student receiving a tuition waiver. 

Graduate Tuition Differential Initiative

UB now provides central funds to cover the out-of-state tuition differential for students in PhD programs when the in-state tuition amount is paid for by a research grant.  Applicable for all terms (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) beginning Fall 2024 for both international and out-of-state students.

For eligible students whose tuition is funded by an RF grant, submit a tuition remission form showing a split award: the in-state tuition amount covered by the PI’s RF grant, and the OOS differential covered by UB central account # 951508-01. 

Graduate Tuition Remission/Scholarship Verification Form (a.k.a tuition remission form)

Section A

Section A of the form.

This form only pays student tuition charges (not fees). The student initiates the Graduate Tuition Remission/Scholarship Verification Form by completing the biodemo and degree program fields at the top of the form and providing the number of credits they will take in fall and spring in Section B. 

Then, the program coordinator completes the remaining fields at the top of the form.

New York State Resident: Please make sure the correct box is checked. Fees are different for non-residents.

Account Type:

  • Entity: only used by the Office of Biomedical Education; departments should not use
  • RF: Research Foundation Funds (tuition paid by a grant)
  • IFR: Funds from Department IFR State Account 
  • UBF: Funds from University of Buffalo Foundation Account*
  • Start Up: Funds from new faculty hire start up package

*Note: International student tuition covered by UBF funds cannot be processed using the tuition remission form. Instead, submit a Nonresident Alien Scholarship Voucher to OBE.

Account Department: what department holds the account that will pay the student’s tuition? If RF, provide date grant will expire.

Sections B & C

Sections B and C of the form.

These sections are completed by the funding supervisor and/or funding Principal Investigator (PI) with signature authority for the account (if RF), or the program coordinator for departmental accounts (IFR, UBF). Indicate the appointment type, the number of credit hours to be funded (or a specified dollar tuition payment amount, if multiple accounts), the account number for the tuition scholarship, and the student's total stipend amount and appointment dates.

Add Academic Semester dates. Ideally, both terms are covered on one form though it is possible to submit separate forms for fall and spring if necessary.

Appointment Type:

  • TA: State Teaching Assistant (Not used for Jacobs School Ph.D. students)
  • GA: State Graduate Assistant: Check this box if student is supported by State Funds (IFR)
  • RA: Research Project Assistant. Check this box if student is supported by RF funds (grant)
  • Fellowship: Check this box if student is supported through a fellowship
    Training Grant: Check this box if student is supported through a training grant

Add Credit Hours. For each semester enter the number of credit hours the student will be enrolled in and the dollar amount for the credit hours. Find current tuition rates. Tuition rates for the upcoming academic year are announced around July 1, so do not submit forms until you see the new rates posted on the Student Accounts site.

Signatures. The Funding Supervisor or Faculty Principal Investigator signs and completes Section C.

Section D is completed by OBE. Leave this section blank

Section D of the form.

Upload the completed form to the Office of Biomedical Education (OBE) for approval and processing. Each department has a dedicated Box folder used to upload its forms and track those that have been processed; Box links are emailed by OBE each summer. OBE and Resource Management work together to enter the tuition scholarship in HUB on the student’s account.

Request to Amend Tuition Scholarship/Remission Verification Processing

This form is completed when any of the following items change after submission of the initial tuition remission form:

  • Credit Hours
  • Funding Source
  • Account Type
  • Account Number
  • Out-of-state to in-state tuition rate

The form is completed by the Graduate Coordinator, and sent to the funding supervisor for review and approval. The completed form is uploaded in Box for approval and processing. OBE & RM update the information in HUB.

Grant Billing Form

Since all fully-funded PhD student fees are covered by UB’s PhD Excellence Initiative, this form is not frequently used. But if a PI wants to cover fees for a student who is not on a full assistantship, or wants to cover a specific fee (e.g. health insurance), submit a Grant Billing Form. It can be used to pay fees out of any account type (RF, IFR, UBF).

