Update Zoom Workplace to eliminate scheduling issues

Tracy Callaghan, an advisor with Honors College, meets with a student in Capen Hall in March 2024.

Photo: Meredith Forrest Kulwicki

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By Sarah Zamer
IT Communications Specialist

Published July 1, 2024

If you experienced problems with scheduling your Zoom meetings on a Windows or Mac computer with Zoom Workplace, then update your app to version 6.1.1 today.  

Why do I need to update Zoom Workplace to version 6.1.1?

Zoom released an update to Zoom Workplace (version 6.1.1) on June 30, 2024, to eliminate a previous issue on version 6.1.0 where anyone on a Windows or Mac computer were unable to choose a date besides the current day to schedule their meetings, until they selected a specific time zone.

This issue with Zoom Workplace 6.1.0 occurred even if you had already chosen a time zone in your Zoom profile. The time zone would still show up blank when scheduling a meeting in the Zoom Workplace app. 

Scheduling meetings in Zoom screenshot where the time zone selection is blank. You must select a time zone first before selecting a date and time in Zoom Workplace 6.1.0.

How do I update Zoom Workplace to version 6.1.1?

Update your Zoom Workplace app on your personally owned Windows or Mac computers by following Zoom’s instructions on their website. You can also learn more information about which version number of Zoom you currently have

All UB-owned managed devices will be automatically updated by departmental IT staff. 

UBIT also recommends the following workarounds to successfully schedule Zoom meetings until all UB managed devices have been updated to Zoom Workplace 6.1.1:  

  • Always choose a time zone first before selecting a date and time to schedule meetings.  
  • Schedule Zoom meetings in the UB Zoom web portal.  
  • Schedule a meeting in Microsoft Outlook first, then add a Zoom invitation.  

Need more help with Zoom?

For more information about using Zoom at UB, visit buffalo.edu/ubit/zoom. To get help with Zoom, you can talk to Zoom’s virtual assistant 24 hours a day

The UBIT Help Center is here to help with your technology needs at UB. Students can also reach out to the UB Tech Squad for help; they can meet you anywhere on North or South Campus. 

UB Information Technology News keeps UB students, faculty, and staff informed about their IT services and showcases creative collaborations between UBIT and the campus community. Published by the Office of the Chief Information Officer at UB and distributed via email as The Monthly Download. Edited by Diana Tuorto, IT Communication and Engagement, dianatuo@buffalo.edu.