How UB's Wi-Fi Network works for you

Photo of the exterior o UB's Student Union and surrounding areas.

Photo: Douglas Levere

Portrait photo of Michael Canfield

By Michael Canfield
IT Communication Specialist

Published February 27, 2025

UB's Wi-Fi network has continuously evolved to ensure secure and seamless connectivity for students, faculty, and staff. As UB Secure retires on May 19, 2025, eduroam will be the sole encrypted network for the UB community. Let’s go behind the scenes of how eduroam Wi-Fi works at UB.

The infrastructure behind UB's Wi-Fi

UB’s Wi-Fi network is built on a system of access points (APs) distributed across campus. These APs connect devices to the university’s network, routing data through switches, controllers, routers, and firewalls before reaching the broader internet, according to Adam Zangerle, network engineer with UBIT Network and Communication Services.

“Whether an individual connects via eduroam or UB Secure, their device communicates with the same physical access points, travels through the same network hardware, and experiences identical performance,” Adam said. 

The name doesn't change the network

One of the biggest misconceptions is that the name of a network somehow influences its speed or reliability, Zangerle said. The name of a Wi-Fi network is merely a label—it does not determine the underlying performance of the connection. In fact, UB could have named the network anything, from "UB Secure" to "Buffalo Bills Super Bowl," and it wouldn’t affect how data flows.

Some campus members have reported that eduroam “feels slower” than UB Secure, said Richard Letts, Assistant VP/Executive Director of UBIT Network and Communication Services. 

“Technically, this is impossible,” he said. “Both networks utilize the same APs, switches, controllers, and firewalls, there is no difference in how packets travel across the network. After authentication, eduroam performs exactly the same as UB Secure.”

Individuals who have grown accustomed to the name “UB Secure” might hesitate to connect to eduroam, even though it offers the same experience, Zangerle said.  

“It’s hard to get around that urban legend,” he said.

UB Wi-FI traffic flow: Public internet is filtered through a security firewall; Wireless controllers send data over cables to campus buildings; Thousands of access points across campus make different networks available (eduroam, UB_Secure (going away 5/19/2025), UB_Devices and UB_Connect).

Preparing for UB Secure’s shutdown

UB Secure will be retired on May 19, 2025. If you're still using UB Secure, you'll want to set up your device to use eduroam instead. It only takes a few minutes and can be done on or off campus. Instructions are online

Why eduroam?

eduroam is UB’s official, secure, and preferred Wi-Fi connection. It’s also available at thousands of other campuses worldwide so, if you travel to another location that has eduroam Wi-Fi, your devices will automatically connect.

 When you set up your devices to connect to eduroam Wi-Fi once, you will automatically stay connected on campus for the next five years. There’s no need to worry about constantly having to connect every time you need Wi-Fi in a hurry at UB. 

Get help

The UBIT Help Center is here to help with your technology needs at UB. Students can also reach out to the UB Tech Squad for help; they can meet you anywhere on North or South Campus.  

UB Information Technology News keeps UB students, faculty, and staff informed about their IT services and showcases creative collaborations between UBIT and the campus community. Published by the Office of the Chief Information Officer at UB and distributed via email as The Monthly Download. Edited by Diana Tuorto, IT Communication and Engagement,