Graduate School Policies

Graduate Student Assistantship

A graduate student assistantship is a form of employment and financial support offered to some graduate students at UB. Assistantships offer a blend of academic responsibilities and advanced studies while providing valuable and related work experiences that supports the student’s educational journey through graduate school.

  • There are three types of Assistantship positions at UB: Teaching Assistantships (TA), Research Project Assistantships (RA) and Graduate Assistantships (GA). 
  • Assistantships can be awarded to graduate students at a full or half-time work obligation. A full-time Assistantship carries a 20-hour weekly work expectation, and a half-time Assistantship carries a 10-hour weekly work expectation. 
  • A person appointed to a half or full-time Assistantship should be a full-time matriculated graduate or professional student at UB so that they can devote their full attention to their graduate program. 
  • Every graduate student holding an Assistantship must be in, and maintain, good academic standing. However, a student does not have to be full-time in order to be in good academic standing or to receive an Assistantship. 
  • Any graduate student who holds a full-time or a half-time TA, GA, or RA position and is registered for 9 or more graduate level credits, is considered a full-time student.

Assistantships and Full Time Registration

 A student on an Assistantship must register for at least 9 credits during each fall and spring semester to be considered a full-time student.

There are two commonplace exceptions to this basic definition of UBs full-time Assistantship term load:

  • As a doctoral student approaches the all-but-dissertation (ABD) status (e.g., is working on, or has completed a comprehensive exam or qualifying paper), their academic program calls for less than 9 credits of registration per term. Since the dissertation stage is typically a full-time endeavor, ABD students are often eligible for "certified full-time status” and may file for that status with the Graduate School as needed, and at the appropriate time in the student’s academic program. Approved certification of full-time status allows the student to be considered a full-time student while enrolled in less than 9 credit hours.
  • As a master’s student approaches the culminating experience portion of their program (usually after about one year), their curricular requirements may call for less than 9 credits of registration per term. A master’s student at the end of their program engaged in full-time academic work on the culminating experience (e.g., project, thesis or comprehensive exam) is eligible for "certified full-time status” and may file for that status with the Office of the Registrar as needed, and at the appropriate time in the student’s academic program. Approved certification of full-time status allows the student to be considered a full-time student while enrolled in less than 9 credit hours.

Fully Funded PhD Student Definition

A fully funded PhD Student is defined as:

  • A PhD student (other doctoral students are not considered PhD students) 
  • who is registered full-time or approved for full-time certification AND 
  • whose tuition costs are fully covered at the tuition rate as determined by the student’s residency and academic program AND 
  • who receives a full-time Assistantship from their academic department for the full academic year starting in the Fall term.

Tuition rates are higher for non-NYS residents. Overall costs are lower for programs that are delivered 100% online.

Broad-Based Fee Coverage for Fully Funded PhD Students

Full-time, fully funded PhD students (as defined above) are eligible for central funding to cover the following broad-based fees charged in fall and spring semesters only:

  • Comprehensive Fee
  • Academic Excellence and Success Fee (ACES)
  • Student Activity Fee, AND
  • International Student Fee (where applicable)

Decanal offices and departments are responsible for identifying eligible students through the timely placement and removal of a service indicator in HUB, UB’s student registration system.

General Guidelines for UB’s Graduate Tuition Scholarship

  • The graduate tuition scholarship can only be awarded to a matriculated graduate or professional student, can only be paid to UB, and only for a student’s tuition. 
  • A graduate tuition scholarship is not a graduate student assistantship. 
  • A graduate tuition scholarship carries no work obligation and cannot be used as compensation for work of any kind. 
  • Undergraduate students and full time UB employees are not eligible to receive a graduate student tuition scholarship. 
  • A graduate tuition scholarship can only be used for courses that count toward the student's graduate degree program. 
  • Graduate tuition scholarships are for graduate students who are in good academic standing. Recipients who fail to remain in good academic standing will jeopardize their tuition scholarship eligibility in subsequent terms. 
  • The graduate tuition scholarship is awarded for one semester or academic year and is renewable based on a review of the student’s satisfactory academic progress, and their duration in the program. 
  • Courses earning undergraduate credit, and English Language Institute courses (with the exception of ELI 512 Communication for International TAs) may not be paid for with graduate tuition scholarship funds. 
  • The graduate tuition scholarship can be used to pay tuition incurred in any UB term, including Winter and Summer. 
  • A PhD transfer student will take fewer UB credits to complete their degree, and thus reduce overall Tuition Scholarship costs to the office funding that student. However, a student’s Graduate Tuition Scholarship eligibility should not be reduced proportionately to transfer credits being awarded to that student. PhD transfer students should remain fully supported with the Graduate Tuition Scholarship regardless of any transfer credit awarded. 
  • Departments may choose to limit tuition scholarship awards to 4 semesters for a master’s level student and 10 semesters for a doctoral student, or the minimum number of credits required to complete the degree program. However, exceeding this time and /or credit limit is allowed at the discretion of the department or school awarding the scholarship.

New York State (NYS) Residency and Graduate Tuition Scholarship

  • International students in the U.S. on certain Visa types cannot become NYS residents for tuition rate purposes. Therefore, any international student on any J or F visa is not eligible for the NYS (in-state) tuition rate, whether or not they receive the Graduate Tuition Scholarship, a graduate student Assistantship, or both. 
  • A domestic non-NYS residents who receives a Graduate Tuition Scholarship AND a full-time Assistantship is required to file for in-state residency status by submitting a NYS residency application during their first semester of matriculation into their graduate program.
  • A domestic non-NYS residents who receive a Graduate Tuition Scholarship ONLY should pursue in-state residency status by submitting a NYS residency application during their second semester of matriculation into their graduate program.

PhD Student Appointments

Backstopping PhD Students

PhD Backstopping Letter is signed either when the student is accepted directly into the program, or when we receive a confirmed match from PPBS (via Letter of Intent). It is used:

  • To alert the department chair that should anything happen to faculty funding of the mentor that has chosen to accept the student, they are required to pick up the remainder of the support for the PhD student.
  • To outline the requirements that our department expects the student and mentor to accomplish during the student’s time in the program.
  • To verify as a department that the mentor taking the student has enough time, money, and work, for the student to complete a meaningful experience in their lab.

The document is usually signed by the following individuals: PhD Student, Student PI, PI Department Chair, PhD student department DGS/Chair. Keep the letter in student record file, copy goes to all who e-signed the document (student, PI, chair of PI, DGS/Chair of Student department) and usually ATC as they do the hiring.

HR Appointments

Current Stipend for all Jacobs School Ph.D. students is $31,000. Students are appointed at 50% effort. Jacobs School stipends are an annual commitment versus an academic commitment.

Ph.D. students directly admitted through a department/program are fully supported with departmental funds or faculty research grants administered through the Research Foundation as a Research Project Assistant.

Ph.D. students that are admitted through the Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Sciences (PPBS) are fully supported by the PPBS department in the first year. Students are paid as a State Graduate Assistant.

July 1 in the 2nd year of the Ph.D.’s career, students matriculate into a participating graduate program. Effective June 30, the students funding terminates from PPBS; July 1 the funding moves to department/PI funding.

The majority of the time, students are funded through their faculty mentor’s grants through the Research Foundation. It is important that students be told that their employer and benefits will change to Research Foundation of SUNY once they move from the State Graduate Student Assistantship on June 30.  Students will have to choose new benefits and attend an orientation.

Research Foundation Research Project Assistants are not unionized.

Research Foundation Appointment Processing

An Initial EPTF must be processed for the student as a Research Project Assistant. An EPTF is created by accessing the EPTF system found at the Administrative Gateway Website under Key Applications.

The best practice is to send blank required personnel documents to the student via email to complete and submit completed forms using a Secure UB Box folder.

A special account is required to store Category I Restricted Data (such as Social Security Numbers, banking, health, and legal information). Please contact your IT department or the UBIT Help Center for more information.

I9 – Employment Eligibility Verification Form. The student employee is required to complete this form in person along with presenting the required identification documents. The form requires a real signature. Electronic signatures are prohibited. The form can be completed, signed and dated up to 3 days beyond the start date. The form will be rejected by HR if the date listed is beyond 3 days. If an error is made on the form, a new form must be completed. HR will reject the form if anything is crossed out and corrected. White out is prohibited.

RF EPTF Processing
Initiate tab with a list of process names.
  • Appointment Type: Graduate
  • FTE (Full Time Equivalent): .50
  • Pay Basis: Annual
  • Job Title: Research Project Assistant
  • Appointment End Date: Enter the anticipated degree conferral date
  • Base Compensation: Add. Enter full time salary amount - $62,000; enter .50 (50%) effort
  • Expenditure Type: SWG Grad Exempt
  • Ending Date: The ending date for the funds is usually the annual budget ending date. You will need to process a reappointment each year based on the annual ending date for the RF funds.
  • Notes: Each Department is assigned a Suspense Project/Task/Award (PTA) Account. This PTA must be noted on the EPTF. Example – Biochemistry Suspense PTA.

EPTF is routed for approval to the faculty PI. The faculty PI approves and routes to Jacob School Dean’s Area EPTF Approval Group

State TA/GA Appointment Processing

All state funded employees, including students, must be assigned a line number. This number is utilized throughout the Human Resources (HR) systems both at the university and in the state systems.

Jacobs School staff must request a line number through the Jacobs School Dean’s Resource Management Area. The Line Number Request form is found in the UB Box -Jacobs School Office of Resource Management.

  • Go to HR Folder > Line Number Request Form
  • Official State Title: Graduate Assistant
  • Pay Basis: BIW – Biweekly
  • Account: Enter the state account number that will be used to fund the student
  • Submit Form to Dominique Young
State EPTF Processing
  • Line Number: You will need the line number to process the EPTF.
  • Appointment Type: TA/GA
  • FTE: .50
  • Pay Basis: Biweekly
  • Job Title: Graduate Assistant 12
  • Assistant Type: Full
  • Appointment Type: Temporary
  • Obligation: CA – Calendar Year
  • State GA appointment are only good for one year. The appointment start date is July 1; ending date June 30. You will need to reappoint annually.
  • Compensation Amount: Enter Biweekly rate
  • Account Percent: 100%
  • The EPTF is sent to department approver, or if you are an approver, approve and forward to Jacobs School Dean’s Area EPTF Approval Group.

Please note that Ph.D. students paid on State Funds belong to the Graduate Student Employee Union (GSEU).

Suggestion: Create an internal spreadsheet to keep track of student appointments. Track TA/GA versus RF Project Assistants. Enter the funding source into the spreadsheet. This information is helpful when asked to complete the Annual NIH/NSF Survey of Graduate Students.

Admissions & Slate

Slate Application Coordinator Job Aid

Standard Text for Admission Letters

How to Reply:
To respond to our offer of admission, log in to your Slate application portal no later than April 15th and submit the “Reply to Offer of Admission” form on the checklist.

Provisional Offer (Domestic)
Updated Dec. 2023:
This offer of admission is provisional, pending submission of official, final documents.  Newly enrolled students must submit all official transcripts and proof of bachelor’s degree conferral to verify the scanned, unofficial transcripts submitted during the application process. 

Provisional Offer (International)
Updated Jul. 2024:
Your admission is pending a final review by the Office of International Admissions. This includes determining your eligibility for the necessary documents for a US student visa, if needed. Admission is finalized only after the Office of International Admissions receives your official transcripts, proof of a completed baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university by your intended enrollment date, and any other required documents. You will receive detailed instructions from the Office of International Admissions regarding the submission of these documents. The University at Buffalo reserves the right to rescind admission and revoke the I-20 Certificate of Visa Eligibility if fraudulent documents, false or misleading statements, or any omitted required information are discovered.

If offering an assistantship (PhD Domestic)
Updated Dec. 2023:
[Following info about appointment type and stipend:] In addition to this support, you will receive a full tuition scholarship and a generous health insurance plan. Your full-time assistantship provides funding for the following Broad-Based Fees for Fall and Spring enrollment only: Comprehensive Fee, Academic Excellence and Success Fee (ACES), Student Activity Fee and the International Student Fee (matriculated international students only).

If offering an assistantship (PhD International):
Effective with Fall 2025 cohort, UB no longer requires SPEAK test on arrival for international TA/GA/RA's.  Delete text below from letter templates. See updated policy regarding required minimum Speaking scores on English proficiency tests.

The University at Buffalo mandates that international students who receive an assistantship take the on-site SPEAK test, which is given to new students during the International Student Welcome Series immediately prior to the start of classes.

What not to include…
No need to include text about specific requirements or next steps (e.g. immunization, UBIT, etc.). This information is summarized in the New Student Checklist. If an applicant accepts the offer on the reply form, we provide this link in their Slate portal with instructions.

Domestic Students with a Foreign Bachelor’s Degree
Domestic students who have obtained their bachelor's degree from a foreign institution, who have not also obtained a U.S. bachelor's degree, must have their foreign documentation reviewed and approved by International Admissions after an admit decision has been made by the program, but before the decision is released. You will find instructions for this process in the Domestic Students with a Foreign Bachelor’s Degree section.

Graduate School Processes

Graduate Faculty Appointments and Nominations

In order to serve on student thesis or capstone committees, a faculty member must be a full or associate member of UB’s Graduate Faculty.  The process of adding a faculty member varies based on appointment type in ePTF: tenure-track faculty members are appointed, while non-tenure-track faculty must go through a more involved nomination process.  A faculty member’s graduate faculty status can be verified online to confirm that they are able to chair or serve on a student committee.

Graduate faculty appointment and nomination forms must be submitted to the Office of Biomedical Education to be signed by the Senior Associate Dean (upload forms here).  Once signed, OBE submits forms to the Graduate School on the department’s behalf.  (Note: before submission to the Graduate School, non-tenure track nominations are forwarded to the chair of the Health Sciences Divisional Committee for approval.)

  • Appointment forms for tenure-track faculty do not require documents other than the Graduate Faculty Appointment Form.
  • Graduate Faculty Nomination forms for non-tenure-track faculty require supporting information and documents:
    • Must be appointed as State volunteer faculty member in ePTF
    • Results of faculty vote indicated on the form
    • Indicate if nomination is for full or associate membership on the form (see bylaws for definitions)
    • Attach faculty member CV
    • Attach letter of support from the primary department chair.  This letter may also come from the chair/program director of the nominating program.
      • Example: if the Structural Biology Dept. is nominating a non-tenure track faculty member at HWI to serve on STB student committees, the STB chair writes the letter.

New Course Approvals

Proposed new courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels must be approved by the Jacobs School Curriculum Committee and the Senior Associate Dean.

To submit a new graduate course request to the Curriculum Committee for review, please email the course request form (complete with the signature of the department Chair) and syllabus to If the Curriculum Committee approves, the form will be sent to the Senior Associate Dean for signature and submission to the Graduate School.

To submit a new undergraduate course request to the Curriculum Committee for review, please email the syllabus to If the Curriculum Committee approves the faculty member will be contacted with next steps and guidance on the University approval process.  

Certification of Full-Time Status

This form is for anyone who is below the UB requirement for 12-credit semesters or needs to change their intended graduation date. There are separate forms for MS and PhD students. Forms should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar before the semester for which it applies- need to do one for each individual semester.

Reasons for filing:

  • PhD: Semester(s) in which qualifying exam is taken, on file until ATC is processed by the Graduate School; other reasons for which this form may be appropriate are included on the form itself including loan deferment, immigration status, scholarship/assistantship
  • MS: Any time a student drops below 12 standard credit hours; most often used for thesis/project work.

PhD Application to Candidacy

The PhD Application to Candidacy (ATC) is filed to indicate that a PhD student is entering the final stages of PhD degree completion and is to be considered a candidate for a specific degree conferral date. The ATC is submitted after students have completed all formal/required coursework and have passed the PhD Qualifying Process / Paper / Exam as required by the doctoral program. Generally, this usually happens after 4 to 6 semesters.


  1. Send Form to PhD Student upon completion of the above requirements
  2. Request students complete parts 1-3
    • Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Requirement: PPBS students complete this requirement through enrollment in BMS 514. Direct Admit students usually complete through CITI online and must attach documentation to the ATC.
    • Part 3: Future Credits – This section must include all future courses a student will enroll in to meet the required 72 credits. Do not enter courses already completed.        
  3. Part 4: Required Endorsements - Please have the student get all required signatures up to and including the Chair/Director.
  4. Request student return completed ATC to Graduate Academic Coordinator for final review and submission to our academic dean, Dr. John Panepinto - Senior Associate Dean for Biomedical Education in the Office of Biomedical Education (OBE).
  5. Upload ATC form along with UB transcript and CITI certificate (if applicable) for academic dean signature.
  6. Keep a copy of the completed ATC in the student’s file.

After the form is signed by the dean, the OBE office forwards the completed form to the Graduate School for review and approval. Once approved, the student and the Graduate Academic Coordinator will receive a letter from the Dean of the Graduate School confirming candidacy. Students should receive formal approval of the candidacy within one semester of the ATC submission to the graduate school. Currently this is taking more than one semester.

Changes to the ATC

If a student needs to change their major advisor and/or dissertation committee members or change their Expected Graduation Term, the Change Expected Graduation Term or Amend ATC form is completed.

Student completes the form and gets required approval signatures from the major advisor and Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) or Department Chair. A copy of the form should be kept in the student’s file. The completed form is submitted to the graduate school for approval via email at

PhD Plan Change to Master's

If a PhD student wants to change to MS only or add the MS to their degree program:

  1. Obtain PD / Advisor approval
  2. The program fills a “Petition to Change/Add Degree Type for Current Graduate Students
  3. The petition will be reviewed by Graduate School staff, then the program and student will be notified

Since the PhD student did not have an AAR with that program, one will be created for the MS. The program will have to review the AAR and then add milestones as the student completes the program.

Degree Conferral

PhD required conferral materials:

For degree conferral on: August 31 February 1 June 1
PhD Application to candidacy due: July 1 Oct 1 March 1
All required conferral materials due: Aug 9 Jan 10 May 16

MS required conferral materials:

  • The department/program is responsible for completing the student’s AAR in HUB prior to conferral
  • Students completing an exam, paper, project or portfolio: Before your conferral date your department must complete the appropriate culminating experience milestone in HUB.
    • M-forms for projects are not required by the Graduate School, but programs may want the student and committee to fill one for their own records
  • Students completing a thesis: Submit completed M-Form for Master's Degrees with Thesis and all PhD Degrees and electronic submission of your thesis. Please see our Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines page for submission instructions.
Graduation Term: Fall Spring Summer
Application Deadline: Oct 15 Feb 22 July 15
Conferral Date: Feb 1 June 1 Aug 31

How the student applies in HUB

Students can apply for graduation in their HUB Student Center:

Step 1: Select the Academic Progress tile

screenshot of HUB Student Center.

Step 2: Select Apply for Graduation

screenshot of HUB Student Center.

Step 3: Click the Apply for Graduation link. If more than one degree is listed, select the one for which you are applying.

screenshot of HUB Student Center.

Step 4: Select the appropriate “Expected Graduation Term” date using the corresponding drop-down, then click Continue.

screenshot of HUB Student Center.

Step 5: Verify all of the data is correct, then select Submit Application.

screenshot of HUB Student Center.

UB Space Request System

How to Request Space

UB faculty, UB staff and designated community members can use this system to request use of space they have been granted access to for ad-hoc meetings and events. This system should not be used to schedule academic classes. All academic classes should be scheduled through HUB. All UB faculty and staff have access to request centrally schedule space (CSS) as well as Student Union and Harriman Hall space. Access to other departmental space is determined by those individual departments.